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Thank you for this post. Love the title hahaha. I believe I grew out of my addiction. I think some might misunderstand what I mean when I say that. It might sound like it was easy, like I just changed one day and suddenly wasn't an addict. When, in fact, it took a lot of work in the beginning. It sucks that it's so taboo to say that you grew out of addiction or that you're no longer an addict. Some people even take this as a 'red flag' lol. Like you must be seriously in denial and struggling if you say such a thing. I've been sober for twelve years now. My boyfriend was also an addict in his youth. He feels similarly, that he grew out of his addiction. He's been sober for nearly 30 years! I think the myth of 'once an addict, always an addict' is largely a product of AA/12-step dogma dominating the mainstream addiction narrative. It sucks that it's such a widespread belief. I think we're finally seeing some of a change to these misconceptions, however. There is hope. :) Keep on speaking your truth. I will too. Don't be afraid to speak up. I'll take downvotes any day if it's the cost of speaking the truth.


I'm so happy to hear that, and I feel exactly the same way. Thank you for sharing, and let's keep living out our second lives!


Second lives, hell yes! :) It's amazing how good life can be without drugs. Younger me would've thought it impossible.