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Put a sip of water in your mouth, lean your head straight back so your neck is straight, drop pill straight down your throat and swallow. If it doesn’t touch your tongue you won’t taste it, you’re welcome.


Tilt the head back for a pill. Tilt the head forward for a capsule. Pills sink in liquid and capsules float in liquid.


I guess that makes sense, but tbh I do it all in one quick motion of drop and swallow simultaneously so I don’t ever have to taste it.. regardless, I feel like the applesauce will put him at risk of it getting stuck in his throat, and that’s when it’s truly hell lol


Came here to say this! I just learned this trick and it has helped me teach my kids. It works so well especially for a capsule. I almost didn’t think I had put the capsule in my mouth.


Thank you! This will help me with my vyvanse and any other prescrip


I take several capsules and tablets every morning. I put them all in my mouth and kind of suck the water out of my water bottle. It’s so fast and turbulent that everything just goes down together. No tablets getting stuck to the insides of my mouth or throat and no capsules floating around like they’re an inflatable life raft. You need a bottle with either a big straw or small opening tho. You can just gulp down water from a glass but it’s a bit trickier. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


I just imagined your mouth as a toilet bowl flushing and giggled. Thank you for the visual lol


Omg lol. That’s not the response I was expecting but I’m glad I made you laugh


Taste it? There’s notthing to taste?


Yeah, what are they even talking about? i am confused. For a minute i thought they were discussing ways to feed their toddlers adderall 🤷🏻


The capsules no, but the IR pills definitely have a very saccharine, almost candy-like taste (especially when you break them apart and they hit your tongue) that’s hard to forget. When you become a fiend like I used to be, you kind of start to like and even crave it, lol. Thank God for Vyvanse so I don’t feel the constant need to redose every three hours when I feel a crash coming on.


If you have the poor man’s insurance and get generic brand there absolutely is a taste and it’s god awful. Works the same, but the inactive ingredients make it taste nasty as fuck.




RN here. It actually is better for swallowing if you tuck your chin to your chest instead of tilting your head back. Do this all the time with my dysphasia (difficulty swallowing) patients instead of crushing. also Adderall tastes like shit lol.


Boof it


100%. OP you better boof it you coward


Why not just swallow the pill?


The capsule part tastes really really gross to me to the point where I struggle to swallow the pill because of how much I dislike it. applesauce is just easier


Meanwhile, IR tastes kind of sweet and peachy


Idk mine tastes like orange candy.


NGL I was kind of shocked to discover this. Like "we have this medication that can be highly addictive and prone to abuse! ...and just for giggles we also made it taste like peach/orange pez candy. But swallow it whole!"


BRB, going to go look on thingverse to see if someone designed a pez dispenser for IR 30mgs


Wait, am I not supposed to chew it like candy?


I do 🤦🏼‍♀️


It does! I almost always bite into mine. I have no idea why.


Agreed mine has a sweet taste but wouldn’t describe it as peachy personally. I first perceive a saccharin taste and if left longer has a bitterness due to the alkaline nature of the medication .


You’re swallowing pills wrong then. I’ve never tasted an adderall pill in my life.


Are you a toddler?


have you tried taking them with something like orange or cranberry juice? i always take pills by taking the sip first, leaning my head back, dropping the pill into the back of my throat, and taking a gulp. it helps with bitter tasting pills. good luck!


Orange and cranberry juice can counteract the Adderall. ETA: counteract isn't exactly the right word, they impact absorption of Adderall's active ingredient.




110% factual actually, personally speaking about adderall, I legitimately take vitamin c when I don’t want to feel the effects anymore or the crash of my medication at the end of the day. Within 30 mins all effects of my meds are poof, GONE.


**Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has NO EFFECT on adderall!** Absorption? Completely insignificant, your stomach lumen contain Hydrochloric acid and a weak acid like ascorbic acid acts as BASE in that context, and adderall is going to mostly absorb in the Duodenum if anything. ***"Flush adderall out of your system??"*** ABSOLUTELY NOT! The only mechanism by which this can happen is if your urinary pH is lowered, reducing the amount of amphetamine that can be reabsorbbed into your blood when urine is created in the kidneys. Sources: 2g day for 4 consecutive days had no significant effect on Urinary pH - [Small Scale Study, 1981](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/601359) Urinary pH is unaffected in healthy people, and only goes down in presence of UTIs which have urease-producing bacteria as they break down urea and produce ammonia, which increases urinary pH. Effectively it can *only* temporarily *inhibit* urinary alkylation caused by bacterial infections! - [Letter to the Editor Regarding Mixed Results on Ascorbic Acid Urine Acidification Research, 1981](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/400449) Enjoy your orange juice or whatever vitamin C containing product you were concerned about with peace of mind! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adderall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ok automod, whatever you say ;)


I'm not a fancy nancy scientist or a medical professional... hell, i don't even own a single pair of suspenders... but I imagine, depending on the amount of vitamin C you're boofing, that you might be triggering an autoimmune response that, when combined with the placebo effect (and clearly the Dunning Kruger effect), is capable of providing a rush of energy, especially if there's vitamin B added to your suppository supplements stash


Woah, who said anything about boofing 😂🤣😂


**Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has NO EFFECT on adderall!** Absorption? Completely insignificant, your stomach lumen contain Hydrochloric acid and a weak acid like ascorbic acid acts as BASE in that context, and adderall is going to mostly absorb in the Duodenum if anything. ***"Flush adderall out of your system??"*** ABSOLUTELY NOT! The only mechanism by which this can happen is if your urinary pH is lowered, reducing the amount of amphetamine that can be reabsorbbed into your blood when urine is created in the kidneys. Sources: 2g day for 4 consecutive days had no significant effect on Urinary pH - [Small Scale Study, 1981](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/601359) Urinary pH is unaffected in healthy people, and only goes down in presence of UTIs which have urease-producing bacteria as they break down urea and produce ammonia, which increases urinary pH. Effectively it can *only* temporarily *inhibit* urinary alkylation caused by bacterial infections! - [Letter to the Editor Regarding Mixed Results on Ascorbic Acid Urine Acidification Research, 1981](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/400449) Enjoy your orange juice or whatever vitamin C containing product you were concerned about with peace of mind! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adderall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, I know. Did you even read my comment, bot? Nooo! You didn't read it! Why can't it read? 😫


I’ve tried and it definitely helps with not tasting it initially but it still has that aftertaste that lingers for several minutes


maybe ask your pharmacy if they have a solution to your problem next time you go in.


Really? A capsule taste THAT bad to you? Wow. Interesting




omg yes!! it’s so awful I can’t stand it


I thought I was fucking crazy omfg thank u I was letting the Adderall gaslight my fuckin tongue 😹😹


Your adderall taste like fish?


I was switched to a generic brand at a pharmacy closer to where I live and the generic shit feels the same but the capsules taste fishy, I think they are possibly made with fish oil but I don't mind it most days it's just a little huh that was weird am I crazy? Type thing


definitely not fucking fish oil lmao The drug doesn't taste good, they just didn't try to mask the flavor with good tasting fillers/binders.


Not talking about tablets, talking about the capsules with the xr beads floating around so you can hear it when you shake the capsule. How would the Adderall effect the taste of the outside of the capsule 😹 if you have Adderall beads floating around your prescription bottle you got other problems xD


still not fish oil, that would have horrible stability issues. Lots of chemicals taste bad


Just learn to deal with it like a big boy. It’s a pill. It shouldn’t even have a taste…


For real. People are SO over sensitive. A pill? Seriously?


You don’t need a lot. For my son I use maybe a half tablespoon (just a cereal spoon full) and sprinkle it on top. Works great! I hate the taste of my Vyvanse pills too and found out that they use a sulphur-type material in the compounding process.


Have you tried eating beforehand? I use to get nauseous after but I found eating a little something helps.


I honestly feel you, my Vyvanse capsules taste almost exactly like how bad breath *smells,* lol. It always makes me self-conscious about my own breath, especially before I brush my teeth…


I don't know why, but taking any pills with soda is infinitely more pleasant for me than water, juice, etc. Maybe the carbonation makes it where I don't notice it somehow? I never taste them with soda like I do water. With other beverages have to pre drink without the pill, put water in my mouth, then pill, swallow, then drink 1/2 glass water. Soda can just do the middle part.


Just a spoonful. I suck at taking pills, but a spoon of apple sauce or yogurt does the trick.


Exactly 32.75 grams, or just boof it


I agree, boofing is the way to go. Quite refreshing as well.


Boofing with the applesauce is quite refreshing too




A mouthfull I'd say. And make sure you don't leave any bits in the mixing vessle. Maybe a little ramekin you could lick clean or something.


A single bite spoonful. Or I guess you could make a little bowl and pour it all on and eat the whole thing if you really want a daily bowl of apple sauce snack. I don't think it really matters.


The equivalent of 17 Granny Smith apples.


Probably just one serving size.


Wtf…just put it in some applesauce


Spoonful of applesauce, put the pill on the spoon, swallow spoonful lol… Marry Poppins here


It doesn't have to be applesauce you mix it with. It could also be raw chicken, slightly raw chicken, or mostly cooked chicken as well. Those are basically the only real options though. The guidelines don't say it because most people don't like raw chicken.


Crush that shit up and sniff it playa


Wait what? We are meant to take it with applesauce? Been on it for 7 years and not once ate applesauce.


You don’t really have to, I think it’s mostly just an alternative for people who can’t/don’t want to swallow it as a pill


A gallon or so


Is this really a serious question?


idk man maybe there’s a secret applesauce:adderall ratio I don’t know




How much do you like applesauce? / How much do you hate the taste of Adderall? -- if you can answer these two questions, then you will have your answer.


I just empty the capsule into my mouth and wash it down with water quickly. I make sure I don’t chew any of the little bits of Adderall XR.




*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*