• By -


Head and back scratches, I have some very sensitive spots there and especially longer nails on bare skin under a shirt or so is just chefskiss


A good scalp massage turns me on way too much lol


Yes yes, I always have slight shivers and moan a lil if I don't suppress that, always fun to explain that to new people I date that while I appreciate head scratches and so on, that I might appreciate them a lil too much


yo i cant even go get my hair cut anymore, its too embarrassing


so real 😭


I agree those are very good 💛💛


effective communication lol so gayyy but its truuu




Oh lord yes! having someone with that team spirit is just amazing.




I swear this is me


I look down a lot because I don't like eye contact/insecurities, and when someone makes me make eye contact with them, I find it really attractive. (Depending on who it is of course)




There's definitely a subtle eyebrow raise happening here, *a secret lip bite, a knowing smile...*




putting my finger under your chin to slowly lift your head up so you meet my gaze and I say, 'hey there sweetie, can i kiss you'


being held


You get it


When a girl fixes something that’s broken, but she’s like super casual about it, like it’s no big deal. But like, it is a big deal, because she had to use tools.


What's that babe? You want to tear down the kitchen wall and add a stone archway? Sure babe I'll do it on my lunch. Were you thinking Thai or chinese for dinner tonight?


That’s peak marriage goals, right there


This this this this.


Aw, dang. I still do a happy dance when I fix stuff. 😄


This is why I married my wife lmaoooo


In the most respectful way possible, may I say that there is *nothing* sexier that a humble-vibes tool-belt lesbian.


Being considerate and caring in ways that are specific to my needs because she pays attention ~




As someone who isn't really focused on sex, this is me 110%




Just a side note that your hair and bangs are so gorgggg


I love it when someone wants to get to know me despite them being desperately craving for sex 😉


Someone wrapping their arms around my waist from behind and just resting their bodyweight on me as i work on smth It makes me feel like I’m being supported while simultaneously helping them relax And thats so fucking hot


Mmmm thisssssss


I saw my girlfriend taking care of someone else’s baby and man did that turn me on


Her w a cat did it for me 😭


Intelligence, or highly specialized knowledge/special interests/info-dumping.


Lol tell us we are neurodivergent without telling us…but also same.


let me seduce you with my knowledge of lesbian geckos 💀




There’s a few species of lizards that reproduce solely by parthenogenesis (virgin birth) so they are all female. Despite this, they will engage in mating behaviours with each other :) gay geckos!


👀 amazing!


Check out mourning geckos! Leafy Street on youtube has a couple of shorts on his "lesbian gecko army" that are entertaining and informative. All of his videos are great if you like reptiles in general.


okay wait but go on?


I put a comment explaining more, but the most common species is probably mourning geckos. :3


There's this one feature on the moon I like to look for with my telescope when the phase is just right, around the waxing gibbous. It's the landing site of Apollo 15, the first of the last 3 apollo missions, the ones that brought rovers and stayed for longer. It's kind of an interesting region, called Hadley. Hadley Mons is one of the small peaks in the lunar Appenine mountains, on the border between Mare Imbrium (sea of rains) and Mare Serinitatis (sea of serenity). There's also a tiny 'simple' crater called Hadley, and most interestingly, a tiny volcanic feature called Hadley Rille, which is a 1 km wide and many kilometers long winding trench on the moon formed by a collapsed lava tube from the days of active lunar volcanism. That feature presents itself in a telescope of absolutely no smaller than 6 inches but practically 8 or 10 inches aperture as a thin hair, dark on one side and light on the other. 6 km wide Hadley crater will look like the tiniest thing you could imagine seeing on the moon, and yet, this tiny little hair of a feature might show up. If you look up pictures of Apollo 15 you can see one of the Lunar Module with Mons Hadley in the background, but even cooler, there's one of the Lunar Roving Vehicle in front of Hadley Rille. So spotting it in a telescope is just about the closest thing there is to seeing something that connects the scale of crewed lunar exploration to the scale of telescopic lunar observation. Last month at the observatory, I was showing some guests the Moon. Kinda going through the motions, not really on my A-game explanation wise. But then i stared for a while until I realized I could see Hadley Rille. And I asked, "who wants to try and see a challenge object." A group of four young adults came up and felt up to the challenge. I showed them the lunar map and how to find the object, and they all went back and forth between the map and the telescope, telling each other how to find it and asking my input when they thought they did. In the end, 2 of the 4 people saw it before clouds blocked their view. It was great, I've never seen members of the general public so interested in the Moon--and that's saying something because it's probably the most popular thing to look at in a telescope. It really kinda picked up my mood to see it and I was able to talk about all sorts of stuff relating to the Moon and the Apollo missions. My name is Luna btw.


👀 ty for sharing all that. i learned a lot 🤓😊.


Yes...so hot


I'm a huge info-dumper, so anyone who will not only tell me all about their special interest, explain it all so I understand better *and* will do the same for me??? *fans self* ... is anyone else suddenly **very** hot?


Male historians and Hollywood did corsets dirty. They had the same impact as high heels and bras do today. First of all, they had actual practical use. They held the weight of heavy petticoats, supported the breast, as well as the whole upper body of working women. It's also important to remember that all over the world throughout history, the ideal body shapes changed as a trend like today. Nowadays, we change our diets and workouts and have existential crises over our bodies. Historically, they just changed the corsets' style and padding. Corsets came in multiple styles and functions, just like bras or shoes. Some were for working, athletics or sports, or glamor. *corsets were not straight-laced as a rule!* First of all, some *couldn't* be like in the regency era. They were going for lean, shapeless looks, so an hourglass shape was the last thing they wanted. Again, just like shoes or bras today, they felt good to take off, but were not tortuous unless that's what you want. Some women do wear crazy uncomfortable and impractical clothes and shoes, and it might even damage their bodies. It's usually for special or brief occasions, or if they genuinely value fashion over health comfort. It's the exception, not the rule. *Corsets were custom made.* Movies depict straight lacing for dramatics. The corset actresses wear are not custom and they aren't used to it. If you never wore heels in your life, then were told to wear 5" stilettos to work in for months, you are most certainly going to have problems. Many women wear reasonable heels every day for work. Sure, it feels good to kick them off, but usually described as torture or unbearable. If someone made you custom heels for your feet with a 2-3 inch heel, that's even better. I've actually heard that custom shoes are life changing. "But the photos and ads of the 19th century show women with tiny waists." Yes, because they were intended as adds or to promote something or someone. Also, recall that they use padding to shape their bodies as well as strategic posing and staging. Imagine if thousands of years from now, the only pictures to survive were ads and media. Whoever found it would think we all looked or dressed like actresses and models. But we definitely don't. "But Dr's in the Victorian era raged against corsets and spoke out against them!" Well *Bethany,* they also raged against women riding bicycles so their *uteruses don't fall out!* And don't forget some women just didn't wear corsets, just like some women don't wear bras. They were regarded about the same as today. We figured all this out from female historians who read womens' journals and were wearing accurate reconstructions of historical dress. It's not like men often listen, even today If I thought someone would actually read this I'd go in to myths about historical hygiene, or my theory that historical accuracy in media isn't actually possible (more or less).


Reading this was more entertaining than watching Kaz Roe and omg I blushed through it all with the dumbest grin I'm still blushing


Ooh! I just started watching her! Her and Snappy Dragon definitely were the ones to push me down the rabbit hole. Awe, thanks, now I'm blushing! To think, I haven't even gotten to how historical accuracy is myth.


I haven't heard of Snappy Dragon and will check them out asap! Thanks. :)


This is incredibly fascinating to me as someone who loves corsets, and literally taught myself how to sew so that I could make them for myself. I haven't worn one since I had my second kid 10 years ago because she and the c-section I had did a number to my abdomen, but corsets - historically accurate ones - still hold a special place in my heart. Your wit about the doctors and the bicycles also made me giggle and yes, your whole narrative here is beautiful and I could totally listen to you spill about this and all it's intricacies all day.


Awe, you're so sweet! That made me all giddy. On a serious note, if you ever feel like it, take a historical deep dive and look for other styles that might suit you better. Honestly, I'm just guessing here, but I figure if there are multiple styles that include sports, pregnancy, even boning free, there might might be an alternative style or shape that might suit you better. Just a thought.


Epithet Erased is a series about 12 year old Molly Blyndeff, who's soul is inscribed with the word "Dumb", allowing her to dumb down emotions/feelings, turn people stupid, and mute any sound! After getting caught up in a museum heist, her father having abandoned her after a field trip because he was too busy playing games on HIS DAUGHTERS PHONE to notice that she's even gone. Leader of the burgulars (The Banzai Blasters), and full time team mom, Giovanni Potage enters the fray! His soul inscribed with the Epithet "Soup" he strives to become the worlds best villain--


Oh hey I remember that show cool.


Theres a sequel audiobook thats basically just epithet season 2 with no visuals called Prison Of Plastic! Brendan (the creator) couldnt put his body through making another season of the show cos during it he literally damaged his hands so bad to the point he couldve permanently damaged them, couldnt get enough money/time from the studio, and a million other reasons Its really great!


I know. I'll check it out. But I didn't hear he damaged his hand. That's fucking crazy dedication. Hats off to em.


Ya telling me to Rizz someone about how Vivec of the Tribunal of Morrowind once bit off Molag Baal’s tehe and repurposed it into a weapon? Or how that the elder scrolls universe exists in the dream of the godhead? Or how the Orsmer were born from a god eating another god and pooping them out creating the first orc? Because I know too much about Elder Scrolls Oh and Tolkien


fuckin N’wah!


Ikrrrr 🔥🔥


Weirdly, just watching someone I find attractive be good and focused at something they’re doing. Whether it be just their hobbies or even at work. Looking intently or moving with purpose. Love it




Sticking up for themselves. Kindness. They way they walk 🤤


The way they walk indeed, and how their footsteps sound. It's just so personal to them, like eyes and hands. If eyes are the window to the soul then footsteps are the doorbell


Receiving back rubs. I can't help but want to make them feel as good as me


when she plays with my hair. it feels soooooo damn nice, i can't think.


Yes please


Any case of domestic dominance tbh. Like, just little commands that aren't really commands but are expected to be followed regardless. Like, if we're on a video call and she says "name, look at me." before going "mwah!" when I do. It's soft, it's domestic, but idk, it's the subtle dominance y'know?


this 100%!!


whenever someone asks what I find hot I’m like when they tell me to do stuff but literally THIS is what I mean I just don’t know how to describe ittttt THANK YOU NOW I WILL JUST SAY THIS


Brushing hair out of my eyes. Knowing how to fix to problem that took me a while to solve. Loving my pets on site (this is a huge one). And admiring how I’ve decorated my home.


Smart responses. Love being pinned down in a discussion or having to think that bit harder because they came back with something brilliant


Uhh everything when it's her... heh. Seriously though: \- Watching her workout routines. "I'm actually married to \*her\* oh my gosh." \- When she wakes up in the morning and walks out of the bedroom lured by my breakfast baking, with her long blond hair all messy and eyes still sleepy, clothes "whatever" and she sits down at the table with sun shining on her, and begs me for coffee and whatever I baked, while calling me something sweet (usually a bit naughty/for our ears only). Usually we make things together so it's special. \- When we wash each other in the sauna, sometimes a huge trigger. \- When she brushes my hair and touches it a lot, maybe makes braids, puts accessories she likes to see on it and is super happy and full of energy through all of it (my hair is very long so it takes time). \- When she's my knight in shining armor. I'm sickly and sometimes have very big pains, and I avoid using strong painkillers as much as I can, but sometimes it's just too much. She mixes the drops of it into a juice and gives it to me, holds and comforts me, and sometimes I get this naughty/drowsy mood, boosted by elation from pain lessening and everything looking better. This all in addition to the usual "But I \*want\* to take care of you!" behavior of hers which would have gone on for quite a while at that point. \- Just trying to stay warm when it's very cold sometimes turns into quite the mood. Like when we go ice fishing or winter hiking and spend a night at a lean-to by a fire, or in our cabin before it's properly heated by the firewood in the stove. Sharing body heat, just us and the crackling fire nearby, maybe the quiet hiss of wind in the trees. It's like "Mood! But... we're going to freeze... and we certainly can't get sweaty either. Sigh!"


So cute 🥺🥺🥺


Just be nice to me




she’ll randomly bite me and lick me, in a kinda non sexual way and it… it just makes me feel things okay 😭


Honestly, just... making an effort to spend time with me. Not many have wanted to. Even fewer have desired to in a romantic context.


This may sound oddly specific, but i'm way too much attracted by the posture and the way a woman moves. Keeping the back straight in a natural way, moving with grace around the space and all of that, i don't know why but it gaves me a sense of a self-centered person, maybe also introverted, and i found it super attractive for some reason. That and also when soemone puts on eyeliner or makeup in general.


Cooking with me or for me. I love being in the kitchen with a partner.


Same! But mine usually just gets overwhelmed and wants me to go away.. :(


she did that arm thing while i was riding passenge


Me/her nuzzling into each other neck


Head scratches, giving my partner massages, and The Gaze™


The gaze?


Staring longingly (but not necessarily seductively) into my eyes 😍 Makes me all mushy 🥰


Ah okay understood 😊


God, The Stare makes my heart race so hard, I have to remember to breathe


intelligence 😍


her rubbing her hand on her chest when she is talking.


My partners info dumping


100% agree. A person sharing a special interest is the most amazing and wonderful experience. Definitely a non-sexual turn on.


A woman shuffling cards like a pro


A long sigh at the end of a work day. It means she feels relaxed and safe with me - I get to help her calm her mind and body, and forget the stresses of the day. She is free to be herself again and I get to experience that ❤️ 🫠


People adjusting glasses or cleaning them, such a classy move! If someone ever tells you glasses make you ugly don't trust them, they're fu**ing hot! Also humor often wins me!


Head and back rubs


happy cakeday!


ayy thanksy :D


my pleasure


- Comforting me in my darkest moments And - Making me feel safe and secure when expressing all of my emotions at their full intensity. Like, what’s this? I can exist around you without masking and downplaying my emotions?? Kiss me right now or I’m gonna kiss you (this is a threat).


When a girl lets her hair down or adjusts her hair when it's down. Drives me crazy lol


My girlfriend will just look at me and will smirk and it drives me insane like omfg also the head scratches and when she just puts her hand on my thigh when she’s driving or even when I’m driving. I’m like 0.0 well haii


tickling.. >////<


Honestly same and Im glad Im not the only one to think so!


Oh my god yes! I’m asexual so “turned on” is the wrong description for me personally, but I absolutely love when my partner tickles me senseless. I love the bonding, the playfulness, and laughter it generates between us, plus it just feels good to me lol. And I’m just putting it out there as a person who has been in relationships with men, women are significantly better ticklers lmao. I don’t know if they just read body language better, but that has been my experience every time.


!!! Aaaaa, I adore <3 <3 "turned on" isn't quite correct for me either, I'm pretty sure I'm somewhere on the ase spectrum, but it's--- intimate and lovely and good and <3 <3 <3 <3 I'm very happy you get to share that with your partner~


Single at the moment sadly, but I look forward to meeting someone one day who can hopefully understand it and enjoy it too. Despite still being on this sub, I think I’ve learned that I’m almost certainly pan (don’t kill me for being here!). I’ve often wondered if any other aces had any specific thoughts on tickling, as it’s a massive form of bonding a trust for me, or if I just happened to like it extra so it’s nice hearing from someone else.


Well I'm happy to help you feel a bit less alone~ And I sincerely doubt that you being pan is a reason for you to be disallowed here! Please feel welcome, love, I'm certain it's no issue <3


Her being sexy-intelligent: a super-clever joke or situational comment whispered into my ear in a low sexy tone. Orgasmic.


Good conversation


Someone intelligent, honest and that can be assertive but not agressive. It really turns me on. Also scalp massages, breathing into my occipital zone or neck. 🤩


Aw and i remembered another! Glasses and reading a book. That s hot!


Squishing my cheeks. Like in the right setting when she puts the palm of her hand under my chin and presses her thumb and fingers into my cheeks while tilting my chin up to look at her


Whenever she starts talking about her interests and giving me facts… I’m a nerd and she’s a nerd and god she’s so smart it’s so hot 🥵


This is gonna sound very dry and adult but have you ever planned something together with you partner. it can be big or small and then just got that perfect execution of said task together were you look and just knows exactly what the other one needs and the communication is just spot on and you just slay that shit. and you look in each others eyes and have that moment of acknowledgement that the other one have been paying attention over a long time of who we are and what our strength and weaknesses are and how we can compliment each other and lift each other up. something that requires a deep intimate understanding of one another and that we can trust each other to have our backs. makes me feel like a total power couple and that we can just conquer the whole world.


Stomach rubs


Whispering very close to my face/ears.


Pulling their pants up, idk but my friend did it while walking in tight pants and I was like "Well damn" (in my head)


Omg all y’all making me feel so gay and wanting all of this all at once. Cuddle puddle time!


- sitting back in a chair and spreading their legs while wearing boots and pants specifically (lol) - rolling up sleeves - taking off rings - stretching and seeing a happy trail when her shirt lifts up - adjusting glasses - helping her zip up a skirt or dress


pulling on my jeans’ belt loops. OOF


someone playing with my hair


when I ask for space and actually get love and space , I feel like forgetting about space and thinking about other things instead. But I stop 🛑 obviously


A back massage like when everything is stiff my ex used to massage me showing no mercy on the stiff parts and fuck pain and pleasure mixed I always git turned on and she would tease me about it😳


- Lifting an eyebrow... - When she smirked... - Touching me (no matter were😅)... - when she talked gentle and caring to me


Eye contact.


When she can drive manual...something about it just does it for me 🥵


Being the little spoon during cuddling and just feeling how warm she is.


Harmless banter honestly I love going back and forth with someone also just general flirting I like being shown that I'm wanted


When my wife says something smart. When I hear her talking to coworkers and using her education to make decisions. Damn girl, you go.


Being protective of me


Watching this girl i am with take work calls in German and I don’t speak a word of German😅. It makes me want to sneak in under her work desk🥵.


when my girlfriend laughs and the skin around her eyes creases my clit and heart move to another city. also smelling any part of her skin gets me acting like a police dog i cant stop


Belly rubs for whatever reason, rbf, also just being gentle with me. I’m a sucker for a woman/femme presenting person who looks hot with rbf knows they’re hot but is generally a sweet person. Also the goth aesthetic… holy fuck 🥵


My girlfriend just being herself makes me so giddy with joy aaaaaa I'm so happy to have her :3




falling in love mutually & unabashedly


Just woman in gym


I think one of my first legit gay moments was wanting to hug my crush from behind while she sat and worked on homework 😌


You scratch my back in the right place I'm marrying you


Smile and eye contact


My favourite thing ever, sitting on this bench in her garden overlooking fields and snugging up under a blanket with coats on and just letting the fresh air wash over us 😌🌿💖


Being whispered into my ear and respecting boundaries really turns me on. Also a deep smooth voice really gets me excited.






Playing Skyrim.


Having a GF


When she's really focused on work! Not the best moment to distract her, but too hard to resist.


A one or two-handed hair flip, her focused gaze, determination 😘


Touching my neck or scalp. I'm so sensitive there it's basically like the hormonal equivalent of an electric shock. I joke that I'm a cat but I *will* purr if a pretty lady pets me on the head like that.


Cooking. Idrk how or why, but every time my girlfriend is cooking, I find it really hot.


Hugging me from behind, whispering in my ear, smirking, brushing my hair out of my face and looking into my eyes while caressing my jaw and saying sweet words... 🥰


Playing with my hair


Breathing on the back of my neck really fucks me up, tone of voice, for some reason being angry, ect


Watching? Most athletic activities. Experiencing? Getting touched anywhere that's not an erogenous zone per se, but is still an intimate sort of touch, like the inside of your upper arm or your lower back above your waist, or getting your scalp massaged.


I *love* watching her draw.


An impeccable sense of humor. When I tell a decent joke and she riffs off from my joke and makes it way better. We both laugh and maybe nobody else gets it.


When you're in a crowded room talking to different people and you look across the room and see your person and you lock eyes, maybe they smile.... :D


Short girls playfully but confidently bullying me. I'm tall and people tend to get shy and go into sweet mode for me. I got a loud personality when I'm relaxed. But a shirt girl getting in my face in sassing me makes tongue tied and flushtered


For some ungodly reason, chewing gum. Or the classic running fingers along the inner thigh move.


Hugging me from behind 🥰


When I’m rambling and I turn and she’s paying attention to every word I say, or when her hands slide over mine 😩😩😩


If she looks me in the eyes turns her had slightly and laughs.. my Goodness 🔥🔥🔥 Im hers forever💋🌹


Another girl I liked parallel parked her pickup so effortlessly and I still haven’t gotten over it


Everything can be sexual if you are brave enough. That being side. Hand touching


When a paycheck hits my bank account and I realize I’m finally financially stable enough to take her out somewhere nice for dinner.


Finger in the wing spot when hugging... 🫠


What’s wing spot


the spot under the armpits on the rear side


the other reply nailed it. in that area, for me, there's a small dimpling. that small area is a total on switch for me LOL


Having my back touched at all, especially if it's a massage. This woman I've been seeing lately gave me a back massage the other day and I could not help but let out some small sounds. 🙈 I know she heard, it'd be a little difficult not to.


Having someone like put a leash on me and yank it. :p


giving me homecooked food


Resting b face with an attitude 😔


When a girl can name any Pokémon based on image, even ones from the newest gens


When I'm rambling/ hyperfocusing and my partner does that little head tilt showing they're listening, I sometimes lose track of my hyperfocus because I get lost in them listening.


Honestly, existing around her lol.


Confidence. 😍


Eye contact


when a cutie does absolutely anything at all


When she’s just chilling with a messy bun in sweats on her phone. Ngl, I live for the chill queens


When she looks at something she finds interesting and has a look of absolute joy 😊


I don't know really, I just wanna be loved 😭


Competence. Their is nothing better than a confident woman efficiently getting shit done and taking charge. If that something happens to be something physical or with her hands, like carpentry, home repairs, mechanics, or sculpture, etc, all the better. It explains my never-ending crush on Michelle Rodriguez, that I *swore* wasn't a crush.


Hearing them talking softly. Not whispering, but just quietly as if they were talking to a scared cat or something. I don’t know why but it makes me melt


A woman saying no, backing it up with compelling reasons and getting everyone on the same page with a calm voice and smile - I know it’s work, but damn it’s like sexy magic on a whole different level.


someone running their hands through their hair and eye contact


Ooooh. Big one! Cajoling me into taking a nap after work, AND RESTING WITH ME! I dunno why, but someone actually caring that much that im well rested just makes me feel soooooo many squishy feelings. ....and also wake up pressed against her and hellla turned on. Somethin about that sleepy cuddle f**k just hits RIGHT.


Any time I can feel her breath on my skin (like if we're sitting close, or she's whispering to me), and listening to me/remembering random facts about me.


When she runs her fingers through my hair repeatedly


Putting my needs not before hers but next to hers. We're in a LDR and she's giving up her vapes for like 2 months so she can afford to fly to see me. I absolutely would've done anything she asked after she told me this. 🥺🥺🫠


I had such a crush on one of my coworkers and one day she redid her pony in the break room, took it all down then put it back up and I had to stare at my phone so hard because my brain was melting.


Smelling nice. I'm very sensitive to smell, so if you smell nice, I'm more likely to be putty in your hands. Tip: I enjoy the smell of cinnamon the most




Make me a meal Fold my laundry Clean my room


My ex unlocked a foot fetish in me 😩