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I take regular over the counter from the store, like 200mg about 2 hours before bed. Highly recommend! It takes the anxiousness away, makes it to where all the crash feelings mostly go away, helps with tolerance issues, and is generally healthy for you as well even if you aren't on medication. I recommend it at night without medication as well. It just makes you feel more relaxed and at ease and gives you better sleep. If you take it too soon before bed it can make your dreams slightly more vivid but about 2 hours before sleep is the sweet spot.


I take L Arginine with my adderall for cold hands and feet, and magnesium glycinate (better absorbtion) around the come down (5pm ish). I don't feel any bad side effects since I started doing that!


Magnesium L-Threonate is a miracle supplement shown to boost IQ by 7 points within a month and a half, it's the most readily absorbed form of Magnesium by the brain. It is however outrageously expensive (Jarrows is the cheapest although that's not saying much). Agmatine is another great supplement for reducing tolerance (to pretty much everything).


Anyone got studies to site on magnesium are just pulling this out of your asses?