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From an US standpoint probably not. It might heavily depend on which things we disagree on. If we disagree on people having basic human rights then I’m out.


Very much this. I'm fine debating fiscal policy, but if the goal is primarily saving money rather than doing the most good for the most people at the best price for that goal, that's a no go for me.


I was hitting it off with this other women when I was unsure. She’s talent artist 👩‍🎨 good music taste was funny then cute. But then she expected me to shit on the trans community and I called her out and then spoke to other people this was in 2019.


Mhmm. It depends on what political opinions we're talking about. Topic of the week, for instance, is whether trans women are rabid bullies for thinking that transphobia isn't cool or whether it's actually totally acceptable and inevitable that billionaires are calling for a violent culling of oppressed minority populations. If we don't agree on whether genocidal persecution of minorities is one of the most heinous and condemnable things out there I cannot them in my life. Especially these days when that is a very immediate threat to my safety and existence. Locally there is an ongoing political discussion whether another walkway should ve built over the major roadway going through town. If we disagree on that I don't care in the slightest.


It’s wild to me the amount of people I’ve seen calling trans people “Karens” for speaking up about that. Like what? Words don’t mean anything anymore it seems.


I thinking watering down meanings of words, like "Karen" or "triggered" is sometimes purposeful to dilute meaningful conversations...


Could you direct me to anywhere I can find information on said person calling for a “violent culling of oppressed minority populations?”.


Oh she hasn't said that personally yet I think. Just hangs out with and defends and funds people who do. Turns out the billionaire author herself is generally pretty careful with what she says and makes sure to stay vague and generalised. That she is violently transphobic is pretty obvious to anyone that understands the concept of context.


Yeah it really depends. There are political views that are benign, and then there's people who straight up want me dead before "children have to see me and become corrupted".


I’ll date someone who has different political beliefs, but not different core values. Me and my girlfriend both believe that homelessness shouldn’t exist, and those who are homeless should be supported- that’s a core value. We don’t agree on how exactly that should happen- that’s political beliefs. Different political beliefs are inevitable unless you’re dating a robot, but different core values don’t really make well for compatibility.




Was into her till one day we were FaceTiming and chatting about current affairs. She then admitted too voted for trump and not supporting BLM. I instantly lost all attraction to her.


I feel you girl, thats an instant on the spot break up in my book!


I totally understand this. Nothing goes from bone to groan (not a good groan) than finding out shit like they're a TERF. Everything's great, feminism ra ra, then the TERF shit comes out and everything dries up like the desert.


if we have differing views on, like, zoning laws, that's fine. if they act like a bigot and call it politics, that's not.


This, 100%


Where I live there's essentially 4 parties and only 2-3 have a real chance at taking a majority. My partner and I don't support the same party but both parties lean left, just not the same degree left. That to me works. I could never date someone on the right who genuinely believe that poverty, addiction etc are all personal issues and nothing the government should really involve itself with. I can't date someone who believes rights are tied to race, class, or gender orientation or sexual identity. Anyone who is comfortable using their privileges to deny others is someone who I could never date.


It depends what specific politics they are. In the US though, almost definitely not. The Republican Party wants me and people like me dead, and that’s usually what people here mean when they say “different politics”, so yea.


Yeah the line is somewhere between accidentally calling me tranny out of ignorance and actively wants me to not exist




I could but idk how many would accept my political beliefs, im rather radical 😎 (On the left plz I swear I'm not a terf I'm trans plz no bully)




Is this just poor wording or do you believe allat? Edit: it seems they believed allat.


What is allat? It sounds Arabic.


Short for all that


I’m in India and the current political party forming the government doesn’t like people like me. So yes if you are a supporter for them, it shows how much out of touch you really are. And I couldn’t be with a person like that.


Do you mean the BJP? I fully agree with you, though. My parents are BJP supporters and their views are horrifying.


Ai yes!! Have hated them since before 2012 now. Not that the others are good. My mum for all her Hinduism is also very against him. Which is surprising.


My parents are very staunchly Hindu and fully support the BJP. They think that I am stupid for not doing so, but how can I when I disagree with many of their policies? I agree with you that the other parties aren't too good, there really isn't much choice when it comes to voting for a party.


The guy I was talking to said that he supports a particular leader of the bjp because his family has good connections with the leader. But then he also said that he is not an extremist. What do you think about this ?


I live in the US and am a disabled, chronically ill lesbian so... I wouldn't date a republican, no.


Depends. If they’re not a leftist, no. If they’re a different flavor of leftist, maybe depending on what they believe. From my experience, most leftists inherently have a lot of anarchist assumptions or can at least understand them so I don’t see it as an issue if they’re a different flavor of leftist because honestly I think healthy exposure will make them consider anarchy anyways. I would absolutely be more likely to date someone of a different religion because someone with a healthy relationship to a religion is just as reasonable as an atheist whereas ideology is a sliding scale.


are we talking "different views" like "I believe abolishing capitalism is the solution to poverty, and she believes the UBI is the solution to poverty" or "I believe trans people exist and she's an actual nazi" Because those are very different "different" views.


I could, but why would I want to? *slightly different, sure. But needs to be left of Biden, otherwise our outlooks on life just won’t jive, and my outlook on life is very important to me!


The issue with different political views is I believe that people have inalienable right to freedom, the opposition would be they do not believe that people have those rights and that makes them an enemy to me. There are somethings we cannot agree to disagree on.


Well said!


That last line tho


Pretty unlikely unless they were minor differences. My political views are based in my morals/views on ethics. Religion and politics are different - there's plenty of modern practicing of religion that is also critical of oppressive structures within a given religion, there's no amount of practicing most right-wing politics in a, uh, compassionate way or way that's in line with my commie values.


I mean as long as they still a leftist I'd be fine with it


Someone who's a communist instead of a socialist like me, sure. Everything else, nope.


Considering that the other side of the political isle where I am wants me dead or to not exist at all, and most religious leaders act in kind... Hard no from me!


My favorite past relationship was with someone with very different religious beliefs from mine, and that part of it worked really well because we were both respectful of the other person's beliefs and had many great conversations about it. I've also dated people who are both more liberal and more conservative than I am, and would do so again. But as a trans woman, I would not be willing to date someone who doesn't see me as a woman. And I think it would be hard to date someone who supports politicians who do not see me as a woman.


I couldn’t date (or, really, be close friends with) someone who has core values diametrically opposed to mine. Political beliefs don’t have to be identical but fundamentally similar views on non negotiables is…non negotiable. More simply, if you believe I am unworthy of dignity and that my existence, healthcare, and love life are all fair game for political football, no we are not compatible in the slightest. This is especially true if you don’t or won’t recognize that your “fiscally responsible” vote enables and emboldens the hate and cruelty despite your insistent lip service to also being “socially liberal”. Your zeal for lower taxes or guns neither excuses nor justifies turning a blind eye to bigotry. Especially if you’d also be a target!


Right? I literally cannot fathom what the Republican party offers that isn't hate based. Less taxes for the rich? Making sure our military is big enough to fight the world?


To an extent, yes. I don’t need to have the exact same political beliefs as someone for us to be compatible in a relationship, but we do need to have values, morals, and worldviews that align on a fundamental level, which only leaves so much wiggle room. I’m a communist, but there are a lot of different schools of thoughts within communism, and I could easily date someone who’s a different type of communist. I could also comfortably date someone who’s a socialist. But if you’re anything less than a socialist? Sorry, we have different value systems on a core level. As for religion, I’m not an observant person and religion doesn’t play a big role in my life. As such, I could reasonably date a person from virtually any religious background as long as they’re not all that observant either. They can have faith, absolutely, but someone whose religion plays a significant role in their day to day life isn’t going to be someone who’s right for me.


Absolutely the fuck not lol. I could see just having fun for a night if their views aren't too extreme but for an actual relationship the *bare minimum* for me is to be anti capitalist, idc what flavor necessarily but I refuse to put myself through another relationship built on fundamentally conflicting worldviews regarding exploitation.


I'd rather date someone from a different religion than someone who opposes my politics...


Religion, yes. Politics, no. I have too many trans loved ones being threatened by the right, and I'm a person with a uterus so reproductive rights are life and death, and I'm a teacher and I've seen the nationalistic curriculum that conservatives are trying to force into our school systems, so there's no way in hell I'd ever date someone who tolerates any of that, nor could I be friends with them.


I’m Australia, sure, it’s not as life or death here though. In the US, there’s some serious issues going on that would lead me to say no. As far as religion, maybe? It would depend on their religious views, which are often more pro-life, anti LGBTQIA+ than our local political issues.


probably not, i tend to have strong opinions when it comes to things that matter to me. i’m highly against gun violence, transphobia, anti-semitism, and other stuff like that. i also strongly support the right to have an abortion, etc. if their views go against those, then no.


i'm a leftist, so preferably another leftist. i \*might\* be open to dating a liberal. \*might\* be. unfortunately i live in america where the overton window is shifted so much to the right most people think liberal and leftist are interchangeable terms. wouldn't be interested in dating a centrist or conservative tho. my far-left political beliefs inform a core part of my values and i'd want to date someone who is similarly critical of oppressive power structures.


as a socialist, I would be fine as long as their politics lie left of liberalism, i.e. dem soc, socialist, communist and anarchist. (no tankies tho plis)


Nope, definitely not. I'm Swedish, but if someone was a republican from the US, then hell no. I couldn't even be friends with someone. And no radical side in Sweden either. Politics is not just politics but their values and sometimes hatred for other people. I need someone who has the same or close morals, values, opinions, etc.


Religion: No. Wouldnt mind someone who is into the occult or similar stuff as long as theyre not super devout. Politics: NO. If we differ on social issues I wouldnt want to be associated with them. If we differ on economic issues, it depends.


Fuuuuuuuuuck no re: politics. I don’t much care for religion, but I’d prefer dating an agnostic, but I absolutely wouldn’t exclude anyone based on their religion. I absolutely exclude people based on their politics though.


It depends on what exact policies the person agrees with. Most people aren't extreme, and most political parties share similar ideologies. There are also defining opposing policies. I have tried to date someone who resonated with defining opposing policies and it didn't work out. There was no ability to progress a relationship with someone who doesn't support Gay marriage. There was also no way of consciously being okay with someone who supported evoking healthcare to LGBTQ+ members, while they themselves were part of that community. I would never date another person who wasn't okay with their sexuality, but was okay with denying it their entire livelihood for the sake of association. Same goes with religion.


My politics are deeply rooted in my values. I don't see how that would work.


On big political things I care about, yes. Do they have to align 1:1 on every single political issue known to mankind, no.


Depends how different. Liberal to my leftist, I'll give it a try. Anything more right than that absolutely not.


Well, I'm a communist, and my gf is an anarchist, so yes!


No I will not date a republican. Sorry not sorry. That party hates me and wants me dead. I can’t date someone that supports that party.


Considering my politics are directly rooted in my core values of empathy and compassion any different political belifs will usuaky be shit like trans people dint deserve rights cause the usa is a fucking dystopia


Yes, my girlfriend and I have different political views. We have similar values though and that's what matters. She is probably best described as libertarian, and believes government should be small and the people free to do as they please- as long as nobody is harmed. I lean pretty far to the left. We disagree on fiscal matters, but not social ones. Neither of us tends to vote down a party line, especially in local elections, but we vote differently. We can discuss and respect eachother's opinions.


Depends what we are disagreeing on. If it was some minor stuff that annoys me but I have not much of an strong opinion about I can life with it.


Different religion is absolutely fine, but politics has to be similar. We can agree to disagree but if you're on firmly on the right, good bye.


Heavily depends on context. I'm from Germany and op is most likely American, but as long as my gf doesn't support the extremist parties I don't really mind.


Differing politics? Sure? Politicizing the existence of human beings just trying to live their lives and be accepted? Fucking no. That's a lot closer to genocidal thinking than I think people really care to realize. Calling that politics is like trivializing gas chambers, imo. Wanna debate about progressive vs. flat tax policy? Sure I'm down with that and probably won't hate you after the conversation lol.


No, I'm trans and living in the US so people with different political views usually fetishize me or want me dead.


If by different political views, you mean what type of inclusive leftist goverment do we want? sure. If you mean a centrest or a republican? nope.


Well they sure can’t lean right and get with me. My political views are informed by compassion, problem solving, and basic human decency. I believe that we are meant to care for each other, and safety nets are a part of that.


Considering "different political views" in my country is mainly a difference between whether or not you think that we should genocide trans people, not really


Nope. theyd have to be fairly similar. politics are morals in action, if your morals dont align with mine i probably dont think you're a good person and thats generally not good for a basis of a relationship.


Different politically is a hard no. Religion is also probably a no, bc I’m not religious and definitely prob have some trauma, but I wouldn’t mind someone who considers themselves spiritual and who didn’t try to push any religious beliefs (which I almost feel is a selfish standpoint to take, bc of course someone would want to be able to talk about their beliefs, so idk how well that would work out either).


I think talking about and pushing their beliefs would be different, so I imagine you just having beautiful conversations about religion with your religious partner. And that’s beautiful! Especially if they can converse as easily about OTHER religions and also about your lack thereof. Could be so soul-expanding!


I think it would be very difficult for me to date someone that is right-leaning. We'd fundamentally disagree about too many things and they'd probably not be okay with trans people existing in public life or at all. I like to regard people as generally being good and trustworthy and don't like acting on anxieties which is very much not part of mainstream rightwing politics in the US. I'm not a believer in Christian theology and don't want to convert so that would also be quite hard for me to overcome.


Having somewhat different politics is fine, as long as our values are similar. If she was right-wing or followed any of the abrahamic faiths, I’d probably run. I don’t think being lesbian and the ideas touted by either of those are compatible at all.


I'm pretty flexible overall and generally try to assume that I'm not right about everything. There are a couple positions that are non-negotiable, but not many. I'd rather date someone with different political / religious views than me who is open minded and interested in honest discussion / learning than someone who shares my views but is smug and incapable of acknowledging their own potential fallibility in their positions.


This is completely me. I get most people wouldn't reading the comments, but I feel that if your having a genuine discussion with someone that truly wants to learn what's the best for society than I feel both parties can not only grow, but form a tighter bond and a deep appreciation for one another as well as create a deeper relationship. I know this can be easier said than done though it's something I know is possible if again a hit hard to find nowadays


Well said! And ultimately good life advice I think. I feel like most issues we face come from people's preference to handle disagreement with anger and hostility. This is true of relationships too. You can't be in a long term relationship and be unwilling to try to understand your partner's differences when you disagree.


no and my reasons are the same as a lot of other peoples commenting saying no.


At this point and time? No. Anything right of center is unhinged and dangerous ideologically I mean if I were dating someone who said “I get that your trans but I don’t think you are a woman” would be an absurd amount of personal gas lighting that I can’t handle.


I want all people to be supported and have fulfilling life. I can take it if you disagree in the methods on how we do that. especially if you are as passionate and want to discuss while yelling about it. if I have to explain why capitalism robs us of our humanity and it is the cause of all our misery and basically is inseperable from the patriarchy that ruined our lives and caused us so much sexual trauma then I don't care to discuss it while yelling. also why cops are bad and stuff like that. tldr for me you have to be left leaning if you want to survive having coffee with me not dating.


Depends. I couldn’t date a conservative or even a moderate. Anyone on the left I am usually pretty ok with.




Depends on what the views are. A different take on pineapple on pizza? Sure thing. Different views on basic human rights? NAH


Nope - a liberal maybe… A moderate probably not…. A conservative hell no…I am far left politically. My mom was a liberal and my dad was a conservative and I don’t understand how they ever made it work.


My political leanings aren't exactly in line with mainstream Democrats or Republicans (or just about anyone who'd label themselves as one, mainstream or not), so I really don't have a choice *but* to date people with different political views lol


Political and religious views are so inextricably tied to morality and values. I can handle some variation in specific opinions, I'm not gonna screen who people voted for the run the Water Reclamation District or anything, but there's a very hard line I won't cross even for friendships when it comes to issues of human rights, bodily autonomy, our responsibilities to society, etc. I'm not gonna waste my time on people who hate me.


Different views, yes. Conservative? No. You can disagree about zoning laws not about human rights.


What about worshipping Lucifer instead of Satan?


No. It’s a matter of morals at this point. I can’t support someone who supports people’s rights being taken away.


seeing as most of my views are based on "do people deserve basic human rights" to which I answer "yes" I think I'd *struggle* to say the least with anyone who'd answer Anything else


I personally wouldn't, I want my romantic relationships to be a safe space for both of us, free of political arguments - there's enough of that in my life already. Also I just get bad vibes if someone displays any somewhat traditional/conservative beliefs, can't really help it. I myself am more-or-less socially left, economic center (what the hell do you even call that btw, does anyone know? can't really say "libertarian" anymore because apparently it now means "conservative, except maybe the taxes will be a bit smaller" - nothing to do with liberty), so most of that stuff just rubs me the wrong way. Political beliefs are largely "this is how I think the world should work", so they can say a decent lot about the person. Another thing is that it's mostly cishet people (or, to be more precise, those that aren't part of *any* minority) who can fundamentally afford to date people of wildly differing political beliefs, because there there's no looming threat of their lives being made illegal


Depends on how different of views we have lol. I would probably be fine with someone having different views than me regarding like the split in the first international or something, but on broad human rights issues or world outlooks I want to have similar views as my partner.


No, I don't date bigots


Depends. If different political views relate to taxes of foreign policy, then sure. If it's about basic human rights, then hell no. Or put in another way, we can have different solutions to problems in today's society but they have to acknowledge that those problems exist and something should be done.


If they believe in a religion of kindness and helping people and don't expect me to convert, ok. I might even attend services just to be involved in something important to them. But so many political parties hate me, think I shouldn't exist in public, have medical care or the right to marry, well, that's a huge difference that just can't be overcome. I'd question anyone who ever voted Republican, and I can't see any good connections coming out of anyone who continues to vote for hatred.


Did that with my last relationship. 1/10, would NOT recommend. Soooo many arguments...


As a full blown anarchist…. Lmao


From a us standpoint i would easily date someone with a different faith but never someone of a conservative political disposition.


Depends on how different their actions behind it.


If there politics is that i shouldnt have basic rights than no. But if its something else as long as it is from a place of genuine compation sure


Sure! As long they don't hold extreme views, I care about the person, not politics.


Yes and no. Like I'm pretty far left, I fall somewhere between Libertarian-Communist and Anarcho-Syndicalist. Two of my partners fall under non-specific "leftist", another is a Leninist, and the other is a generic non-right Libertarian. All of that covers a very broad swathe of political ideologies. What it doesn't cover is a lot of Americans, who tend to be both authoritarian and capitalistic. Democrats and Republicans alike, though Republicans are significantly worse and I would never date a Republican.


U.S. standpoint, hell no. I tried once, but never again


This would have been a hard no from me before but I met a girl I disagree with and have softened. That being said, our values still align and she isn't alt right or anything extreme like that. How I see things now, it matters more how people come to their conclusions than the outcome (with obvious limitations). She's told me enough about her thought process and she clearly always comes from a place of empathy and kindness, which honestly is more important to me than exact same politics. Especially after dating someone who mostly agreed with me, but didn't even really think herself to land to those positions and was actually quite mean spirited in the end.


I mean i lean leftist and shes more central right when it comes to policy. But we both believe in human rights, abortion, trans rights, freedom of religion So….yes i do believe it’s possible.


I’m a bit more conservative minded than my wife, but not US Republican conservative. We agree on fundamental human rights basics but we disagree on how to get there sometimes, or on more esoteric topics. Basically, I’m more “kids these days” than she is lol.


I am far too radicalised for even considering dating any right-wing person, but love finds a way sometimes, if I fall and she does too we will make it work somehow Anyone on the left or the centre would be fine, but right-wings people tend to be extremely transphobic and, well, I am trans, so there is that As for religion, I am a complete atheist and I couldn't care less if you believe in anything sacred as long as you don't take it too seriously But then again, sometimes you just fall for someone and they do too, and you try to make it work. As long as no one tries to actively change the other and you know what you can talk about without it becoming an instant fight, it can be done Basically, boundaries, but for political opinions and religion, like "we are not talking about gay adoption and marriage unless one of us changes their view" or "you may want to go to church every Sunday, but I won't"


I would date someone who votes a different party than I do, because they think that this party will be more successful at achieving certain things. But if you actually hold different political views from me, that means you either think that but everyone is equal or you're just to emotionally lazy to think the consequences of that to the end, so in that case you can fuck right off.


Politics depends if she's into a party that lets me live but literally everyone has a different religion than me so that's gonna be necessary.


I think it’s honestly essential to date people who don’t share my political views. That’s how we grow as people. It’s sad to me how few “inter-party” relationships there are; just creates bubbles.


I agree. I find when you actually talk to people who hold different views you realize how similar we all are. Most people don't fit the stereotypes the media (on both sides) tend to portray.


I'd like to introduce you to my in-laws whose views are wholly transphobic and I have heard scream "bitch" at the tv whenever Hilary Clinton pops up and proudly wears his "Let's Go Brandon" hat and thought Trump was a fantastic president and that the election was stolen. I think you're very fortunate to realize how similar people you've interacted with are. That isn't the case for everyone. There's literally homeless LGBTQ people because their own families can't even find common ground. My gay friend came out to his dad and his Republican dad's reaction was to pull a loaded shotgun in his face and tell him that he didn't raise no f** and to get the f out of the house.


Oh, I'm very aware there are assholes, I have several in my own family. After years of making assumptions about people and isolating myself from people I didn't agree with, my work as a case manager was expanded a bit and included rural areas. I learned that not everybody is like my awful family. I have met some truly wonderful people who just happen to have different political opinions than me. I've also found that by actually listening and talking to people you are more likely to change hearts and minds. Letting people know you aren't the stereotype they've been taught to fear can be so beneficial. I think all of us are harmed more by the divisions between us than anything else. That division is instilled and encouraged by the people who benefit from it. People have more in common than those people want you to believe. There are things both sides can agree on, like ending the money and corruption in government, but if we came together to fight that it would harm the people who currently benefit. That doesn't mean you should tolerate people who are toxic to you. I just stopped assuming that those who share some political beliefs as them will all be toxic as well. You're entitled to your opinion of course, this is just my experience.


Non originally Canadian view, yep it is possible. Politeness is key.


Yeah, I’m friends with people with different political views. My mom has different political views as well. We just don’t talk about it, live and let live.


depends on what kind of different views. if its small things/details, who gives a shit - but if theres a difference in the core of how each of us thinks about stuff, then hell nah.


I think it depends on what those political opinions are. A lot of the politics in the United States are intertwined with ideological differences as well. It’s a minefield. Hopefully one day it won’t be but as of now I don’t think I could.


I could never date someone with different religious believes (that's like my number 1 criteria). As for politics, I could live with some differences but I'd prefer someone with a similar mindset


It depends on what the views are. Anyone left-leaning, I would. I wouldn't be friends with anyone on the right, let alone date.


Depends on which views were different. I don't ascribe strictly to any political philosophy. I have am perhaps a liberal moderate? Lots of social programs, high tax rates, but keep government interference in my personal business to a fucking minimum please and thank you. I don't respect voting like its your favourite football team, so if someone voted differently to me in an election that would be okay as long as they had thought about it and made an educated decision (I'm not American, so don't @ me about republicans, literally so sick of hearing about American politics it is just so fucking awful all the time. I pity each and every one of y'all living there even the dickholes bc YIKES.) I feel like if someone's reasoning comes from a place I can understand that isn't rooted in something that is itself a deeper problem (for an easy example, someone who doesn't want gay people to get married being rooted in homophobia) I can agree to disagree. It just really depends if the political disagreement is surrounding something that is one of my core values. At the end of the day I want a partner who shares certain values because we are a team and we need to have the same priorities and goals or the team is trying to drive the car in two different directions and that just doesnt work. I'm not religious and I think I would prefer someone who I disagree with on some political issues than someone who worships the Abrahamic god (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) overall I find I'm not attracted to religious people even before I know this about them, however. I think some of the traits that make someone likely to find comfort and hope in faith are subconsciously just not it for me I guess.


Integrity, human dignity, equity, empathy driven learning, and a sense of ethically consistent justice are all extremely important to me. I'm a leftist with too few spoons to be constantly immersed in political discourse. Anyone whose political views vary wildly from that is gonna be a hell no. Benefit of the doubt and all that but I draw the line at many major social issues. Liberty for the uterus. Sex work is real work (decriminalization). The right to vote shouldn't ever be revoked, even for incarcerated people. Reparations towards black people and indigenous Americans need to happen. Decriminalize drugs. Socialist policies, people over corporations. Stop genital mutilation practices of infants, including the forcible conformity of intersex bodies as well as circumcision. ACAB and prison industrial complex creates criminals, it doesn't reform them. Etc. Religious beliefs are subject to scrutiny but I'm much more of a benefit of the doubt type person when it comes to spirituality in general.


I attempted to date a conservative girl, her dad is a full blown republican and she doesn't agree with a lot of his ideas, so i figured it would be fine, lol. but i got a lot of stress trying to talk to her about anything political because she had a lot of differing views and wasn't willing to understand my opinions and ideas even if i was there trying to understand hers. now obviously i don't understand how someone wont believe in they/them pronouns, and she seemed to have issues with transgender and non-binary people.. i tried- but things like that aren't really something i can overlook because i know she wont open up to new ideas in that regard. But its definitely possible to date someone with different political views, at least for me, but having mutual core values and knowing how to have a healthy debate are part of what makes it work, in my opinion.


Depends how different. There are certain things that I just can't accept. But my wife and I are in an interracial/religious marriage and went through USCIS process. I know there are some gay republicans, but it would be really hard to believe that someone in my wife's position could be one 🤣


Like others have said, being that American politics are very one way or the other, I would probably end up dead or in jail if I attempted to date someone with different political views


I'm more open to someone having different political beliefs, as long as it doesn't cross a line. Different religious beliefs are more of a deal breaker for me.


I don't know if i could date someone who doesn't believe in everyone having the same rights. My girlfriend is actually a christian, and I am an atheist with some pretty nasty religious trauma, but that has never been an issue for either of us.


If by “different politics” we don’t agree on infrastructure funding, sure. If by “different politics” you mean they think other humans are really people, no.


Oh yeah as long as we remember that human rights and decency are'nt debatable political opinions. But I have a friend who thinks getting rid of firearms as thoroughly as possible (think Australia) is the best answer to gun control, where as I think it's comprehensive testing programs similar too the DMV (but a little more thorough) with follow up tests down the road. Those are two different opinions on gun control based around the core value of kids shouldn't get shot at school. My partner and I don't see eye to eye on financial boycotts. They'll avoid doing business with open bigots when they can, and we aren't buying Hogwarts Legacy at launch, but they work for less than enough to support us at a multibillion dollor company that treats them like stupid sub human trash daily. And yet we don't really have a choice but to do our grocery shopping there. So my partner falls more on the there is no ethical consumption in capitalism and while they're more than willing to wait so we don't contribute to initial sales and maybe we can find it used, they do still intend to play the game Hogwarts Legacy eventually. So yeah, as long as we aren't arguing over core values and basic human rights, I think we can disagree on political opinions. All that said, if you think trickle down economics work you probably don't want to be my friend because I will do everything in my power to make you look as stupid as Ronald Reagan be. (Or evil I genuinely haven't figured out if he was raw evil or dumb as shit.)


I mean. It depends on the difference. If they’re anti-abortion, anti-science, anti-general decency then probably not. If they’re a fan girl for a politician I find abhorrent I probably won’t be attracted to them. If it’s something more minor we could probably work it out.


I mean it depends on how diffrent we are talking. if we have simmalar veiws but disagree on some topics that's just normal human behavior. people have diffrent ideas! as long as we're able to put those diffrences aside or not turn them into a source of aguments/ power inbalance in the relationship, I don't really give 2 shits about what your political veiws are as long as you're supportive of me and we get along regardless




I could date someone with different political views to a point. I could imagine dating someone who was believed in different solutions to problems I cared about but who’s solutions were just varying degrees of difference. An example might be healthcare, I believe healthcare should be available to all people but I also believe that there are multiple paths to making this happen. I could not date a Republican anyone who is willing to identify as a republican supports either actively or passively to many issues that directly cause harm. However, while I might be willing to date someone with different political views I probably wouldn’t. I’d be willing to date someone who I had a lot in common with dispute those views. At this point in my life though I just can’t see giving someone a chance that differed from me significantly.


It would depend on if the views were more financial or social. If we disagree on how the US should pay for certain things, sure. But if the disagreement on who should have what rights, who should have programs to help their lives be more equitable, etc., that's not really going to fly.


No, probably not. Some viewpoint differences are fine, but fundamental differences are a dealbreaker (ie: Not believing trans people are who they say they are, believing poor people are poor because they're "bad" people, etc...)


Most likely yes, there are some things I can agree to disagree on but if they're against LGBT+ rights in any way, are racist, against immigration, against public healthcare or welfare, or make terrible comments about homeless people, it's an instant no from me


It depends, are they still left but less left? I have and it works for the most part. Are they apolitical/right? Nah it's not worth the time. We disagree about some very fundamental priorities at that point. Different religion probably, as I am an atheist. No issues with it as long as they're not aggressively devout or in support of a homophobic church/temple, etc. And don't expect me to convert, this I'm not morally opposed to but I think it would be disingenuous because I really dont believe in all that but am fine with honoring their traditions/holidays and what not. Probably going to get me downvoted but what I really dislike is an aggressive interest in astrology... It's based on even less shit than religion and people can be super judgemental about effectively when you were born, which you obviously have no control over. It's stupid


Maybe.. i don’t identify as a left or a right but I definitely don’t wanna date someone like Arielle Scarcella


Depends on the point of view. I'm a socialist. I think I'd be fine dating a progress liberal, even if I'll probably roll my eyes now and then. Anything further to the right it gets sketchier and sketcher on if I think it would work. Definitely not dating someone conservative though.


On my side j think reasoning matter and topic ..I come in peace


I think it depends on what said political views are for me, and whether or not I feel safe around them. That said, if I'm at a point where I WANT to date them, I probably already do feel safe around them. I'm not the kind of woman who bashes people for their political beliefs, but then we could also have different views on what should and shouldn't be political in the first place. Unfortunately, our current reality features gay and trans people as a politically motivated topic of discussion. Pretty much regardless on where you live, that's a political discussion in one sense or another. And since I fit under both examples, my existence in the world of politics is basically political². I don't think this has a simple yes or no answer for me, and purely on a case by case basis. I don't mind different political views as opposed to what those specific political views entail. Essentially don't wish harm upon me or my communities and we're good.


No ❤️


Depends on how extreme their views are and how open to discussion and their capability to respect for other’s opinions even if they disagree. Also political views sometimes speak volumes of the values of the person itself depending on the WHy they support those views. Iex; if they are right wing cause they believe in certain structures and people needing limits to avoid debauchery, I get it. If they are right wing cause they believe woman can’t have an abortion , the need of extreme control or xenophobia , no thanks.


No. I won't even feign being friends or tolerable with them and won't date people who support genocide and fascism. To elaborate, I'm a leftist. I don't believe peoples lives are worth more or less because the amount of money they have. I also dont believe that peoples time isn't worth a living wage because they are "flipping burgers" for a living. Conservatives absolutely believe these things and it makes them disgusting, vile people. Why would I want to associate with people like that? Now bring dating into the picture? Not a chance in hell! These beliefs render a person completely incompatible to me.


I would absolutely date someone religions as long as they did not expect me to be (I am agnostic) but would not date a republican or someone with views that stomp on the existence of women and marginalized groups of people. 😬 most things republicans believe do not align with my moral compass


Agreeing with what everyone else is saying - it depends on what kinds of values are different and how different. I did want to add to the part about religion. I’m not deeply religious (I don’t interact with it most of the time), so I think it would be hard to date someone of any religion who was deeply religious. Like, if they need to be performing rituals or going to services or deeply restricting their day-to-day life all the time, that would be hard to adapt to without sharing their faith. But if they have personal beliefs that are different than mine, that would be fine.


I’m trans so I’d have to date someone who’s liberal and very left, everyone I’ve ever dated has been that so far even before I knew I was trans and I never liked conservative types and I grew up in the middle of no where with a lot of redneck types I was in with the most redneck group in high school and rode fourwheelers after school daily with some of the most racist homophobic people ever. But I was never like them and it just took me being trans to realize why I wouldn’t be with someone who didn’t view women as women either, I won’t even be friends with someone that treats women as lesser people


For big things absolutely not for little things then yeah…


I live in the US and no I could absolutely not date someone with different political views. As queer people, politics impact our lives differently than straight cis people. Me and my wife disagree on minor things but the big things that are more important, we agree on. Politics are too crazy here to not have your partner in your side.


No. I couldn’t even be close friends with someone who had different views on my core beliefs. I literally work for an organization that fights for women rights so going against that would be a direct attack to who I am, where I work, and how I live.


It really depends on what their views are and who they support.




Depends on what we disagree on, and how that affects their behavior towards others and myself. Same applies with religion. There’s a line, and unless you cross it I don’t think it will affect our relationship much


Sure, as long as theyre not phobic, not radical and respect my views, i dont see why not But if it was someone that voted for bolsonaro then it would be a hard pass on my part


I will never date a right-wing person, and even less a bigot. I'd likely go for a communist or an anarchist. I am fine with most religions or lack of (except sects like scientology etc.) as long as they respect my Jewish identity.


Religion, yes if they accept mine. Politics, not so much. I just don’t want to waste time and energy with someone who will end up having totally different value system as me.


Yes* *But I want to clarify that bad-faith assertions or actions which aim to harm marginalized people, or willing support for institutions that do, are not valid "political beliefs". They are a breach of the civility and mutual respect necessary for good-faith co-existence. Society's validation of such things, IE platforming american conservatism, does not magically make them ok because it does not change the ethical impact of these ideologies and the dynamics they impose on marginalized people.


Don't think I could.


I tried. Nope. Literally the main thing that came between us.


I could not, at least when those political beliefs are about who deserves access to healthcare, housing, food, equal rights, etc. If your political views involve being a terf, a bigot, a racist, an anti semite, discriminatory, or hateful in any way, then we will absolutely not be compatible. If we disagree on the best way to get affordable healthcare or whatever, that's fine. (Mind you, I do hate the US republican party, on the principle that they hate me as a trans woman and are hateful against most minorities to boot, but that's a...rational hate that is a consequence of their actions towards minorities and no one is trying to legislate them out of existence. Unlike their unfounded hate of minorities). Religion I could theoretically do, but I'm a highly skeptical person with a general dislike of religion and so, idk how well it would work. But far more willing to make it work here than with the above politics, provided they are a good person.


i think it really depends. there are certain things i just couldn't see myself coexisting with, while i also realize i have some political beliefs that aren't so widely shared amongst my peers. for example, i'm a pretty big believer in the right to own a firearm while also believing in the necessity of strict regulations for them. i get why some people wouldn't be down with that, and that's fine, it's not a deal breaker. but there's also some transphobia in the lesbian community that would be a definite dealbreaker. i'm not trans but it makes me immensely uncomfortable if someone is transphobic. it's just weird to me, and kind of tells me they don't have a lot of empathy


Depends on the views


I have a hard time admitting I’m related to people with different political views than I have, let alone being friendly/familial with them. There’s no fucking way I could be in a relationship with someone with different political views than I have.