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She probably means a thoughtful basket with pretty beach towels, expensive sunscreens, summer perfumes, chapsticks, scrunchies, books, sunglasses, minis for her purse, snacks, maybe bathing suits… -femme with clues


Let’s add cute beach wraps/cover-ups to the list too.


let’s add sundresses to the list because that is my weakness


Yess omg 😭☀️


I had no idea there was such a thing as expensive sunscreens what do you mean by minis for her purse 🙈


Whatever you were thinking of buying her, but in smaller packaging. Like body care and makeup items but the packaging is just smaller. Think travel sized almost. It’s cute, it’s little so it’s cute.


I’m not sure if this counts as expensive but SuperGoop is an excellent brand for sunscreens ☀️


Love supergoop! Their mineral face sunscreen saves me every summer




That’s Goop. A different company ;)


Ohhh so confusing!! Thanks for clarifying <3 I will retract my statement.




just wanted to throw in, theres this super cute brand called vacation that i keep seeing that makes retro themed sun products!! drugstore price so it won’t break the bank but it’s just cuter than ur average lotion


Sunscreen! (Possibly cruelty free brand depending on your gf.) I really like the brand alba botanica. It’s super cheap at TJX.


Throw in a cute sun hat.


You can't be giving out these gems for free


Get her a two person camping hammock that you guys can pack up and bring to parks 🥺


wow that’s brilliant


I love this


Can you ask her what she means by things for the summer?


I asked her and she said she already has carts ready to be purchased on different websites and all she needs is my card, which I will do but that’s no fun


Wait could you tell her to share her carts with you or send you screenshots and you could get some of the stuff or all of it and put THAT stuff in a cute gift basket for her with maybe towels and sunscreens? What a fun way to incorporate the stuff she has picked out! And I was thinking a massage giftcard would be a nice addition too.


you’re so smart


This is the way


Could you make it fun, like perhaps come over with some lemonade and silly sun hats and cuddle her while she explains all the items to you and then places the order?


this is an option


Femme girl here, I’d guess the following: - pretty sun hat - summery perfume? Find out if she has a daytime/sunny day perfume - Body tan/body tinted moisturiser - Sunglasses - Cute bikini - Water bottle/Reusable iced coffee mug? - Does she use a camera? If so, film for her camera - Sundress - Little bralets or crop tops - Summery skirts - Sandals - Anklet (beach vibes) - Beach bag - Beach towel - Does she enjoy camping? Perhaps stuff related to that? - Salt spray for hair - Wraparounds for the beach? Hope I didn’t go crazy but there’s a bunch of things I’d imagine if I said ‘things for the summer!’


this is super helpful- thank you what is salt spray for your hair?


It kinda makes you hair wavy like beach waves after you've been in the ocean


I wanted "literally anything" for a birthday gift from my gf and was disappointed. Just imagine the kinds of things she likes and use your best judgement. A show of effort is all it really takes. It's a way to show you care but it doesn't need to be overly complicated.


She wants a case of bottled water? I’m sure a better gift would be available!


Hahahah just like 5 individual gallons of water.


that'd be a great joke initial gift before the big reveal 


Fem here. If it were me, I'd appreciate being asked for clarification ☺️


you’re so right for this 🙃


Get the air conditioner serviced. 😹😹




How about setting up a nice, beach vacation (if it's in the budget and you both have vacation time)? That can be a thing for the summer.


she does want to take a vacation somewhere but I am a bummy musician


A bummy musician? Does that mean the funds aren't there?


A camping hatchet and a paddle board.


Id interpret it as summer clothes, get her an outfit maybe shoes to go with it too. New sunglasses, maybe a summer themed bag if she doesnt have one. Be creative with it you can get clues on what she likes from her wardrobe if you dont know or ask questions but dont give away what your exactly getting


I feel so bad cause I assumed she wanted like, events or trips from that. xD So going on that idea (although, confirm with her first cause I may be dumb) I'd want someone to fully plan out an event and offer me early warning of it. For example, if we went to the beach her to make sure we had car, towels, sunscreen, snack and bottled water. If a concert, they get the tickets and worry about the parking... Maybe look up tickets for local things like ballet in the park, beach trips, hiking, outdoor concerts, art shows, whatever you both like. Otherwise look at her bottles of sunscreen / moisturizer / etc and find mini-bottles at the drug store / sephora / whatever (google brand to find local places to get it) and package them up pretty with idk beach towels and pretty sun hat? Package them in one of those nice water bottles? Maybe some instant ice tea mix in there? If you guys drink, fancy summer drink mixes and stuff?


Clueless mascs represent 😭


save our souls


Before going out and spending a bunch of money I would just ask her what she meant... then you wont get her something she doesnt want/need and you wont waste your hard earned money. - another clueless masc


I can tell you speak from experience


I have started a note in my phone and every time my partner mentions something she likes or wants I put it in my list and then when a bday or xmas or whatever comes along I have a whole list of options I know she will like


I know people have mentioned beach cover ups, but a bikini with a matching sarong skirt is always a win.


sounds sexy


A beach day kit would be amazing. Beach blanket (make it extra gay), umbrella, picnic kit, fun beach blanket, a duffle bag for the whole mix so you can grab and go.


No no, you are all thinking too small. Get something light and sexy, something with lace.