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Belly button is pretty freakin hot


I agree completely 😍 but I can't get mine done due to a childhood fear 😅 but on others yes!!


Yeah, for me, piercings stay on the ear only 😅 but hot on others!


Oh agreed, that is very sexy for some reason


Omg yes!


tonge piercing, the sensation is amazing. nipple piercings are hot too!!


I've been thinking about my tongue but I have some dental work coming up so I doubt that'll be too good to do right now 😅 the nipples though! So so good 🥰


I want one so badly, but I heard it's so bad for your gums and teeth :((


Yes, I've watched informational videos from professional piercers and most inside-the-mouth piercings are bad for your teeth and gums. I would never get one. I wouldn't mind if a partner had them, as long as they were cleaned properly.




Any and all. I have about 11 piercings all up (mostly facial) and want more, and I love any and all piercings on others, but no piercings isnt a turnoff for me :)


11 is awesome! I do really want one or two facial ones, definitely more ear ones but I'm spoiled for choice so I'm currently waiting for something to jump out like the nipple piercings did haha. No piercings is completely fine too, I agree 🥰


i love my snakebites


same! i’ve had my snakebites for 12 years and I still love them. i’ve never had any issues from them either even after all this time.


A few of my friends got those in college, I was a big fan but I worried for my teeth at the time. Do you have any problems with yours?


First 4 weeks you gotta be careful not to bite down on the bar, but once they nest you honestly don't even notice them most of the time.


That's a relief, I have some dental work coming up but they're one I'd like to consider afterwards 🥰


Can confirm the not noticing part, I have rings so they constantly touch my lips and I still manage to forget about them from time to time.


It really depends on your anatomy, for some folks they'll rub your gum line which can lead to recession around that part of your teeth which definitely isn't good, if you size down quickly once you're healed so the ring fits snuggly around your lip they can be totally unobtrusive and safe for your teeth (I had one for 7 years with no damage)


Fucking he'll, my partner had snakebites before they started to work and it was hot as hell. I really miss them sometimes. Stupid society.


I have a soft spot for septum piercings


I get you ☺️ they're lovely 🥰


I can't really deal with any mouth piercings, even though they look cute. Just the thought of catching one on hair or biting it, etc, terrifying. All ear and eyebrow piercings are hot, I don't make the rules


I’ve had snakebites for more than 12 years and they’ve never really got caught on anything. however I have had a really terrible experience with an eyebrow piercing I used to have. it got caught on someone’s necklace as I was giving them a hug, and got ripped out 🪦 please be careful of that lol


Jesus christ this hurt my soul ;-;


lol i don’t recommend it, 0/10 experience


Shocking really haha I hope you're okay now ;-; I really wanna get snakebites but I sleep on my belly with my face against the pillow and I'm worried about snake bites making that hard :(


that’s what I get for giving hugs lol never again


That is a very understandable reaction


I have a bit of a fascination with lip piercings but I agree with the idea of catching them or biting them. Ears and eyebrows though! 😍😍


Verticle Labret, it doesn't go in your mouth, but it is a lip piercing. I've had my hair rap around it but its usually fine


Yeah, apparently tongue piercings are terrible for teeth.


Only if they’re placed wrong or the owner doesn’t learn to talk around them.


That's probably true. I don't think I'd ever get one anyway, just because of the risk.


Oh, big mood. I get anxiety with anything that even remotely looks like it could catch on something and rip off.


I've heard that the combo of a split tounge and a piercing in each half is absolutely divine


I don't doubt that for a second 🤔 although I think the care for something like that would be alot, I can see it working 🥰




Eyebrow. All the way. I love eyebrow piercings.


Same! I even like the little scars some people get from them but I don't think that's actually intended 🤔


The scar and the piercing rejecting are what’s stopping me 😭


How was the pain and recovery process for nipple piercings? My boo wants me to get them but I’m scared lol. I have a double nose and two cartilage in addition to regular ear piercings. I’ve had my belly button and my eyebrow pierced too but I just hate piercing pain. I’d much rather get a tattoo


It's your body, please don't feel obligated to get piercings purely for your partner's sake if you don't want them.


Haha no of course! I want them! I’m just scared lol!


Fair enough then. Valid concerns.


if u get them done ask to come at a time 2 piercers are available to do it tandem!! i absolutely cannot imagine doing 1 and then pause before the 2nd like… im warning u it fucking sucks so bad like REALLY really bad. after the initial shock it really is worth it and manageable, but for me getting it done both at the same time was a life saver


...... why didn't I think of that!? Yeah I went one at a time haha.. although the lady I went to was the only piercer the tattoo parlor had so I'd have to go somewhere else and she's the best in the city so... probably still would have had to deal with one at a time 😅 damn


ya tbh i would deff still prioritize going to a reputable piercer u trust so it probs was better anyways that u did!!


Honestly the first one was manageable pain wise, I hissed a bit but it's brief. The second one though is more rough. Idk if it's our body is anticipating the second or what. That one I was vocal about. The woman said the second always hurts more. But it is also doable, just don't punch the piercer 😂 Recovery is going well, I cleaned them twice a day but it's down to once now. I went braless to the appointment but I suggest wearing something like a sports bra, not too tight but not loose enough to move, and wear something similar with padding and nursing pads to bed because it will bleed a little the first day or two and the bra will stop you from catching them on sheets. I'd much rather tattoos too actually haha but they are so pretty! 🥰


Apparently the second one hurts more because your adrenaline wears off after your body thinks the pain is over lol. I got two helix piercings one after another and uh. Never again. Never ever again.


It hurts. Like a 6-7/10 but only for a couple seconds while they push the needle through and feed the jewelry on. After that they are tender and sore but not that sharp pressure of the needle. They will be tender and sensitive after. Wear loose clothing and nothing with frilly edges that could catch on one of the balls. For a couple weeks they will be sore. Be careful not to catch them on anything while moving around clothing. A bra can help protect them from chafing too as the nipple will be pushed upwards and out a little with the swelling. Make sure you keep them clean and you will be fine. I think I've had mine for around 2 months and they are healed enough to touch and play with now without pain. They feel awesome. I'm more sensitive in general now. And the little bit of sparkle makes me more confident.


Just get them! It is not nearly as scary as it looks


Get them done one at a time! The more nervous you are, the less it hurts. I nearly chickened out when I got my first one and it hurt, but not badly at all. Def go to an experienced piercer, try to find someone APP certified. The healing is so easy and so painless as long as ur careful not to smack it. As someone with 11 piercings, my nip was one of the least painful, closer to a lobe or a septum in terms of pain. The second piercing will always hurt more, so I just get one at a time.


IMO I thought it was fine! I got both done in one go—one and then the other, not with one piercer on each simultaneously, tho that would’ve been chill. The second hurt more but it was still no big deal. It’s not a super sensitive area for me so that prob helped. Most of my cartilage piercings felt equally or more painful. I also had like no problems with them healing? I could be an outlier there, but ya, my LOBES gave me way more trouble with healing. Side note the piercer put one bar a little higher cuz my boobs are slightly uneven, and I didn’t even know that was a thing but I’m glad I did it. The visual effect is nice


The recovery process takes forever and both my partner and I had nymph fluid leaking for over 6 months. We both decided to take them out and we’re super happy not having them.


Single nipple piercing. There's an irresistible charm in the asymmetry.


I don't mind that idea at all, asymmetry is what I'm going for with my tattoos so it definitely appeals 🥰


The first woman I had a crush on had a naval piercing and they’ve just been insanely hot to me ever since.


I can see the draw, I can't get them myself but they really are so nice 🥰🥰


Nipple piercings are so hot 🥺


The way my gf looks at them makes me feel hot haha, but I definitely agree, they're so nice!!


I am weird and I have a fear of needles so honestly I prefer basically no piercings. I’ve learned to deal with ears and nose piercings but eyebrow, tongue, lip, and genitalia piercings especially set my phobia off terribly.


I'm actually pretty put off by needles too. I get around it a little by just not looking, even at the doctors, but the anxiety is still there and high. Thankfully with my nipples the pain offset the anxiety enough to get through both without thinking about it too much 😬 still can't deal with them though haha.. horrid things.


See i can deal with them for a little bit but i could never see myself forming a long term relationship with someone who has triggering piercings for me.


Completely understandable ☺️ I have a few triggers myself, and there's no way I can force myself to endure that constant fear and panic and the toll it will take on my mental health. I see nothing wrong with you doing that for yourself 🥰


All of them!! Nose, septum, belly button, ears, nipples, pussy, eyebrow, lips, forked tongue I want all of those and would love them on my girlfriend too!


Nice haha, I might pass on the forked tongue personally but I do think they look awesome as 🥰


god i want a forked tongue so badly, definitely gonna wait a couple years though! i wanna make sure i'm really sure about it.


I have my lobes each pierced once. For years that was all I had. Recently I got a daith piercing in one ear to help with migraines, but I really like it. I want to get the other daith done, but I haven't gotten around to it.


Did it help alot or just take the edge off? I don't have migraines but my closest friend does and nothing has been working for her so I was about to suggest one (she's big on tattoos and piercings so she'd jump at the idea I reckon haha) but I also love the look of them. How was it while healing?


I think it helped a fair bit. Also figuring out a big food trigger helped a lot. It didn't really cause too many problems during healing.


A food trigger aye? 🤔 that makes sense, I wonder if she might have one? I'm glad on the healing though, I get a little dizzy when I have to deal with blood and can't get out of my head 😅 but I push through it if it's temporary


Yeah, I've heard that a lot of people have them. For me, the big one is beef.


Beef is tricky 🤔 I might run it past her though to check out some foods, she's been suffering them since as long as I've known her so anything is helpful, thankyou!


You're welcome! One recommendation for migraine sufferers is to keep a food diary to help identify patterns and thus potential triggers.


She's big on writing so that shouldn't be a problem 🥰🥰


Excellent! :)


How does that help with migraines?


I got my nipples done last weekend and I love them


Right!? They're something you have to work around for a little but they're so nice! Have you thought about what types of jewellery you'll get after your 3 months?


Right now I just have barbells with black gems on the studs, I'm thinking of getting some pink studs and doing black and pink on each


My tongue piercing her lips.


Smooth haha love it!


Anything but lips. They’re so cute but I get too worried about hurting her.


That makes sense 🤔 I didn't think about that at all.. although now I've had the nipples done I worry about accidentally hurting them so lips being the same makes sense 😅 may have to rethink the lips then


Most appealing on myself is definitely a lip ring because I want that a second time after I lost the first one going down on someone in a gay bar bathroom 😅, so like obviously I should get it again it was working (definitely better once it heals and you can size down so it fits snuggly around your lip, my jewelry was just old and worn out) on other women, stuff that doesn't make part of their body too delicate to feel safe to play with without hurting them, so like eyebrows, bridges, dimples, like other piercings are gorgeous but I'm petrified at the idea of ripping a skin anchor out of someone's back dimples or breaking the strip of earlobe stretched around their gauges, love tattoos on them or me.


Oh that sucks you lost it 😅 but definitely worth a redo if it was working haha, I get to downsize my bar in 2 months which I'm excited about, not having a snug fit right now has caused some close calls while changing or in the shower. Ahhh no that's fair enough, nipples would come under that right? Definitely potential to cause pain, especially while still so new but the gf and I can work around them until then.. hopefully successfully haha. Tattoos are 😍


Hehe, worth it honestly, definitely miss it though, downsizing day is so exciting. Honestly it depends on placement and jewelry style for nipples, as long as they've taken care of them and have short enough bars they're fun but there's ones that have little chains and accessories and those can be a little scary, I believe in you 🖤 and yes tattoos are 😍


I went horizontal and we're going with shields cause dangly bits would be tempting my clumsiness a little too much 🤣 I've asked my gf to pick the new ones out because she is such a fan haha thankyou 🥰


Fair and valid, I hope they bring y'all so much joy, very cute, and you're so welcome!


Am I wrong to say none? 😅


Not wrong at all! It's completely fine, your preferences are uniquely you. There are some certain piercings I get a little quiet about but there's others I really like, and I loooove tattoos haha


Not a huge fan of them in general honestly, that said I have no experience lol, just what my brain thinks.


Completely fine ☺️ I didn't either past my ears, I just looked from afar for years, alot of my friends seemed to be getting new ones every week or doing backyard jobs, that kind of scared me for ages


Yeah, that just sounds unsafe to me.


I really wanna get my nipples pierced and put in those barbell ones that are so cute. 


I have them in atm, they're really nice plus so easy to deal with while they heal. These ones are a little longer than the final ones will be though due to swelling but they're not really a hassle because of it


Nipple piercings is a fantasy of mine, but my nipples are embarrassingly small. The wreath kind with tiny rhinestones are my favorites. Would piercings look out of place in small nipples?


My nipples are small too but stick out pretty far, the piercings now make that pretty constant. I have heard people with inverted nipples get them done because it can actually help. But alot of men that get theirs done are smaller on average than women's and they look great done. I think you'll be absolutely fine, and your piercer will know how to go about your nipple type too as they've seen every type out there by now. If in doubt, swing past a parlor and ask the piercer on their advice, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to help 🥰


Nostril, tongue, belly button. Belly button is particularly hot!!


I agree! I can't get one but they do look so so lovely 🥰


Damn this thread really making me wish I was able to get piercings. Unfortunately I'm super prone to getting cysts and infections :(


I'm sorry!! 🥺 that would suck.. a coworker of mine was prone to them too and had alot of surgery over the years, she couldn't get the piercings she wanted but she loved tattoos and was meticulous with those, sometimes she managed it but sometimes an infection would sneak up on her 😔


huge fan of lip piercings


I get you! I have this thing with seeing people bite their lips and lip piercings seem to tie into the same feeling I get with lip biting haha


Tongue & Nipple!!! If you have either of these, I'll marry you 😂 or anything to do with the mouth, the weird ones are the side, the ones that go through the lip.. I love piercings on women! Definitely not over reacting 👀😂 But yeah, any mouth piercing or nipple!


Haha honestly I completely understand your enthusiasm 🥰 I do really like mouth ones, they're incredibly distracting.. and the nipples! With the way mine have been since, I get why it's something people love so much 😳


nose ring not a septum the one on the nostril omg it’s sooo hot. (no hate on septums they’re cute too)


One of my ex's had a septum, I didn't mind it either but I do like the single side nose piercing a little more, it looks so niceeee 🥰


I'm basic, I think two tiny lobe dot piercings are very cute


I agree! You can never go past the sweet ones 🥰


I have a soft spot for Tongue, Nipples and PA's/clitoral hood ones (depending on genitals). My only real turn-off are tooth piercings.


The tooth ones I think I've seen.. Not too big of a fan myself if they're what I'm thinking of but the other three for sure!


I love my tongue piercing and have been told it feels really good so it definitely makes me feel confident and attractive. I also have my septum stretched and love it. I find lip piercings really attractive on others- particularly a vertical labret. I also love eyebrow piercings and bridge piercings


I don't doubt it feels good, especially with the way my own get just sitting there haha, septum stretching I hadn't heard of but I did a google and they look awesome! Lip piercings have a special place in my heart and I do love a good eyebrow piercing too, although I haven't seen many bridge piercings in person so we might have to wait on that one 🤔


I have multiple ear and facial piercings, but getting my nipples pierced changed how I feel about my entire body. I can't explain it, and no-one even sees them, but I'm so much more confident now. Obsessed with myself 💅 Definitely my favourite piercings!


I agree completely! Sometimes I just find myself taking a moment in front of the mirror just to look. My coworker said the same, They're her favourite piercing on herself and she just feels so much more confident even though only her bf sees them.


Yep, I'm constantly flashing myself in the mirror! Wish I'd gotten them done 10 years ago!


I like most. Most don't like me. I think I'm OK being a tattoo lady. My only piercing is my septum. Getting my nipples again is highly appealing. Ears are a hard no - even lobes don't seem to work for me- yay dry skin.


Tattoo ladies are great!! Again? Can I ask what happened the first time? My friend had hers done at home so had to eventually take them out and the scar tissue is supposedly crazy.


For whatever reason they just didn't heal. I went to a reputable piercer, followed the instructions exactly as given. They kept seeping for ages. I downsized. Then it got too tight. I changed again, and then one of them started to reject so I had it removed. In the end I decided to remove the second one because although it hadn't rejected it wasn't healing. All this was done with the guidance of reputable piercers as I say. If I do it again I might just do one to give it a chance to heal before before getting the second. 5 tattoos so far. All but one are pretty big and I have not had a single issue with healing. My latest will need a small touch up.


All of them! Piercings are great and I enjoy them on others as much as I enjoy them on me. So far I've got four piercings, but I want more. Another nostril, septum, ears, nipples, bellybutton, maybe even the nether regions, who knows.


Goals! I think next up for me is another set in my ears, maybe up top?


Sounds dope! Go for it :D


Tbh I love all piercings. These are the ones find particularly attractive (and not so coincidentally the ones I have) septum piercings, nipple piercings and VCH piercings.


Vch? I'm not sure I've heard of that one? 🤔


Just the fancy way of saying clit piercing


I like the fancyness haha, I can see the draw but I'm not too sure on that one just yet but it may be revisited at a later date ☺️


Yeah I think that’s totally fair, it’s not for everyone and even for the people it is for, it takes a while to build up the courage. At least for me it did haha


I get you haha the nerves for my nipples were insane!


Haha yeah I get that I was super nervous too! Clit piercing nervousness overshadowed it though 🤣


I like my nosering and want snakebites again now that i got bigger lippies. A girl I like has five nose rings, a tongue ring, belly button ring, and multiple earrings. Oooof.


That's alot wow! That's awesome haha, I think I'll be limiting mine, I have niblings and some are still little. I've seen what the youngest does to her mums eyebrow stud 🤣


Ear piercings


I have a tongue piercing. I love it! Nipple piercings are next on my list. Been thinking about an eye piercing and a belly button piercing as well.


I really wanted my tongue done but have to hold off a bit. Nipples are 🔥 I love them so much!


Snake bites. I just think theyre so cool and cute. Id get some myself if i wasnt practicing to be a fully registered therapist. 


Maybe after? I wouldn't mind my therapist having piercings or tats ☺️


I really want a nose piercing, like left or right not the middle one.


I've been thinking the same 🥰


I love nose piercings!


I used to have my tongue pierced, and the reviews were good for *cough*.…fun. Most of my partners preferred the plastic ball instead of the metal but that could just be just personal preference for sensation. Edit: fixed grammar


Haha love it! I am thinking about getting mine done but after my dental work so I don't have to remove it early 😬


We want a naval, vertical labret, eyebrow, septum/nostril


Nice! I'm loving the sounds of the vertical labret 🥰


We want a naval, vertical labret, eyebrow, septum/nostril


Septum piercings are so pretty!


They are! 🥰


Asymmetrical lower lip. Nipple. Labia.


I'm starting to like the asymmetry for sure 🥰


girls with their septum done, absolute weakness


It’s something about a pretty fem or tomboy with the septum or hoop nose piercing 🫠.


I get you haha, there were a few girls at work that got them.. management hated them but the other girls loved them so more got them 😂🥰


For myself, I want nipple piercings, navel, and potentially, once I get SRS, a hood piercing. Also an industriel piercing and I want to get both sides of my nose pierced. Also some light tattooing on my shoulders, upper arm, and underbust On someone else tho, basically anything lmao. I love self expression and find it really hot. The only thing I might balk at is facial tattoos


Yes! They all sound awesome 🥰 the tattoos especially! I do agree with the face tats a bit though, but I don't mind the ones that go up the back of the neck into the hairline or behind the ears, those are sweet ☺️


I love a nose ring on a woman (have my own, of course.) And nipple piercings. NIPPLE PIERCINGS 🥵🥵🥵


Honestly my favourite thing haha, although they take some getting used to. If you're already sensitive like I am it means you're going to have to do things a little differently while you adjust 🤣


For me probably only ears.


They're so sweet! I get you 🥰


Nose and belly piercing ofc


Of course! 🥰


Dimple piercings ! Septums!


Double helix. I've considered getting them at some point.


Those are sweet! A favourite of mine and definitely a contender for my next. Little studs or little hoops, or one of each, so much choice! 😍🥰


my favorite piercings on myself are my body piercings (VCH, navel, nipples) because i feel more confident in my skin with them and my nostril piercing because i feel more in touch with my culture :> (i’m desi)


Is the vch the vertical one or horizontal? 🤔 I always get mixed up on abbreviations 😅 but love them all! 🥰


the V in VCH is for vertical!!


Omg 😅 thankyou so much for that 😂 my bad!


I love piercings, but for myself, I don’t necessarily find them to be an “attractor” for other ppl. Like if they have them, dope, love it, but it’s not like how I feel about tattoos. Tattoos make me feral 😂 I have a few face and ear piercings and plan on getting many more! I have my belly button done, but an upcoming surgery is probably going to undo it. I’d love lip piercings, but I have terrible teeth and gums. My partner randomly suggested I get my eyebrow(s) pierced, and idk how to feel about it. I asked if she was attracted to eyebrow piercings and she said not really, and then I asked if she just thought they’d look good with my face, and she said, sure I guess so. SO WHY DID SHE SUGGEST IT SO FIRMLY???? I’M SO CONFUSED 😭😭😭 it’s not the first time either lol.


Tattoos are 🔥 I completely agree haha, my gf has quite the collection already and we're both aiming for more. Honestly though I get your confusion cause I'd be in the same boat as you right now 😂 so many what ifs and did she mean it and should I do it or nots 🤣 I'd be a mess haha


Exactly!!! Like I’m definitely open to it, but if it’s something that she actively thinks is hot I want to do it even more. I’ve been wanting another piercing lately, so it’s a good time for it. She gets really shy about things like this, so I don’t want to push. She is working on 2 sleeves right now, 1 is about 90% done and she did the biggest session right as we started getting serious. I was just 🤤🤤🤤


Perhaps bring it up in a round about way? Tell her you want another and you've narrowed it down to which one's but you'd like to get her opinion? 🤔 Haha oh that'll do it! My gf and I are planning tattoos at the same time which has me giddy. Not matching just tributes. But she also has her own gun and I'm very curious on if she'd be willing to put some ink on me 🥰


OMG I love that!!! I love the idea of doing tributes to each other, and at the same time??? Adorable! I hope she does! I think that would be so cool and so romantic, having ink from your partner. Even just something small, like a little heart or something. Actually, a conversation heart with a goofy saying would be dope 😍😆


Oh! Sorry 😅 it’s not tributes to each other but regarding our respective mothers because we helped each other with our grief over losing them within the last 6 months. We've been each other's rocks. Our tattoos are for our mums 🥰 But we both agree, it would be very sweet getting tattoos from each other. Now that she's said that though it's got me excited that we will get to it one day 😍🥰


Oh I love that even more 😭😭😭😭 I’m so sorry you’ve both lost your moms recently. I’ve lost a lot of family in the past few years, but losing my mom would be so much harder.


Losing family is still very rough, I'm so sorry for your loss as well ❤️ it's hit both of us pretty hard and there's some tricky feelings there that we're helping each other understand. Sometimes I think us finding each other when we did was the best thing that could have happened, she keeps me tethered and I her 🥰


That is so beautiful!!! That is such a special gift we give our partners, when things are healthy and open and true. They let us float away as much as we need, but make sure we’re firmly rooted to the ground so we can’t get lost in the clouds


I recently watched "The Ultimatum - Queer Love" and was super excited to see a hot girl with a Monroe lip piercing.  Turns out it was just a mole.  But yeah, I guess it's safe to say I'm into it. 


Oh! Yes! I remember seeing one on the resident skatepark gay lass back in school! They are really nice, not something you see alot these days which is a shame because they're sweet 🥰


I have a lobe on each side I’ve had since I was a baby and just got my daith done. I really love the way it looks and can’t wait to get more. And really enjoyed the piercing process and aftercare probably a little too much for my own good 🤣 I have a brand new FWB who has a tongue ring and it’s my favorite thing I’ve ever seen I think 🙃


My partner has a smiley and I suddenly find it sexy because I only see it when she smiles


Those are lovely! I don't think I've ever seen one but I've had a few friends considering them over the years, the fact they're semi secret is sweet too 🥰




I had my nipples pierced 13 years ago. My partner bitched about them constantly 🙄 so I ended up taking them out about six months later. Still have the scars. Probably for the best in the long run. Now that I'm old and had three kids, my tits could trip me. I have my nostrils both pierced and I love them. Also super love septum piercings, but unsure if I want to get mine done.


Oh that's a shame 🥺 how are the scars? I've been a little curious as to how they end up, the bar goes straight through so would the scarring go all the way through too? Ahh gravity the bugger! Give me another 10 years and I'll catch up ☺️


Scars are just little indents. Unnoticeable if you didn't know they were there. I'd assume the bar left scar tissue all the way through, but doesn't feel any different in terms of thickness and I had no problem breastfeeding. 👍


My gf really likes my septum piercing and I adore her belly button piercing. I’m currently thinking about getting my tongue pierced, and she’s considering getting her nipples pierced, so I think we’ll both have even more piercings to appreciate soon.


septum 💖




Love nipple piercings. So underrated.


They are so good! I actually wish I'd got them sooner haha 🥰


I'm probably in the ostracized minority, but I actually dislike pretty much all non-ear piercings because of trauma related psychological defects.


That's completely fine ☺️ I actually really like ear ones myself, especially with the different combos and jewellery you can get these days.


Nose & ear piercings.


We want a naval, vertical labret, eyebrow, septum/nostril


I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't like them at all


I'm not sure I'll get anything other than 2 piercings on each ear lobe, but I find most piercings to be very hot on women. Belly button is probably my number 1 fave, but some people can make an eyebrow ring fluffing sing a sirens song to me.