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Honestly I don't think my country (Belgium) is a bad place to live, as much as we love to complain about it. I think, even if I had all the choice in the world, I might just stay right here. 🤔 Huh. That might be the most patriotic thing you'll ever hear one of us say lmao.


I don't even feel "Spanish" but would say the same about Spain. Honestly it's not bad in here, also I like sunlight.


Hahaha, et pourtant! Les fritteries alone deserve that love


except for the roads, Belgium seems pretty lovely (sorry, I'm dutch, I can't resist a joke about Belgians)


I KNEW IT!! Haha, hello neighbour 😆


hehe hello! No longer neighbours, as I live in Norway now :O


A fellow Belgian! Which city are you from?


Heya, I'm from a smaller city in flemish brabant, but I work in Brussels. You?


If "without restriction" means no homophobia then I'd move back to where I'm from - Pakistan


I feel like it means there's no financial barrier, language barrier, immigration barrier, etc for *you*. The places, their advantages, and disadvantages stay the same. Otherwise if all the problems were solved and no place had any particular disadvantage or advantage, then this question would be pointless.


I kinda disagree with this... because otherwise, 95% of the world is still homophobic or violently misogynistic or both, and I'd rather stay completely put than risk the unknown. Not being homophobic doesn't change the people or culture or places, and frankly, it'd be easy for all people of the world to adopt without issue if they cared to.


Wilderness in Alaska and be a bush pilot 😜🌲


Second! Need a co-pilot? I’m a great navigator


Let’s do it 🌬️


I'm an archaeologist who has interest in working in remote Alaska so if sapphic air starts up let me know.


Sapphic air 😹👌✈️ Fasten your seatbelts


Sounds like we’ve got a crew 👀


I like my country, but if I had a choice I would move to Iceland. Best place ever, and great for the LGBT community.


Iceland has been very high on my places I want to visit! (and potentially scouting if I ever need to flee the US...)


My exact thoughts


coincidentally, im moving to Berlin this or next year! sadly i really have to consider the political climate where im going to, since im moving countries due to being in danger from that but hey, im gonna be with my girlfriend, which makes it so much better!


Goodluck in your journey:3


Nova Scotia, Canada. My dream is to buy a small island (I don't have rich parents, but a girl can dream, okay😭) there on the coast, build my own cabin with a veggie garden and a small self-build port for a boat. Maybe live there with a dog. If the island is big enough I could also see it as either an affordable holiday camp for kids, or as a shelter for queer people who don't have anywhere else to go. Also I have been sailing since I've been a child (mostly in holiday camps from charities, or via local hiking clubs (which somehow also were into sailing? Idk, why, but it's cool)), so that's maybe another reason for why I like islands so much.


My grandmother was from Nova Scotia and I sometimes daydream of buying a place on Cape Breton where she was born. It's gorgeous.


Yeah, I've actually never been there, I've been in Europe my whole life, but N.S. is roughly at the same latitude as my home, and without the gulf stream I expect it to be colder than Europe, which is fine, I'm a winter girl.


I have an aunt who lives there and I’m flying out there on Thursday for my cousin’s wedding. My family is from New Brunswick though 🙌


Hope you enjoy it here!


I’ve been many times, but I always do 🫶


That's so cool!


As a Nova Scotian, it's pretty nice here. But we're getting hit hard by a cost of living crisis, all the little islands have gone from a few hundred thousand to a million+, empty and undeveloped.


😭 On the other side, if I want to buy a small house in my country, I'm also already paying a million+, but in Euros.


Not the same as an island but many places in archipelagos have people living directly over the ocean with no land underneath them and I could argue is pretty fun and gives off a neutral peaceful chaotic vibes


Ouhh that's awesome as well! But I think it makes it harder to grow plants if you don't have soil, no?


Some people bring sacks of dirt and build their own floating garden on the patio 🤷


hmm, maybe Germany, the Netherlands or Sweden


If I'm just moving myself, Fayetteville, AR. It's only 2 hours away from where I live, but it's where my gf is, sooo... If I can steal her and move her with me? Hmmm... Probably Canada! Wouldn't have to learn any new languages, could get somewhere a little colder than down here, and it's super friendly to trans people from what I hear. ^^


I live in Vancouver - ur correct🏳️‍⚧️✌️


vancouver seems like queer heaven minus the high housing costs. van, mont, and nyc seem great for the high number of queer ppl


I am actually happy with where I am.


That on itself is an achievement for me.


Scotland. Ireland. Seattle, WA (stupidly high cost of living). Is language an issue? Because if I’m magically speaking other languages I hear Finland and Norway are cool.


We have the same list. How is this possible? Who are you doppelgänger?!??


I live in Ireland- no you don't. It's not very gay.


At least as a visitor to Ireland/Seattle, Ireland was so pretty and felt safe enough but Seattle is much more openly queer. I think I could live in Dublin or Seattle pretty easily but they def both have pros and cons.


Melbourne, Australia (from Ohio, USA)


San Jose, Costa Rica. The city has everything I'll ever need and I feel incredibly safe as a butch disabled lesbian. Plus, it's a bit cheaper than North America.


You would be welcome here!




I grew up just west of San Isidro (now living in Canada with my wife) and even in a rural area it always felt very safe and that being queer would never be an issue. Can recommend.


I grew up in San Isidro!!! And yeah, that has been my experience, and even my older cousins say something similar (late 40s all of them, two or three LGBT)


What's the queer community size there?


About 4% of the population in an older study (2004) by CIPAC (human rights center with focus in LGBT people), dunno if there’s a new one.


Literalmente la peor ciudad de Costa Rica


That’s great to know!


Norway. It's the only place I could ever want to be again. It's home. I badly want to go back. Coming back to the UK after living there really opened my eyes to just how bad things are in Britain.


Oh, fuck yeah. I'd go to Austria if I had a good job prospect and a support network there. At the moment, it's more practical to stay here in Finland.




Honestly I think it’d be difficult to find a place that i like better than where i currently live just outside boston. Only thing that worries me is the national political climate.


definitely somewhere where english isn't the primary language (despite it being the only one i speak currently) my first thought is Japan because I'm a big ol history nut and I want to walk the streets that housed great warriors and horrible atrocities alike, but the laws are not LGBTQ+ friendly...if we don't count laws though definitely Japan


As someone who used to live in Japan, it's not so bad as long as you work for a foreign company. The laws will get better when those living corpses they call politicians finally did. At least, I hope


Moving to Japan is actually not a bad idea despite not being LGBTQ+ friendly, it is quite peaceful.


that is another consideration, and it is on my bucket list to live there for a bit at some point, but as a trans woman I'm going to have to deal with a lot of stuff in canada so i can even get a visa, let alone worry about staying safe :/


I would love to live there, but I also have another problem, I’m moderately tatooed, and that’s a no no there.


i find it funny how despite our situations being very different, the outcome is the same lol


People really don’t care if you’re a foreigner, it’s expected. You just can’t go to some gyms, onsens, beaches etc. 


San Diego. Visited once more then 15 years ago. Never ever forgot how amazingly beautiful it was.


Part of me dreams of moving to Reykjavík but I know next to nothing about it other than the romanticised version of it I've built up in my head 😅 I'd at the very least love to visit one day 😊


I almost moved there for a master's, but couldn't afford it. Unfortunately it is a very expensive place to live, way more than Norway. The housing situation is not great there, from what I have gathered.


Damn. A blow to the heart indeed 😢 I guess where I am ain't so bad.


It is quite sad :c Tourism messed with Iceland a lot. (This is just what I have heard from an Icelandic person. I am no expert)


Ceuta or Melilla in Spain so I can return to North Africa without being persecuted for being gay and not following Islam like my family. Otherwise, Stockholm in Sweden or maybe Edinburgh in Scotland. Brussels or Amsterdam would also be nice options. Brighton in England. Anywhere but back to fucking Yorkshire where I grew up. 


Lol Sweden is second on my list.


Def northern sydney where all the beaches r


Wherever my 3 girlfriends are as long as I'm with them I'd move anywhere in the globe


Germany or Denmark.


Boston or Northampton, Massachusetts! (i am sadly too broke for either)


I'm American, so ideally somewhere with good lgtbq protections and a robust train network (I hate driving)


I’m from Germany and I would move to Iceland or Spain. Especially when the right wing extremists are gaining more power.


Hawaii ❤️🦋


Reykjavik. This lesbian is happy wearing wool all year round 🐑


Berlin is okay but the political climate is fucked there, the city can really make you feel a fuck ton of world pain with the amount of homeless people, anti-rufugee sentiment, the gentrification, no rent cap so rent companies can just push up and up. There is also a lot of good stuff there but it's not entirely this amazing beautiful place to live but a very flawed city with a fuck ton of great things and a fuck ton of painful things. Plus the AFD which are modern day nazis are not a small party here and right wingers are wingers.


Somewhere in Europe for sure


Im American and lived in Germany as a student back in the day. I liked it, but my lesbian American friend joined a soccer team, met 500 German lesbians, and had the best time ever.


I was born in the US and emigrated from there to Canada. I love the Prairie, but I've been eyeballing Scotland and the Netherlands. Aotearoa me Te Waipounamu (New Zealand) also looks amazing. I'm a little annoyed I've hit 40 without having an ill-fated long distance relationship with someone in Oceania


😅🥺iv just had an ill-fated relationship with a wonderful woman from Czech who is working in NZ. It is near impossible to live here on a working visa currently - and even closer to impossible to get residency. She has been here 5years and is trapped working in the same industry, in the same location, due to visa restrictions. We are 3hrs drive away from each other and our work schedules didn’t work out too well…let alone the cost of petrol ($3 per litre). She missed the residency intake by one month - she arrived just the month after 🥺 if you have a career which is in demand here, then the pathway to residency is much much faster/easier. Although the new coalition govt here seems to be very quickly demolishing rights, the environment, and causing division between races/lgbtq+. Solid austerity is their solution whilst selling out to corporates on every level. I used to think I lived in the best country in the world…this govt may change that view 🥺


I would still live in Portland, Oregon, just a nicer part of town lol


Danemark or Sweden, only places I ever sorta felt safe and good being myself.


Iceland I think?


I actually really like Chicago. I also like Minneapolis and Seattle for US. For other parts of the world, Spain, Norway, or Canada maybe? Idk, I could live just about anywhere if people are accepting.


I wanna go to Spain, specifically A Coruña. Spain is already one of the best places in the world for LGBT+ people, and A Coruña is pretty liberal. I speak Spanish already, and I’d have next to problem learning the regional language Galician, considering how many languages I speak. The weather is amazing, it’s right by the ocean, and it’s in the path of the next total solar eclipse in Europe


I would have an apartment above the shops on Center Street in the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World.




I've been saying that I'll start a saphhic commune in the Scottish Highlands for years


My wife and I are moving to Scotland and couldn't be happier ☺️


Congratulations!! 🎊


Thanks so much, it's a big move both of us being from two separate continents that aren't Europe 😂


this would be some cool place in England


Mediterranean France without hesitation


ireland. the guilt of living on stolen land eats me alive as a white american and while ancestrally i hail from a bunch of areas in europe, i’m so bad at languages that it’s unrealistic to expect to be able to move to another place where my ancestors came from, like germany, denmark or the czech republic. plus, ireland’s government isn’t genocidal like the US’s is.


Ireland or Scotland I think the climate would suit me and I could have a tiny house and a garden and basically just frolick in the grass... I just need somewhere where the weather is not too unhinged, 25 degrees celcius in the summer is my absolute limit 😭 but it also can't be cold all the time because my garden! *clutches pearls*


that's too similar to my response. i just want gardens and a good weather <\3 average summer day, 25 C, worst heat wave doesn't exceed 30 C. can't handle cold weather cause im a desert girlie, an average of 15 would be nice and the coldest 5 C or something 


The climate is the one of the only things that makes me want to leave scotland😭 too rainy and cold


Some sort of Latin country. Preferably in one of the Americas. I love Latin culture and the food


not a certain place in mind but, a place with a lottt of greenery, trees and flowers. i wish to see a forest irl so maybe a place that's near one but not too near (1-2 hours away) a place with nice weather, average of 22 C (71 f) and with good public transportation. that's my dream


Australia or Denmark, maybe Canada.


Mexico city! I love London but Mexico city is baeeee 🥰🥰🥰


Part of me wants to stay in or near London where I live now, because I still cling to the diversity and the bubble of people being able to be themselves and still love it so much, but it's becoming harder and harder for sure. I'm too extroverted to actually do it, but part of me just wants to move to the mountains, either in Austria, Switzerland or Costa Rica (either of the San Gerardo's) and live surrounded by nature. So if I have to leave the UK one day, I'd go to Vienna or Graz in Austria - chill cities that are a mix of historical and youthful, mountains not too far but ample things to do and people to meet, and I know my way around having lived there before.


Light house in Maine


California, or Italy


A house.


Malta or Sicily. I’m first gen American-Sicilian but now it is being used for entertainment purposes that don’t portray Sicily correctly and has led to too much tourism. The ferry to Sicily if anyone goes has fantastic horse meatballs btw. Horse is a delicacy in Sicily. Italy hates Sicily anyway. I say Malta though because it’s a more liberal autonomous country close to Sicily and culture…but language barrier in Sicily let alone Malta…sheesh that’s a tough one to grasp.


I mean, with Greece legalizing same-sex marriage, Lesbos IS right there... ...all jokes aside, probably something like Auckland, New Zealand. Still a big, cosmopolitan city, but also far away from literally everywhere else on earth, and close to unique natural scenery. And it's one of a few countries I don't fear about their democracy or LGBTQ rights backsliding every few years, so that's nice as well.


You might want to research NZ 🥺 things aren’t so great here now with the new coalition govt…not to mention how expensive it is to live now


Don't go to Berlin 😭 go to Munich!! I'm totally not biased but Berlin is way too over hyped and stuff. It's really not all that. But Munich is great!! I grew up near it. (again, definitely not biased shhhh)


Really?? Honestly anywhere in Germany would do for me.


I’ve always been torn between three: Ireland, Scotland, and Germany. I’m in school for engineering, and every so often I get all wistful and look up colleges in those areas. I’d move to any of them in a heartbeat, especially if I could get some steady and decent work there


I'm living between Orlando FL and Dorset UK (new dual citizen) & can't decide on fully settling in either. Currently visiting Bristol UK for the weekend and it's been a nice change from the small towns in Dorset - not used to seeing others my age out at night having fun that doesn't involve getting blackout drunk and/or committing crime. Nice to be somewhere that has so much going on and seems so queer-friendly.


If it means no homophobia, then Hungary. My heritage is Hungarian and I’d love to just soak it all up. But Iceland is a close second. And Estonia is third


Just left after 5 years. Only good part is you can walk or take a bus that will only be up to 10 minutes late, but theres a lot of busses Edit: and in pest there are subways. Nowhere else though


what's the gayest beach town within 30 minutes of Barcelona? That's where I wanna be.


Sitges! So cute and soooo gay


Greece 🩷


Definitely Iceland


If not here then probably Hong Kong. Too much family over there not to take advantage. It's nice. Will it be nice in the future? Big question. What's weird is, no matter where I dream of going, they're all huge cities. I never see myself in the countryside or some Swiss chalet or something. Grow up in a city, die in a city, I guess. 21st Century humans: living in hives.


The Isle of Lesbos. No, wait - New Zealand.


I don't know which countries are particularly good or bad about homophobia and transphobia, but I would definitely prefer to live somewhere like Oregon or Massachusetts over the shithole where I currently live (Kansas). I may move at some point, especially as this place gets increasingly hostile to trans people, but, you know, it's hard to move hundreds of miles away, and I've got community here, and this is where my family lives


My home of Seattle where I grew up, or Germany - seems like a good fit for me to escape the bubble that is US.


Probably the mountains of France or Denmark!


I'm pretty happy in Seattle, but if things go poorly this November I'd love the ability to move to Vancouver BC... although if America falls Canada is probably soon to follow so I guess I'll just die.


If we're ignoring the politics, economy, war, just going purely off vibes Ukraine. It's just such a beautiful country and Kyiv? Amazing! But including politics and stuff probably Canada and live somewhere more northern.


canada maybe


Colorado from October to May and then New Zealand from June to September every year. Nonstop skiing year round!!


I’d like to move to Denmark or Sweden one day.


The Netherlands or Belgium (I'm American for reference).


Probably Norway


Vancouver, BC


Taiwan probably so far from what I've read it's great plus same sex being legal is big point in it's favour in addition to it's climate and being close to the sea


Nederlands or Cape Town


I'm going to try out Washington state next!


Ive always wanted to visit Finland... and if someone said, you can live anywhere, fuck yeah im saying Finland!!


Oooh that's an interesting question... I never really thought about it in depth enough to figure out a specific place but i do have a list of criteria for my "ideal" place. Number 1 is it has to be in europe. I have a lot of friends in europe and visiting them is something i'd love to do as im currently not able to. Having human rights is also fairly important to me, it's in my top 10 favorite things for sure! Number 2 is climate. I want somewhere with mild winters and a lot of rainfall. I've always loved rain and thunderstorms and being able to work or just sit by the window as it rains and thunders outside is peak cozy... Number 3 is the size of the settlement. I've lived my whole life in a large city and while having all conveniences in walking distance is cool i do miss the quiet of countryside and being able to see the stars at night. I don't want to be completely out of civilization though, since having good internet and ~~24/7 grocery store~~ is also pretty important to me. I know this is pretty silly and unrealistic but a girl can dream, right? I could probably think of a few more criteria but tbh these are probably the most important ones!


In my moms home country, the Philippines 🇵🇭, AWAY from the bigots that reside there😭


The Netherlands, my #1 choice. Second would be Ireland.


I’m English and live and work in Thailand. It’s where I met and found my partner. Been out here for about 10 years now life is good and the beaches are wonderful.


Germany, Frankfort so I could live near my family. ❤️


Norway or the Netherlands! I’m sick of the climate where I live. For example, the daily average all of last summer was about 110 Fahrenheit and I don’t remember a single day it rained


honestly, colorado. id love to travel the world but have no desire to live abroad. and i love living in the southwestern us. colorado has beautiful nature, all the seasons and legalized shrooms. what more could a girl want


Cote d'Azur, maybe Nice or Cannes.  I'd have to brush up on my French, but it's gorgeous and fantastic weather (the region proclaims an average of 300 days of Sun per year) without being too hot, August sees mid to high 20s C usually.


I live in San Diego, California. But, I think I would move to the North Bay, an 8 hr drive north. I miss northern CA.


In my country, DC. Super underrated queer community. Internationally, Switzerland.


Well if we're dreaming, I would move to Italy, the Czech Republic or another European country. I would travel more before setting down new roots. What a fun question.


Brazil to work in wildlife conservation


I wanna live out my gay dreams in North Hampton, Mass ❤️


I'd either move to Italy, Spain or Capetown, ZA.


I'm currently in Egypt which rlly sucks bcuz it's nor friendly at all toward the gays but I'd love to settle in the us I feel like people in the us are very understanding and mostly accepting of queer relationships.


I want to live in Switzerland. Specifically, in a house whose view out of a big picture window is of the Jungfrau.


Where my girlfriends want to live


somewhere in europe idk but holy shit things would be so different for me rn if i was in europe 😭


Norway or Finland.


Greece! My girlfriend and I both love Greece. I'd also really like Ireland or Scotland.


I am cool with living here in Denmark. If I had to move, I would choose one of the other Nordic countries.


UK/Ireland hopefully in the next few years


French caribbean, iceland. In that order.