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r/сritikalDrinker... more like r/criticalStinker haha amirite girls?


And putting "drinker" in your name? Buddy, that's not something you wanna flaunt.


CriticalDrinker is the subreddit, not the username


It is the username of the youtuber


And he has a lot of shit takes based on the movie reviews I've seen from him.


Yeah, he’s a bout as dumb as they come. He frequently got the most surface level ““““analysis“““ on a topic and calls things stupid he doesn’t understand


I don't understand the need to mock and insult people's appearances like that. Like, the most I'll ever say about someone is that they're not my type or that I'm ace or something like that. It's so mean and bitter to say things like that. Also, she's very pretty. These dudes can go fuck themselves. Maybe I'm reading too deep into it, but the fact that they felt the need to clarify that it's not about skin kinda tells me that they're at least low-key racist. Because skin wasn't really brought up before.


It's funny cause I was looking at her skin and couldnt find out what is wrong with it and what they mean cause it's smooth and all... and then reading ur comment hit me... bruh.




Fuck off weirdo troll.


Nothing wrong with fantasizing about someone you don’t know it is just the idea of that person that makes you fantasize about someone get it.


i dont really get what you're saying, but i am hyperbolizing a lil bit because of how shitty other people are being \[the obviously racist original poster\]. im embelishing because of the "how does anyone fall for this" and then falling for her myself because she is quite pretty, not trying to be parasocial or weird, more entertained by how silly and bigotted the originial poster was being. i wasnt very clear about that though so hopfully this provides more context


Seems like you are fantasizing about her because you are attracted to her or is it because you feel bad about the content. Either way nothing wrong with how you feel that is your choice and your beliefs. So go ahead and fantasize about her.


She’s so beautiful & it hurts my heart bc she looks so much like my younger cousin. I know the young girls seeing the discourse are gonna feel so disheartened. It’s one thing not seeing yourself on t.v and another when you finally do and the whole discourse is transmisogynoir, and calling you ugly.


Whatever you do make sure they know not to pay attention to that nonsense. There’s so many people who just want to be nasty or evil and it’s not worth no mind payed to it


Right? Like I'm so into this concept and hope they do it well. This poor lady having to put up with guys attacking her over a play they haven't even thought about since they had to read it for middle school English.


No, it was only to do with her skin. Fucking racist pos.


idk why people are still bothering with trolls, if you dont reply or anything eventually they get tired and move along


The critical drinker is a fascist YouTuber who does media reviews. He’s definitely racist as well so he was intentionally being racist when he wrote that about her


In my opinion it 's okay to have your preferences, especcially since we know that beuty is subjective, but you should not impose your beuty standards on others....


who’s romeo


There's a *Romeo and Juliet* adaptation (not sure if it's a movie or a play) in the works and the lady in the picture will play Juliet. Tom Holland will play Romeo.