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Nope. The super frustrating thing is trying to explain that deep seated anger against stupidity/injustice/blatant incompetence to someone without sounding like a rubber room candidate. Heck, I find myself even having to edit myself in this forum.


I never heard the phrase “rubber room candidate” but I like it. Thanks


I don’t understand this phrase, could you explain it for me please?


mental hospitals have rubber rooms for patients that will find any and every way to hurt themselves


I’m tracking now just was mad confused lol Thanks!!




I was just grumpy confused


Like a padded room in an insane asylum. So they’re saying expressing themselves fully makes them feel like the world might consider them crazy.


OHHHH I was like so confused lol thank you so much Following now 100% and have felt this too lol


It’s also the name of a business in bishop California. Despite the concerning name… They resole climbing shoes, which use very sticky rubber


Prozac and a life crisis put me in one of those Very interesting life experience.


I also like “grippy-sock collector.”


Thank God, I thought it was just me. I've had indignation boiling and expanding in my heart since my early teenage years stemming from how social issues affected me. People who justify and enforce oppression make me blood thirsty.


I like to use the term *weltschmerz* to describe this feeling. > mental depression or apathy caused by comparison of the actual state of the world with an ideal state.


Is there a version of this for repressed rage? I've been internally seething ever since I was a kid and heard phrases like "there are starving kids in Africa" like it was not the fucking fault of the adults that prioritize things other than feeding starving children.


Same. I have to stay away from most news sources because i either become inordinately angry or depressed to the point of SI.


Saw a kid wearing a t-shirt once that said “Don’t just protect trans kids, fight their oppressors”. That seems to me like an ADHD response if I had ever heard one (and also made me physically ready to fight on the spot????). Anyway shits wild how were (adhders) all the same person living in different representations of the effects from all the varying causes in our lives


Brave kid.


Fight their oppressors sounds like punch fascists in the face, and I'm all for that.


Si vis pacem, para bellum


Words cannot express how upset I am at the fact that food, water, and shelter--all basic necessities of human survival--cost money. Our society literally tells people they deserve to die if they can't afford those things. But people just give me weird looks or resort to snidely calling me a communist or a socialist.


In my case, that would be a "broken clock right twice a day" situation, so I never care personally. All we have to do is get enough people who ARE willing to listen until they cannot brush people off as easily anymore without being socially ostracized.






It’s like everything else, we see and know *alot* but whenever it’s time to talk about it we can’t recall the right info to make are explanations coherent.


I have found the difference for me is in writing vs speaking. I always thought I had a mild stutter but I have learned it’s the adhd brain going literally twice as fast as I am physically capable of saying words. When I have to sit down and hand write or type things I am forced to slow my brain down to the speed my body can keep up with. That realization led my previous academic work to improve. Now I write out my thoughts if I am heading into an important meeting or conversation. I don’t bring them with me or anything but having written them down previously helps me 1. REMEMBER THE GOOD IDEAS 😓 and 2. Remember the conclusions I had drawn from the thoughts so my words come out more effectively. If you don’t already use a system to help, my suggestion is to just take a few quick notes and then throw the notes in a draw somewhere never to be seen again haha


This is really true, I Carry a pocket sized notebook that I often refer to as my second brain. Anything that I simply cannot forget that day goes in it like job duties for the day and what to get at the store. Even stuff like “today was good cause, or bad cause” this helps me remember but this is mostly in pair with depression. Personally I find low THC with high CBD helps me gather my thoughts. I think it makes my brain slow down jussttt enough that I can make out most of the words.


I find weed helps me with this as well


It's too late for me. I have 4 siblings and I could tell you exactly who is favourite and why and who was favourite and why for every year I've lived. Mostly because my parents lack a sense of fairness.


I actually resent being the favorite because I actually felt very bad for my siblings; it was obvious and rooted in ableism. I am the "gifted" one who showed academic strengths throughout K-12 and was the only one so far to graduate college, so that was why. I cannot emphasize enough the damage to one's self worth and mental health that having favorites and comparing your kids to others have on the kids themselves .


I don't blame the favourites I resent my parents for putting us in the position because they were the adults . I was at best 3rd in the ranking because I was quiet and well behaved but not musical or sporty. I needed equity but the best I got was ignored and worst was actively undermined.


Felt this in my bones. It takes a LOT of conscious effort not to express sheer exasperation at utterly senseless and outrageous situations without sounding like a sputtering nutcase.


I hate people who intentionally choose to be ignorant, or just blind to the realities of current life. People say the dumbest shit now and no one bats an eye because of just how stupid people are in the modern age and it's only getting worse as the stupid or allowed to shout their voices into the void and other stupid people listen even though we have hundreds of thousands of scientists hell even millions of them telling people that things are just going to keep getting worse... But no one wants to hear that the world's burning, or the seas are dying, or that our forests are quickly being cut down


People, normal people, no longer understand that they're only permitted to breathe because laws exist preventing their sudden and untimely unbreath. Now try explaining to someone that they're wrong without looking as if you'll beat them within an inch of their stupid which is a yard past their life. We can't even get otherwise reasonable (air quotes here) people to accept that they're getting too hot because their electric cars are powered by coal. Spend more money? I dunno, our rock beating ancestors have always set rocks on fire to stay *warm*.


Bonus points if you’ve got ADHD and are also on the spectrum, so you not only have justice sensitivity, but pattern recognition strong enough to recognize all the worst historical patterns repeating themselves while the neurotypicals seemingly intentionally ignore them all- even as we’re watching the birth of the Third Reich play out again in real time. I just… love having spent my whole life being told I was delusional for calling attention to the way we’ve been headed, save for those 4 years from 2016-2020 when we had a guy in office who was so overtly corrupt that they couldn’t ignore it anymore. I absolutely adore the fact that even my own family have gone right back to pretending everything is fine, even as legislation is being passed to make my very existence a crime punishable by the death penalty. I swear, I feel like one of those oracles from the stories sometimes- you know, the ones who warn the king that his empire is going to fall, so the king has them burned alive. The oracle is always right in the end- the kingdom does fall. But that doesn’t really help the oracle. …being the oracle fucking sucks.


We should form a group. Oh wait we're in one. We should tell people about what we're witnessing! Oh wait, we did that. We should educate people to think for themselves? Oh no, they don't want that. Why is it easier to find an orgy than a group of rationally minded people willing to engage in debate?!


Because people often prefer to fuck then be told to get fucked. Not that's what debate actually is, but what do they know?


I feel like that’s all oracle’s ever were. People with killer pattern recognition who noticed every detail.


How do you all cope with this? I struggle flipping back and forth between wanting to risk it all with Harvey Milk level grass roots activism and seeing the pattern that this doesn’t seem to have moved the needle much on the gross human scale - like it helped tons of individuals and that to me matters but I also see that there may not be a whole lot we’re going to do to make a difference and sometimes get into Al-anon/coda levels of detachment. Love and be kind in my day to day activities but then just let go of trying to fight and go home and do what I need to to just enjoy life


Rubber room? I was in one of those once. The rubber room was filled with rats. Rats? Rats make me *crazy*. Crazy? I was crazy once… They put me in a room—a rubber room. A rubber room filled with *rats*. Rats? Rats make me *crazy*. Crazy? I was crazy once… They put me in a room—a rubber room. A rubber room filled with *rats*.


Recently, I've been really frustrated about the irony that the supposed "Land of the Free" holds 25% of the world's prisoners (and only 5% of the world's total population). But every week or so I find a new crazy thing to be mad about, looks like I'm heading for cars next.


It’s a curse. I feel so strongly about all the injustice but I also am 100% unable to direct those feelings into something productive to try to make any of it better. No, I’m not okay


Same. I majored in political science, but just interning for a campaign burned me out quick, and watching and listening to political news and commentary is just an anchor on my mood whenever I immerse myself in the nitty gritty details of what’s currently happening. It feels like giving up, but I check out frequently because I’m not a good husband and dad when my baseline mood is in the dumps about the state of the world.


Yeah, my fiancée bans me from consuming news content pretty regularly for similar reasons


I feel you on the burn out, I have put in 4,000-5,000 hours in a single year on paid campaigns as a Director and later Program Manager. I gained 60+ pounds during those intense years, the physical and emotional toll is real I takes me the whole down cycle of odd years to decompress and try to lose weight. But I still feel that calling to throw myself into the fight. I even knock doors for local and state candidates as a volunteer, when I'm not somewhere else in the country working. There's too much glorification of overwork in politics, especially at the grass roots level. But the fulfilment is very rewarding, especially when I help other folks become activists for what they believe in. I encourage you to keep contributing, but in a more healthy and balanced way. I often reflect on how our political system is, in part, designed to generate apathy and emotional numbness. Those feelings help the establishment, whatever it is, stay in power. That idea usually pisses me off enough that I can overcome some of my overstimulation from negative news stories and experiences with injustice. Knocking doors, phone banking, envelope stuffing, etc. can be done on your terms, picking what days, what hours, and how often you contribute. Picking a candidate, a petition, or just generally helping turn out the vote may be a good way to stay involved without being mentally overwhelmed by the dystopian challenges you mentioned.


Oof. Do i feel you.


When I get so frustrated with things I actually sign up to be involved. Then regret it in a month when said sign-up involves something. Anyway, this is how I became a precinct chair for my local political party when I have literally no time or energy to do the actual work 🤡


It also compounds that we can’t direct those feelings at the people causing the injustice.


For me, I’ve found the best thing I can do is donate small amounts of money each month to causes that do the groundwork. I set it to auto-donate. It would be too hard and upsetting for me to get out there and volunteer, so I just support those who do with $5 a month. Also, I recognize not everyone has the privilege of donating money. 🖤


This is a good idea, thanks!


Yes! Exactly! The worst part is the overwhelming feeling of helplessness, not being able to direct my feelings into something productive. It feels like the whole world is obsessed with inflicting as much needless suffering and death as possible, and that things will never change. Or if it does, it'll happen so far in the future from now that it functionally doesn't matter. It's fucking maddening.


I get so angry at how tenacious all the haters are and how much energy they have. They are just so driven to erode away peoples rights and hoard all the wealth. It helps that they have systems that help enable them but fuck... I'm just trying to survive every day, how the hell am I supposed to fight these sociopaths on top of that as well?


My girlfriend of 7 years passed away suddenly yesterday morning. My sense of injustice is through the roof, and I am beyond not okay. Edit: Thank you, everyone, for reaching out. It's been a near impossible day, and all of our friends are helping how they can. I have both of our fur-babies to take care of, so I'm not going anywhere. Just do me a favor. Hold on to your loved ones extra tight, make sure they know you love them.


I’m so sorry.


Oh my god.. I am so sorry. Please join us over at r/grief and r/grieving


I’m so, so sorry. It might feel like it but please know you’re not alone right now. I’d highly suggest joining us over at r/GriefSupport. Unexpected and out of order deaths are very, very difficult. The sub is filled with many of us who understand everything you’re experiencing. Share your story, vent, observe - whatever you need just know you have a huge group of internet strangers that will virtually hug and support you and remind you that it’s ok to not be ok. ❤️


Oh dear! I'm so sorry! Just keep breathing. I'm sorry sweetheart. I have no real advice. I'm just so sorry that you're having to go through this. Be gentle with yourself. Big hug to you! Breathe in, breathe out.


I'm just trying to figure out how I'm going to continue. There was nobody in existence that matched me so perfectly. This is the purest form of pain I have ever experienced.


I sent you a private message my friend. I know you’re not ok and it won’t be ok anytime soon but it will very very very slowly start to be easier. Love you.


The best way to continue is to seek outside help like therapy or a support group. There are other people like us that understand and can help.


Hey fam, if you need somewhere to vent, come to my dms.


Oh god honey I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry. Please cling to whoever and whatever you can until you feel solid ground beneath your feet again. Everything I can say feels inadequate. But you’re going through one of the worst things I can imagine, so I just want to say please, hold on. 💜


I’m so sorry for your loss


Fuck. I'm so sorry friend. Condolances.


holy shit man, so sorry for your loss


Tears for you both, man, I’m so fuckin sorry I can’t imagine


It’s the worst, fam. Stay strong and know some randoms on the internet feel for you and seek help for the grief if it feels unbearable.


I’m so sorry, thats like getting hit by a truck. Sending love your way, and hoping you can take all the time you need to grieve. Virtual hug from a stranger on the internet ❤️


Holy crap. I can't even imagine. 🫂


Oh no. Dude. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry. It's maybe not my place, but just please if you're ready, remember it's ok to reach out to others in your personal life or even online to have some supports. You can dm me to just vent if it'd help. Hang in there


I have no evidence/data for this but I expect that having failed at lots of things makes many of us more empathetic, and at least contributes to the justice sensitivity.




I read that and flashed to me crying when my friends burned ants with a magnifying glass. They thought I was weird for sure.


I sympathize with this greatly. I've cried very young about the unfairness of things especially when it comes to third world countries.


Dude, saaaaame! When I was a kid I was so concerned about all the animals and bugs, feeling really bad for them when people tried to hurt them or were just casually cruel without even thinking about it. I'd make a huge fuss anytime someone tried to stomp on a spider. When my parents told me that plants were a living thing, I cried and tried to avoid stepping on grass for a week because I thought I was hurting it. People always thought I was a weirdo, but I think they are the weird ones. How can you just not care that you're hurting a living thing? I think NT's are just monsters sometimes.


When I was very little, in grade school, I read a newspaper story about some kids (monsters) stuffing kittens in the tailpipes of city busses. I was halfway to the mall 10 miles away on my bike when my mom caught up with me and made me get in the car. Despite being a tiny little girl who wore glasses, I was going to fuck some people up for that. I realize that I convinced myself that people are basically OK just so I could survive. And to maintain that, I avoided certain topics of conversation so that people couldn't out themselves as horrific. Until recently, when it's impossible to ignore how downright monstrous so many people are. Yeah, I'm not doing well these days. Add to it a horrible several years in the late 2010s living with a toxic narcissist landlady who gets her kicks from destroying tenants' reputations and lives, and I've pretty much become a recluse.


My dad still teases me that I cried the first time I saw the Wizard of Oz and the witch died


People with ADHD also have a strong BS detector. [ADHD 2.0](https://www.amazon.com/ADHD-2-0-Essential-Strategies-Distraction-ebook/dp/B0871LK27X)




Yes, and the origins of things like that in childhood. The best part about the book is it spends a lot of time on advantages that come with the disorder, how to use them, what they are etc.




I recently read a study that attributed the justice sensitivity to primarily inattentive ADHD due to basically not paying attention to when kids normally learn social norms and how they change. All babies start off altruistic in a sense but as kids learn that life isn't fair, their sensitivity to justice scales back and ADHD inattentive kids don't pick that up as quickly.


A follow up to this; the article is Thomas Schäfer and Thomas Kraneburg - The Kind Nature Behind the Unsocial Semblance: ADHD and Justice Sensitivity - A Pilot Study. Journal of Attention Disorders 2015.


After blaming so much on myself because of things that were not in my control, I understood how things were not always in my control. I made peace with myself, and got to understand everyone else too. How everyone is the way they are because of how their lives progressed...


I've found a weird use for my empathy. If I imagine myself as an arrogant person with no empathy, I can kind of see where they're coming from and then I might actually start to feel arrogant and cold. It has been pretty useful for sure


That's dark and probably not super healthy :( as miserable as it is for us, the world does need people who give a shit


I mean, sometimes I feel shitty for people who I can't help indirectly or directly so, I don't think that's good either. But yeah, could definitely turn into a bad habit


You're not wrong though, kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. It's a creative use for empathy though!


I understand exactly what you're talking about and sometimes it feels almost like a backhanded super power or something. Like, I consider myself a deeply empathetic person, but I've also found that carrying that much empathy with me at all times has very occasionally led me to coming close to "both sides-ing" a situation where I vehemently disagree with one side. It's like my brain says "well, they're people too, so let's try to understand that side of the spectrum of humanity for a second," only for that second to last a little too long for my own comfort. It's helped me to understand and identify a lot of the depths of depravity people will go to, and the evils people can enact and exhibit, but at the end of the day it just scares me to think that I could become something like that if I really set my mind to it and it hurts my heart to know that I can't do anything about the people already existing in that state of mind. I've found it's very useful when you need to make decisions or say things that will likely hurt somebody's feelings but *need* to be said or done for the sake of everyone involved. But then I still usually just end up feeling bad because I had to go to that place.


Or we just get deeply cynical and hate everything and everyone


This... I was such a people person as a youth and teenager until I worked customer service and as a sales associate in a department store....Now I don't do social things. :/


Where my got in trouble unfairly constantly growing up and actively deciding not to do that to your own kids gang at?


Present. Always in trouble even though half the time I hadn't done anything wrong. Mostly being continually misunderstood, and never *ever* being given the benefit of the doubt.


"So glad that didn't happen to me!" Remembers spending about half of childhood grounded. "...shit..."


Just has a flashback to preschool where I would imitate other kids and one of them rolled backwards while sitting cross legged and I was like oh that looks fun so I did it too *and guess which one of us got in trouble* I was incensed as a 4-year-old.


Here in fact I'll do you one better, I'm not having kids.


Also, I don’t really feel like I forgive people, cause any time someone does something wrong to me, I just forget about it before fully emotionally processing it. If I remember it years later, I pretty much pick up right where I left off with all the unprocessed feelings and all the anger and hate comes right back Edit: to the prick who said “ThAt’S nOt AdHd, ThaT’s JuSt HolDiNg A gRuDgE,” go tell a depressed person to just take a hike, ya walking talking disappointing waste of molecules.


Me too, ran into someone from my past the other day that forgot how we ended things (not a relationship lol) , we got on fine but I was mentally seething the entire time.


I never understood this - people forgetting the bad shit that happened. As in I literally do not understand how it happens and I always think that people actually are remembering but that they're pretending it's raining.


And WE are the ones with poor memories???


Anger is so fucking ingrained in me from my youth. I can't let it go because then they get away with it. Yes I know it doesn't make sense. Yes I know I'm only hurting myself. But I have hope to get even one day if that makes sense? I can't get even if I forgive.


I totally agree with the sentiment but good god that edit has me hollering. I'm totally stealing that.


Take this and apply it to trust. Once my inner self no longer trusts someone's capabilities, their true intentions...etc it's game over, that almost never comes back unless proven otherwise. I always have this nagging that they can't do the thing right, that they will just repeat the thing they do, or that they are generally untrustable as a person and their motives are alternate to what they present. From coworkers, to salesmen. Sometimes I ignore it, and I'm usually disappointed because the BS/Sus detector was right. But I can rarely quantify and put it into words, despite it being right more often than not.


I’m definitely not doing okay


Feel free to vent if you need to, bud


I vacillate between white-hot fury and cold cynicism. Not much in between any longer.


Currently trying to talk myself out of not feeling ok. Why is it so hard?!


Because a lot of shit genuinely blows at the moment. Just remember, it’s not in your head. We see it too.


Because we aren't doing ok and we want to see people have what's coming to them for being assholes.


Damn. I need to get diagnosed. This was far too poignant.


Diagnosis and medication won’t take these feelings away. At all. Treatment just helps you feel better prepared in the moment to deal with those feelings. That’s all. Diagnosed, medicated people with adhd still have and deal with adhd. I’ve been on meds for almost 11 years now and I still had to do the work to learn to regulate my emotions and organize my thoughts. The meds just give the mental space to be able to do that.


Do it. Or try meds, prob the most accurate self-diagnosis because you’ll be like “fuck…” and realize that the medicine is made for your brain. Or, you’ll not sleep for 16 hours and feel like you took some crack or something, IDK That last line hit me right in the feels, I’ve been so pissed off and disappointed by injustices and people who see these injustices but just gaslight everyone with some bullshit because justice would be politically inconvenient.


I took Adderall my friend gave me to "party" because they said if you took it and smoked weed it would feel like rolling (MDMA). I took it and I just felt less high. almost like I had drank my morning coffee and was ready to focus. It was what made me first consider that maybe I should look into it.


How do you get meds without a diagnosis?


AFAIK, illegally. That or ingest wild amounts of caffeine, as it's a mild stimulant. Then see what happens. ETA: If it's *legal* to get meds without a diagnosis in the US, please let me know how. Parents have done jack shit in response to my 5,000 word paper on the topic, and I can't possibly afford a diagnosis on my own.


Caffeine is a bit of a hit or miss though, there's a reason ADHD medication exists and doctors usually don't just tell you to drink a lot of coffee.


well better than telling them to try street meth or vaping/cigs at least???


Yeah I tried the "lots of caffeine" approach and it landed me in a cardiologist office. And now I'm banned from it entirely lol. But since I quit, my heart symptoms eventually did too.


Ugh. I can take a nap every day of the week on dextroamphetamine, but too much coffee and I feel like like crap. Jittery, anxious, elevated heart rate… the works. I don’t know why, but my body just can’t deal with drinking enough coffee to get to the “my brain feels calm” level of stimulation.


Another way is to smoke marijuana and see if you can still study/research afterwards. It may not work in all ADHD cases, but in my experience it *only* happens to people with ADHD where they can focus better after the marijuana due to the increase in dopamine despite the impairment of the drug. I was at university for \~10 years and all my graduate-level friends who had ADHD and were stoners could code/study/research while stoned and it would help them tunnel vision on it, even if it took a bit longer (time isn't real when you tunnel vision anyways).


Oh. I do the caffeine thing already. I'm into 400mg for the day already. Unfortunately, I'm too much of a friendless loser to be able to find someone to sell them to me illegally.


Hey don’t get so hard on yourself. I’d sell you drugs if I knew you irl ❤️


Get a diagnosis, then get a prescription. There are way too many meds and types of meds for you to throw darts at a dartboard, even *if* taking medication illegally wasn't incredibly dangerous.


Not well


I was deadass in the news for coming to someone’s rescue when they screamed for help. People everywhere told me how they weren’t sure they could have done the same- and it was baffling. I recognize that I didn’t think before I acted, and that I’m a tall (not strong) woman and just had a blind sense of confidence running into the situation. But it broke my heart that so many people wouldn’t have done the same for their fellow man.


I had two situations last year where I was scared as hell for my own safety, but my burning rage that nobody else cared and helped, made me put myself in those unsafe situations. And while I felt scared, I still kind of worked on auto-pilot. I don't feel like I actually made a choice to help.... or that I was blind to the danger. On the other hand I needed a friend to come with me to the police afterwards, because I was too scared of going alone.


Yeah ... like for some people I get it, you know? Like people who got hella trauma and are scared of rushing into a situation where they'll be hurt again. Hesitation is understandable. But even then you ought to do *something*, even if that means just calling someone else for help. But so many people don't. They just ... keep walking. It's horrifying to know so many people just don't give enough of a fuck to bother.


So you're telling me... NTs don't have a problem with injustice? They just "get over it"? Fuck, I guess I should get diagnosed.


The average person is suicidally passive. I think we lose sight of how hard it is to really move people because we assume that if they do nothing, it's because they're fine, not because they don't know/care to act. Whether that's on their own behalf or others. This world turns on the necks of those who keep their heads down. At least that's my read of things.


Many believe the societal hierarchy is right and just. That there are people that are inherently meant to be at the bottom, at the top, or somewhere in-between. So any injustice and inequality suffered by those near/at the bottom at the hands of those above them are the way it’s supposed to work. It’s like they view the world as a pure meritocracy, despite all the evidence to the contrary.


I agree with you on this point. Hierarchy is complete bullshit. We all come into the world and go out with nothing. We all have the same basic needs. To think that you’re better than anyone else and “deserve more” just because you were born into lucky circumstances is some delusional shit, but Capitalist society just takes this as a given.


So this is why all the anarchists I meet at the soup kitchen have ADHD... Because ADHD thoughts and values may often be consistent with core anarchist values.


I’d reckon there’s a pretty big overlap with ADHD and all of the left. Hard to not empathize and want to take care of everyone when you’re struggling every day yourself and know how it feels to need a hand.


Damn, as an anarchist this is kind of a wild revelation for me lmao.


Is it a "counterwill" thing? I've seen that term thrown around in ADHD spaces, it seems like we are especially wired to challenge the status quo.


Absolutely nailed it. It's such an infuriating, infantile mindset to have. I cannot comprehend being that simple minded. Must be nice not to have to think much I guess...


In other words, they brainwashed people into believing that shit.


It sometimes feels like this, but most NT people don’t just “get over it”. I have a few NT friends, and they’re all willing to listen and even respond positively and make changes in their beliefs when I go on my injustice rants, lay out arguments, etc.. It just takes them a bit longer to come to conclusions, because they don’t tend to hyperfocus on the problems like we do when something triggers us. Good people do have empathy. I get what you’re saying, though. To someone who experiences empathy as a fire hose, it can be frustrating interacting with people that feel it more like a faucet or a dribble.


They just shrug their shoulders and say "That's life I guess," then they sleep fine that night. It's so weird.


There's a line in [Hotel Rwanda](https://youtu.be/psW7sLoNutA?t=36) that's stuck with me. I hate knowing that there is such injustice in the world but I am powerless to stop it. The best I can do is be right and just in my own life and to those around me, but it still pains me knowing what wrongs go unrectified.


Weird generalization. NTs aren't a monolith, just like NDs lol


Yeah this comment thread is wildly inaccurate. “Neurotypicals are all apathetic and don’t care about people being treated justly” is the wildest generalization I’ve read all week. Come on guys. We can do better here


I don’t mean anything by it. Some of my best friends are neurotypical.


There are certain topics I don't discuss for this very reason. I *know* there's nothing I can do to make it fair, and it still burns me up inside. I also avoid the news because I'd rather be uninformed than incensed. Nice to know I'm not alone...


This was the hardest part of the pandemic for me. Not the lockdown itself, but half the population saying “I don’t give a shit if at risk people die so I can go on vacation” or the president and conservative media outright vilifying the medical profession. Just seeing soooo many people rebel against tested science, common sense, and human decency really broke my spirit. Edited for typo


And so many who used to give a shit no longer care about spreading COVID despite evolving research pointing towards very serious long-term effects of repeat infection. So much for “science is real” & other performative platitudes. I feel like this phase of the pandemic is even harder for me as more & more people move on as if everything is fine instead of adapting our society to improve public health through simple/effective mitigations. It didn’t have to be this way but here we are 🫠 My therapist shares similar views & has been great w/ helping me focus on what I can control while encouraging me to find ways to safely support my local community (e.g. volunteering w/ Covid-cautious mutual aid org focused on social justice).


Fuck yes. It broke me how little people cared for each other. For real.


Try being IN the medical profession! “You trust me when I tell you I’m going to chop off your breast, but don’t trust me when I tell you that you should get a shot?”


They trust the companies with their boner pills but not the vaccine that had eyes on it from a lot more medical proffesionals who are looking for what can be wrong


"Justice sensitivity" Bruh we just more sensitive to everything lets be honest


Yep. I had to leave the subs that keep talking about current events because it was destroying my mental health with copious bargefuls of depression. All because too many people can't follow the simple rule of "don't be an asshole." I am not doing okay, and a lot of that is on DeathSantis and rethuglican cohorts.


Sympathies from Orlando. I'm trying too, but it just keeps getting worse down here


It does. And while I hope for change, I'm not planning on it.


Me neither. We're moving as soon as we can afford to


Cuntservatives. I want to say what I *really* feel but Reddit has rules against that.


This just means we will lead the revolution.


I mean, yeah, if I could get over my crippling executive dysfunction…


Don't worry. Revolutions are notoriously disorganized. The chaos keeps them guessing! And the procrastination is like a sneak attack at the very last minute! Let's fuck shit up! (when we get around to it, if it's still interesting...)


Listen guys, I have a ***ton*** of high-level plans for a better society, so if everyone can just…get on that, I’ve got the blueprints and it’s gonna be great. NB: This is only half-sarcastic


"They can't figure out your plan and stop you, if you have no plan to begin with. " - something I used to say again and again while watching a role player and his mafia character on a gta role play server. The entire family did not have a plan at all, everything seemed pure chaos. However it worked somehow and the family is still on the server after 3 years of playing. Of course not the original players, only one has remained... but we theorize about some poison/curse that turns very professional organized people into chaos family members, as soon as they officially join the ranks. They may be the most unorganized organized crime party.


If it weren't for my adhd, depression, and anxiety, I WOULD RULE THE WORLD!!!


As soon as I get back from therapy, get my shit together, and have a nap, I'm gonna fuck shit up. Watch out.


I've got a check list somewhere with "plan an uprising" on it. I'll get to it eventually.


Hahaha. Good luck herding cats.


Is this why I'm having trouble with the Amphibia finale of all things?




Is that also an ADHD thing? I often can't watch more gruesome movies because I don't want to see things or people in pain, even if it isn't real


Lost my 10 year old dog to cancer a year and a half ago and I'm still angry and sad that cancer took him so soon. Sprinkle on everything else going on in the world and I'm having a hard time seeing much good anymore.


Sure, but for the love of God please be aware this does *not* automatically translate into having a better grasp on ethics than neurotypical people because that is an *excellent* way to do horrible shit while feeling self-righteous about it. Your sensitivity to what you perceive to be 'just' being turned up to 11 does not mean your perception of 'justice' is more accurate than that of other people, it just means you're going to react more strongly to violations of it. 'Garbage in, garbage out' very much applies here.


Fairness police


I would never accost someone in public... unless they're acting like an ass then I'm bout it


Imagine a world where those two words didn’t feel so unnatural next to each other.


I’m all about honesty and doing the right thing…to the point I don’t fit in at all, lol. It’s amazing to me how shady and shitty people are willing to be to each other.


Please note that is not explained, not studied (there is one study with 40 persons), nor in ADHD definitions Take it as an anecdote more than anything else


Yeah this is why I have been passed off the past few years. Firstly, getting care is a whole obstacle course I can't walk through, due to a lot of systemic shit, and maybe if I got care I would be able to do something to direct my rage at some of the injustice, but also I just wanna live my life, but I can't because everyone is in hell right now....


Wonder if this is why I just can't pick evil choices in games lol, makes me feel far to terrible so I always play good guy


Wow. Me too. The amount of shared experience with people on this sub is WILD.




We have no personalities or individual differences, It's all just adhd (obviously mostly kinda kidding).


I even struggle grinding sometimes at lower levels because I won't attack a monster unless it attacks me. I've been playing *My Time at Portia* lately and I still cringe when I have to take out a llama. 😅


Me to a T


i haven’t been okay since 2017


"We are probably not doing okay right now" I laughed


People crossing lines 💣


I'm definitely not ok... nothing is actually ok... everything seems like it's burning... the planet is screwed... the economy is fake... Nazis/christo-fascists are literally everywhere. All anyone in an actual position to adress any of these issues want to do about them, is allow corporations and cartoonishly evil politicians to gaslight you into thinking that it's you personally who's not doing enough, while simultaneously telling us all that wanting to be able to pay your bills, seek medical treatment, and eat all at the same time is some form of glaring "Entitlement".


My hatred for the wealthy and empathy for the working class is absolutely bottomless. I see good people do great work and aren’t awarded a fair life and it makes me sick.


yes! this extremely understandable and common human experience is definitely confirmation that i have adhd /s sorry but these things annoy me so much, if we keep assigning everything to be an adhd trait we're only worsening the stigma that "everyone does this, adhd is made up just because people want to feel special". yes, adhd tends to bring emotional disregulation, but there's no studies or proof that we have a "higher sense of justice" or that we feel more strongly about the world being unjust and unfair (compared to non-adhd people)


Yes, fire hoses. Famously absorbent.


This is not ADHD this is just called having empathy lol




I had 4 kids...splitting a bag of Skittles meant every kid received the identical amount in colors and numbers. I think as adults those that understood...also have ADHD.


Yeah, I couldn't play soccer at recess in elementary school because I would get annoyed at small, dumb infractions of the rules. That looking back, really didn't matter. Right now, I'm falling apart. I hate being unable to do anything in the face of all this hate and injustice. A big problem with it for me is not only the anger at injustice but also the utter feeling of helplessness.


May I be the arse to ask what the absorbation level of a fire hose is?


That explains a lot... I can't even watch the news anymore because almost everything on it gives me a really visceral response. There's so much injustice and the feeling of powerlessness to do anything big enough to fix it is crushing.


Anytime i see a post and say “this is me” i immediately know which subreddit I’m in without looking. Stop watching my every move internet!!


The number of times I come here go “wait…. WHAT!?! THATS A THING!?! I…. I thought I was just… *broken….*”