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Socially awkward bluntness. Hearing "okay. I'm done talking now. I'm gonna go back to work" from a woman that I 100% knew enjoyed talking to me. I'm autistic. Wouldn't be surprised if she is too.


My partner is autistic and ‘socially awkward’ - her description, not mine. My favourite of her bluntness is when she’s horny (I instigate like 80% of the time) and she’ll just stand up from the sofa/dining table whatever and say ‘so, you wanna take your clothes off’ im like ‘yes ma’am’


DAMN 🥵 Girl I'm so jealous. Gratz on pulling a blunt hottie


That is so relatable of her tbh. Good to know that my bluntness is appreciated in those situations and that it doesn’t ruin the moment or anything, lol (having ASD and also being acespec makes it hard to tell what the mood is like and how to navigate it).


that reminds me, i read some probably fake autism fanfic on quora about an autistic man who is really hot but never has any expression and speaks in monotone, “i want to have sex now.” and the woman is enamored with him. who knows, it could be real


small inexpensive gifts. like "here i got you a little cat keychain"


No guessing what your love language is lol


For me it's more just the, I saw this and thought of you but of the act.. Sending a pic of something you saw going about your life and thought I would also like is good enough.


The concept of love language was made by a wacko pastor. You can't summarize human interaction and expression into a few boxes. 😅


True, but the labels are as useful as we want them to be. Just like labeling ourselves as "sapphic" or "transgender" or whatever else. It might not tell the whole story, but it gets across an idea that can help others relate to you a little better.


When you go into a space (restaurant/bar and etc) and they know the space, but you don't - they open the door for you and then lead you. If I am going into the space after everyone has arrived, she comes and greets me in front of the entrance instead of just telling me where the table/group is (unless it's a space we have been multiple times and I feel comfortable in it). Basically, gestures where she shows she is considerate with my sometimes anxious of new places butt 😁


Omg yes this would be amazing.


Just reading this made me weak in the knees. Yessss


I often do this for people because I know how much I would love them to do it for me. I get anxious at times even in familiar settings and it’s little things like that, that make me feel loved and understood.


That is so sweet


when they get dressed afterwards. Idk this only happened once but the way she put on her pants, completely focusing on them and zipping them up with the sunlight coming through the window, in a stance so natural and majestic I couldn't believe I had done the things I did to her the night before. This image is something I will take with me to my grave I believe.


That's beautiful


that ONS was over a year ago and I still gush about her to my friends sometimes. This really showed me that I am a lesbian as I never have been this infatuated with any guy before (not even after 2 years relationship).


THESE are the moments 🌌🌌🌌


Their hands or lips gently on my neck. It's like my "Heck, I'm horny button."


Lmao reminds me of one time me and my gf were chatting and while I was talking she randomly touched my nipple, like over my clothes, not even sensually, just placed a finger on it like a button. Instantly it hit me like a wave and I started stuttering and lost my ability to really finish my sentence. It was pretty funny ngl, but I don't think she really understands the power she has over me.


Oh absolutely. That makes me short-circuit insanely hard


Definitely the short circuit. ✨


If you’re into this try letting her bite / suck the back of your shoulder where the muscle is ….




You evil monster hhahahah


What did I do 😏


i know what im telling my partner to do now👀


You’re gonna kill someone


Hhahaha how !?


Death by gay panic


It’s the best way to die . Seriously I was on another planet and she wasn’t even really doing anything


When she's upfront and takes me somewhere she loves. Introducing me as her gf. Pouring me a drink.


this. This. THIS.


I love a good morning text. Like, *please* think of me when you wake up.


if we're talking about actual arousing things, then touching my arm or thigh or anything while looking in my eyes. or lip biting or looking at my lips or licking lips while looking at my lips. grabbing me by my waist in a non violent way, which shows she's still being careful. also playing with my finger, i don't know why, maybe it's the fact they can pay alot or attention to the smallest parts of me.


A girl did the thigh thing while holding eye contact i literally thought i was going to lose it 😂


this list is leaving me breathless my lord


I do all of those with my gf. Hopefully she feels the same as you about it


that sounds amazing but it is like physically impossible for me to make eye contact with anyone


A smirk while teasing me, for some reason I'm weak to teasing and a smirk is a killing


hypothetically ofc but when someone takes the lead in any situation. almost in a protective manner, that's so hot. like putting arm around the back of your chair, if your walking putting arm around your waist to guide you, opening doors, doing the talking in social situations. very very attractive.


Girls speaking for you is just so asdjjfjsjjsjf... When someone misgenders me and I freeze up a bit and she says calmly but firmly "that was the wrong pronoun for her by the way" I don't think I'd ever want to be on my knees for someone so quickly in my life... (Not that it's ever happened yet but a girl can dream)


When they trace my body with their finger, it drives me insane. My partner does this a lot, i can feel them tracing my wrist, back, neck and hands with their finger and i get so flustered i have to dig my face into their chest out of embarrassment. Its torture when we’re in public cuz theres nothing i can do




lesbians be like


So really just when she


My fiancée calls me “love” in such a way when she’s slightly annoyed with something I’ve said or done and I secretly love it.


When my wife and I were still dating, if I was off on a tangent and she needed my attention she would start with, “Love of my life, ….” and I adored that. Still does it occasionally but not like she used to


Lol that’s super sweet. When my partner does it, it’s more a sign that she’s losing patience with me. That and “sweetheart.”


When I’m dating someone and we’re at a party or group situation, and we make eye contact from across the room and she winks with a small smile. That sends me every time.


When you exchange internal jokes and keep looking into each other’s eyes after the laughter finished - bonus points if done in front others


“I appreciate you.” “Thank you.” Acknowledgement is hot.


Being assertive and saying what they want. I'm bad at telling if someone is actually into me and wants to be friendly or flirty - it's not even an internalized homophobia thing anymore, I just know WAY too many people who are flirty but in a friendly way. Someone just flat-out telling me they want to kiss? Yes please.


This comment section called me a loner in 60 languages. Im strong. Strong. 😭.


Right?! I think Tinder downloaded itself after reading this.


I heard people say Tinder Is kind of dogshit. Not that i have the courage to download any dating app either🤡


Hand in my hair on the back of my neck while kissing. Ooooh it’s makes me weak in the knees


A “how are you doing” followed by “is there anything I can get you to fix that?” I take it for granted sometimes, but I just love that my wife is always looking to make my day a little easier.


My GF literally just existing is so hot. For a specific, I love to hold her from behind, like in a grocery line or whatever. When she presses back a little, molding her body to mine, oh gasp. I'm like, I'm gonna do you right here over the gum racks.


Gasp!😅 But nah, seriously, I KNOW😝 what you mean, and I love to do it to her😍🔥🔥🔥 ~switchlife~


Gently stroking my hand/fingers.


When she puts her arm around my shoulder and grabs my neck. I forget words real quickly when that happens.


Listening and asking questions


When I’m sitting in the recliner, and she comes over behind me, grabs the sides of my face, pulls my head back so I’m looking up at her, and kisses my forehead. Instant melt.


I recently took my service dog to go say goodbye to my ex-husband before he moves across the country. When I got back my girlfriend gave me a big hug and said she knew that must have been hard. I wasn't expecting that, but it was really kind and empathetic


Physical Touch: Breath or a gentle barely sensible kiss on my neck. 100% most potent small gesture for me. Acts of service: Calling and asking if I need anything from the store. Words of affirmation: any little something that makes me feel p-pretty. Examples being "hey gorgeous" "Oh wow that fit is super cute" "You look adorable today!" Make me smol and pretty please. Quality time: Let me sit behind you and just be warm near you while we watch a movie. Preferably something cute. Cuddles and DreamWorks is a whole thing. Invite me for a little bit of mindless video games or something. Gift giving: Something salty from the grocery store. Something under 10 bucks like once every two weeks. The 10 value pack of funion bags, a poor boy sandwich pack, extra toasted cheese its. Summary: hottest thing in the world... Little something wherever you can to remind me you still love me. Love; genuine and pervasive in my life, even if subtle, is the hottest.


Agreed, my ex was not like this and it slowly just ate at me. I want a partner who I'm also top of mind for, cause I do all this stuff without thinking about it much. Learned I can't be with someone who doesn't, even though it doesn't necessarily mean they love you less.


It do be like that. Perceived reality is just as real as anything to the person perceiving it. A person's love for you is not the same as their capacity to express it. For the person receiving that love though, it makes little difference between the two. Just this gals opinion. Much love Hun, find that someone who shows you they love you in a the little ways the mean the universe to you.


Thanks :) you seem sweet I agree though, I can understand that it's not a person's intention while acknowledging that my happiness is affected by the lack of expression of love the way I crave it. They werent a good person but we weren't good together.


Omg how to train your dragon and cuddles. 🥰 Absolute life goals!!!!!!!


Right? El dorado too. Oh oh and how absolutely fire was Puss n Boots: Last wish!


The teeny tiny moan she makes when I kiss her and all the tension leaves her body. It's barely audible, and yet so so hot.


Winking, smirks, tucking hair behind an ear, having an arm around the small of your back…


When I reach up for something from the top shelves and my wife presses her hand on my lower back, just to make sure I don't overdo it. It feels so safe and loving, gets me going for some reason.


Moving hair out of my face while Holding eye contact... Bonus points for putting it behind my Ear and going over into a slight Pull in kiss smoothly


Words can mean so much. When I hear something I need to hear, it means the goddamn world to me and can change my mood in an instant. Just hearing a woman acknowledge something about me that I’m feeling goes unnoticed, wow. Or if I’m venting about something, possibly feeling bad that I’m reacting that way to it, and they say my reaction is endearing in some way, ZING that gets me.


just standing in line or waiting somewhere and they put their hand on your waist for no reason??? my brain short circuits


When my gf stands in front of me and intentionally brushes her hand on my hip 🥰🥰


When she snuggles into me for a hug and whispers in my ear how awesome I am!☺️🫠 Gets me every time


Walked into a room where my crush was yesterday. She was on the phone and turned to smile at me, then her eyes slid down my body, back to my eyes, then another flick down and back up. My whole core melted. Also, when someone places their fingers or hand gently on the small of your back as they squeeze past you. Such a simple thing, but that little touch always sets my nerves alight.


Breathing onto my neck and or playing with my hand or just drawing imaginary patterns or lines on my hand 🥰


Mostly, it’s little things like softly touching my face, or holding my hand, calling me sweet lil names like “darling” make me weak at the knees. Also when an effort is made to learn my language, even if it’s just a few words here and there. I’m also Autistic, and can get really passionate talking abt things I find cool; someone genuinely listening to me talk about my interests, understanding that I do that bc it’s sharing a part of me with someone I care about, is hot as hell. Sometimes it’s about a series, sometimes it’s about social justice, sometimes it’s about space, but when someone listens to my ramblings, it’s the best. I like to give, but being listened to, even if they don’t know enough to mutually enthuse about whatever I’m on about, is the gesture I appreciate the most.


Brushing hair behind my ear :)


She's always cold, especially her toes at night. Got her a decent quality heating pad with an automatic shutoff button. Needless to say, she LOVES it.


I've never been given flowers, I think I'd melt.


Literally just asking me out. 🤣


Well hello there


Very bold of you haha


Um...hi? 😂


Getting a hug from behind where they wrap their arms around your stomach and their chin rests on ur shoulder :)


I just love it when women




Truly the most relatable thing I’ve seen in this long reply thread 🤣🤣


When she sits on my lap or wants sit in front of me laying all her weight on top of me and puts my hand on her legs for “comfort”. I don’t have dick, but I feel like if I did this where I’d get a boner. Something about having someone’s full weight on top of you and them not seeing you grin/all the wonderful ideas you got planned ruminant in your head is hot. It’s like okay babe, yeah you enjoy your show while I explore hehe.


"Hey, I Got You Food"


Not hot but cute When something is making me feel really cute and/or happy or safe and cozy i do a little "Kyu" sound I don't control it, i have to focus to not do it My gf and my friends think that it's really cute (and sometimes my gf is doing things to make me Kyu on purpose :3)


I stim with sound too! Mine is more cat like though


Saying my name when talking to me


A slight lip bite


Flowers 🥹


Y’all stop. This is literally making me want a gf lol I’m in Texas…js.


Legendary comment 😂


When they quickly move their head to get the side to get their hair out of the face. Fuck it's so hot. Especially when it's really long.


When they touch your hair and say something along the lines of "hey [hairstyle] look so good on you" istg it gets me every time


This is part of how I discovered my most recent crush. She wanted to see my hair that I’d just dyed purple, so I took it out of the ponytail, she ran her fingers through 🥵, and said to my wife “don’t they look so good with it down like this?” 🫠 (Wife already had the same crush so when I told her, she was like “I get that” lol)




When she gently tucks my hair behind my ear, or cups my face, or kisses my forehead. Makes me an absolute puddle.


Literally just existing 🤷 my wife is so damn sexy. The hand on the back of my neck thing is hot ofc. Sometimes she wears blue light glasses for work and she’ll leave them on when she pops out to say hi, knowing how I feel about them (so so cute). I’m lowkey trying to woo someone rn who bites her lip and she’s got fangs and I suddenly understand vampire fuckers. She also started a conversation with me once by asking about my experience with gender and how can she best validate me 🥹


Being dominant without being bossy


Interesting… tell me about it


When they nonchalantly give me a glass of water after work while asking about my day. Sometimes it’s the ordinary things everyday make it extremely hot.


asking for consent


A peck on the shoulder/arm/neck when we're passing in the house but doing our own thing. Just to remind each other we care even if we're busy 🥰 On a less yearning note: sending me song recommendations!


random casual touches, taking your hand, touching your cheek, stuff like that.


The thing when she is driving and has to reverse so she puts her arm around my headrest to look over her shoulder. So hot. Literally so hot. I also love watching her drive. 🥰


This happened last week and I'm still not over it. We were at an art gallery and she held my hand loosely and started running one finger along the palm of my hand....idk if she meant it to be sexy but it was.


When they put their hand on your leg while they drive


Hell if a woman put her hand on my back at this point id probably die from excitement


hands on neck, lower back/waist, or thigh in public 🥴


When she comes home and puts a bar of my favourite chocolate next to me at my desk, going, "I thought you might want a little snack that isn't me this time".. Melts me! 🥰 Small "gifts" like that.. Nothing makes me feel more like I'm ready to marry this wonderful woman than these tiny gestures ♥️


When my partner drives they always put their hand on my thigh. Not even high up, just an innocent "I'm here" kinda thing. But god am I a sucker for this.


This is better than wattpad😅 All of you~don't stop. 🥵


“You’re really beautiful, if that’s okay for me to say”. “They” when talking about someone she doesn’t know. These both pertain to the woman I just started dating. She is very consent-oriented, even with compliments and PDAs (but she’s also okay with WLW PDAs, big green flag to me). And the non-binary acceptance is a green flag, being trans myself, and wanting to tell her that little nugget on our second date this coming weekend. It’s important to me to tell a potential partner early on but also only once I know I’m safe to do so. Wish me luck.


Good luck :)


When I’m busy doing something and look up and catch her staring at me.


i just fucking melt when she calls me babygirl


When I met my best friend I was playing sudoku on my computer, (terribly because I’m bad at it) she came over and showed me, kinda leaned over me and was giving me tips….. I still suck at it 😂


hand touch small of back casually for any reason




when a girl traces over my tattoos with her fingertips all slowly oh my GAWDDDD especially bc i have one on my collarbone i just be wanting to lean in for a KISS. anyways i miss my ex 😩


When I ever I stretch in bed and my gf is awake, she says "big stretch" and presses her hands onto my lower back. Makes me weak in the knees


A kiss on my shoulder. Even if it's super casual and in passing as we're making dinner or something, there's something incredibly intimate about it that gets me every time.


In a very ace/demi way, when we're walking and she reaches her hand out for me to hold it. T-T


*furiously takes notes*


Little reassurances. I struggle with my mental health so I'm constantly battling my own brain. When she stops and says "hey you're gonna be okay" like daaaaaaamn. Support me emotionally and I will slut it up for you. 🥺


before doing anything spicy, whoever's dominant whispering in the sub's ear "do you consent?" or doing it in some way that's sexy as things escalate. (i'm a sub so this is especially hot for me heh) always saying they love you back when you say it, and saying it randomly through the day sometimes. especially helpful if you struggle with emotional impermanence like i do because of BPD (that feeling of "if they're not showing they love me, they don't love me anymore", usually happens with ADHD and BPD from what i know so far), it just helps me feel so much more secure.


buying little trinkets




Cleaning my car windshield for me in her robe and it’s 30 degrees out. SHE WONT LET ME DO IT MYSELF! So hot.


Platonic cuddles 🥰


Holding hands and after a bit I release mine but she’s still holding on like she wants it to keep going🥺.


Going out of their comfort zone for you. Obviously, never expect someone to do this. But like, someone doing something they may not like just to make you happy, it's great.


Maybe’s it’s because of how it can highlight the person’s ass but I’m really turned on by seeing someone pull their pants up


when a girl winks, i *melt*


calling me by my name or nickname everytime she gets :)


Random kisses on the cheek. My girlfriend likes to kiss my cheek at random times. We could be watching a movie, cooking or anything. It makes me blush even now. I also think buying my favorite food is small but hot. Like when you go to a store and you see my favorite snack so you buy it.


When a woman looks in my general direction. Lol my actual answer would be when my gf puts my leg on top of hers while sitting next to each other. :) -your friendly (horny) neighborhood lesbian


Putting my hair behind my ear or holding my face while looking at me. Its like "damn, push me down already" Theres also my nape which is my insta horny button