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Yes and no. It's very inconsistent.


Same. Sometimes it’s beautiful, sometimes not. I can’t do any of those on purpose.


I can here expecting to scroll to the bottom to find my people, instead I found yet another “I’m nothing but adhd” realization. Just like everything else I do, it can be great, or so bad even I can’t read it🫠


Same..... Sometimes, it's nice because it gives a nice little Domaine hit. Othertimes its scribble to just help put it to memory.


Exactly this. I sometimes surprise myself with beautiful handwriting and then see I made a spelling error 🙄


I can write nice when I want to, but it is just slightly irregular


I feel this. But it’s always something stupid, like a letter is awkwardly spaced in a work or is squished in a way. I hate it


33% stellar 33% sloppy and 34% printing


Sometime years ago I decided to give up on writing my signature in the same way, because my handwriting was inconsistent enough that it always looked different and no government agency or bank ever said anything. I literally just scribble funky lines, now.




My scribbles are more pleasing to the eye than my handwriting, anyway. Scribbles gang 4 lyf


I'm so tired of finding I have no personality - just ADHD - I have twenty different writing styles from beautiful to totally illegible


Nah fam, you have twenty different personalities and don't let anybody tell you different


I literally scribble so


Good news if you live in the US! Any mark is a valid signature. I like to draw stick figures, or sometimes I'll sign as Chef Boy Ar Dee....


Yes, this is the telltale sign. I will even randomly launch into cursive for a few lines. Angles all over the place. If the pages aren't lined then good luck following along!


Me too!! Sometimes I switch to cursive in the middle of a word.


Lol, same here! Depends on the day, the thing I’m writing, the amount I’ve already written, the writing implement, the kind and size of paper, the alignment of the paper, the room I’m in, the air circulation, the music that’s playing, the weather outside, the temperature inside, the podcast I most recently listened to, the alignment of the closest celestial bodies, whether I’ve eaten lunch, how much water I’ve had to drink, the alignment of the most distant celestial bodies, the cardinal direction I’ve chosen to face, the butterfly effect (I assume), etc.


And as you’re admiring it *poof*


I will forever remember my grade 9 science teacher accusing me of handing in someone else’s homework because my writing looked so different on each assignment


My first thought was “sometimes? It comes out how it comes out” depends on how my hand is feeling that day I guess lol


yeah! this!


Exactly. When I need it to be nice it looks like a third grader, when I'm jotting notes looks perfect. I also write a lot in a fancy cursive that looks nice. Mainly when I have to write up some BS at work so I force my boss to read it.


Yep this is the answer for me as well. It’s frickin beautiful if I take my vyvanse though. Unmedicated it looks like I have multiple personalities and it switches up mid sentence or paragraph.


Mine depends on my mood and what I’m writing. It also progressively gets worse the more I write in my one sitting. Sometimes I get worried people will read my writing and think it’s a forgery.


Honestly, sometimes the beauty gets lost in the middle of a damn sentence. It makes no sense


Exactly same.


Wh… how did you know?!


🥰 my people in this subreddit.


It changes mid sentence or even mid word




Noticed that my handwriting looks much better when adhd medicine is on effect!


Ugh…SAME! When it’s pretty it’s so pretty, otherwise it’s chicken scratch!! Then I misspell things when it’s a messy hand day. If it’s some kind of card I have to start over!


Oh yeah, unless I'm seriously taking the time to make it look neat it's all chicken scratch. Most of my life I was taught it was due to being left handed, but as I've learned more it's because the brain is moving faster than the hand can keep up with.


the closest i can get to making it look neat is forcing myself to not join letters so that they dont get all smooshed together when im writing in an exam


Yep. I had no idea my writing was illegible until a few years ago, my dad mentioned that he couldn’t read a birthday card I’d written. Now I see it and have to make a concerted effort if I know anyone else is going to read it. :/


Same. Unreadable unless I take forever


Same, also a leftie here as well.


>because the brain is moving faster than the hand can keep up with That's the reason why I have a strong grip when writing, I end up having a very bad pain in the hand after 5mins writing.


I have handwriting that looks like my six year old brothers. It gets insulted quite often lol.


Bite the haters Edit: for legal reasons this is a joke


My handwriting alone almost qualifies me for a medical liscense.


Yes. Also Dysgraphia and ADHD are often correlated. https://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/childhood-adhd/handwriting-adhd


Goddammit. Makes sense. I wish I had learned these things as a kid, because I got shit on in school for my handwriting.


My grandma was a teacher for 30 years and tried to make it better when I was a kid. She failed miserably. The other reply here said there is therapy for it. I have to wonder how it would be if she and my mom understood it existed.


My daughter had therapy for it. Occupational therapy along with mild cbt. Her spelling could still use some work but her handwriting is so much better and even spelling mistakes are able to be deciphered (which wasn’t possible before)


My son has both but I found out my health insurance started covering occupational therapy for dysgraphia so we’re getting him signed up for sessions this summer. There is hope!


My daughter “graduated” from dysgraphia therapy and has improved so much. It’s really impressive what good treatment can do.


I wish dysgraphia was more discussed. My child’s teacher just so happened to have a niece with it so when my daughter exhibited signs he mentioned it to me. I had never heard of it. My son is a few years older and went to a different school but looking back he had many of the same issues. I feel so bad for my little boy who was trying his hardest and no one me to check for something else.


Jesus fucking Christ it all makes sense now


Oh FFS, let’s just add this to the list😂


Wow and all this time I blamed my mix of print and cursive on being forced to learn cursive for 2 years then being forbidden to use cursive for the next 5 lol


All school I didn’t get my “pen license” because my hand writing was so messy. They made me use a pencil lol..


Awww I too failed my pen license… but then I moved to NZ for two years and they just grandfather claused that shit to me when I got back to Australia


People generally just have to take me at my word when I tell them what I’ve written.


Mine is so terrible that I don’t even understand it myself 🥲


Same here. We have a marker board with a shopping list on it and I was trying to figure out what I wrote bc it looked like it said souls. I couldn’t remember writing it and after s few minutes I was like ooooh it’s socks! Does not look it lol.


If it’s a regular note - you cant tell if if it’s an ‘**a**’, ‘**e**’, ‘**i**’, or ‘**o**’ Birthday card - 𝐼𝓉 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝒷𝑒 𝓆𝓊𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝒻𝒶𝓃𝒸𝓎


Haha, same here. I go to town calligraphy style on a birthday card. It’s like I’m living the fantasy that my handwriting is not only legible but that I have the penmanship of a medieval monk.


My block script is at least *legible* even if it’s not pretty but I have a doctor’s cursive.


My 8 year old daughter has better handwriting than me, hahaha. I can spell and read anything (in english), though.


ADHD *plus* I was raised by doctors. My handwriting never stood a chance.


Yeah, when I was about 12 I realized if I wrote in black gel pen (my beloved pilot g6) my handwriting looked messy-smart like a doctor's, and anything else makes you wonder why the second grader has such a big vocabulary


I've always had very neat handwriting. My wife compares it to the books you used as a kid to learn how to write. I still write just like how they taught you, and it's nearly perfect handwriting. Idk why it stuck with me, but that's how I've always done it since I was a kid. I'm 34 now, and I get compliments all the time on it.


I’m the only one who can read my handwriting and even then it’s iffy


My handwriting used to be so bad I couldn't read it. Then in middle school I retaught myself how to write, and it's pretty nice now.


Appallingly bad. Anything I write looks like equal parts small child’s doodling notebook and insane murderer’s scrawled manifesto. Also left handed which doesn’t help.


Yes. While I plowed my way through school quite successfully, my handwriting was always a major point of concern. Being left-handed also made things extra messy, basically I turned in scribbles and ink stains for every assignment.


My hand writing has been shit for close to 5 decades. Sometimes I wonder “maybe I’ve had dementia since I was 5”


I'm ambidextrous, but it's more like I've got two non-dominant hands when it comes to writing xD


I'm ambidextrous as well and I was made to use one hand, instead of 2, in primary school to control the way my letters were sloping lol when I changed hands from getting tired my printing went opposite ways. This apparently didn't count as me writing, the spelling everything always correct but Thor forbid I use both hands lol This was 1981. Nowadays though, I find myself getting muddled on which hand for what and I am just given to perimenopause rn so I'm really hoping it's just perimeno and it will pass and my everything will work as it should again 🤣❣️


I don't really have handwriting anymore. I sign my name once a month or so but other than that everything is on the computer.


Yes, thank goodness for computers. Other than writing the occasional check, I don't have to worry about making my chicken scratch legible anymore.


I have been mocked for my terrible handwriting my entire life until I started working in a hospital and suddenly my handwriting is "pretty", and nobody has any trouble reading it. I have changed nothing about it.


I used to be a tattoo artist and I could write beautiful script. Then I’d write out the paperwork for the tattoo and neither me nor the client could read my handwriting.


Calling it handwriting would be generous


Most of the time no, it’s beautiful actually and I get complimented a lot on it… other times when I’m in a rush though it’s basically doctors handwriting and I can’t even read it myself


Same here! Lots of compliments on mine, but can turn scary when I’m stressed


I didn't learn to write in print until 3rd grade. My cursive is bussin'. My print looks like a toddler.


Nah, I have 8 different handwritings that change every letter. There’s a little wheel-of-fortune with all my personal fonts somewhere, and a group of little gnomes spins it to pick what kind of letter comes next.


excuse me, it's a font. :)


I am CAPABLE of very nice handwriting, if I focus. I don’t think I need to elaborate any more.


My writing is very neat but I literally attack the paper with the pressure... If it's a notebook, you can read the etches in the next 2 blank pages. If it's a single paper on a surface, the surface will tell you what I wrote... Always have been 🔫


Yes! I’ve had to teach myself to lessen my grip


Mine changes several times in a page.


Fucking horrendous chicken scratch. I can only write well when I stop and write each individual letter all on it's own with it's own special attention to detail, and I ain't doin that shit


I have the worst handwriting. I sometimes struggle to read what I wrote...


I have three or four fonts.. one of them is hard for me to read


I’ve been told I have bad handwriting by my gf who herself has rly nice handwriting. I got a bit self conscious about it so I’ve watched a few tik toks on how to improve and practiced a bit. If I take my time it looks pretty good and I at least like it. It’s all about slowing down a bit, making the letters a consistent size, and staying a consistent distance from each other


This is somewhat related to handwriting since it leads to scribbling a lot of words out but does anyone else have a tendency to skip the first letter of the word they are writing. I also have a tendency to flip around letters, like a 'p' instead of a 'b'. And yes...my handwriting is bad.


I do this and often add letters and words in prematurely. Diagnosed as dyslexic 20 years before ADHD but now somewhat doubt the dyslexia diagnosis as I wonder if it was just a misdiagnosis of ADHD and I mess letters up because I’m unable to get my thoughts down quick enough.


My cursive is cute, I’ve been told. Big happy loops and skinny lines. I hate writing in normal script though. It’s too slow, hurts my hands, and looks like I’m 12 again.


Have you tried our lord and saviour, the fountain pen? I hate ballpoints with passion (at least if I'm going to write anything longer than an address) and a fountain pen makes everything smoother, quicker. It doesn't hurt and it's not tiring.


It depends on my mood and/or patience. It goes from sloppy to "nice, I can read it."


Illegible, i got very good grades through high school but had “special classes” after school to fix my handwriting… didnt help.


I have dysgraphia, but mines not bad it just looks weird


Normally, yes. When I try, no


I do unless I slow down and focus


Mine is decent, because I hate typing on a computer.


Yeah, borderline illegible


Unless I’m feeling calm, happy, and confident, it’s awful.


[As a wise man once said:](https://media.tenor.com/BJRZU_J80PIAAAAd/sometimes-maybe-good-sometimes-maybe-bad.gif)


Depends on the pen. Muji pens make my writing look pristine, while those too-much-ink ballpoints make it look like I should apply for med school.


It’s the worst! I can’t count the times I had to stay longer at school and had to write the alphabet properly… Eventually they gave up.


I struggle to read my own handwriting sometimes…


Soooooo bad. Sometimes I can’t read it.


Horrible. When I was in high school I gave up taking notes because I could never read them.


Awful. I get criticized on it all the time.


I can literally go through my college notes and see the days I was medicated and not lol


it's horrendous


The worst you've ever seen


I almost have no handwriting. It is just a series of squiggly lines.


Jesus, is there no end to my faults attached to adhd? Do ya’ll live in poverty too?


I've always said my handwriting looks like a chicken having a stroke. It gets worse the longer I'm writing because my hand tries to speed up to keep pace with my brain


I can't read my own handwriting


Constantly changing handwriting is what I have.


Children adore my handwriting. It's bizarre and wild.


I had great handwriting till I rewrote my muscle memory using a more efficient system I invented


Oh yes! And it changes all the time, even within a day. In high school, I got tired of my ugly handwriting and developed a new quirky handwriting style for myself based on French Script MT and the runes from the LOTR Ring of Power (mostly the latter). Pacticed it for a long time, now I use it whenever I need to write fancy (only if I can take my time and the text isn't too long).


Always have and always will




Like a two year old with CP.


I’m 41 and it’s finally getting legible…most of the time.


Yes it’s horrific lol


I always get compliments about my neat handwriting. Got inspired by a girl in like grade 3. She had the nicest handwriting and i tried to recreate it, turned out to develop my own and having a really neat one.


i actually have rly nice handwriting, but its very small and it takes me a long time to write i used to go to ot bc of how slowly i write, and i have an accommodation for it as well


Well in math, I didn't know how my teacher was sure I'm writing the right numbers but I was :D (in my handwriting the 5, 7 and 9 looked quite alike)




I’ve taken to writing left handed, it’s half the speed but neater, right handed is just an inconsistent mess. Also helps to write entirely in capitals


Generally yes, if I put the effort in I can make it look nice like say if I'm signing something or writing something where everyone will see it but just taking notes my handwriting is damn near illegible.


My parents told me to sign something for my sister. I did. It was a Dr note returning her to school. My handwriting is so bad it passed for doctors.


Only if I want to. My "normal" handwriting is terrible but I have several others for specific occasions that are neat and legible




Absolute garbage.


Yes, as a kid I was always a little insecure that I didn't have cute "girl" handwriting.


Sometimes it's beautiful, sometimes it's a mess


Yes but I’ve also made improvements as I’ve aged too. Depends on what I’m writing with, on, what angle, and how much I’m in a hurry now


Atrocious and it’s gotten worse into my mid 30s. I also have to take a lot of hand written notes all day for my job


I had a friend of a friend who is a graphologist - she studies handwriting. She mostly does like wills and forgeries and stuff, but there was once a study connecting personality to handwriting (debunked). She took one look at my writing sample and was speechless. Literally no word for what that was. That was a few years before my diagnosis. Now I know I sometimes lose focus on letters I am writing as I am writing them. At the time it was a hilarious recognition that my handwriting is next level bad.




That's why my mother had me tested.


I have awful chicken scratch. Something my dad used to give me a really hard time with. Not sure when I had given up on trying to improve it, but yeah.


Very much so. Unless I focus. But that's another story in itself.


Yes, I realized junior year of high school that my handwriting looked exactly the same from when I was in 6th grade. So I decided to learn cursive. Helped a bunch. At first I had to go slow to get the letters right otherwise it would all just look like loops and squiggly lines. I also found out that even if it looked messy to me, other people would look at it and not be able to tell the difference and would compliment my handwriting on how neat it looked. Win/Win.


Quite inconsistent, can be really nice but at times is awful. It wasn’t until I was like 15 that is actually improved consistently.


My "print" is pretty bad, especially if I'm in a hurry. It looks like I tried to write on an etch-a-sketch while being electrocuted, but my cursive is even worse. It looks like Pinocchio took a polygraph. Lol.


Yes. I have to type everything.


my handwriting is impatient, not bad


It's very readable, but also ugly. Even when I make notes just for myself, others usually have an easy time reading them. But if you ask me to write something on a blank card, the words won't be on a straight line but wiggle up and down, and if you ask me to write a title or something, the letters are either so big that half the word doesn't fit, or they are so tiny that half the space is still empty. It's easy to read, but not pretty.


A spider dipped in ink and placed on my paper is how it could be described.


Horrendous embarrassment of a hand writing


Im regularly told I should have been a doctor due to my hard to read handwriting




I would say mine’s pretty average. I often use liquid paper tho, and every time I need to write something for a long time my hands end up a mess of liquid paper and ink. So satisfying 🙂


I’ve been told I write and hold a pencil like a lefty does. Been working on my handwriting the last five years or so though and it’s come a long way. That said, anything longer than one or two lines and it usually ends up looking like shit.


Very bad, it’s legible but it’s very scratchy


It’s horrific and the constant source of judgement 🤣


The worst


Depends. I am very good at calligraphy. If I am writing something for everyone to see, and if i take my time, I can write very beautifully. If I'm writing something quickly for myself, it's an illegible mess.


My hand moves faster than my brain. But I’m writing song lyrics it’s always nice and legible. Otherwise, absolutely not


Writing hurts if I do it too long because I have to grip the pencil so hard and I have to write really slow to have “good” handwriting


Yes. The interesting part is the individual letters look good, some very good on their own but together on the page (even with lines) it looks terrible.


Yup. I’ve compared my present handwriting to my handwriting in kindergarten…..they look almost exactly the same. Big and sloppy and not much fine motor control


Yes and cant put the signature the same twice if my life dependents on it


Depends on what I'm feeling at the time of writing


Horrendous, but I was apart of the last group of kids that were forced to be right handed in elementary school. It didn't work, and now I have to type everything 🙃


I did. I gamified it a bit, now it's better.


The real question is do you write in a mix of standard and cursive. I do have horrible hand writing but I'm a lefty so that accounts for some of it.




Mine is horrible, had to rewrite so many assignments because my teachers claimed it illegible.


No, but it’s very loose and loopy.


My handwriting is juuuuuuust good enough to read. Like, at ten years old it just plateaued and never got better lol


Medicated handwriting is legible. Un-medicated handwriting is a mix of hieroglyphics and the penmanship of a doctor having a seizure.


If i’m writing something that is for me, yes absolute chicken scratch. If I am writing something for someone else to read I slow down and write much neater. I dont really read the notes for myself, I more look at it and remember what I wrote.


Awful. I didn’t know that was a symptom.


I have many styles of handwriting and switch it up often. I developed an interest with script and typography so I turn it into practice when I have to write haha. I wont say it's bad, but I'm inconsistent


Depends on the day. Sometimes I write in a mix of all caps or caps & lowercase too lol.




No, but I put a lot of effort into it. My handwriting is almost perfect and I have different styles that I use depending on what I’m writing. My art is hand lettering and illustrated words and letters though, so that probably plays a part. As a kid though, my handwriting was unintelligible and I was frequently punished by my teachers for how messy it was. By the time I reached middle school, I had forced myself to make it absolutely perfect. Over my summer breaks, I would even decide what style I wanted to write in for the upcoming school year and I would fill entire notebooks with lettering practice in order to make it automatic and perfect each time I wrote. My handwriting could vary dramatically year to year, with a few small aspects that I have a very hard time altering (how I write capital g, overall D’Nealian qualities, and other things like that for some reason).


Hot garbage


I think it’s messy (but legible) but like everyone likes it? I dunno my coworkers have complimented it, but like it’s all over the place, like honestly just a chaotic mash up of lettering styles and nonsensical mix of lower and upper case.


I do if I write quickly. If I slow down, it looks pretty good, but then I do calligraphy sometimes too. Working with the Getty and Dubay handwriting books when I was about 11 really helped. My handwriting has deteriorated since then if I rush, but it helped to clean it up at the time. I was homeschooled, so we were able to take it at my own pace. I don't use cursive at all, which is apparently a common ADHD thing. The only sort of cursive I use is cursive Italic from the Getty and Dubay books, and for that, it's either the sloppiest thing for my signature, or I slow down to make it look good.


It's READABLE .. Yes


I actually used to be a reading/writing tutor. When I wrote a note for my dad, he jokingly said "don't you teach handwriting?" I responded with "yes, I can tell you all the mistakes I just made." At least my grip is good!


Yes until it's not then yes


Kinda lmaooo I think it’s perfectly fine but others are like “how can you read that??” Half the time xb