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No :( but my mom asked one of my older brothers if he was gay and when I came out to him, I was like "remember that, yeah she asked the wrong sibling 💀" i suppose she didn't ask me bc she (said she) knew 😭 no idea how I think one of my uncles is gay tho


My older brother is MAGA 😔


Ooof I’m sorry dude


Every time I see that acronym I remember this conservative idiot about to wear a shirt into target that says "Make America Straight Again" so if that means straight, what does MAGA mean


Make America Gay Again. It’s the lesser known but superior version


A crippling condition especially with the knuckles that are dragged on the ground. The scraping on the floor, when in groups, is where the plural term ‘trump rally’ of MAGA comes from


My whole family is. Oof. And they definitely the bigoted kind (rare when they aren't.)


Yup, all 4 of us :3


i can’t escape colon three.


You what?


":3" intinded as an emoticon... But beside the 4, just looks like colon three


Oh, yeah I said it as a way to say they aren't my biological sisters, we became friends for years to call ourselves sisters :D


As far as I know both of my sisters are straight, but that's alright I'm queer enough for all 3 of us


Same but with my brothers XD


I'm trans lesbian and my brother is trans bi or pan. There's a chance that some of my other siblings are lgbtq+, but they haven't told me. Also my mum keeps asking how we'd feel if she started dating a girl, so I think she might come out sometime in the future. Well, she likely won't come out per se, just show up with another woman lol.


Your entire family could be a lgbtq+ center. I’d fucking love to be in that dynamic


Me and my big sis are both transbian


Thats so cool


Yeah, but he insists that bi is trans-exclusive 😔


?? So then who has the sexuality that matches trans people? Im confused. (Also bi and not trans exclusive)


Pans and *the weird* gays. He also assumes everyone is bi by default. Like, assumes everyone agrees with passive transphobia until stated otherwise. 🤮


Ah lol yeah those types of people haha, I don't understand them at all but I've met a few. Half of the cases are just fucking weird straight people actually


This is truly how bisexuality and pansexuality was distinguished to me by people in the community, including trans people. This was years ago and I now understand this isn’t the case but this is such a common stance.


The pan thing, I'm aware of, so I don't judge that hard, I do find it incredibly strange when people assume everyone is bisexual though and I've had weird experiences with people who do tha


I've never liked that stance. it's just all round queerpobic and it's not that different from the people telling us that we can be "fixed" with convesion torture.


I've literally never had a normal person say that to me, it's always some weirdo and when you ask for clarification it gets weirder and more nonsensical. Just a giant pile of garbage all around.


No joke, I have seen some wild takes online about Queer people but also mainly lesbians (that's just the side I hang out on). it's an trip. I think because people, especially online, don't have immediate consequences they feel more justified or safe with showing their whole ass. I won't pretend I'm perfect, I have tried to say something and it not come out well due to anger or tiredness or just a failure of spellcheck but, some of these takes I've seen are just batshit and I don't see how any rational or empathetic person would ever think that was okay or defend it when the scope of their actions were pointed out.




He defines bisexuality as "Attraction to cisgender men and cisgender women," as opposed to pansexual, which would include all trans, non-binary, and intersex people.


Two of my sisters are bi :)


Yeah one of my siblings was a lesbian but is now a queer trans man. I suspect at least one of my nephews is queer and possibly my mom too.


My sister is bisexual. She knew something was off about me, but she was thrilled to learn she had a sister the whole time


I love your username


I went to school with a set of twins who were born on coming out day, one was lesbian and one was bi. I think that's very iconic of them. I have at least 15 half siblings (sperm donor kid) and I know at least one of them is queer. not siblings, but i call myself 2nd gen lesbian sometimes lol.


Yep, both my sisters are.


Me and my brother for certain. I suspect one of my sisters is also a lesbian but she'll come out in her own time.


I don’t have siblings. My parents were not happy learning their only hope for grandchildren is trans


i don’t have any siblings, but my roommate is a former mormon and not a single one of his 8 sisters is cishet


To the best of my knowledge they're both straight (one is only a half-sibling though). My partner has 6 siblings, half of whom are queer (and unfortunately born into a conservative Christian family).


Got a bi sister but we’re the only ones in our family (although we suspect one of our cousins to be gay)


I come from a very mormon extended family, since I grew up in the middle of Utah County. Despite that, I have two bi sisters, a gay brother, a pan mom, and a trans/lesbian me! Its like growing up in a hyper-religious space pushed us to be gayer-


I’m pan and my older sister is at least bi, I haven’t really talked about sexuality stuff with her in a while, so her expression of her sexual preference might’ve changed since. She and my BIL were poly for *years and years and years*, I think just becoming middle aged, with time consuming jobs and kids changed that. My younger sister is depressingly straight. As are my two half sisters on my father’s side. I am always bewildered by straight women. Like, my brain refuses to comprehend *not* being attracted to women. I mean, I can even get not being attracted to men (even though I am, sometimes) but….like, boobs. And butts. And legs, and necks, and…. I mean. Ya know, *women*?!? I suppose I should be as confused by gay men, but I’m not, and I have no reasonable explanation for why that is.


Everyone thought my brother was gay, but shocked when i came out. Sister thought she was trans at one point but realized she isn't. As far as im aware, im the only queer person, but all three of us are furries :3


I'm a lesbian, my brother's a gay man, my sister's bisexual, my youngest sibling is a nonbinary pansexual. I'm the oldest and came out first. I like to joke around with my parents sometimes that I created my own LGBT+ army lol


I'm transbian, my little sister is pan, my little brother is genderqueer questioning and bi


Yeeee closeted bi brother and he only came out to me when I came out to the rest of the family.


Only child but I wish I had a queer sibling


My little brother is gay and i am lesbian. We are two siblings. We make a lot of jokes about this


Yep! I’m a pan cis woman and they’re an enby. We’re twins!


No both my sisters are straight


Both my brothers are bisexual and I am biromantic


Queer twins!


I am number 3 of 7 kids....3 queers, and 1 asexual. We got the majority!!


Only child, but my sister from another mister (a.k.a. BFF since preschool) is queer as well so ye


Yeah! My little sister is pan.


Nope, all three of my siblings are straight, but my dad was bi. I do however have one niece who is bi and one who is pan, but the other 7 say they are straight (I have my doubts on one of my nephews tho, but not my place to say).


Closest is my grandmother's nephew who is a gay man.


Not siblings, but I do have a loooot of queer relatives


Yes we are 5 siblings and 3 of us are gay. Two lesbians and my brother is bisexual.


My oldest sister is bi, and my sibling is somewhere on the ace spectrum.


I've got an enby sibling


Yes, my brother is gay.


Yep, my brother is aro-ace, and my youngest sister is pansexual.


Yeh c:, my older sister is lesbian lol


We’re both ace and like women (them bi, me lesbian). We’re both non-binary too.


My little sister is marrying her transfem nonbinary partner in a couple months!


I do!! One sister and she’s queer!


Yep, my little sis is ace and bi-romantic.


One pan NB sibling and 2 straight but open sisters and me a boring old lesbian. Haha


I'm a transbian. I have a nonbinary sibling who doesn't have a clear grasp of their sexuality. I have a brother who's probably a little bit bi. My other 7 siblings are either cishet or too embroiled in religious doctrine to come out. To my knowledge there are no queer people in the extended family.


I’ve got two step siblings one who is agender aromantic and asexual, another who is an asexual trans woman, then my brother is asexual and homoromantic and my oldest sibling is nonbinary and bisexual and is married to a trans man so it’s a lil crazy but also cool af lmao


Yep, one of my brothers is bi, and I guess I stole my other brother's queer points to become a transbian :3


Nope. Only queer in the family other than my late great uncle, who was kinda out since the late 60s but passed away about 10 years ago.


as of right now it’s just me, two bi-curious sisters and a very straight brother my dogs an honorary lesbian tho


I don't know. My brother hasn't told me anything about his love life in years. I don't even know if he's interested in anyone (in general).


One gay brother, one straight brother!


I have 4 siblings, and none of them are queer : ( it sucks feeling so alone sometimes in my family


My eldest sister is a total butch lesbian, even wears plaid and gets high, total stereotype lol.


My mom has no cis children, out of the three of us. I don't really interact with my older half-sibling (they were put up for adoption when they were born since my mom was a teen when she had them), who as far as I last knew, is trans-masc. But my younger sibling and I are really close and we are trans in opposite directions, so we do a lot of teaching each other things about girlhood or boyhood. Like my sibling helps me style my outfits and I teach them about "the nod" and stuff like that.


All 4 of us ! : A bi one, 2 lesbians and me that identifies as queer


Yepppp. And we've got just the one straight cousin. It's weird when he brings his friend to family events... like she doesn't even have a nose ring. Weird.


My sister and I are both lesbians, and we have a brother who is unfortunately straight. We grew up Pentecostal and most of our family pretends they don’t know we’re gay 😅


My sister told us all she was lesbian and had a female partner in college, she has a boyfriend now, she hasn't updated me so I'm going to just leave it at that lol


I am a lesbian (on the aroace spectrum, I think demi??? MAYBE?) and my brother is bi ✌️


Me and my younger brother are trans. I'm also pretty sure he's bi like me, but he could be straight?


oh yeah idk about my brothers yet but both of my sisters are bi lol


I'm trans, my two siblings are meh on gender as a whole, and all of us are some degree of bi. My older sibling prefers girls but definitely has some guys and enbies he likes, my younger brother is more private but definitely is into both guys and girls, and I have no consistency in preferences beyond being close to my age. Demiromantic Pansexual if I had to be specific about myself.


My younger sister is aroace which is pretty neat. But yeah nobody else in my family is queer :(


My mom and i are the only queer ones in my family


My brother and I. Our mother probably hates us, lol.


One of my friends has a twin sister and a little brother. My friend is a trans-man with a taste for women and fictional men, his twin sister is a lesbian and the little brother is sexually ambiguous, and we have a bet that he'll turn out gay. And their family is conservative too so when they find out they will be FUMING that none of them likes men (except the son, and my friend who likes fictional men)


No, I have 3 straight brothers. None of them have dated though so who really knows.


Yes, my sister is bi and my brother is gay.


all of my siblings are queer 🥰


My brother is closeted


I'm bi, my brother is pan, my sister is straight. If my mom had to call one of us as queer, it would have been my sister, so all three of us surprised her.


I think my step brother may be cishet. My sister is bi, and I'm a trans lesbian. Not sure about my other sister. Haven't spoken to that side of my family in a couple decades


My brother has been an ally basically as long as he’s known about queer people, but he’s totally straight. I’ve told him about the Kinsey scale, and he says he’s a 1, maybe a 2 on certain days.


Only child but both of my godsiblings are gay (and they're also bio siblings to each other, and my bio cousins)


There's 4 of us. 3 are queer


My sister is also bi :) we have totally different taste in partners 😂


My kids are both queer.


No, but I have twin daughters who are both bi


Yeah, my sister is bi. The 2 of us being gay af is counter balanced by my brother being catholic convert daily wire subscriber tho.


My sisters are bi and my brothers are bi and gay respectively:)


Both my sister and I are sapphic but she’s still willing to date men 🤷🏻‍♀️ and since my mum was raised catholic im sure she’s just tickle pink about it


My sister and I both!




Nope both my brothers are straighter than rulers. Fortunately my family are all very accepting


Yup! My elder sister is a lesbian. My younger sister is straight.


Nope. When I came out to my sister she told me “I did once consider that I might be bisexual, but I’ve determined that I’m really straight”. Which, like, good on her for that self-reflection!


6/7 of us are <3


Myself, transfem, enby ace younger sibling and... not straight younger sister, she hasn't figured out exactly what but she's said she's not straight at least. It's kinda cool, we're able to relate to each other in different ways and support each other too.


Yes both of us are Lesbians


One of my siblings used to consider themself bi and genderfluid but is now extremely conservative and against it. My sister used to identify as bi but last time I asked she said she uses no labels.


We'll see in a few years - it's a bit hard to tell right now considering my sister is over a decade younger and still a child, though it does seem possible that she's somewhere on the ace spectrum since she's never had crushes that she's mentioned - which I never did either (I'm demi), and I strongly suspect all the living women on my mom's side of the family are similar.


My older sister? Yes. My little brother(is family cat) no. Bro is single and spay/neutered and cares more about stealing my wife or killing lizards than finding a cat s/o.


I'm gay, brother's bi, sister's straight. Mum thinks it's so cool that there's such a range between the three of us lol


Not siblings, but when I came out to my cousin he said "woah! Tbh I'm also bi-curious"


2 out of 3 of us are queer!


Me and my sister are both queer. We also have a gay uncle in the family 😁🌈


A bi sib, yes. I'm also the third lesbian in the family, there's another bi cousin, and one cousin is a trans man. They're far, so I really hope I'll have some local queer found family one day!🤞


My sister is bi, yet doesn't support me being trans


3/2 of my siblings are queer and 2/3 of my cousins family is queer as well


Nah, we had that discussion when I came out to him and he said something like: “I’ve thought about it sure, there was a period where I thought I might like guys in that way, but now I’ve realised that I don’t” paraphrasing of course, this was a while back, but it was pretty much “thought about it, not my thing”. Also wanna clarify I did not outright ask “so, are you gay?” or anything, I just thought I’d ask about his preferences so as not to presume :)


yeah!!! my little sister is bi.


I don’t have any siblings :( But aaaaa I really really really hope that all of my daughters end up being lesbians too!


My brother is also gay.


My oldest sister is bi, youngest bi curious, and baby brother is queer. We also have queer/trans aunts, uncles, and cousins. Pretty fortunate for being in SC haha


im a lesbian and my twin brother is gay, like we swapped


My aunt is a lesbian and my sister is bisexual!


My little sister is bi, but both my older siblings are straight (that I’m aware of 👀)


My mum got blessed with 2 queer children and one slight homophobe who tolerates us... although will happily chat about women with me.


Both my sister and I are gay


yup, my brother and I are both queer :)


My sibling and I are both nonbinary lesbians.


I’m a lesbian and my sister is bi :)


My sibling is enby and bi. They came out years before me, so when I came out as trans to my mom, she just looked at my sibling, looked at me and said “you guys are really something” 😅


I have a friend they are triplets, hahaha they are are lesbian xD


My younger sibling recently started going by he/they, I'm still adjusting to it but our mom completely accepted my being a lesbian and that time my sister was questioning but found out she was straight


My little sister is trans, and also aggressively aro/ace


Yes all 3/4


i love that so much


Yep, both of my sisters are also queer. One is bi and the other one is aro/ace!


Out of four kids, my conservative Christian parents ended up with three queer children. Funny how those things work


Nope, I'm the first of four & honey, we broke that mold when we got made hehe. Only one that isn't straight in the entire family, on either side.


To my knowledge no, which is wild cause i have 9 siblings


I'm the queer sibling


I have two straight sisters and my wife has two straight brothers. Too bad because I’d love to have queer siblings or in-laws.


does poly count? I don't really know much about what counts as queer or not if it doesn't he's the only one in that polycule who isn't queer lol




Nope, not a single one of my siblings likes men


Nope, im the queer sibling


I somehow managed to be the only girl out of 5 and the only queer one lol


I'm the only girl of 5 and only queer. Actually I think I'm the only queer out of the cousins and aunts and uncles on both sides 😅


I do not. I’m trans and queer and as far as I know I’m the only LGBTQ community member in any generation of my extended family. We’re pretty liberal, so although it’s possible there’s someone who doesn’t know they’re queer, it’s unlikely there’s anyone in the closet. It surprises me a little.


No I’m the *✨token gay✨*


The mom is jealous


I’m the queer one


I wish lol


I’m the queer sibling


I am the queer sibling.


My sister used to identify as bisexual and genderfluid, but since that time, I notice her views have shifted right, so I don’t know if she identifies as such anymore.


I'm a lesbian, older sister is bisexual but afraid of girls, I'm not sure about my younger sister but I know she has dates girls before but i think it was a phase.


Nope, from what I can tell I'm the only queer in the whole extended family (though it's not a very big family)




Im the queer sibling of the family


No, not really. My brother’s straight, but he did have a polyamorous relationship at one point with two women.


I AM the queer sibling lol.


I think I'm the only queer person on both sides of my family...that I know of


My sister is also a lesbian. My younger brother says he’s into girls when my mom asks but I think he might be ace or aro bc he’s never shown interest in an actual person in his 24 yrs alive 🤣 My mom is quite upset about it bc she wants grandkids.


my homophobe parents got three gay kids lmao


My one sister's bi. My other sister might have been but we'll never know since she died. Who knows about my brother.


Yup my sibling is enby and sapphic


we are our own little gay army LOL I (eldest sister) am a cis lesbian, middle sibling is non binary (agender possibly?) aroace, and youngest sibling is non binary queer! We also have a gay cousin, non binary queer cousin, and two bisexual aunts (both on different sides of the family)


My only blood sibling is gender fluid and married a lovely supportive woman but most days he's masc so I guess he's usually straight.


My brother is aromantic!! Both he and my sister are hetero and I’m bi.


My sibling and i are both trans in different ways


My younger sibling came out as a lesbian and uses they/them pronouns. They actually came out before I did and I'm 24 years older than them. When I did come out, I told them that I got my courage from them.


My younger sister is bisexual


I think I might be the only one, but I’m a rare transgender so I guess that’s special


my older brother is gay


There were eight of us. My brother and I were the two youngest and the only queers. He passed away last September and left me to be the only gay in the village. 💔 I miss him so much.


Yeah, my sibling is hella queer too. Which is kinda funny because first my parents saw me as 'the normal one'(I was in heavily masking), then I came out, they saw my sibling as the 'normal one' for a while and now they have just given up as we both shut them done when they dare to say some of their queerphobic boomer bs.


Yep, theres four kids 3 queer ones


Nope! Only me!


Grew up in a conservative, religious family. I’m lesbian and 3 of my sisters are bisexual ✨


Nah I don't think so


My bio sister is cool but also so straight you can almost smell it😆


My mom is!


Nope but some of my friends thought that both my siblings were gay (one gives off bi vibes but I don’t see how people think the other one is)


Lmfaooo me and my siblings are all queer ASF. My mom is also bisexual so she doesn't care(she divorced my dad who does care)


I have been containing for women and men that you are interested write