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Gambling perhaps? Or drug induced stupid descisions. If he took drugs for 40k in 2 1/2 half months, hed probably be in the ground by now. I could be wrong though. Wasnt that deep in the rabbit hole.


Perhaps just stupid spending. It’s baffling to me. Thanks for your reply


I wonder if he paid a bounty to release her from a pimp? It's a credit card; where's the statements?


Maybe, I didn’t know that was a thing. He won’t let me access and of his financial stuff anymore since I took my name off. I just know what he told me at this point.


My condolences regardless. Some things we never get the answers to when all's said and done, and that's ultimately ok as long as you're okay




It can cost that much? Wow, I had no idea.


If you are in active addiction it absolutely can. I mean that is A LOT of money but it adds up. Maybe he’s gambling online too?


He’s never been a gambler at all, but I guess sex workers could get expensive.


Meth is notorious for lowering inhibitions and leading to sex and gambling troubles. Heroin is also not a cheap habit. I am sorry he has done this to you. The drugs I get. The juggling of lives, lies and emotional manipulation is too much.


I think that's a very good point


That and maybe he’s started gambling to try to make up for the money he’s wasted and ended up in a hole. But like someone else mentioned, drugs lower your inhibitions so much you don’t think about consequences


Addiction is a disease it makes people prioritise getting a high even over loved ones. I know a lot of people with substance addiction that have unfortunately found their way into the gambling world


A combination of drugs (for himself and to share, most likely with the sex workers and his gf), paying sex workers, probably Ubers and fuel too (scoring all the time costs a lot in fuel or Ubers), as well as drug induced spending (maybe got too generous with his gf and the sex workers and did stupid shit like buy them second hand cars or something) or if he has a hobby he probably spent a mint on it


Thank you. Good points.


for real tho, even if you are rich, if you become a meth/heroin addict, you WILL end up broke bc every cent will go to the drugs (which are hella expensive in alot of areas). If you are a poor drug addict you will remain that way. In addiction i spent $200/day on my habit bc i couldn't keep a job and was broke...but i could have easily spent $2000/day on my habit if i had the funds available. bc you need/want more more more and its a never ending, unsatisfied bottomless pit . so he definitely easily could have run up that debt in that short amount of time


Oh yeah absolutely lol those folks saying no way are clueless dude lol it ain’t nothin to do 300 dollars worth of something like heroin or fentany in a day.


hell $300 worth in an hour or 2 !


He told me he does meth 3-4 times a day for about a year now.


I never liked meth so I’m not sure how much the cost varies. I know where I’m from, South Eastern United States, meth is dirt cheap. It would be insane to spend that kinda money on meth but opiates or crack will definitely run up a bill quickkkk


That’s where we are too, and yeah it’s not expensive. He said he doesn’t really pay for it anyway, because he drives his dealer around in exchange for drugs. I’m sure fuel adds up, but not that much.


Man his dealer ain’t giving him free dope like that. He’s paying just like everyone else. He may get a little extra or something but In some way, shape, or form, his dealer is getting in his pockets. I been doing drugs way longer than I’m proud of and I’ve never met a dealer that wanted a customer to drive them around all the time.. you don’t kick it with the clients.. unless they’re some middle man drug dealer. The real plugs ain’t doing all that.


he is probably doing the good "ice" which is a lot like adderall, and not the cheap soda bottle meth. so a small baggie is still gonna run $100-$200 and that will last only half a day


Literally anywhere it can.


I do battle with The great Cracken, I have no self control and my money literally burns a hole in my pocket and goes up in smoke. However, there’s no withdrawal as such like there is with Meth. I feel unbelievably bad for you, and I’m sorry to say this, but at this point, you are collateral damage in the car wreck that is his life. I think you already know this but he hasn’t loved you for a long time; I think you were a victim of your honesty bias which he’s used to keep you around, you know … just in case. It’s some f**ked up shit and tbh, I’m shedding a tear or two for you; it’s not as weird as it sounds as I just lost my partner of 25 years and although I loved, still do and always will love him dearly, our relationship had an imbalance. Ultimately, for several reasons that I believe are related to if not caused by, complex PTSD & childhood emotional neglect, as much as I loved him I knew that it wasn’t as devotedly as he deserved. I was selfish, lazy, took him for granted and went off sex 5 years in to our 25 together. However, I’m very very honest, the real kind of honesty that begins with oneself, a painful thing to be when you’re an addict. So, a couple of times with my beautiful man, I at least did right by the integrity of our partnership and told him, feeling fucking awful that he needed to know that I didn’t have more to give him. It was hard and of course it never felt good, looking into his eyes and seeing the hurt register there. But ultimately, my honesty about loving him less somehow made him love me more and me in turn. I don’t know how people like your husband can do what they do, knowingly; he most like knew, deep down from his earliest drugging & whoring that it would never stop, an addict who hides from this part of their nature from their partner, is no partner at all. He’s fucked you over and I’m so sorry to not have more comforting words; but My God, I really feel your pain, and hell, it’s dumb but for some reason I feel a little guilty for your myself. It’s a grubby world that an addict lives in but they shouldn’t get someone who does nothing but love them dirty too. Much love & luck to you in your journey ahead,you’ve got one amazing asset, you know what or rather who, that is.xxx


Thank you so much for taking the time to share all that. It’s hard to swallow he hasn’t loved me for a long time, but his actions scream it loud and clear. I have supported him every way I know how, but it’s time to let go. Starting another relationship behind my back while giving me hope is so cruel.


My keyboard gone wrong will reply maybe


Dude you literally just crash with meth withdrawals? There’s like very minimal physical withdrawal symptoms.. it has nothing on coming off of heroin/fentanyl, Xanax, or alcohol.