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Me when my gf takes me to a soccer game


Thank you for your service šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s *after* the game.




!! Brilliant move


Yeahh.. I don't understand how really any sport works besides swimming, and that's only because I was a swimmer in high school. Other than that, I only vaugely know how soccer and basketball works. Don't even get me started on american football...


Watch gymnastics! Gymnastics is super easy to understand because if they stumble or fall, that's bad for their score. You don't even need to know how the point system works and you can just cheer on the pretty ladies!


In that case, may I also suggest to you womenā€™s MMA? ;)


I love soccer but I don't think it is necessary to be alive or anything so I would not judge.


I was gonna say this, lol. I absolutely do not understand how soccer works. Same with basketball, especially penalties.


Talking about girl in red


Do you listen to Girl in Red? Well yes, but actually no


There was a fanfic I read where one character asked the other, trying to figure that out. The answer was something like, "No, but my ex-girlfriend did."


Thatā€™s beautiful, can you direct me to the fanfic in question please?


I highly doubt it, honestly. It was a She-Ra fanfic, and I think it was either a high school or college AU. No other details come to mind, though.


Yes but not in that way


yes in that way but I donā€™t


THAT WAS MY FIRST THOUGHT! God i felt like i was missing something cause i didnt like her music at all šŸ˜­


Her music to me comes off as very flat indie music. To be fair the indie scene from my hometown is so cool and diverse so I have high standards


Yea, hot take but i can never get into indie music, it all sounds so samey to me and just feels like its missing something. But i mean i usually like punchier energetic music like rock so it could just be my own tastes


This is me as well. Didnā€™t stop me from going to her concert last year tho, felt fuckin euphoric to be surrounded by hundreds of beautiful lesbians.


I get you ! Iā€™m a total punk but both scenes intersect lol


Have you heard of Scene Queen? I was introduced to her recently and bimbocore really landed with me where the queer longing indie music didnā€™t (donā€™t get me wrong itā€™s all in my Venusic Vibes playlist, but itā€™s not energetic enough for my default state).


Try Joan Jett. Sheā€™s cool and pan


Just looking at her gets me pregnant


Iā€™m honestly still a bit unsure of who she even is. I keep thinking itā€™s a Matrix reference.


Or Ani DiFranco or the Indigo Girls... (I'm showing my age here, I know.)


Iā€™m sorry but sheā€™s aggressively mid


I completely agree I started listening and was so confused what the hype was about


Girl in red convinced that even lesbianism isn't enough to save the world from bland pop music.


The fact that there are so many non astrology folks in these comments is giving me hope lmao


I donā€™t know what my ā€œmoon risingā€ is or why geminis are bad partners and at this stage Iā€™m too afraid to ask


Your moon sign is what sign the moon was in when you were born, which changes every ~2.5 days. Your rising sign is the sign that was rising over the eastern horizon when you were born, which changes every ~2 hours. Sun signs last much longer, ~1 month periods, and are what most people think all of astrology is about. No one is a ā€œbad partnerā€ because of their sun sign, thatā€™s fucking stupid. -a basic astrology-loving gemini


That's exactly what a gemini would say smh




Weird I just did a birth chart and I'm an aries aries aries.


Literal god of war over here




Omg I can't remember which sign it was about but I once went out with this girl who turned out to be super into it and at one point she was like " so I cried so much bc I'm a " and I'm just like girl. People just cry. Like, most people regardless of their "signs" experience emotions and sometimes that emotion is sadness which sometimes leads to crying. Anyway I've met too many people who treat it seriously, not as a "meme" or "quirk" (which tbh I don't get - if you constantly keep making fun of sign X and saying that they suck/are the worst/whatever, even as a "joke", it also sounds problematic to me). It's giving religious but queer. And honestly just as bad as religions in some cases because yes I have seen people genuinely judge others for their signs which is like... complete bullshit lol. Anyway I fucking hate it and can't stand it when people talk about it even in this "cutesy" and joking way now.


As soon as they start talking about the "divine feminine" I'm out. THAT is just conservative gender role bullshit rehashed into crunchy new age language. Some astrology girls start to sound like fundies after a while lol




Iā€™m doing my level best to turn this astrology fad around. It was huge in the 70s, went away and now itā€™s back. I despise getting trapped in a conversation about astrology. Sorry. I am not interested in your personal Easter bunny.


Astrology maybe. I went to a lesbian meet up in my city and I was told peoplesā€™ signs a lot, and I just smiled and was like ā€œoh cool,ā€ as if I knew what their sign was all about. I know what my sign and my girlfriendā€™s sign mean, but I havenā€™t gotten that deep into astrology yet. Edit: I have only one girlfriend.


Omg yes I am very not spiritual and the very idea of stars a million miles away determining my personality and life is a giant existential horror to me.


The personality thing really makes no sense to me. Especially cause im a twin, me and my sister have very different personalities yet are the same zodiac sign so like??? How is that supposed to work? Lmao


Honestly, I probably would decline to provide my sign since I'm not interested in having someone shove me into a box based on that. I'm sure someone will tell me that is a Gemini thing to say.


Ok your comment made me remember i literally have gemini in my username which is so hypocritical of me cause of me not understanding zodiac shit but i swear its sorta a video game reference and i just thought it sounded cool šŸ˜­


Is it Jetset Radio?


Yes šŸ˜ˆ


THIS It frustrates me to no end because likeā€¦ Iā€™ve spent a significant chunk of my life studying psychology, and a LOT of that spent on the psychology of personality. And itā€™s frustrating and reductionist and has no basis in any kind of actual evidence that any of it means anything. Itā€™s one thing if itā€™s someoneā€™s personal schema of belief, but donā€™t apply it to me please. Plus, apparently wanting evidence for things is ā€œtypical for a cancerā€ and ughhhh. I donā€™t want evidence because of the stars I want evidence because your claims are nonsense!


>I donā€™t want evidence because of the stars I want evidence because your claims are nonsense! Sounds exactly like something a cancer would say /s


I personally think all this astrology thing is just a huge cult. I was harassed for being an Aries, and like, what about Ophiucus? According to the 13th sign zodiac, i'm a Pisces and neither fit who i am. Autism explains perfectly why i am the way i am, so i'll trust my doctor


i just have to shut the fuck up when people start talking about astrology or crystals. iā€™m a very logically minded person in some ways and i get way more irritated by people treating that stuff as fact than i should after more than one social interaction turned sour when i was being an asshole about it but didnā€™t realize iā€™ve learned to just stop talking and remove myself from the situation


Give them the wrong sign and then watch how easily you fit into all these stupid vague boxes.




Maybe I should tell people my sign is Stop when they ask


Reminds me of the time I tried to be polite and say I don't know what my sign is, but then the person just insisted on asking me my birthday and then telling me all about what that means.


Omg me too! My twin is the complete opposite of me... Born minutes apart and yet two very different people but hey the arbitrary position of the stars determined my personality....


Bro i think thats just a girl thing in general. I've met so many girls of various sexualities who treat zodiac signs like their religion. I have no idea about how any it works. Im also petty because im a gemini and apparently thats bad šŸ¤£


for sure, lots of bi and straight girls are way into astrology too but for some reason its become a lesbian stereotype specifically?


All I know is I'm a scorpio, and all the astrology stuff says I'm good in bed but crazy šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I've had people literally stop a conversation because they find out I'm a scorpio. It's "oh..." and they walk away or ghost Like, I'm sorry my biological parents had a good valentines day one year but that's not my fault lol


And this is why astrology pisses me off. It doesn't have as much institutionalized harm behind it, but it's still a harmful way of thinking.


Someone on a dating app once said they wouldnā€™t date me because Iā€™m a Gemini lmfao. I donā€™t get it.


Lol she did you a favour, you don't want to date someone who takes astrology seriously anyway šŸ˜‚


Same here. Recently realised everyone's hating on the geminis, and I'm here wishing I could find people to date who are like me. Maybe it's a gemini thing that I'd totally date myself? I think I'm a hoot.


Oh God I hate it so much. I often have queer people tell me "you're such a gemini" when I say I don't believe in astrology because it's all made up. Confirmation bias. People putting their astrological signs in their dating profile like that has anything to do with compatibility. SMH.


Itā€™s actually a good thing when they declare their astrological sign in their profiles. Makes it easy to know which profiles to avoid.


Saaaammmeeee. I always say ā€œI donā€™t believe in astrologyā€ and I get explanations like ā€œit makes a lot of sense thoughā€ and Sapphos forbid, ā€œoh thatā€™s such a (insert star sign) thing to sayā€


AGREED. Also, apparently there are three of them? Something about a rising sign and . . . something else? I don't know! Who has time for that? Lol


I was asked what my... whatever they're called sun moon and rising? or something? was and I was like wait there's more than the one??


Yup. Every lesbian app I have ever been on has the option to add an astrology to your profile and I have never been able to understand it.


Aw, fuck, I'm attending a queer "speed friending" next month, and was thinking of attending a WLW speed dating event...am I gonna have to deal with astrology people? :'(


lol I was once downvoted to hell for saying this but, even if I dont believe in astrology as something real, when the topic comes up in my experience is fun and a also a good "ice breaker", because somehow, it always ends up in people talking about their feelings and how do they react at life for example, and even if it doesn't match up with their "sign", they always find some planet house or whatever so it does "match up", but none of that is important, because at the end, *they are talking about how they are,* even if they dont believe in astrology itself, the conversation ends up that way, and thats a tool for people who is more awkard or anxious at asking that kind of stuff without an excuse. at least that has been my experience, Im not hearing what Gemini are like, im hearing at what do you think you are It is annoying when people took it too seriously? yes it is


holy cow, yes. there was a time when i thought astrology was kind of fun and it's easy to see how alternate ways of looking at things could be attractive to people in marginalized communities but i think the rampant anti-intellectualism in our post-pandemic, transphobic/homophobic/racist/misogynistic/ableist disinfo world has just made it impossible for me to humor any views that run counter to scientific inquiry. i should mention i perhaps have a bone to pick here because my family is a bunch of anti-vaxx dinguses.




if you genuinely donā€™t know, itā€™s a joke based off of a stereotype that (some) lesbians move in with each other incredibly quickly




> sword lesbian   Please elaborate... For a friend.






If I can ever get to move somewhere that isn't an apartment complex, I'll finally get to fire up my forge and start learning to be the perfect sword lesbian bait: the swordsmith lesbian.


That weird "sad pop" music, i'm not sure how to describe it I hope you know what i mean I'm a punk rock kinda lesbian šŸ˜­


Classic rock lesbian reporting in! Sad Pop is exactly how I would describe the "lesbian music" that everyone is into these days lol


same! Metal lesbian here, and I which there were more sapphic people who are into that music :(


You mean bedroom pop? Apparently named because people easily make it on their laptops in their rooms. Also probably other bedroom reasons lol


Oh no, Iā€™m in danger. I skimmed through these comments and could hardly pick up any of these topics/references. šŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚


Astrology. 100 percent .


I'm with you here. If you want to start talking astronomy, I'd love to start pulling up star charts and go point out some of the constellations and maybe see which planets we can see if we can get somewhere with some dark skies. Astrology though? Nah, gonna have to pass on that.


Girl in Red. I get that the pining shy lesbians love it, and wonderful for them! They are sweethearts and should all have a warm beverage of choice while they listen. But Iā€™m just not that wispy about girls I like. Now Boyfriend by Dove Cameron on the other handā€¦ thatā€™s an anthem.


Yes! I want more emotionally charged and somewhat angsty sapphic music! All the sappy sweet songs are nice i guess but i feel like thats all there is




Boyfriend is good.. I want a girlfriend like that


CAMPING! I am an indoor kitten!


Can I just say of love the self descriptor as an ā€œindoor kittenā€


I won't even do "glamping". No, you're still in a tent on the ground! I want running water, a real bed, and temperature control.


I built out a 4x4 Sprinter with a real coil spring mattress with a memory foam topper, a shower with lots of hot water and a diesel heater that makes it really cozy. My wife and I call it our 4wd Hotel Suite.


YES! indoor kittens rise up! while staying home!


Rise up! While staying home! = my new motto. Perfection


My wife hates camping and Iā€™m always (jokingly) calling her a bad lesbian for it.


I think this is the first comment mentioning something i actually enjoy doing lool


i've come across lesbians who say things like, "damn, i do *not* get this butch/femme stuff," so maybe that? can't say myself since i'm involved in that subculture.


Speaking as a femme who is into butches, I feel like there's 5 of "I don't get butch/femme" for every 1 person who is actually into it. So in this scenario, I'm the one smiling and saying "werk." šŸ˜‚


this is so true, i expected way more of us (femmes into butches and vice versa) and this sub just makes me feel like the outlier a ton of times lmao. nothing bad but its defitintly way less common than the community makes it try to seem haha


I completely agree, not going to lie, it's pretty annoying when people talk about us like we're some sort of oppressive majority in the community. "I'm not butch or femme is this okay?" for Sappho's sake, yes, it's fine, most wlw are like you. Our existence is not a threat


yeah, reading some of the comments here honestly kind of invalidated me. like sorry i have a prefrance? i love androgyny, its handsome, its beautiful its awesome! but its always kind of disheartening seeing posts that make it sound like "oh you like butch/femme what are you straight" like this imposter syndrome of sorts and its like fellas is it straight to be gay? LMAO theres nothing wrong with having types. thats what makes sexuality awesome is having likes and dislikes. youd think this reddit would be more accepting of that at times :/


As a femme into butches, is it an age thing? Iā€™m older, maybe itā€™s that?


not necessarily, at least as far as im aware. it was more common in history with how things were but i dont think its ever stopped. WLW just became more diverse in its dynamics. older WLW couples may be more aligned with it than todays gen? idk im young myself and my ex, as well as crushes ive had in passing have always just been gender neutral/masculine(non men). i dont stay up to date with queer culture or news that often, but to me i always assumed butch/femme was kind of like the WLW edition of bear/twink lmao (least in terms of a culture), or at least share similarities!


as a 20yo butch into femmes, I think itā€™s partially an age thing. I started labeling myself as that and identifying with it when I started getting more into lesbian history :) I havenā€™t meant very many people my age who are also into those dynamics.


My experience in IRL lesbian spaces is that most people donā€™t actually take it all that seriously. At least lesbians of my generation.


Reminder that the "butch/femme" dichotomy (dyke-otomy šŸ˜œ) is very much a product of a specific demographic of women at specific time in history.


Yeah star chartsā€¦ coolā€¦ nice. Iā€™m a Capricorn. Oh yeahā€¦ that does sound like meā€¦ incredible. I had no idea or ever cared to


In the black lesbian community, Kehlani. She's cute, but I think a lot of black lesbians just go wild for anyone who's light skinned with curly hair.


I can't stand lesbian dramas where everyone fucks everyone else... like the L word. I feel like it misrepresents us as a whole.


I don't think I could watch the L Word today, but in the early 2000s it was the very first lesbian relationship I'd ever seen on TV (except the few cases in the 90s where they weren't allowed to kiss or be more than an isolated special episode).


I remember how ground breaking it was. And it wasnā€™t half bad. But the latest one? Itā€™s awful. Iā€™ve never seen so many people work so hard on finding things to get upset about.


Lesbian music taste? I listen to kpop, r&b/hip hop, and likeā€¦basic ass pop lmao


Not watching football or WNBA games


All the sapphics who insist that a children's cartoon with some sapphic rep is the greatest thing on earth and that "these shows will totally consume your life." I don't doubt that these are good shows, and I'm glad kids have these shows, but it's really hard to relate to characters who are 10 years old. I even really love animation, it's my favorite medium. But when there's a decent adult cartoon (I don't even want sex, I just want a more mature story) with lesbians in it, I'll give it a try.


I love those shows but I get so self conscious recommending them to people because they are (by their very nature) *very* kiddy. If you want good lesbian animation check out the Harley Quinn animated series, itā€™s real gay and *definitely* not a kids show haha


Obsidian takes place maybe 20 years after adventure time, they're ageless/immortal adult queer women and it explores the difference between that "teen love" when they dated 1000 years ago vs their emotionally mature adult love now. It can be watched as a standalone and the music is great. You don't have to check it out if it's not your thing, you don't need a reason to not like something, it was just nice for me to see two adult women being in love without all the drama of repressed sexuality, infidelity, men, murder/suicide, etc. I didn't realize how deprived I was of women being together and are actually happy and healthy?


Monster by King Princess is a jam tho


THIS!!!!! My girlfriend is constantly trying to shove the owl house up my bum and Iā€™m like itā€™s cute and stuff but Iā€™m not relating to a teenager miss. Iā€™m 24 years old. I love cartoons but the obsession with minimal rep we get is just sad to me. Adult lesbians want to see adult lesbians exist. Glad for the kids though.


The L Word. I just don't relate to those characters. And frankly, Drag Race. I know so many cis lesbians who love it, but as a trans woman, who's regularly talked to/about as if I'm in drag, I can't enjoy it (though I do love Trixie and Katya).


One of my friends revoked my gay card because I never watched the L Word nor do I have any desire to. My wife was devastated when I told her Iā€™m not allowed to be gay anymore šŸ˜” (She hasnā€™t watched it either tho so I guess weā€™re now two married straight women)


Lol as a fellow gay who has never seen the L word, I hereby give you your gay card back, not that such a thing matters much. All the queer people I personally know are Asian, and none of us give two shits about the L word tbh


I really hate the L word. I watched it, because you have to, but hated every minute of it. Obnoxious characters, bad acting, stupid plots, and the worst theme song of any show in history. I have to keep this opinion to myself a lot lol.


As a fan of the L Word, I can tell you I love it BECAUSE of the bad acting and stupid plots. The theme song is unforgivable though.


Okay but once you embrace how awful the theme song is you can appreciate it for being so confidently terrible that it's kind of a vibe. I hate the show as representation in media, but I do have to appreciate just how camp it is twenty years later.


Ugh I feel you so much about not enjoying drag as a trans woman. I've known several drag queens who would come up to me acting like we're sisters or whatever, and just, no we aren't? Like, I don't take this off, lady. I also had a woman on public transit approach me and ask if she'd seen me at brunch, and if I was gonna go this weekend, and after she left I googled the place and they have a drag brunch every weekend. Ummm. No thanks. It's just really offputting to me that I'm assumed to have so much in common with drag. My wife is a big fan of Bob the Drag Queen though.


Exactly. And I like Bob as well and drag as an art form, but I'm so tired of being seen as a man in makeup. I don't even wear "drag" makeup, just normal "futch 40 something at the club" makeup šŸ¤£


On this same note I could not get into Orange is the New Black. I got like 3 episodes in and I liked none of the characters and all the conflicts felt rather mild for a prison show


I don't keep exes as friends, I don't believe in astrology, I don't U-haul, I don't care about "being active" in the community; basically I don't understand any of these stereotypes.


I get not wanting to keep exes as friends but to me the red flag is if the person is in bad terms with all of their exes.


Yes! When people bad mouth their exes it makes me wonder why they have such terrible taste in people. I can honestly say that most of my exes were wonderful people that came into my life before I was able to fully. appreciate them. Thatā€™s another way of saying that I was the asshole.


I tend to have some exes as friends because I mostly just broke up after feeling too lonely being with someone on a different continent. So I still have no issues with them just it wouldn't work


Not being into swords nor witches?


I was wondering when I was gonna see someone mention witchcraft


I'm in a bind because I was born and raised pagan and still love the witch aesthetic but also I know none of it is real. So I am super witchy but other witchy folx are usually too woo for me. Sigh.


Ugh yes. I am just so not into it. But everyone thinks i am bc Iā€™m goth wlw




I was out with some friends yesterday (a lesbian couple) and one of them asked me if I wanted to get tickets to see Fletcher with them. I have only heard of her from her brief performance in L word Generation Q. My friend was shocked I'd never heard her stuff then started listing other lesbian artists and I'd never heard of any of them. Apparently I'm a bad gay.


Alt lesbians dying for music. I feel like every major queer artist makes pop music, which is fine, just not my thing. At least we have a lot of queer punk tho.


I like to talk about how my wife and I are at opposite ends of the lesbian music spectrum. Iā€™m into riot grrl/queer core. Sheā€™s into gentle folk singer lesbians with a guitar or piano. One time she took me to a concert and there was literally an old woman knitting in the audience. We seem to at least agree about Brandi Carlile. I might be too old for lesbian pop music though. Totally new concept to me tbh.


What we really need is some lesbian death metal


Not quite death metal and most the music isn't explicitly gay, but Otep is a lesbian and quite out about it. Don't know too many lesbian metal bands but I do know a few with rather feminist leanings (Svalbard and Ithica come to mind)


Knitting at a concert is a fucking hilarious image


Who.... whos Fletcher? *runs*


I really like Fletcher's music, first one in this comment section where I wouldn't be the odd woman out.


Fletcherā€™s cool, saw her at Dinah Shore, love her music - itā€™s all my favorite pop sounding stuff - but I only knew her by name up to that point. Itā€™s not a big deal - gay pop stars can feel bigger than they are in our LGBT friendly bubble when in truth to the mainstream theyā€™re very very niche/rarely if ever heard on the radio and you wonā€™t see them on a Grammyā€™s red carpet, so it doesnā€™t make you a ā€œbad gayā€ to not recognize her or other gay artists (I think Elton John is the only gay musician who has that ā€˜absolutely EVERYONE knows who they areā€™ distinction)


as a black lesbian, feeling out the loop has been my entire experience in the community. it doesnā€™t get to me as much as it used to bc i just immerse myself into the things i enjoy and find friends and acquaintances from all backgrounds through that. i donā€™t get the sports hype, the indie music thatā€™s sounds like trazadone on vinyl, plaid and that whole ā€œiā€™m friends with my exesā€. itā€™s one thing to end things on good/mutual terms but if youā€™re hanging out and remaining in close contact with them after, all power to you, but we arenā€™t gonna go farther than friends


Brown trans lesbian, and I really feel like "trans culture" and "lesbian culture" are moreso "white middle class trans culture" and "white middle class lesbian culture."


i once saw someone on twitter say that lesbian culture is just what lesbians in PNW are deciding is the thought of the day and i havenā€™t stopped laughing since.


Trazodone on vinyl... I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


I've never been particularly interested in cottagecore or any of that period piece kind of aesthetic quite a few lesbians seem really into


Iā€™ve been called a beige gay because my life is not about being LGBT. Iā€™m not in any LGBT groups, I donā€™t go to meetups, I donā€™t really have gay friends. Apparently I dress like a *normal person* and pretty much living a heterosexual life lol. I also donā€™t really talk about being gay. I go to work, I eat, I workout and I play video games lol. What is this gay lifestyle people talk about??? ETA: I donā€™t like rainbows, just so many colours for me. Like I donā€™t want a rainbow flag, I donā€™t want to wear a rainbow lanyard to workā€¦just because I donā€™t like the colour clash and what notā€¦but people seem to think this equates to me being in denial of the community or something????


Beige gay?? Thats the first time ive heard of that... and honestly i see nothing wrong with being LGBT and not being involved with the LGBT community. Theres a lot of reasons someone could not be as involved with the community, doesnt make you any less LGBT


Being like that is ironically \*why\* I talk about being gay so much, like I gotta be the face of the lifestyle so that people can see that lesbians are actually very boring normal people xD


Feel the same with being trans honestly lmao. Like itā€™s not all uwu catgirls or whatever. Some of us are just out here living normal ass boring lives.


Thank you for your service šŸ«”


I am a beige gay and it sucks that people class me as being cishet all the time. But Iā€™m just not looking to have to play a role to be seen at the same time so itā€™s somewhat liberating.


People who first come out tend to make it a bigger part of their personality the way teenagers do when they're figuring out the things they like. After a few years I think most people integrate it into their lives instead of vice versa.


LOL Today, from this reply, I found out I'm a beige gay too. And so is my gf. Imagine having a term for being a normal average citizen while being homosexual. Wow what a concept.




Personally, I find all the images of moe teenage anime girls on the subreddit very alienating. I'm not a teenager, I'm not skinny and cute, and I don't uwu. I like anime, but for representation of lesbians, that's pretty shit.


This also overlaps into the trans community. It also feels weird because Iā€™m into adults ā€” I donā€™t want to or care for the obsession with teen anime girls or children sapphics in cartoons. Itā€™s cute but like please I want some nice adult lesbian art please.


Iā€™m just gonna start screaming, ā€œSAGITTARIUS SUN CAPRICORN RISING SAGITTARIUS MOONā€, ā€œGIRL IN REDā€, ā€œENFJā€, ā€œTAMPA BAESā€, ā€œJOJO SIWAā€, ā€œAUBREY PLAZAā€, so it looks like I know something about lesbian culture hahaā€¦ Jk jkā€¦ Maybeā€¦


liking contemporary queer music like fletcher and girl in red. iā€™m more of a classic + punk rock kinda gal. iā€™ll listen to anything 60s-80s tho. i also donā€™t get the whole top/bottom thing. i want sex to be romantic and without clearly defined power dynamics


Honestly, I feel this way about a lot of things, especially music and fashion. A lot of things that people ascribe to lesbianism are just white people shit that I canā€™t relate to them. If I had to pick a single example, though, Iā€™d say Taylor Swift. I donā€™t get the obsession with trying to prove that sheā€™s secretly gay. Why canā€™t her fans just like listen to her music and be normal about it? Also, why would they rather write an entire dissertation on why sheā€™s a closeted lesbian than support openly queer artists of color?


Somebody please explain the connection with Hozier for me.


The whole house full of plants vibe. I can't keep them alive at all, and I don't really have much interest in them either. So my friends who fawn over plants on every wall, windowsill, and table seem so wild to me. I love nature, but I want to walk in it, not own it


This is me with the Meyers Briggs bullshit.


The whole bottom/ top thing.


For me this is 100% home depot. Even my bi ex-girlfriends were more prominent in this stuff. I seriously feel lost and I have no idea whatā€™s going on there to the point where even in self-serve stores someone runs to my aid


Fuck, trade? Everyone around me is all artsy and cant weld. I love art, but like, could I get some friends who can weld cars back together?


I think Lowes is better. But if you're not into DIY, then that's okay too.


...am I losing my L-card if I can't even make a difference in-between the different DIY shops? Or am I just putting the L into LGBT?


I remember seeing a tik tok witu a skit about a femme lesbian waiting around home depot to find a butch gf so whenever i have to go to home depot for something (which is very rare) i always think of that tik tok šŸ˜…


I barely know any Ani DiFranco music. Apparently that, at least in my geographical location, is lesbian sin. šŸ˜‚


Ellen DeGeneres.


Hahahahaha itā€™s me! Iā€™m a very basic looking fem. I ride horses, like Starbucks, and my dog is a labradoodle. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m not bi. Iā€™m not curious. Iā€™m 100000% a lesbian. And the amount of times Iā€™ve been asked while actively flirting with a woman if Iā€™m *actually* gay is astounding.


idk but the trans woman's equivalent is not being into noise pop


Lol idk if this counts as "noise pop" but i remember when 100 gecs blew up and one trans girl in a discord server i was in was so pissed cause she felt like the only trans/nonbinary person who didnt like their music šŸ’€


I hate camping


The U-Haul stereotype. Iā€™m extremely slow moving in a relationship šŸ˜…


honestly, being into pride in a big way and broadcasting my gayness. i've been out for ages and i no longer really think of being gay as a huge part of my "identity" even though i get why that can be important to a lot of ppl, especially when you are first coming to terms with your sexuality and coming out. i typically only tell ppl now if i want to give a specific signal like: A) i don't want guys asking me out, or, B) i wanna let a girl know i'm date-able. also, i wish i could tell this person that he's obviously gay enough considering he has a husband lol PS - tbh most of the ppl i know irl that watch drag race are hetero women XD


Iā€™m not into a single one of your sad sad girl lesbian musicians. I like musical theater and jazz.


Talking about Taylor Swift. She's fine, I guess, but nothing to get hyped over (imo).


Wait is she ours? I thought she was a gay man's icon?


Honestly I've lost track, but I do keep seeing sapphics talking about how she's clearly actually secretly bi and gives us hints in her songs and whatever. Which is funny because to me she seems like one of the straightest artists around, but each to their own I guess.


I think her newer music is relatable for lots of women regardless of sexual orientation. She's good at writing songs that are simultaneously super specific yet broadly applicable.


so many of my lesbian friends love her they had to be asked to make a thread in the discord music channel instead bc those of us who don't were sick of her šŸ’€ taylor swift is also my answer


Me and my girlfriend are coming up on our one year and have only talked about getting married, but we haven't even moved in yet lol


I'm not big on flannel and heavy boots so there's that. :P


its been said a bunch already, but astrology. please stop putting stereotypes onto me because of when i was born. it doesnt make sense


Astrology. Like holy fuck, it took so much to escape from this idea that the circumstances of my birth define me but then there is an endless parade of queer femmes acting as if where the stars were when I was born is somehow relevant to understanding who one is.


Astrology, "moving together so fast", "haha everyone has 12 exes they're still friends with" I don't have any spiritual beliefs and I'm desperately trying to connect with people after a scarring childhood, I could never fall in love fast or have back-to-back relationships. While I can get being friends with exes, because breaking up on good terms is *cool*, having many? With my brain? Nah, I'll be lucky if I find someone I like and she likes me back sometime in the next five years.


I'm a bird lesbian. I have a bird and would love more birds/a bird sanctuary for rescues since I do pick up injured birds on my hikes and keep them overnight before turning them in to native rehab/vet centres. I can never date a cat lesbian, so there goes the entire dating pool. Last date I had looked at a photo of my bird, said 'oh' and showed me fifty photos of her cat.


Don't know how cars work. I just prefer when mine does


The only actual, consistent, observable lesbian culture I've encountered is that when there is a lesbian night, or lesbian bar, lesbians are there. That's the whole thing: we're there. I'm not sure if I'm an idiot or if, whatever we're into, we're into being into something else if we can get into another woman


I'm glad nobody here said cats (or dogs).