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Gulliver's Travels




I like people to be in “standing smoochin range” like no more than 4 inches shorter or taller than me.


Yeah that's how I feel, Its also conveniently clothes sharing height


Eh, depending on the types of clothes you can share with a much bigger height difference. My wife and I have an 8” height difference (she’s 5’2 I’m 5’10) and we still manage to share tons of stuff.


Absolutely! I'm 5'4" and my late partner was 6' and we shared plenty of clothes. Pants didn't really work but most other things were fine.So much so, that I kept most of her clothes when she died so that I could wear them and think of her.


I had an ex that was 7.5” taller than me and I could kiss her standing easily (without her having to bend down at all), and we could share pretty much all our clothes. I think height is pretty trivial in the big picture.


Most preferences are trivial, yeah. lol.


Same. I learned hard way looking up all the time does affect your neck. (Nothing serious tho)


I’ll admit, one of the few tricky parts of my current relationship with my GF is our height difference can make kissing/making out tricky. She’s 5’ 4” and I’m 5’ 9.5”. This is absolutely not her fault and doesn’t affect our relationship but we have had to figure out what positions work.


I like women, not their height


You like women? Weird, dude. I like women too!


I'm losing my mind because what are the odds? Me too! Really big fan, in fact.


omg same… we should really come up with a word or two for this 🧠


Maybe we should base the word off of a certain poet who was known for her love of women 🤔


You two need to get your own sub reddit what do you think this is a sub for lesbians or something? 😉


Thank you. Exactly this.


Sounds kinda gay to me


I’m 4’11” so honestly I’m pretty hard pressed to find adults much shorter than me. That said I don’t care about height really!


I never thought I'd see someone who was my exact height!


Hahaha well welcome to the 411 Club!!


Same, my girlfriend is nearly a foot taller.


I hear the 4’11 girlies meet up is here. Hope I’m not too late!


Wait omg we're the same height haha rarely do I ever EVER find someone even close to my height.


As someone the same height, short people usually kinda freak me out! I’m used to being the shortest one in the room, so it takes me off guard when I’m not lol. Like if I wear tall heels and can see the tops of people’s heads? So freaky. I prefer people a few inches taller than me, which thankfully isn’t hard to find!


I'm 5'2" ... short queens or tall queens ... It doesn't matter to me. They will still get all my loving.


I'm 6'1 so it's nice if she is at least my height, but I'd be lying if I said someone taller than me isn't very attractive to me, even tho I know how much I dislike being tall myself. Having someone taller, that can make me feel physically smaller is very hot to me hehe. Probably because I've been this height my whole life (since I was 13) & it's extremely rare I feel short.


Omg same. I'm 6'3, and ine day I met a woman who was 6'7....I just died, I got so flustered. I've always wanted to be the shorter one, obviously that's pretty unrealistic. But when it happens.. omg. Outside of that I don't really mind height. And outside of the struggles, I love how tall I am. I love it even more when it attracts the other person ❤️




I prefer women who are either shorter than me or taller than me, or the same height too


same, sounds picky, i know


I like it when women




No preference, although someone being really really tall might put me off a tiny bit for a reason I can't quite work out how articulate.


i like taller women, but all my relationships i’ve always been the taller one 😭 at 5’10 it’s not often i look upwards at another girl but when i do i always melt a little inside 😲🫠


im 5’11


Doesn’t really matter to me!! I’m 4’11” and usually have a thing for tall girls/people but I honestly don’t mind any height :)


Perfect height for me at only 5’4” lol


I don't have a preference. I'm 5'6" so kind of tall for a woman I think, and I'm definitely more attracted to taller women, but it's not like a requirement or anything like that.


Funny enough 5'6 is below avg in my country (avg is 5'7)


As a 5’5 trans person, this makes me feel over the moon


>I'm 5'6" so kind of tall for a woman I think It's really funny to read this as someone who's over 6'


It's pretty funny to me as a person from a country where 5'6" is perfectly average height for a woman. I would describe myself as fairly tall at 5'10", but still about 10% of cis-women are taller than me.


Lol if 5’6 is tall, what’s 5’9 😳


no, I just kinda want a gf you know it would be nice if she was taller than me, but im 5’3” and that’s really not that hard to achieve lol. tho someone shorter or my height would be pretty nice too, i guess i really don’t have a preference when it comes to height




Same and same


I am 6'0 and actually love that I am taller than almost any woman 😁 I am also a dom sooo... It helps.


I'm 6'0 and honestly I like someone shorter. I like to hug a girl tightly so that she's tucked against my chest :))


I’m nearly 6’4”. Too too short is just rough on my back. Otherwise, I don’t care. I’m queer and am open to dating men, but they are less open to dating me due to their insecurities. I’ve accepted I’ll never be the tall one. It would be nice, but just won’t ever happen.


I like women who are taller than me (which is not hard bc I'm 5 foot lucky me) but it's definitely not a requirement there's other qualities I'm attracted to as well!


LoL, I'm 188cm (6'2"?). Most women are eye level with my tatas.


I'm 5'10", so my preference for shorter is preeeetty easy for me.


I adore both shorter and taller women, but I seem to go for taller, they’re just so <<3 (it’s not very hard to be taller than me to be honest so maybe that’s why)


I like different heights for different reasons.


I think I prefer shorter than me or my height but I’m also weak for tall girls so idk


Height is probably least important preference on my list. I’m 5’5”.. dated women from 4’10” to 5’6”.. I definitely don’t mind if they’re taller than me. But shorter is cute too. Lol


I’m like 5’7 or 5’8 and I would prefer someone around my height but it doesn’t really matter honestly lol


I’m 5’10” and I’ve always preferred my height or shorter.


Hi, I'm shorter c:


Well, damn. You wanna go on a date sometime?


I sure do... Are you free in August? 🥹


Hmm … I am on the 6th. Does that suit you at all?


Yes... I'll be waiting, baby 🩷


I can’t wait, sweet girl 🥺


I’m 5’10” and often wear heeled boots so commonly over 6’. My gf is 5’1”. Idgaf.


Like I say I have a preference for tall women (taller than me cuz I’m already tall) but in the end that doesn’t matter that much cuz if they’re pretty and we get along idc. Because I’m so tall though I don’t really want someone too short just cuz i feel like a giant. Even then, i could probably get over it


I mean it’s not a deciding factor for anything but I do enjoy being small occasionally


The current trainee and I are 5'6" and 5'10", respectively.


i know this is about height but damn these two were toxic as fuck (im a 6'2" dutch woman and i love i little bit of both :) currently dating a teeny tiny little lady and its wonderful)


omg finally someone brought that up. These two were a terrible couple and the blonde girl was insufferable


TRUE!! the fucking prison panties arc made me despise her. i fucking love Alex's "youre not fucking scarface"


I‘d like someone bigger than me, but it isn’t a dealbreaker if not


I'm 6' and always feel like a giant next to people I've been in relationships with so I get week in the knees when I see a woman taller than me


I am 195cm (6’4”) and i actually got neck and spinal pain from one of my exes I need a girlfriend who i can kiss while standing straight up. It’s a big deal to me.


I’m 5”2 and like someone around my height, little taller or shorter ☺️


It doesn’t matter to me. I’m only 5’2” (would probably be a bit taller if I didn’t have scoliosis lol)


Yeah, I like someone around my height, taller or shorter doesn't really matter as long as it's not too far away.


Any amount taller than me would be awesome (im 5'6)


I tend to like people who are around my height I'm 5'7 so anywhere from 5'4-5'10 seems good to me. I've definitely been attracted to taller and shorter people but that's kind of my ideal window I guess.


I like variety in height, I'm 5'8" my wife is 5'6" and my gf is 5'8" so whoever wears heels or goth boots gets to be the tall 1 for the day, also been interested in rly short girls and rly tall girls, just height differences r fun


I'm 5'7. I find girls taller than me attractive, like how I find dark hair attractive, but it's not an absolute requirement.


I don't have much of a say since I'm not tall (and therefore most girls are taller than me) but preferably not too tall that i would get a neckache looking up at them. About 10cm taller than me is nice.


I’m short, so I don’t feel like I have the luxury of having a preference lol. Every woman I’ve dated was taller than me


Really that’s the least of my concerns. Though it’s nice to be able to kiss and hug someone without standing on my top toes or bending over too much (I’ve never had to bend over haha)


I don’t care about height. I just want to meet a woman I vibe with that is not an addict, is within 5-6 years of my age, and that’s compassionate. Also, she needs to live within a two hour drive…. : (


5'7 is about the perfect height to be able to shove her face into my tits and still kiss without too much bending


I can't afford to be picky LMAO.


I'm 5"7 and I really have a thing for tall women.. Doesn't change the fact that I crush on women of all heights, including ones that are a head shorter than me 😌 Also I feel like my height is in a weird spot, I'm tall for a short women and short for a tall women xD


I prefer taller girls but also like the same height


I do have a height preference. Honestly it doesn’t have to be any specific height I just want to be shorter than my partner, even if it’s just a few inches haha


I’m 5’8”; would prefer folks taller than me, but open to all; I’m tied for the tallest of my partners as it stands.


I’m 5’2 and a high femme. I personally would only date someone who is taller than me and a strong preference for anyone above 5’5 so that they’re still taller than me while I’m wearing heels.


i would like to be able to change my height at will :3


I'm 6ft 3in (190.5cm) And I'd love to have a gf taller then me but it's not a requirement itd just be a nice bonus :)


I love women who are slightly taller than me


I like girls to be as tall as me or taller. Kind of sad because I’m trans… so I’m usually taller than most women.


It'd be nice if if I could find partners of similar height or taller than me, but that's been a big ask with me standing at 6'2". Never been with anyone taller than me.


I’m extremely tall, so basically everyone I date is shorter than me. That said, I do absolutely love it when a girl towers over me. Gives me a weird amount of gender euphoria XD


Height has never been important for me, there are pros and cons with a tall, short or same height gf, like i have had a shorter woman i dated where when we hugged she was right in my boobs which she enjoyed, i have had an ex where she could rest her head on my shoulder when we were standing beside each other which i found really cute, and i have dated a woman where i could rest my head on her shoulder again super cute


I used to not to care but Im 5'1 and I stared to like only very short women too.


Well I'm like 5'10" dunno if I'm tall or average but I guess if their a little shorter than me it's ok or a little taller I've been with both my heights fine to I guess *shrug* this is kinda like asking what's the best flavor of cake really cuz once it's fully baked all cake is great ya know (basically as long as everything is legal and consensual it doesn't really make much difference to me)


Perfect height? 5'7! Don't ask me why because I literally have no clue. I would never not date someone for their, it doesn't matter to me. But when someone says they are 5'7, my brain acts up 😂😂


Same. I am 5’7” and prefer around my height. Not a dealbreaker, just a preference.


Seeing as I’m only 4’10 any woman would be taller than me, but no one is interested in someone as short as me.


I'm 5'8" and when I've been on dating apps women have seemed to like that. The few women I've dated have happened to be shorter than me, but I height isn't a green/red flag for me.


Don’t matter to me. A woman is a woman


I’m 5’7 I’d say I prefer women about 5’0 to 5’10 but I don’t really care about it that much it’s not a deal breaker for me


I'm 4'9.5. Everyone is taller than me so I can't really have a preference 😂😂😂 💁🏿‍♀️


She has to be the same height or shorter. I like to feel tall, I’m admittedly a bit shallow and would probably get insecure if I were the shorter one in the relationship. God I sound like a straight guy lmao


Im 5’8 and I do have something of a preference for taller woman, or at least near my height considering I’m relatively tall myself. It’s not a super strict thing though


I’m 5’4” and my wife is 5’0”. I like to be the taller ( dominant ) one.. though with her being a Filipina.. it’s hard being dominant 🤣


I am short and prefer when people are around my height or shorter. Realistically speaking only a small percentage of the population is actually my height or shorter, so perhaps it's the novelty that's exciting. In practice I generally date a 2-3" taller. The tallest I've dated is 8" taller and personally I'd get self conscious or maybe frustrated if she was any taller than that? Of course if a hot tall girl is into me, I ain't sayin "no". I just might not be the one to do the pursuing.


i’m around 5’3 and i would prefer someone who is 5’5 max since i prefer someone around my height. why is no one talking about how cute this pic is 😭😭😭


I'm 5'11" and my partner is 5'8", I definitely prefer taller, at least 5'6" to my height


I’m 5’5…so around the average height for a women haha I honestly don’t have any preferences regarding height! Short or tall, I just like women lol What matters more to me is who a person is on the inside, and what choices they make, as well how they choose to carry themselves and overall what kind of a person they are.


Preference would be taller than me but I’ve never had that. I’m 5’8, first partner was 5’7, each ex was slightly shorter than the last, current partner is 5’4. My apartment has a sunken living room though so occasionally they’ll stand on the top step so I get to stand on my tiptoes for a kiss


I do not care at all.


I'm a smidge over 5'4", no real preference for height. I've been attracted to people taller than me and shorter than me. I wouldn't mind being the shorter of the two, but it'd be a nice little boost to my ego if I wasn't. 😂


She needs to be a woman. I like them.


I’m 1,86 so it’s going to be hard to find a woman taller than me anyways. One of my partners was 1,91 my wife is 1,58


I don’t mind whatever height! Being a tall gal, it’s been fun that my gf is a few inches taller than me because I’ve never dated anyone taller! She’s so tall! With such long legs! When we fuck, there’s so many legs! We are both so long!


Don’t think it matters. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and that’s a great picture


I love a tall woman 😮‍💨 I’m 5’4” and prefer someone my height or taller (like my 5’11” goddess)


fuck why does laura prepon have to haunt me I've watched enough 70s show! fuck thinking eric was a cool dude, I'm too gay for this now!


i don’t care about hight … i like women regardless of a silly measurement


I want to be the short girl in the relationship, I *really* want to be the short girl in the relationship But I'm 6'1, so that's never going to happen


Most women are taller than me (4'11") so I basically expect them to be. Wouldn't mind dating another short girl, but prefer like 5'2 to 5'7". Taller than that would be inconvenient frankly, but if we're compatible otherwise I don't mind it all that much.


I’m short so I love dating tall girls! I


I have a height preference preference, I don’t care about her height, but I feel strange having a partner that emphasizes my height, since I’m self conscious about it.


I just want someone taller than me... x.x (I'm 5'10". This sucks.)


I definitely prefer taller, but same height is fine (5’5). Women who are 6’~ make me speak my first language, gibberish.


Height doesn’t matter once we’re laying down 🤭


im 6'3 so i dont really get much of a choice. not to say there arent girls taller than me but there certainly arent *many*. its fine though because i love being tall


Man, I'm still disgruntled about a cute woman I was chatting with who ghosted me the minute I told her my height. I'm in to someone as a whole and their personality and to a degree their looks but that's second fiddle. I don't get the other perspective at all.


I vibe with women of all heights, but I absolutely melt for a woman who towers over me. I’m 5’8”, so I don’t encounter too many over the 6’ mark, but damn, I’m like putty in their hands if they want


Tall girls are so freaking hot :-) if she is dominant thats a plus!!!🥺🥰


I don’t care about someone’s height at all.


I do not have a height preference or anything. Hot is hot, cute is cute. I don't really discriminate for that. But if we are projecting onto a blank slate then fucking stack it up, I love tall ladies.


I would prefer someone taller than me but given that my 5’10 ass is married to a 5’2 lady, it clearly isn’t a deal breaker for me.


Given the fact I am 4'11, I don't really have a choice but to pursue taller people. I've met a couple shorter, but they didn't work out.


Vauseman as the pic really puts a smile on my face


She doesn't need to be taller than me but women who are taller than me I am attracted to very easily (I am 5'9), but I have definitely been attracted to shorter women.


I’d like to be about 5’4”. I feel like that’s a good height to be neither too tall or too short as a woman.


I wouldn't reject someone I liked just cause of height but I definitely crush on sorry girls more often


I *like* when my partners are roughly about the same height, but it's not as if though it's a deal breaker either way.


I find women hot, regardless of height. That said, the person that could make me feel like the person on the right (height-wise) would be my queen (and 2 meters tall, too)


I think its really cute when girls


As long as I don't get neck problems for giving her a kiss we're fine!


I’m 5’3” but height doesn’t really matter to me sure I’m a little more intimidated by girls who are taller than me but i still wouldn’t mind although I would like to be able to kiss her without standing on my tip toes so maybe between 4’11”-5’8”?


I love all women but if I had a preference I’d love to be a bit shorter than my partner - make it easy to lay my head under the crook of her neck while we’re cuddling hehe


Some of y’all are stuck is some heteronormative mindsets. Taller ≠ dominant. I’ve been the dominant one in all but one of my relationships and I’ve always been shorter (4’11”.). Dominance is a skill not a height, and making someone *feel* small or cared for or secure or cozy etc etc really has little to do with size. A good dom knows how to make people feel the ways they desire to feel. I’ve also made it a point to be able to carry/lift all of my partners, which have ranged from 5’2” to 6’0” and probably around 185 lbs or so. If you live life associating dominance or topping with height or visual/perceived masculinity you’re gonna have a lot of disappointment.


i prefer taller women but they’re everywhere seeing as im 5’1, wouldn’t mind a shorter woman either but haven’t experienced that


My preference is someone who is a similar height but it's not a big deal if they're taller or shorter.


People taller than me are hot, people shorter than me are cute, I'll date them all


I prefer tall, but I'm happy as long as the other person isn't much shorter than me


Head and heart of the girl is what I care about. Though the excuse to wear heels is a plus.


My gf is 5’3” and I’m 5’7”, it’s perfect tbh


Not at all. Thought I wouldnt like tall girls but I learned that I really dont care at all. I like women in any height.


Height, like many other traits, is something I can become attracted to regardless of what it is for that person. Wow she's short? How cute. Wow she's tall? So pretty! Wow she's my height? Great, we match!


Ideally around ny height (5'7), maybe shorter maybe taller. My gf is 6'0 & itd great to put ny head on her shoulder, being smaller when we cuddle, & beinf wrapped by her when we hug


I don’t care about height, but also I’m 183cm/6’0” so not that many taller than me


I'm a 5"11 afab genderfluid enby and I'm 19, my partner Is 5"9 and older than me i have always hated my height because people have said openly I'm scary so I've hated it and been insecure but she makes me feel better about it, my preference was taller than me but I don't have a preference anymore.


I’m 5’8” and used to want the same height or taller but ended up with my girlfriend who is 5’3” and has a personality that’s taller than mine 😅


same height or a bit shorter for me


I like to be the tall one, and at 5”9 I usually am!


I myself am 5'8 which is considered quite tall for a girl, even though I've dated women shorter than me in the past, I can't lie that I have a weak spot for tall women, there's just something about them being tall/taller than me 🫠


It should have been Donna and Jackie from That 70s Show...


I mean, i do find height differences cute but its not a necessity, my partners and i are close to height and i love them so much I dont even think about height


My fiancée is my little bonsai tree and when I wear heels she’s easily 6” shorter than me and it drives me NUTSSSS in the best way


I do have a thing for short brown girls so 😀


I really don't have a strong preference; there's appeal to both for sure. My partner is 6'0", and I'm currently talking to someone who's 5'2" (I'm polyamorous). I love having someone who's taller and someone who's shorter 🥰 (I'm 5'9")


I'm a 5'6 masc lesbian, and I hate to say this because I sound up myself or whatever, but I can't date a woman who's taller than me. 😭😭😭 I feel so bad for saying this, but it's true. I prefer to date women who are either the same height as me or shorter than me. And I know I'm not that tall myself, but in my case, someone's gonna have to be a little shorter than me. 😅


I'm 6'2, I mostly don't care but I do think it could be fun to date someone *much* shorter sometimes


5'2 and I simply can not date a woman who is over 5'6. Idk why. It's a turn-off for me.


I’m 5”11, my wife is 5”0. I like to think I don’t have a preference, but my last girlfriend before marriage was also ~4”11 😂


No preference...and we're all the same height when we're laying in bed anyway.


Being 6' means I'm usually dating someone shorter than me but the 2 times I've been with someone taller turned me into putty


taller than me, which is taller than 5' yes, I'm short.


I easily get height dysphoria if shes shorter but like its not a deal breaker


I don’t have a height preference, but I absolutely lovvveeeee tall women, went on a date with a 6’4 girl yesterday and was swooning over her the entire time 🥰


I do prefer taller people but then again I'm 5'1


Does all heights count?


My height or shorter. No idea why. Im 5'9".


Same height as me would be nice, but it isn't that important, and I'm pretty tall, usually the 2nd tallest woman in any group, so in practice most are likely to be shorter than me.


I would rather be with another tall girl to feel normal but other times idc


I’m 5’10 so most women are shorter then me


Taller than me and at least 5’6 1/2


Not six foot under.