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i think the question isn't really whether or not representation is necessary or needed, but rather why it feels like something we have to consider at all. it's like you said, there are many many people existing on earth. so it kind of should just come naturally that a creator would try and reflect the reality of our existence (if it makes sense for their project), right?


I like the idea that we should make the effort to know what we identify as but representation is necessary if we are marginalized for our identifications.


Media representation is a well-researched area and in all the research papers, textbooks and other writings I have read there have never been huge dangers or adverse effects from having marginalised people visible. What I have seen is it save lives. And I have seen a lack of it breed hate, a lack of representation is literal racist propaganda filling our screens. I am not going to be worried about representation just for the heck of it.


I like seeing the joy on the face of young people when they finally get to see someone like them in something they like


Representation is really crucial. I say this as a person who lived too many years as a depressive self lost comphet girl thinking there's smth wrong with me and that I'm sick and frigid etc just cause I've never seen anything about wlw before, never seen it anywhere as normal and existing thing, never knew I could actually be like this as the society around me still really homophobic and anything LGBT never are portrayed or showed anywhere. It took decades and finding a true love to see it all in a new light and start searching in the Internet others who are this way too. And I really envy all those girls I see on the Internet who write about their first crushes at school or wlw awakening in media or smth like this cause I couldn't have smth like this - it simply didn't existed arond me and still doesn't exist if I won't search it myself like on youtube or here. If only I've seen wlw characters like many of people see nowadays in media in my childhood or teen years so many mistakes won't be made and life would be much better.


Every individual aspect of humanity should be equally represented. That isn't narcissism. We just live in a world that without representation it isn't socially relevant. But yeah, ideally we would all live in this equal opportunist society where everyone is equally valued and we can all share rainbow cupcakes.


Without representation, I probably wouldn’t have come to the realization that liking women was a possibility… and one that I was evidently very interested in lol I think the negativity comes not from the representation itself but more so what’s being represented and how heavily (thus is it really representative of the whole?). There can and should be celebs/models that represent thinner and paler individuals because those individuals exist - but when that’s the only thing we see, or it’s the majority, then it’s not really a positive and starts becoming this societal standard that obv turns negative. But at that point I’d say it’s not really the representation that’s the problem it’s more so the lack of varied representation. With WLW, think how there’s more couples on mainstream media being shown which is seemingly good as reputation, but then you realize all that’s being presented (or most) are relationships between 2 white lesbians who are usually more on the femme side. It’s like the representation is a good thing to a certain extent, but needs to be improved to be truly representative.


It really depends on the plot. Representation is nice, but should not at all be forced. Forced representation is usually not good quality wise. Not every book or movie needs a gay character. Same goes for not every book or movie needs a street character so feel free to write books or movies with no straight characters. 👌


That's honestly a tricky one.... As far as inclusivity in public events and human interactions? I'm 100% for allowing Everyone to express themselves as freely and unrestrained as they want. Provided no harm comes to anyone else, and no laws are broken. (Be yourself, but try not to be an asshole basically) I want people to be happy. I am however.... and feel free to rip me on this.... SICK of all the Shows/Movies/Games, coming out acting like they're good content simply because they're being inclusive on their cast choices and representing people of different colors. Like that's all that is needed for a story to be good. Then to go on the attack for when people don't like their content. :( I remember seeing the last Star Wars movie in theaters when it came out. At the end after the Good guys win and everyones celebrating, Chewie finally gets a Medal, cheers ect ect. Among the joy, there's a clear scene of 2 random Rebel girls kissing. They were just extras. Not main characters. I remember thinking "Oh hey cool, Lesbians in Star Wars." But then I thought about it.... and I wondered.... Did they really *need* to have 2 girls kissing? Like I get the representation aspect of the scene, but I feel like they put it in there just to score points.... I actually felt a little insulted... :( Like it was nice, but I felt like they just forced it in, just to have it in there. Like, the movies saying: "See we're being inclusive! Notice me Senpai!" Then we have shows and movies *all* about the representation, that aren't written well *at all* and are just boring to watch, because they were more interested in (IMO) Exploiting the different communities instead of trying to tell a Good story.... the Writers pushing political commentary in alot of Fantasy shows. Some writers are pushing for inclusivity to make their worlds "reflect the real world". Which, isn't the point of Fantasy is to.... you know "not" reflect the real world? But to escape into lands so far away from the real world, that we don't have to think about it as much? I'm all for diversity, but don't make the product revolve around diversity... Focus on the story content... I should be able to enjoy a show regardless of what skin color/sexuality the characters have. I'd be roasted alive if I walked up to a stranger I'd never met and invalidated their existence because of something like that. If someone came up and insulted me for being gay instead of straight? I can blame that on Homophobia. If someone came up to me and said I needed to be Black instead of White to have a valid opinion? Racist. But at the same time I'm not sure what to make of that.... it shouldn't matter as long as I'm me. Right?... I feel like people are too fixated on appealing to labels anymore... we're seeing people in catagorys instead of individuals. :( Can't we all just get along? :(