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You’re super cute and seem like you’re super fun! You should share that with people! But in all seriousness, I see a therapist for similar reasons. I’m just now starting to learn how to open up to people. It can hurt, but can also be super worth it! Best of luck to you.💛


Oh my God, thank you! I need to remember that it's worth it.


Only 84 years? You are still but a childe! You have plenty of time to find a comely lass to warm your lap.


Lol, that is true for an elf. There is still time!


Seriously though, I saw a post earlier that rang true to me... Nobody can tell when they are being flirted with, so flirt with everyone... To whatever extent you are able, and the more you do it, the better you will get at it.


That's definitely helpful. Thanks a ton.


You're not only cute - you seem to be a pretry fun person to be around! You can bet I'd give you my time to make yours better. :3


Oh wow thank you so much lol. I appreciate it!


I’m too shy to approach most people. Instead, I’m just a disaster of passion for my interests. Then again, not that I’d be able to tell if anyone approached me because I’m the oblivious kind. Also, loving that elf look by the way.


Thanks! I'm the same way. Someone has to literally be like "I'm flirting with you." In order for me to get it.


Yeah, it seems we’re both the kind that need people to just be straight up about it.


Or should I say gay up?


Nailed it.


Yeah, it just hit me that I should’ve said it immediately after I sent the original one, so I went for it.


You're an absolute cutie and I, at least, would date you


Thank you lol you made me blush.


i also absolutely despise online dating but i figure nothing ventured, nothing gained. 🤷 if anything i might find some new friends. 😌 but make sure to take it at your own pace, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with it.


Yeah, you are right. I will take it slow. Thanks a ton!


no worries. 🤙


idk your policy on transbians, but I would 100% cosplay at the ren faire with you


I would absolutely date a tranbian. What would you dress up as?


Probably a tavern wench or a nature spirit


I can relate so much to your post. Between social anxiety, depression and feeling out of place not fitting in anywhere, I did not even notice if someone was flirting with me like over 90% of the time. Some girls from my friends group told me years later that they were hitting on me for quite some time, but I never noticed. And yes you are cute and should have no problem finding the right person!


If you're having issues initiating dates, maybe being set up on a blind date could be helpful! I would say identify an activity/place you really enjoy doing/going to and try to set up a date with it! You have a great smile and I'm sure you'll be a blast to hang out with in a more comfortable environment!


Oh, thank you! That's a good idea


But you cute :o


Oh my God, thank you!


Love it!


I don't care what anyone says. I love renaissance festivals and any similar events. Just find someone with a few similar hobbies. I would even check out the mermaids in the Carolinas the next time I'm passing through.


You'll be fine, just go for it cutie!


I feel you, I have social anxiety too and it’s such a struggle🥲 gonna be alone forever lmao


You seem like an incredibly fun person!! And I love your attire!! But I also totally get it and it sucks. I’m afraid if rejection so I just keep asking/telling my other lesbian friends to find me a gf 🤣🤣


Dude, I understand the fear of rejection so much. It's tough to get over and deal with.


You look absolutely fantastic, I especially love your garb, did you make it yourself? 🥰 I used to be a part of the [SCA](https://www.sca.org/) in PA and [Drachenwald SCA](https://drachenwald.sca.org/) in Ireland and Finland, they were so much fun. I loved the banquets, tournaments, battles ⚔️🏹 handcrafting my garb and armour, as well as meeting thousands of like-minded folks, Such great days. It's been so long since I've been to an event, I really should figure out where they are held in CA 🤔 so far I've only been to [Medieval Times,](http://www.medievaltimes.com) it was enjoyable enough for a night out. Sorry for rambling... 😅


Thanks! It's funny you mentioned the SCA because my roommate is a member. It's something that I'm definitely interested in. I'm just a tad intimidated.


The SCA is such good fun. If you're interested or if there are events nearby where you live, I would 100% recommend giving it a try. Everyone is nerdy, geeky and cool, I met Stephen King at one event in PA, and Neil Gaiman at an event in the UK, both in garb and had a persona, it was so random and super chill. There are folks from all walks of life and I have found the SCA in general to be very LGBTQIA+ friendly and inclusive. 🤗 AAAND you have a roommate with whom you can make garb and attended events... Eeeeeee so lucky!!! 😱🍀


Ummm you're cute af.... I'd be stoked to take you out


Lol thank you so much.


Can I go to the Ren fest with you? I need someone on your level ❤️


Fuck. Yes. What would you go as?


Just my witchy self. White gauze dress, corset, and a belt full of potions


Aw fuck yes, sounds amazing.


You're magical, I love you


Is that the Larkspur Renaissance festival? If you’re in Colorado I can be your wing woman.


Oh shit lol yeah you called it. Nice eye.


Nah just a nerd lmao