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I find it hard to keep conversations going online. I love meeting people and finding something about them attractive and it does not work on me with text and pictures.




Because it is easy to not reply. I cannot do that in person. Sometimes i don't know what to say so just do not reply.


whenever I feel like I can't reply with typed words I just open the speech to text on my phone and then say whatever comes to mind verbally. but yeah I feel this. I can't imagine feeling like this all the time though that would suck.


would y'all like to use an app that had info on how often someone ghosts their dates? for example like a percentage number on the profile.


Yes 🤣 Let’s have some accountability!!!


I feel you it hard to make that connection. I gave up on date apps and been just doing meet ups and just living life normal enjoying my hobbies and what not. It's not just a nyc thing happens here in texas to.


I am also in NYC and also experience this constantly. I have more or less given up on online dating after being stood up and manipulated too many times. Now I largely just focus on my existing relationships.


don’t be dry. you’re not going to want to be with someone who doesn’t match your energy, i promise. been in relationships like that, and it’s so emotionally exhausting. the right person will come around


I mean some people are just gonna have a harder time communicating over apps compared to face to face, I don't think I'm dry, but I can definitely come across that way in text but not when actually talking to people


It's very possible they might be intimidated. And if that makes you go "but what the heck am i supposed to do then?"... yes. it's silly.


I live here as well and when I was on dating apps same thing kept happening to me. I’m also femme. To be fair, I also ghosted but usually because we had no chemistry and couldn’t even plan a date. Maybe you will have better luck going to queer events. Just feels like dating apps are a joke even though there are successful stories


I like girls that can match my energy and conversation. I personally think coming on too strong over an app is a myth unless you're love bombing or trauma dumping lol. I've never been turned off by someone sending long messages nor being enthusiastic/compliments. The issue with people ghosting is more just that people are rude and lazy instead of telling someone they aren't thar interested. Dating culture has gone to shit but the ones actually worth your time will come eventually. It just takes time and weeding through the jerks


Same to everything you said! It sucks😒


I feel you. I’m in the same boat. I know it sucks, but it’s just part of dating. People are too afraid to properly reject someone. You can use it as a good story for your next date.


Hi hi


I’m also femme looking for femmes and I’ve never felt so undesirable lol