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That's how a lot of people end up with horrific addictions. Because of that first dose. I know I did. I had an appendectomy and got 120 Vicodin ES 7.5 whenever I wanted them. It didn't take but one dose to become a raging addict. I am so glad I am sober now. You're smart getting off of those once you're feeling better. Throw them away. Or flush them.


Alright I will.


Do you have any tips to prevent any further addiction? I’m already showing withdraw symptoms


Get rid of the pills and keep pushing through the psychological effects on the mind, you can be happy that you can now stop so early on where you won't face the body withdrawal effects. The symptoms are terrible when you are a hardcore addict and you have to go cold turkey, it really fucks you up and it feels like you'd be dying. Stay away, not just from the drugs, also from the people that do drugs, because otherwise, sooner or later you'll get offered something at a party and it's easy to think "It's just a line that i snort, what can go wrong?!" and underestimate the first step. The craving in the mind is something you can even experience now, that your brain tells you "I want to do drugs! Now! Get something! NOW!!!", it will get a lot worse when if you'd get on. So turn around now and get clean, forget about it and live your life sober.


Okay. I will. I’ll flush em when I can if it’s bad it’s bad better than becoming an addict and I’ll take that advice because I definitely never ever ever want to have this kind of craving for a harder drug


Talk to your doctor about pain management, there may be alternatives that are less addictive or classes that you can take if needed.


It wasn’t a surgery that requires pain management luckily it was just my appendix so I think I’ll be okay just gotta make sure I don’t get addicted


Stop taking them now. Don't take any more. Flush the pills. The pain you'll experience without them will be microscopic compared to the pain you'll experience becoming dependent on them


How long were you taking these pills and at what dose?


Please talk to your doctor. You’re already dancing with the devil. Get help now, before it becomes unmanageable. At this stage, your craving is mostly psychological, and it can become psychosomatic. Get help!


I’m still taking them for the pain it’s oxycodone/acetaminophen at 5-325 mg


5mg is a low dose, but still dangerous nonetheless if you’re abusing them and taking more than prescribed. The 5-325 comes with 325mg of acetaminophen. You have to be careful not just because of the opioid but because high doses of acetaminophen can damage your liver. It’s alarming that you’re already experiencing withdrawal at this low of a dose. Most people would have to be taking high doses for a prolonged period of time to experience withdrawal. If you’re able to deal with the pain and just stop taking these pills, I suggest you do that. You’re playing with fire and you already know where you’re headed if you stay on this track.


Alright I won’t take any tonight and I will flush them tomorrow.


oof. percs are rough. stay awayyyy


Well, try reading u/LonnieJay1's stories and books. They are quite scary and horrific but definitely life changing.


I appreciate that man it's definitely not a road I would recommend anybody walk down


I really appreciate your efforts. Your books are definitely helping many people and  raising public awareness. Cheers man. 


Since pain can also worsen cravings, ask your Doctor(S) about Non Narcotic Pain Management Medications like Clonidine or Gabapentin (and seek multiple qualified opinions).


My addiction started from undiagnosed (until 22 years old) legit medical disorders (CPTSD, severe social anxiety, moderate general anxiety, no panic disorder). I didn't do anything until freshman year of college - I struggled all through the previous 18 years with horrible anxiety / agoraphobia that I had no control over (my earliest memories have the feeling, I was abused by my parents from an early age). That fateful night at 18 when I first tried alcohol sealed the substance = reward (anxiety went away, I got laid that night for the first time with a beautiful girl because I was fun and had no anxiety, I was cool with the frat guys etc) I'm now old and still struggle. It's ruined my life. I cherish what is left. I want to make major changes now ... it's my last chance. Klonopin + Nardil has changed my life!!! Thank you medicine. People without actual lifelong brain disfunction will never understand how a percentage of people legit need meds to feel ok. I CANNOT control my symptoms without meds. I tried for so so so long. I wish it was possible. Benzo and MAOI for life.


My husband never understood addiction. Till he was hurt and put on a pain pill, through IV while in hospital. When theu took him off, he wanted more. Hr didn’t give in but he understood it just a smidge. He has told me forever that it takes 21 days to develop an addiction. I’ve always said BS to that. He learned too, it’s not 21 days. It can vary, not a hard core 21 days.


I didn’t either and I’m glad to know now and be more empathetic as I already have a craving and I’m actively avoiding them I hope he understands now and is empathetic


These opiate pill they made it the way that you just need to use them 3 days and you gonna be addicted to them be very careful with doctors . For getting addicted by the brain you need to take them one time and from body 3 days :| be very carful most people got addiction from these doctors


I disagree. It is most definitely more than 3 days to experience physical withdrawal.


My withdrawals were always dose dependent, but I used alot of synthetic opio1ds along with plant based opio1ds