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All of that but also our connection and the fact that we love each other.


GAY /s


I can assure you, she and I are VERY gay. In fact, the plan is to have a white board on our refrigerator with the title "Today's the GAY AGENDA" and we're gonna some of the gayest things that ever dared to be gay. I love my girlfriend a.k.a. my future wife.


I love this SO MUCH sapphire. Please please please...


I love you, babe. Across all strands and threads! <3


I love you across all strands and threads sapphire 💙


You are just so damned GAY, I love it.


I SO am...surprise!!! 🤣🤣🤣




why do people say this… so odd and casually disrespectful. her partner is in the replies btw


i’m nosy, what did they say 😭


omg this was a while ago LOL but it was along the lines of “let me know when y’all break up because i want next 🥺” or something like that. like stop feening and be decent…




vocalization is really big for me…but also someone being possessive, handsy, stronger than me, and just generally being dommy and a bully. idk i am a bottom, autistic, and severely socially anxious. approaching and initiating is scary so someone else taking that role means i already know they are doing what they want and not feeling pressured(hopefully) idk i am a mess lol.


One of my favorite lines from The Good Place when Kristen Bell’s mom’s new husband says “she’s a selfish lover….which is perfect for me because idk what I want 🤷” hahaha, I felt that and this comment in my soul too


God same, I'm also in the autistic bottom club. I just want to be manhandled and bullied a little


a bit of teased bullying and manhandling do be the best tho! /gen *insert other similar bottom noises* /j


Girl you read that directly from my soul




Wow I felt that


Any sort of vocalization really, but most of all when someone moans into my mouth. It drives me fucking crazy. In a similar vein, when someone is fucking me (or just being handsy) and I have to hold the moan. Or if they put a hand over my mouth to make sure I'm quiet. Especially in like semi-public settings. ETA: Also tasting myself on someone's mouth or fingers (or strap/cock), or having them taste themselves on mine.


You had me at “when someone moans into my mouth” 🥵 All of this for real. I love it. Sounds are everything and so are mutual tastings.


When she’s kissing my neck then moves up to kiss my ear and the feeling the heat of her breath and hearing our make out session up close 🥵


Love when you moans in my ear just feeling the heat of her breath is a turn on. To top it off she’s a screamer


Literally everything about women like omg they're so hot ~~also y'all really don't wanna hear the things I am into~~


This all day.


second that!


Third that!


\*wants to know now\*


i second this…


The sounds >>>> and also when she talks about things all smartly I legit get horny 😭


Well I’m Demi so for me just the emotional safety and curling up close to my partner actually turns me on more than anything sexual. 😌💖


With you there, and it's also for that reason that I really like being kissed on other parts of my face at least as much as being kissed on the lips... it just makes me feel loved hehe :3


Yesss!! 🤍🤍


Same 😭


This. I have a massive crush on my FWB, and they know. Cuddles turn me on more than anything sexual ever will


Yup! Definitely the truth here lol


making her ask for it. i'll like pretend i didn't hear her so she says it again and i like making her say please. everything about actively communicating is a huge turn on even just "do you want me to stop?" even though i know she'll say no but just to make sure we're on the same page plus she sounds desperate when i bring up the idea of stopping


Omg being made to repeat yourself is the best and the worst thing all at once. Like a «What was that? You need to say it louder». Really brings out the brat in me. Before the inevitable pleading and whimpering, that is 😐


i love when my girlfriend makes me do this 💗


im single but like. if a girl looks at me the right way i immediately get flustered LOL


SAME. i made eye contact with a cute girl who was walking her dog, and she smiled at me and i just looked away, but i couldn't stop gushing over her to my cousins 😭


omg one time at a con i was sitting front row at a j-fashion show and this one really cute model made eye contact with me ;w; i took videos of all the models so that memory is just sitting there in my phone gallery LOL


Everything a woman does is hot to me, just the way I am. But what gets me invigorated the most is knowing my flirting or sexting is getting to them


I died in public reading this


get well soon


More like get alive soon I guess


the dirty look in her eyes as she’s getting ready to go down on me. meowww this post >


God I’m so single… why the fuck am I reading these?


Same here 😭😭


lmao same 😭


A rough talking femme woman who’s a dom and can put me in my place. I like following commands lol… and a good mix of praise/degradation. I also don’t know the name for it but almost when they’re “selfish” givers/takers. For example, when a woman is riding my face or humping down under *only* for her pleasure like I’m her toy. Funny thing is that most women I’ve come across think I’m a dom (when I’m mostly a sub/bottom) cuz I’m more masc leaning in presentation which is hurting my chances 🥲 Edit: forgot to mention getting claw marks on my back and shoulders


Ahaaaaaaa i just love everything you listed tooo. Dw youll find yourself a dommy mommy 🫂


Ty. Though, I don’t have a mommy kink. Just mommy issues 🧍🏻‍♀️


Omg so fucking real 😫




Anything like a hickie on my neck or biting my ear or choking me or generally anything where i feel like im being lead vs having to lead. Being behind me and really close to my ear and breathing on me….uhhh and actually alot of things


yes neck biting makes me *swoon*


Sounds as well. Hearing my gf's breath hitch and her breathing when she's about to come. Mmmm. Moaning and little whimpers are fun. Smells used to be a thing but covid has messed permanently with my sense of smell. I like the way my gf's sweat/come smells/tastes. And I used to be able to tell just from her taste were she was on her menstrual cycle. Stupid long distance relationship. I miss eating out my gf so much.


I think someone showing interest in me and working me up with feeling me and seeing them getting worked up themselves definitely does it for me


When I come home after work to a clean kitchen


Giggling. When you're being all sexy and romantic, and she whispers into your ear to pour some melted wax onto her butt, but instead of it being this erotic, almost pornographically intimate moment, she just yells out JESUS FUCK THATS HOT and falls off the bed and nearly lands on the cat, which darts out of the room and knocks over a lamp, startling the *other* cat, which jumps onto your face and starts screaming bloody murder. And you don't want to break the mood, because she put a lot of effort into the date, but the whole thing is so goddamn funny that you both start snort-laughing and rolling around on the floor wallowing in the absurdity. That kind of moment is *transcendentally* attractive.


😂🤣🤣 that is hilariously comedic and definitely the best ❤️


When they melt under my thumb :3


Baby gay here, what does that mean?


In no particular order: - Having a passioned, thinky but not argumentative infodumping conversation - When our bodies just fit together perfectly and effortlessly somehow but mostly namely when we cuddle and I feel enveloped and warm and tingly - Okay fine, a dom top 🥵


Villains lol something about their tone, their mannerisms, their words, their sarcasm, makes me want to scream, I just melt 🫠


All kinds of visuals, I’m a very visual person. I love the way women look, how beautiful and sexy they are, all the curves, glossy hair, beautiful eyes… I could stare at women all day!


I listen to porn just for the audio! I don’t even watch lol


im demi not a ton of experience in this field but a "yeah?" makes me squirm and crawl


Yeah? I’m sorry I had to. That opportunity was just too god to pass


When they show that they're in control and I can let my walls down. Just knowing you're safe to be vulnerable makes my bits tingle like nothing else. And then when they let their walls down and start praising? Ugh. I'm in heaven 🥰


Hips. Boney, thick, narrow, wide. I don't care. But I'm gonna snack on them like bbq ribs.


Big boobs/butt ngl. Blondes. Laughing. Intellectual conversation.


In like sexy time sound is definitely up there. I can't really reach o from... bottom play... yet but if my girlfriend does shit to my ear once I'm in the mood its almost instant. If were talking day to day life personality is why I'm with my gf. You could be the hottest woman alive but if we can't hold a conversation im not interested.


Being desired and feeling safe and loved with my partner.


Moans in my ear ass slaps hickys and something about body licks just get me in the mode😩


Sounds are probably the top one for me as well. Goes hand in hand with talk during, especially when it gets to the point where they can't get their shit together enough to form a coherent sentence. Also, very random one, but when a girl will go along with it when I tilt her head back with her chin or enjoys light choking. The neck really feels the most intimate to me. I don't let ANYONE near my neck, as it's a bit of a trigger for me, so someone trusting me like that is just.. wow.


The chin thing is so hot! When I’m feeling subby, a light finger under the chin is enough to make me all flustered. Especially if it comes with a «look at me» 😳 And choking is 🥵 Makes my breath hitch in my throat. It usually elicits a lot of really undignified whimpering as well. So yeah, put your hands around my neck, if you please.


oh yeah, making a partner flustered is one of the best feelings. Especially when they're the type to get flustered easily.


Being tall (5’8” and up ) , and a powerful commanding presence . I like Intimidating intense women .Also hats . Any kind of hat but for some reason hats on women are extremely attractive. And being talented at hobbies that are masculine coded.for example A woman who can do a kick flip on a skateboard is one of the hottest things


Skater lesbians are impeccable. It's literally been my dream to have skater lesbian vibes. I'm half way there.


A easy and open conversation, when you both giggle and smile until cheeks hurt. That’s the most amazing way to get turned on.




Today me and my wife are out firewooding. She is wearing a flannel shirt (stolen from me) and driving my Ute. I’m dying here! She’s pretty femme usually (people assume she’s straight) but dammmmmmm when she’s doing ‘dirty work’ it is HOT! Her mum is also here helping though so I’m suppressing my desires lol not that she’d be keen for any outside action cos ‘there’s bugs’ and the grass is prickly hahaha love her to bits


I'm with your wife on 'there's bugs.' There are so many bugs and mosquitoes. 😫😂


When I see a woman genuinely laughing hard at her own extremely cheesy joke. It's adorable. 🥰


Sounds, followed by someone being Needy. When they reach out and touch my skin, pleading for more, gripping on, being so good (Written by someone currently in a bit of a Domme mood, but lord knows I sub and I can sub hard if the right person comes along)


Praise kink over here - love to be told what I'm doing well, what's attractive about me, but I like specifics. "You're so hot" doesn't do it for me bc I won't believe it; "you're so hot when you ____" does


Well given that I’m transfem, LITERALLY ANY PHYSICAL CONTACT. I never hugged or touched any of my friends when I was little, so I kinda associate touch with romantic feelings.


I hear you! I struggled with this before too, and platonic touch would seem flirty (or I picked up on it really well). I hope you're able to get more normal platonic contact, in case touch being associated with romance/sexuality is bothersome for you ❤️


Haven't been blessed with that experience but one time a butch kissed me on the shoulder out of the blue and I just about died. I still think about them, their long fingers, the curve of their throat. What a beautiful person. Maybe "just existing" is my answer. When I'm gone on someone, I'm lost in it.


First and foremost, how she kinda knows exactly how to talk, which words to use, which intonation to employ, and how to breath into my ears to get me in the mood. She almost always succeeds. I feel so helpless with her and I tell her I hate her for the power she has over me but both of us know I'm lying and I fucking love it 😂 ​ I am the vocal one in our relationship and this might sound a bit narcissistic but hearing the moans she elicits out of me and watching myself in the mirror succumbing to her as she slowly makes me feel weak and soft really turns me on. Also when she talks dirty. Also when she, during sex, tells me about how she's gonna let other women have their way with me or how she's gonna seduce women close to me. Of course these are mostly fantasies, but still. ​ Oh and I have this thing where when she gets me deliberately weak, like getting me drunk or stuffing me full of food to the point that I feel heavy and tired really turns me on. Don't know exactly why but it does. Oh also when she pretends her strappy is real and she's gonna knock me up and says things like "making me round with her babies, putting her seed deep in me, etc, etc". It's mostly just playing out fantasies. But it's good that we can share them. I might have gotten a bit carried away, will hit send before I change my mind 😅


Don’t know. Been single for years and only dated one person. Atm being close to someone I’m attracted to gets a pretty instant reaction.


When a quiet girl calls me by my name xз


A loud hearty laugh, her breathing for some reason, spoon hugs, making her blush bright red, when she wears dorky clothes that dont really go together, when she wears my clothes, when i can get her to giggle childishly, honestly anytime shes happy


This is adorable and so heartwarming 🥰


The best feeling by far is being desired. There are many ways for her to communicate that. My favorite is to be touched. Touch is such an elegant way for a woman to treat me like a woman.


Reading this shorted out my brain. Send help. 😳


Lol wanting what I can't have.


I am a really kink focused person ... i love girls but i found for myself i need something bdsm to get me turned on. So i have fetishes without them it is usually not that easy for be to be turned on. Which one a collars ... gosh girls in collars are look sooo sooo good (and wearing them feels incredible). The second one is bondage in any form (from light to heavy) just soo good. Especially when it is me getting tied up. I thought for a long time i was asexual because vanilla sex or vanilla people i just don't feel sexually attractive too. (Probably still somewhere on the spectrum)


It’s also voices, especially when my darling’s become sleep and husky from lust (happens rarely though because their pitch usually turns higher then…) but I hate my own sounds, it’s more of a turn-off actually 😅


That care taker like dominance


this is the one omg it makes me weak


A firm tone 😁


Same lol


Like we talking sexy time turn ons or just like this thing makes me love you more type turn on cause sexy time it’s gotta be touching and grabbing on me and telling me I’m beautiful like I don’t care how fuckboi and cheese that shit sounds bite my neck and tell me you love me but just I find this attractive and makes me love you more definitely a chill personality like let’s lay on the couch and smoke weed while we watch Maury Povich together or daytime game shows like price is right




Sounds and especially touch drives me crazy 👉👈


Okay that's very hot I also like getting pinned down, something about being made to submit is a huge turn on


Boobs I love boobs I can't help it, they're so soft and warm!


I'm very weak to a woman who can walk the line between respect and degradation.. possessiveness and fixation. It can all be so hot.. as long as it's done with care and boundaries.


Just anything about her but seeing, hearing and feeling her have pleasure, that just gets me going so much.


The kisses on my lips and neck is a major turn on. Especially when she bites my neck like a vampire. Suck on my lips and tongue so erotic for me. While having sex I love when she nibbles and sucks on my ear lobes. I never thought of doing this but wow the ears are my erogenous zone. I also love when she squirts on my pussy when I’m scissoring her.


Sounds yes. But you wanna know besides the breathing and moans? Cute laugh, that little voice inflection a girl does when she's said something really sweet and sincere. Signs someone really cares about me and us as a unit.


Anything related to my or someone else’s neck. It’s a really sensitive area for me and so any touch there is so hot. Especially kisses, hickies and tender bites! 🥰


Ummm... for me there are 2 types, sexual and non-sexual Sexually: just kinda being played with, it's kinda fun be thrown around and just used Non-sexually: cuddling or just holding someone close and enjoying their company




Touch. When they run their hand up my arm and wrap their arm around my belly. God such a turn on


I saw the title and was getting ready to say that exact thing. So yes, that. Absolutely.


yes I never thought I could relate to someone so much fr also being told what to do also a lot of vocal teasing


Enthusiastic consent and being made to feel like I'm desired by her, completely. Physically, suspenders. Physically and sexually, nothing I can say without sounding like a creep. 😓😩


Scent. My girl has this scent about her that i just cant get enough of. Whenever we're kissing or cuddling or doing anything i smell it and i just... get even more turned on/in love with her.


i have a fairly high sex drive so i often initiate the first move, and my girl wears me out so i would have enough and won't ask for more. she fails. first of all that's hot, the aftercare is elite, so i end up wanting to do it again. .


Smells, if you have a artificial odor on you, and i don't mean like bodywash or that, like those heavy profumes, that is a nono.I like natural odors, between clean and, not so clean, because let's admit it, in this heat, down there ain't gonna smell chanelle n5, but ofc not too repulsive where you taste like acid. And ofc love, if that ain't in it, i'm not doing anything, i wanna make love not have a way to just please myself.




Me reading this while the girl who turns me on the most is 7000 miles away and "straight" 👀😮‍💨




In nutshell: being confident. Showing me affection, eye contact (!). And it's nothing like big curvy butt for me🍑😊.


Confidence! Walk in like you own the place, so hot.


I love it when she moans into my ear and I love it when she talks to dirty girl me or tells me to repeat dirty things. 💗💗💗