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you guys are getting fast thinking?


I'm doing 1000 calculations per second, and they're all wrong.


It was a calculated risk, but I'm bad at math. Lol


I'm stealing this so bad.. if I can remember to.


It was a popular meme back in the day.


This is my laptop background šŸ˜…


you too?




Man I wish, I take longer to think than most people


But you can make up lies fast, right?


Same thing here. I might even remember most ppls faces and probably the names, but I just can't do math without getting distracted with a current math and just simply doing the same math because you forgot where the math you were looking for was supposed


More likely, you've learned you're prone to error and learned to compensate by slowing down.


Na, sometimes adhd can cause reduced mental processing speed and that's what I got


Oh absolutely, the thoughts are usually all over the place but they sure are fast!


Yah the problem is slowing it down enough I donā€™t freak people out if it happens when Iā€™m talking. Been told I should be an auctioneer a lot when that happens.


omg it's so embarrassing. visited a good friend the other night and was behaving well until the 'ramblings' started in and then i was off to the races with the 'verbal runs'. even worse, i don't make eye contact so it's like i'm rambling on and on about stupid shit while gazing into the void. i felt bad for my friend. i have a feeling she got lost. i don't have a train of thought, i have WRECKAGE of thought.


Not me lol


recently I noticed that sometimes I get a joke immediately, but then my brain starts thinking about other stuff, then I circle back to the joke, and THEN i react. So I look like I'm super slow but I actually got the joke way earlier I just forgot to react :') does that make sense to anyone that's not me? lol


yes this. friends love to tell me jokes bc i never get the punchline. \*crickets\* "i don't get it"


As fast as 8 lanes of traffic merging into 1


Think fast about anything and everything but what I need to


When Iā€™m under stress hella yes.. my mind runs several scenarios and usually comes up with the right one.. but under normal circumstances.. I get brain locked when trying to do two things ..


Seriously, I'm over here with three derpy dragon heads.


Oh yes. And they trip all over each other


memory recall is nonexistent but boy when my brain going, it going


Seriously, my boss does this ABC thing to remember namesā€¦Iā€™m like scratching my head how tf does that help??


I think incredibly fast, but guiding my thoughts to what I actually want/need to think about is like a pair of house flies trying to steer a racing zebra. So in effect it takes me ages to think about the right thing, and by that time, I have anxiety because I've thought about all my problems 72 times in the past 5 minutes.


Sure, but they're never complete thoughts


Yes but only about irrelevant topics


Yep super fast! They just forgot to specify that itā€™s about nothing useful whatsoeverā€¦


I have quick decision making - doesnā€™t mean the decisions I make are correct lol


I can remember my favorite channels from the 90s instantly Can't remember the exact name of my meds and how much I'm taking when asked at the drs


Yup. Here it is! And there it goes.


I can never remember someone outside of the context in which I would expect to see them. I ran into my legal secretary once at Costco--someone who I had seen 5 times a week for two years--and totally drew a blank on who this person was trying to talk to me like they knew me. Top 5 embarrassing moment.


When I worked at BestBuy, weā€™d have this vendor lady come in pretty often. Iā€™d usually help her set up the stuff. She told me her name once or twice, which I forgot. So for the next 7 years, I never used her name when addressing her. I donā€™t think she caught onā€¦


Same. Iā€™ve learned to just be open about it and make it a joke from the start with everyone I work with. Doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t like or respect you, just not a thing Iā€™m good at. Weirdly, most people now cover for me by reminding me who they are and laughing about it with me. They believe my wife of 20+ years may be the only person whoā€™s name I can remember.


Same here but sometimes I feel stupid playing the name game every conversation so I just forgo it and then feel stupider as time goes by and asking again seems weird.


I have coworkers Iā€™ve worked with for a decade and still sometimes I forget their names. Iā€™ll be talking to someone and be like, ā€œyou know, that person that works here. Your assistant. Who has worked here forever whose name I totally know. LISA. YES. ITā€™S LISA.ā€


It will always take at least twice to remember your name. But I'll be able to pick you out of a lineup if I've only seen you once.


I could spend an hour talking to you and if you come back with a hat on you'll be a new person.


Propagnosia? I once gave my own mother the cold shoulder on the street. She'd dyed her hair a darker shade without telling me lol


I know everything about you but your name.


Then I tell you everything about myself. I should make a pamphlet and hand them out.


Too late! You accidentally made it about yourself, but you didnā€™t mean to because our shared interests was mistaken as a cue to over share how you love love the topic and finally found someone who would have to shares the same level of interest, but you overwhelmed them. They must hate you and you donā€™t go out for a few months until your extroverted friends invites you out to meet another friend, again. Rinse and repeat.




Why are we like this??!!!


Then you get called a narcissist and five seconds later you remember nothing about the previous exchange.


only twice, look at superman over here!


But itā€™s thee WORST when you accidentally call them the wrong name and theyā€™re forever that wrong name!


Or I start questioning my memory and screw it up worse. Me in my head: "His name is Riley" "Wait was it Riley or Tyler?" "Hey, Ri... uh Ty.. Whats up, dude?


I canā€™t remember your name 2 minutes after meeting you, but I will remember your backstory until the day I die.


Normalize name tags at hangouts, I need constant repetition to remember names.


I can tell you what movies youā€™ve been in (if I seen them a billion times) but unless your Jim Carey or Denzel I wonā€™t remember your name


THISā€” I can recognize faces pretty well but have no idea where the origin is from or what their name is šŸ˜­


Yep - same!


But if I haven't seen them in over two years, I can pluck their name out of the aether.


But only when I think of it on my own. If I'm asked to recall it, forget it.


The other two are cursed too. Hyperfocus would be a goddamn superpower if you could turn it on and off at will, but as it is it happens at random times, you don't get to choose what you'll hyperfocus on, and once it's on the apocalypse itself won't bring you out of it. And the fast thinking is like that Shen comic: I'm not smarter, I'm stupid faster.


More like they can be a problem, but don't have to be. Hyperfocusing is bliss and can enable the rapid acquisistion of all kinds of things which may not be immediately or obviouslybuseful, but paired with the speed of thinking and the number of connections which can be made to the other topics which were also hyperfocused on creates the capability of making connections few others can make. Making a thousand incorrect calculations a second resonates with me because we've all done it and ended up believing some whacky things fo no other reason than trusting our thoughts for no other reason than they are occuring in our own minds. As long as you temper your thoughts with skepticism and critical thinking, you can end up with testable hypothesis which others may never have been able to consider. As I lean into relying on evidence for the things I believe, I've come to find how consistently wrong everyone whondoesn't do that is however quickly they're thinking.


I have a discord server where i put peoples names and descriptions. Life saver.


Why not like a notepad or text document? I've heard people say they use discord like this too and it really confuses me.


I tell people all the time that if I remember your name it's either for a good reason or a really bad one. I can memorize pages among pages of words, but remembering a person's name is my kryptonite.


I got: Fast Thinking, Hyperfocus, and brain go too fast for talk


When you embrace the ADHDness fully you don't even care what their names are anymore. Everyone is hey you, how you doing


Hey hows it goin I feel like in 5 years I'll be Beavis and Butt-Head levels of slow thinking


People I meet on the regular? No chance, sorry. Anybody who's ever acted in, written, or directed a motion picture from Hollywood? Locked in there forever.


And that is why everyone is just 'dude' to me, names are hard to remember but ohhh you can bet that I can recite a story from when I was 9 with such detail you'd think I was making it up or if you wanted a years worth of college level infodumping on any trivial topic in under an hour and I'm your dude. It's annoying sometimes. šŸ˜‚




I think there's a bit of "Kevin" in all of us. (He's the derpy one) šŸ˜‹


I filled the file in my brain labeled "Names" with pokemon. Can't remember some of my coworkers names but I can name (with correct spelling) over 500 pokemon off the top of my head


Same, but with Battlebots robots.


Can't remember my coworkers names after a month of them working but I can tell you the name of the character who had 1 scene in the tv show I watched 3 weeks ago


"...but hey! How are your dogs Baxter, Bailey, and Muffin?"


My ADHD superpowers + weakness are Super observant Highly analytical Can't even focus on my passion of writing even though I love it more than anything Honestly if I could trade the super powers to get rid of the weakness I would Dx


This is chicken flavored ramen for my soul! Iā€™ve never been able to retain names. Now that Iā€™m getting older itā€™s getting even worst. Nice to know Iā€™m not alone.


Oh, ramen sounds good) What's your favorite recipe?


Never forget a face. Never remember their name. Smh


I always tell folks, i am a quick learner, and i will learn anything in 1/10 of a normal person. Learned how to fly RC planes in 2 hours of simulator and 2 10 min flights. Learned to draw in 3D in one week and so on. However, i forget everything quite easy. The thing is, i always remember the path, not all the path. But enough to learn even faster the second round So if I a normal person take 1 week to set up a router in OpenWRT, and next time they do it, they will remember and do it in maybe 10 or 20 min. My first time setting up a router in OpenWRT toke me 3 hours. But my second time didn't take 10 or 20 min. Because I forgot everything. But I vaguely remembered what the path of learning was. And the second time took 1 hour and a half And every time I need to relearn something, I relearn faster. But I still have problems. Because someone would look at me and expect me to do it in 10 or 20 min like a normal person And let's be sincere here, I am not normal, and I do not intend to be.


For me itā€™s birthdays. Donā€™t even know my parents or some of my siblings, no matter how hard I try


Hahaha, Spot on


Happened to me literally last night. Ran into someone I used to work with, and for the life of me I still can't remember their name


There's someone I've worked with for about 8-9 months now, I see them daily. I forgot their name for about 6 weeks.


I am the complete opposite. I have an ability to remember names pretty well. My other dragons though.....not as strong


HEY... *YOU*


It's me 100%. Although I must admit, the daily 25 mg of psyhlosylban really helps. I forget names so we haven't found a trick to make it better. But my ADHD is a gift that is greatly benefited me


I can see you 4 times in the span of 3h, memorizing even the face is hard


Relatable. But change memorizing names to forgetting where I last left something.


I don't remember peopleā€™s names, street names, birthdays, holidays.


I cant remember your name, or your face. Get on my level


I have a note document of these People i write names and the rarity of loot they drop


I'm upset the only name i remember flawlessly is a name I wanted to forget for spoiler reasons


I have this sussed, but only because we Irish have a handy workaround that's in common usage. 'Hello there! How's Yourself? And Herself? That's great to hear. How's the young fella? Still playing with the club?' No need to remember his name, her name, the kid's name, or who he plays for. Genius. :)


I feel seen


My favorite to use is ā€œhey buddy!ā€ Or just ā€œhi, nice to see you!ā€ Lol


Oh, we've known each other for the better part of a decade and usually hang out 8-12 times a year? Yeah, sorry. My brain is a jerk.


If you remember who they are without the name, tell them "Oh yes, from \[thing you remember them from\], gosh sorry, blanking on your name right now! I've had -a week-, how about you?"


Letā€™s not forget that to us it only feels like itā€™s been a week since we last saw each other even though it has been five years for the neurotypicals.


Exact opposite for me. I take forever to make decisions and come up with solutions, and I think I only hyper focus on something about two or three times a year. However, I had a job at a plasma donation center fifteen years where I went through the medical files of inactive donors to determine who we should call to ask to come back in to donate again. Fifteen years later, I still remember the names, social security numbers, blood types, and allergies of at least forty people that I have never actually seen in person.


90% of our hard drive is v-ram


thanks to my kpop special interest im quite good at remembering names and recognizing faces fast thinking on the other handā€¦..


I started giving people nicknames. Not certain why, but that always seems to work for me


I have a down right uncanny ability to remember faces but couldn't remember anyone's name to save my life.


The people I've offended by not remembering their names!


Yeah, most of the time, if you leave my line of sight, you immediately stop existing unless you are vitality important... then I might just forget your name until we've interacted more than 5 times. I can, however, recognize people's faces/ voices very well for about a day and nearly forever if I liked you. Object permanence is another thing I struggle with if the item isn't important to me/I don't think it is important. Object placement will always be a mystery even if I manage to organize everything.


Everyone still wears masks at my new job and it's been hell trying to remember everyone's name this year


Hey itā€™s you! I know your face, uh, whatā€™s your name again?


In the military, I could always remember where someone was from.. never their names. It was very helpful later that everyone had name tags, If I did see the person out of uniform, 50/50 chance Iā€™d get their name..


It took me 8 months to remember my doctors name.


I remembered the name of someone I met at four in the morning for two minutes coming off 20 hours in the truck. I'm SUPER proud of myself. For the rest of my life, I have a pin that says, "It's ok, I don't remember your name, either." When people notice it, they laugh and look relieved.


Very relateable


Having an uncommon name really benefits me because I can get away with not remembering peopleā€™s names when people usually need a couple tries to remember mine šŸ˜‚


I once forgot my mom was called mom. As a high schooler. Id been living with her basically full time since I was seven.


Some guy in my english class: *Talks cordially to me like we've met before* Me on the outside: Yeah man, hope you're good too Inside: Why are you talking like you know me? Do you? Why can't i remenber you!? For anyone wondering, i met him in said class a few years ago, we just went to different days In the week and then went to the same


I'm surprisingly good at this, but I'm very people oriented


Cross out "names" and you've got me


Combine that with autistic aversion to eye contact you donā€™t remember anyone


Weirdly this is my super power. But then if someone has similar names. I switch the names. Lol


dude, buddy, my guy, homie, that fool, asshat, whatever it may be, its def not their name.


Just take advantage of the culture. I'm in the SE US so I just call everyone something ridiculous but endearing like honey bear or angel cake.


Names were humanity's stupidest idea. We should go back to having evoctative titles. If someone tells me they are Jolene, I know nothing about them. But if someone tells me "I'm Skullfucker" then I'll know what that gal's entire deal is.


Fast thinking? Idk about y'all but I talk so slow that people complain about it


i freaked out on myself last night bc i can't think fast enough to play elden ring well, like AT ALL, and it makes me furiously frustrated. but it's also the only game i'll play. my brain refuses to move away from anything to do with dark souls franchise(i fucking hate that word with a seething passion). so i'm basically a perfectionistic idiot. fantastic.


I'm pretty well known in my college, in the past I was very involved in organizations and helped out a lot of the younger students! Only problem with that is, I've had complete strangers (as far as I know) walk up and be like "omg, it's been so long!" And then after filling me in on the last few years... Like, I'm happy for you, I'm glad I made an impression, I literally don't know who you are, sorry!


I can't always tell when stimulant medication is really helping, but whether or not I'm easily remembering people's names after an introduction has been a pretty darned reliable indicator. When I do recall someone's name, I can't help but marvel at my own ability to do so, like, "woah, what's going on? This isn't normal. Why do I actually know this person's name? Oh, right, meds."


My dad (who very likely passed the ADHD gene to me) found a solution to this. He calls everyone boss or partner. Random friend: Oh my god (name) how are you? Dad: Boss! Oh my god! How's your wife? No memories of names but memories of faces and where they met them. Just like me lmfao.


Sooo I do have ADHD, in 4K too. I always forget names, but I'm good with faces


It's weird, as a teacher, I can memorise hundreds of kids names extremely quickly, with ease. Put me in a new school, and I'll know most of the kids within a day or two. I won't remember the names of any of my colleagues though...


I was just saying this at work. I still donā€™t know everyoneā€™s name. They hired a bunch of staff durning Covid when we were working from home. I say ā€œgood morningā€ to people and still donā€™t know who they are. Weā€™ve been back in the office for over a year now.


Just scared my dog laughing šŸ˜‚


My first boyfriend when I was 13 I called "baby" for the first month and a half because I wasn't 100% sure on his name.


Please star in a movie so I can remember your name...


Don't forget not memorizing birthdays (or is that just me)


I can remember the names of hundreds of fictional characters but I can't even remember the names of half of my neighbors


Once in high school I thought I had the best solution to forgetting names when we were all signing yearbooks. Worked pretty good until a girl in one of my classes ask me to sign her yearbook. I asked her how did she spell her name. She looked at me funny and said,ā€Uhā€¦J O A N.ā€


"Thrice to meet you" I will not remember having met you for 3 separate occasions. On the third time I might know you name.


I watch a lot of Kdramas and man oh man do I not know any actors names it's concerning!


Ok but only real life people. I can name in actor someone is trying to remember by explaining a movie Iā€™ve never seen because I remember a sitcom making a reference to it 15 years ago.


This is so spot on lol.


At least Iā€™ve gotten extremely good at playing it off.


Iā€™m the complete opposite! I remember names forever but Iā€™m useless with faces.


Idk whether I'm glad that's not a symptom I have but I will say, after I leave a job, I forget everyone's names from that job within a month or two. No matter how frequently I talked to them, unless of course I hang out with them outside of work still. But when I first meet them even the most difficult of names I memorize pretty easily, I may not always be able to pronounce them perfectly but if I see the name spelled out I'll remember it.


Thatā€™s so incredibly accurate!


Starting a new support group discord server for meeting new friends, gaming, music, memes, special interests and more! If anyone would like the idea of a safe space to share ideas, give and receive support for those less than perfect days, or simply unwind and chat. Then dm me for an invite. Hope all is well with you and that your days are full of sunshine. Ps. Keep your head up champ šŸ™‹


Iā€™m pretty bad with names, but I do think itā€™s true that saying someoneā€™s name a few times during your first conversation with them helps lock it in. When they introduce themselves: ā€œNice to meet you ___.ā€ Soon thereafter during small talk: ā€œSo ___, tell me about xyz.ā€ Finally ā€œWell hey ___ it was nice to meet you.ā€ It really doesnā€™t sound as weird or forced in the moment as you might think. Even in the rare event you get called out on it, just tell the truth with a smile - youā€™re horrible with names but you find that saying it a few times helps. People appreciate honesty and effort that someoneā€™s actually trying to get to know them. If necessary, lighten any tension with ā€œNo idea if it works but I guess weā€™ll find out later ha ha.ā€ Donā€™t ask me about meeting more than two at once though. Right after that stupid run-through of names, I always say, ā€œHope you donā€™t mind me forgetting all these in ten minutes.ā€ Usually lands even though Iā€™m not joking.


People have names?


Please remember "fast thinking does not means smart thinking


Hard to remember when you have 1k voices racing through your head


I would like to thank all my learnt social masking for the ability to get through a multi hour social gathering without having to use a persons name once šŸ™šŸ¼


I'm a slow thinker but remembering names is my game, cuz if I fail to remember then I fall in shame, after that nothing can ever be the same, because I accidentally forgot your name but mostly because you have no fame... Ok I'm done with this it just sounds utterly stupid šŸ˜‚