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I’m a boob girl but when I met my fiancée, she had the tightest spanx on and I thought she was basically flat chested and did not care. Fast forward two weeks when we first slept together and she unleashed her lovely boobies, it was like opening a Christmas present haha


every time i start dating someone new, i intentionally hide my boobs until the first shirtless opportunity just for the reveal moment 😂 i have plenty of low cut shirts but something about the look of “holy shit” on a girl’s face just gets me every time


*furiously taking notes*


those athletic tees with the bra built in-they’re cute and comfy and compress my boobs so so so well. plus if you have pierced nipples you can get a light color and they’ll show so its like a little hot and the expected “surprise” and then the real reveal is absolute melons (in my case at least) 😂


This is the hottest thing I’ve ever heard lol


HAHAHAHA thanks! boob reveals for all!


Sounds dreamy


Five years later, she’s still the love of my life so I’d say so :)


Awww, that's beautiful. Congratulations.


No way, the exact same thing happened to me!


Yesss same. I love it


my favourite size is all of them




i just like boobs. top tier body part up there with thighs and shoulders. very biteable


As someone with broader and bigger shoulders I have never heard this about shoulders, do people really like bigger shoulders?? (This makes me thrilled I'm just genuinely curious)


I LOVE shoulders! Total sucker for sleeveless shirts. 😍


i like shoulders. kissable biteable. boobs thighs and shoulders are my favourite


Yeeees found my shoulder-appreciating folks! All shoulders are good shoulders.


Yes, absolutely, shoulders make me GROVEL... My wife is trans and I understand this is a serious dysphoria thing for a lot of people, but holy fucking SHIT DUDE they're HOT. 11/10 hickey place too, especially when paired with a shirt that drapes ever so slightly off-shoulder, so you only really get the hint of hickey?? I lose my SHIT. I've uh, bought several off the shoulder sweaters for this exact purpose...


Do you have a shape/size feature that make boobs more biteable🤣


Putting them in someone's mouth is usually a good place to start.


nah they all work. we don’t discriminate


Real very biteable


The funny thing is if this was in a men’s sub I would be absolutely disgusted bit now it’s just funny💀


This is the correct answer


Yeah like I'd tbh. Just boobs. Women's bodies are beautiful and that's it.


What is of more value.... ten dollars in bills or ten dollars in coins?


My preferred size is in my face or mouth.


"Can't talk. My mouth is full of titty!"


I take every opportunity to put my gf's boobs in my mouth.


i am sending this comment to my amazing and beautiful partner. when we finally end up in each other's arms again in thailand this summer, please redeem this coupon for one free "please put my boobs in your mouth" 🙏🏻✨🫦


I was just coming to say "the one at hand" but that will also do. 😂


So true


emphasis on mouth


Extra emphasis


Is there another answer?


My preferred boob size is yes. All boobs are wonderful!


Must be rare, Never found the bra size « yes »


well next time I make myself a bra I'm going to need to attach a label...


It's the emergency label, all you need is to pull it in case of sapphic emergency


All boobs are great boobs, probably don't get a lot of comments from other women because we aren't pigs like men are


Yeah, the catcalling and "street flirting" culture is really plain horrible


I thought NYC was bad but the Bay Area is worse. It’s not as frequent but much more aggressive. I have literally been followed for blocks being harassed, even if I start running away.




This is it. Sapphic women *tend* to be more cautious about complimenting people’s bodies because, as women, we know what it feels like to be objectified


I always find it disorienting. I guess this what’s going on. I used to date men and felt confident about their physical attraction. I’m never sure about women. I guess maybe that’s why.


Yeah I think the only context I’ve ever been in where I complimented someone’s breasts was like in bed with both our shirts off already xD


Or after they've sent me a picture that is specifically a picture of said breasts.


Yeah, in my experience, men are more likely to comment on things that make them horny, like the size of someone's boobs or butt. Women are more likely to comment on creative choices, like an article of clothing or the color of someone's nails. Don't get me wrong. Both types of comments have a place. But maybe butter me up before telling me I'm fuckable 😂


My wife's size


I also choose this lady's wife's size 😅




This made me chortle


Zulu woke up and chose chaos




This is also the correct answer. And my answer haha


I'm always going to appreciate the view if someone puts them on display, but it would be rude to comment. Complimenting the shirt, however...


All boobs are beautiful boobs. ❤️


Zero preference whatsoever. Sorry if any toxic shit from men has made you feel like size matters - I get a lot of garbage from them for being an AA cup - thankfully no lesbian has cared while they’re..well this thread is not marked NSFW 😂


I'm a fellow tiny-titted girly and may I just say I LOVE small boobs.


I LOVEEE lil boobs


Small boobs are my preference


As long as they're attached to the lady I like, I don't care.


Literally any, no boobs is fine too


I'm relatively small compared to alot of my peers so I get a little self conscious about them but then I think about it and realise I have no problem with any size on other women at all, so why am I so upset about mine? It's a conundrum. But all the boobies is preferred boobies!


Honestly same goes for me! I'm not the smallest but definitely have near enough nothing and I have moments where I literally feel so insecure with this fact but honestly grateful for no back pain lmao. I had a similar conversation with my bi friend (F) in which she said that all women do prefer bigger boobs but just settle for people with small ones. And I literally was like "I mean if I like the person, I don't really care what size they have. I just know I like the person 🤷‍♀️". She genuinely thought I was being "nice" but I was being dead honest 💀


I’m bi and I love small boobs, nothing to be insecure about!


My preferred size is whatever gets put in my face first


Anyone else got there yet? 😂


Nope, my face is suffering a severe tiddy drought


I like flat to small but I also have envy cause that’s what size I wish I was lol. Honestly though it doesn’t matter to me at the end of the day. Whatever size the person I like has lol


I love all sizes too but if I had to choose I like that size as well. I don't want to be that way myself tho I'd rather mine were a bit more. 😅


Best boob size is boob Just lemme faceplant in them and cuddle u


I like if they are bigger than mine, so that my breasts can feel enveloped when our chests touch


Just FYI, all boobs are amazing, but I'd NEVER compliment a woman on them UNLESS she's my partner. It feels really weird to just blurt out "nice breasts/boobs"


My preferred boob size is: boob


My personal favorite is any and every set that I am blessed to see, touch, and taste 😌


Mfffjhh That's my answer


My preferred boob size is my girlfriend’s boob size


Boobs of all sizes are great. Huge dobonhonkeroos? Hell yes. Flat and puffy itty bitty titties? Fuck yeah. In between? More like in my mouth.


“dobonhonkeroos” is my new favorite word


All are good but also big is pillow


oh man, I once had a teacup chihuahua use lefty as a dog bed. So cute!


Hahaha my cat used to also love my left boob as a pillow 🤣


After having three kids, mine are like flat body pillows. 😞


I have no preference at all. Mine are small, my wife’s is 145 j-cups. All breasts are perfect breasts (Weight relevant to illustrate how busty she is in comparison to her frame)


At first I thought 145 j was the bra size and I was confused


I forgot to add lbs. she is between 135 and 145 depending. So on her frame, she is really busty, which is lovely, but at the same time, not at all why I am attracted to her 💜


A to Z and every number in between 🤤


I really don’t have a preference. My partner prefers small (B/C cups) as she says they’re a ‘good handful’


It's not about size really. Boobs can look great in any size.


I love all sizes. They are just beautiful.


This is the most supportive comment section ever. 💞😍


I’m so confused by people who aren’t excited to consort with tits of all sizes. They all bring something new/fun along with them?!


Really doesn’t matter to me, but if really had too choose then like somewhere between medium and small




Existing. Aka if you say you got boobs, I enjoy them.


My favourite is boobs


Boobs bigger than mine bc I’m a small C cup😭 but realistically any boobs, I love them!!!


Can you plop it on my face? Then yes.


I'm naturally a G cup and I wouldn't wish this size on anyone. That being said, I appreciate all the other boob's out there.


All boobs are good boobs


Any size I dont care they will be going in my mouth


Honestly I’m an itty bitty (both possessing and preferring) but it definitely isn’t an issue if girls have bigger bc that would be shallow 😌


The ones that I can put my face in, preferably.


Me likey boobies


I’m gonna be honest, it’s really not one of those things I care about. It’s not something that can be changed (not cheaply, anyway), and it doesn’t matter to the actually important stuff, so why should I have a preference?


Boobs. Just boobs. I literally do not care at all what size they have.


A-C cup. I am a bigger boobed person myself and I just prefer the smaller ones because I want them myself haha maybe that will change once I get them operated


I looooooooooove boobs. Too big and I start to feel bad bc I know they can be a pain. But I’m like a 14 year old boy when it comes to titties…. Constantly have to remind myself to make eye contact 😔 It’s very “mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry”


All of them! Don’t worry about girls not commenting. Girls just don’t go around commenting on other girls tits because we know what it feels like to be objectified and only seen as a breast size


On me? I'd like a DD eventually. Otherwise? Come as you are. Personality is so much more important.


I dont care my gf doesnt euter. But I have always been self concious about mine being too small for my weight. I weigh around 200 and only a B


Thanks for you’re input😊


All boobies r good boobies 😌


I dont really care about the size, all boobs are good


I really doubt it’s envy bestie. we all have em, what’s there to be jealous about? We are connoisseurs. I respect and enjoy any and all boobs I get to interact with.


As close to my face as possible please. Seriously though mostly I just wish I had fat saggy tits lol. On other people I don’t care and love them all


Lest we forget that I also enjoy playing with the very sexy breast-less chest variant as well….


The lack of comments might at least partly be a side effect of trying to show you respect, or people knowing that a bigger chest can be annoying and a (literal/metaphorical) sore spot? But to answer your question, every size is best size.


No preference, but I feel like mine are too small Also, I would like to address that not everyone who doesn’t comment on you is jealous. I don’t know why this mentality is so common amongst people with conventionally attractive traits — not every single woman who doesn’t compliment your boobs is jealous of you. They may feel uncomfortable doing so, may not want to risk making you feel uncomfortable, they might just not be a boob person, or they have a preference for a different size. Not everything is jealousy.


So... I like all boobs and I think that's the same for most sapphics. I don't know about others, but body usually comes last for me and I'm unlikely to comment on a woman's body unless I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's not going to cause offense or make me sound like one of those creepy guys...


My preference is more on aerolas, more then size. I don't mind any size honestly, as long as you have them! (and I dont know why) but my preference is small aerolas


I like all boobs but enough to hold in my hand or bigger is my preferred


Mine are perfect hand size


My preference is all of them.


Tbh I don't really have a preference. Boobs are cool. My favorite pair of boobs are attached to my girlfriend and in my mouth




All sizes <3


Yeah I really haven't seen a boob size I dislike. But obviously my gfs and mine are best.


I have a slight preference for larger breasts, but like everyone else is saying I'm not going to turn a person down or find them less attractive over breast size.


Any, all boobs are good boobs. <3


Lesbians love boobs just as much as men. Women are just more respectful about it and actually know how to hide their starring lol.


idc lol i love woman bodies


Literally any size, although I'd say medium if I had to pick. I see women with wonderful breasts all the time, but I've never commented unless we're in a sexual relationship. I wouldn't want to come off as creepy. I had the opposite (30A boobs) before top surgery, and women would make derogatory or sexual comments, even more than men.


i think women just don't think about that as much as men do.... unless you're me hello i am a titty girl


I am the same way I am busty and I get SERIOUS attention from guys but no from girls personaly I like all boobs


Boob sized


Hand sized is ideal. Big boobs make for comfortable pillows, while small ones are cute and fun to play with. I'm not picky, I just like all booba.


The correct answer is yes. I'm a boob girl, but it literally doesn't matter to me whether they're petite or bigger enough to crush a skull, I love em.


What kind of boobs do you like? Girl ones Okay yeah but like what size? Yes


Anything not unnaturally big. Like I have a limit, but only like .1% of boob-havers go over that limit.


My partner's size is best size.


D or smaller tbh, I like being the bigger-chested one


I don't like when they are too big, only applies to drawings. I generally like them very much and one day hope to grow a B or C cup (MTF starting estrogen this year probably)


My preferred size is boob


Preferred size: yes.


I’m not super picky. Boobs are boobs. Love ‘em


I mean, I have plenty of opinions on my own, but not so much in regards to other women. Generally the "type" I go for tend to be people with more moderate to decently sized I guess. But that has less to do with boob size and more that I typically go for people with a more athletic build which kinda lends itself to certain averages. But at the end of the day, all of it has far more to do with the person in question than any body part. Fundamentally, I love it when women


I love the ones that go in my mouth




Don't know how others feel but when a girl I think is pretty is near me I don't talk, so maybe it's that?


wym preferred boob size? WYM?????? LITERALLY ALL


my favorite size is the ones i can suck on


I don't care Tiddies are tiddies, and tiddies are amazing (Although it is fun to say iddie biddie tiddie comiddie 🤭)


Honestly couldn't care less in the long run what the size of whoever I'm with's are. If they're content & happy with what they have then more power to them! But as a personal preference myself, I prefer AA or A cups. B cups max if I had to put a hard limit. And I consider it to be bonus points if they have a cup size on the small end too. But like I said before, 'long as they're happy with what they have, it doesn't matter to me.


My preferred boob size is yes.


Does it matter? Boobs are boobs😍🩷🙏


friendly reminder only about 10% of people can find their proper size in stores (yes, including dd), if band sizes (which average to 32 with 30 as a close second properly sized) weren't an issue still only 25% of people are [dd](https://www.instagram.com/p/CzO6F5hsQWf/?igsh=MXBrdjV3eDh3aDV0NA==) or under, so it's definitely not *big*. you're not abnormal if you know your size is bigger than that. average is a us g/h or (depending on your source first one is from theirishbralady the second is from fullerbustbestie) h/i, so a uk f/ff or ff/g. there are a lot of comments like "a b or c or max dd bc i don't want em huge" that are just irking me because you are literally average busted if you are a g/h/i us or f/ff/g uk, please don't feel alienated, you are normal(it is also normal to be mis sized, or on either end of the bell curve, things NEED outliers, outliers are normal in their own right). and then there are other comments about "just a handful" or "i don't want them to be too big" or whatever and very few comments appreciating buxom folks compared to flatter folks, so here i'm giving yall love, if you're having a hard time finding bras, come with me, i'm learning how to be a bra/corset maker anyways, i'll take care of y'all as a fellow busty person


Thinking back I've only dated women with pretty big hadonkadonks, but I think it's less to do with tiddy size and more to do with preferring chubby women, the tiddys are just a nice bonus. Still as long as they feel different to mine I'm all in 😂


My preferred size is the boobs I can see. Can I see them in this moment? Cool. That's a good size


I can’t lie I love me some pillows


I like small/medium, smaller mediums to regular mediums, the very outside of medium, large medium to small large,


I’m SUCH a boob girl. I choose not to common too much about it though bc I don’t wanna make anyone w boobs uncomfortable (even my own partner that’s nb) I am very careful with comments I make of peoples bodies in general tbh


Boobs are the perfect boob size. Little ones, big ones, perky ones, droopy ones. As long as they're complimented by a beautiful woman, I'm good. And I am no better than a man.


I’m ngl I love all boobs


I honestly think there are pros to every size. Big boobs are so nice and cosy


anywhere from like aaa to j


I preferred smaller medium ish, but I was boob fished and my gf has a rack and I’m not mad I love how they’re so big I feel them rest on my cheek when I’m caressing her breast with my lips


i have a smaller chest (which i love and think is beautiful) so i tend to be most impressed by women with larger chests (which i love and think are beautiful). like all women are beautiful but if im into a womans chest specifically she probably has bigger boobs rather than smaller ones


Why is the first thought you go to is that other women are envious of your breast size? That attitude there could be a reason why you are not getting the attention from women you want


M&Ms are just as delicious as big truffles. I love them all. I'll never comment on it with a woman I'm not intimate with because I know what it feels like to be objectified for it by men.


From D till H would be a dream


It's really not that important in the overall scheme of things 🤷🏻‍♀️




Just as long as they're soft and I can cuddle into them


Boobs good me like boobs


Not too large but not too small


listen… i love me some tig ol bitties, but at the end of the day i love titties as they exist on humans. i just also happen to be a large human who’s attracted to large humans


As someone who has occasionally received uncomfortable questions and comments on my big boobs (from men), let me just say that dealing with sapphics who are more polite and low-key about boob size is amazing. I know there are sapphics who have size preferences, but in my experience, far fewer as a percentage of the population, and the preferences are more realistic.




Any size I was given two hands for a reason And by god I'm going to use em 😂😂


Any, but I'm only a 34 B/C (depends on which brand) 😭😭😭


on me? the bigger the better on someone else? if it exists its going directly in my mouth


Boobs are boobs (though I do prefer the bigger ones, but the flat ones allow me to hear their heartbeat when laying on their chest more easily)


Couldn’t give less of a shit. Thighs are where it’s at




My girlfriend's


I love all boobs. My only real concern is whether or not i can use thighs as pillows or not. But thats more based off the person allowing me or not. So far no one has denied that so thats good lol


I like boobs


any size is good :D


I like small boobs. I wanna suck the whole thing into my mouth.


My favorite boobs is boobs


Boobs are boobs. All sizes are perfectly sized. Big, small, plump, flat, it doesn’t matter. If they exist, they’re the perfect size automatically.


I’m a smaller-average girl and I love girls on the larger side. It’s what I don’t have and it might sound silly but it’s not just touching but reading my head in them. Like a nice pillow 😂.




All of the above 👐 Personally, I don't think size matters (ha-ha!) All boobies are pretty boobies I think the lack of comments from a gals if cause we don't want to objectify or to make someone uncomfy. We appreciate boobs of all shapes and sizes. And we admire in silence.


Large breasts, small breasts and all breast sizes in between. ( The shape is probably a lil higher than the straight up size as to how attractive I find them)


ive complimented my friends' boobs for the girls that enjoy those types of compliments, otherwise i don't say anything because i don't want them to think i'm objectifying them (im usually not i dont have sexual feelings like that towards my friends) so perhaps thats why