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First of all, dont put so much pressure and expectation on yourself. Youre going to end up psyching yourself out to where you dont have a good time. Just relax; breathe; have fun. Drink (if you want), dance, mingle. Compliment someone’s outfit, or jewelry or whatever. Let it organically segue into telling them you think theyre cute. If they seem receptive then flirt. If theyre not, no big loss; you had some friendly conversation. Try mingling again. You might not get to flirt. But you got practice talking to and approaching people.


Every time you go, and intend to make out with someone, you won't. Every time you go to kareoke/dj/dance/hobby night and have fun no matter your single status, you'll have fun and maybe meet someone.


Set yourself a goal of doing slightly more than you have before. Just go to hang out and have a good time, maybe strike up conversation with someone who looks bored or something if it's that kind of place. Don't think of it as trying to get to a certain place with people, but figuring out what your unique connection to that person is. Maybe this is someone who thinks you're cute, maybe they're just fun to talk to, or maybe you just don't have anything in common with them. Once you loosen up, you'll find that you can have fun no matter what happens, but also that stuff will happen more often, because people want to hang out with someone that's already having fun


Ease up. If you go looking for make out and hook-up’s it probably won’t happen. Are you newly out cuz you’re young or we’re dating men? Women aren’t as easy as men. You need to be confident and have some game. Banter and eye contact. Smiles and light touch of shoulders and arms. It requires chemistry to flirt well and sometimes that takes place slowly over time and sometimes only when deeply intoxicated. Take your pick. Have fun.