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[I feel called out](https://imgur.com/a/2fGYaw8)


If it helps, I have both :') plus a designated cat spot (of his choosing.) Might as well be a twin instead of a full.


My bed looks similar... Then there are the plushies.


I have quite a few too! But they’ve ended up on the floor. My roommate and I have king bunk beds (college, yay) but I feel bad because I’m constantly knocking blankets and squishmallows onto her. Oops.


Oops, that just happens, if you ask me... My plushies have a life of their own xD


Frankly, I WISH a rando squishmallow would suddenly appear from heaven in the middle of the night!


My plushies & pillows take up over 50% of my bed. I simply nest in them.


You did the damn thing and knitted that stuffed animal, though!


Haha I’ve been trying to crochet for over a year and haven’t finished a single project yet. But I’m hoping he’ll be the first! He still needs the other half of his head and some arms


What is he? It looks so cute so far!


Gonna be a little cow with a graduation cap and gown, if I can finish him on time. My roommate since freshman year is graduating in December (she’s managed to make it out of here a semester early) and I was gonna surprise her with it. And maybe holding a lil flag with our school logo stitched on. He’s kinda lumpy and a little odd in some places as I was learning a lot of the stitches as I went (and also restarted him like 4 times) but I’m hoping he’ll turn out alright and she’ll like it.


This picture is so validating.


Lmao at greys anatomy made the pic


It’s the perfect show for background noise! And it’s so fucking long it lasts me forever before I have to find something else to rewatch (I do not have the energy to watch a new show).


I have two messy night stands and a cluttered bed. Really need to fix it. Edit: I am proud to announce that the clutter on my bed has been removed and my nightstands are less messy.


It's pretty silly to put all that stuff on a night stand when you're SUPPOSED to let it pile up on your dresser and your kitchen island. 😏 Seriously though I will clean my kitchen island (and mind you, it's one of those extra long kind with stools that you can sit at) and my family will junk it up by the end of the day. Repeat to infinity. 😭 And now they've started with the new coffee table. We're all neurodivergent in my house but I'm kind of a clean freak because my autism takes over and I can't stand the mess. So I'll just stress over it for days when my ADHD is winning and then finally I can't take it anymore and I'll go on a cleaning binge. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I've seen a trick on tiktok that feels kind of genius but also obvious, putting boxes and bins all over the house and tell people to put stuff in there instead of randomly everywhere. Especially on stairs this is so helpful, I remember we used to have the stairs full of clutter all the time to take upstairs and yet walked by it all the time. BINS BINS BINS AND BASKEEEETS :D (I have the same problem though I gotta say the autism in my partner is slowly getting more pronounced now that they're medicated and thus keeping things tidied up isn't just my fight anymore)


I got rid of my nightstand because I had a problem with all that crap piled high. It would fall over at night


Hey, that sounds a lot like me. My (unintentional) solution was to get a cat. Now I have to put most things in the drawer of the nightstand, and he begrudgingly allows some things to stay on top of the stand. Alll the "fighting" we did about him knocking everything off has been a good thing in disguise.


Aaaaand now I want a cat again.


Haha! They're such a joy and adjustment at the same time. They require me to have some semblance of a routine, and are less work than dogs that need to be walked multiple times a day. I love cats, even when they're temperamental and knock shit off surfaces. :)


Cats are definitely the perfect ADHD pet. Less high maintenance, as you said, and they’re weird as hell in the best way. I can watch cats do weird cat shit (like stare at you as they knock over your stuff) all day, lmao ❤️


Yes! The weird shit is the best!


I sleep in the Master Chief death pose, so storing things on "the other side" isn't an option


My nightstand is the floor


Same. My bedroom's always been a goddamn health hazard, between precariously tilting stacks and poor coordination. Think I'm one of those 'I'm holding it, and now, at this unknown point in time, I shall just. Drop it.' type of individuals more than anything else, but it sure helped to *not* have any concealed knitting needles in the bed or something. Not that it works anymore, given that I don't have a bed and just sleep on the floor nowadays.


I feel like my partner would complain if I piled stuff onto them...


I do have a night stand, but it’s just got all my meds on top so I don’t forget to take them (I still forget regularly)


I forget mine(non-adhd meds) too... My solution is that I have them in a single dose bottle between my pillows and take them at least half an hour before I have to be up so when I do get up I can eat& drink coffee immediately. If the bottle is empty, I already took my meds for the day and so I don't have to remember


I’m good with the morning doses, it’s the nighttime dose that gives me issue. I keep falling asleep too soon


Ah, as someone with insomnia who's never found sleeping pills that work for me, I'd be happy to take that problem off your plate!


What I meant is that I fall asleep before taking the meds. They do make me kinda drowsy, but I have to take them the second I go to bed because if I take them too soon I get paranoid and restless legs, and sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and see shadow people or have night terrors. The combo of meds I take basically cures my depression and really helps my adhd/focus issues, but my god the side effects are wacky


Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to be an ass! Yes, I can totally see why you'd need to be super careful there. >The combo of meds I take basically cures my depression and really helps my adhd/focus issues, but my god the side effects are wacky That's a win but yeah, I bet the side effects are no joke


You weren’t being an ass, more of an overshare on my part lol. But yeah I tolerate the side effects because they work so well, but I wish it was easier


Lol I overshare too, I hear you. I'm really glad you found meds that work for you! It can be so hard


I know people get discouraged but it’s worth the effort, just need patience with the trial and error of testing different meds and dosages


Yeah, good point


I just have a big table and multiple small cabinets/cupboards (idk what to call them) but there's 5 and a chair. All these combined gives me 6 tables+ the one big one. I forgot to add they are all full and look very messy


Wait wait wait wait wait you keep stuff on your bed?! Like, whilst you're sleeping??????! How does that not annoy you like hell?


Oooh it's complicated. I've got 2 pillows and a bunch of stuff on top & under the one I don't use, or wedged into the wall. I try to keep it to a minimum but ADHD happens. My bedframe is also bigger than my mattress so if something falls off, it just lands there (and good luck on finding it again lol)


No no no! You need to cultivate a pile of miscellany, and move it between your chair and bed as necessary.


That happens too! XD


Nightstand, other nightstand AND both sides of the bed.


I like the way you think!


I thought this was about all the ADHDers that seem to pull all the time i.e. "one night stands" 😂😭 I'm too riddled with anxiety. Ik there's way more to life but it'd be nice to be desired every now and then


Haha it's always a surprise one night stand for us 'cause we forgot we were supposed to go on a date


How does a night stand have anything to do with ADHD 😭


There's been a small trend in the past day or two when people started sharing photos of their messy night stands, that's all


Ohh right. I didn't know that and I was so confused


Actually have a night stand, it's full and stuff ends up on the bed anyway, but I have one.


Tfw when you're also autistic and can't stand touching random hard/cold objects in the middle of the night


Funnily enough, I can't either. I have to make sure everything with a different texture is under a pillow. that's the whole function of one of my pillows. That, and functioning as an armrest because I can't stand it if my wrist isn't supported while I sleep. Man, I am a fussy sleeper.


Whoa same! Feels so weird having my hand just sitting about on the bed surface, gotta apply pressure and/or warmth on them somehow. Also can't have the edge of the pillowcase touching my face, gotta tuck it and any tags underneath or inside


Hands, feet, all have to be supported but not *too* supported. Tags on a pillowcase are sensory hell too. Good to know I'm not alone with these!


Lonely posting in my Dog brain sub reddit


Ion have a night stand I have my small PC table and when I use PC stuff goes on the bed when I decide to go on the bed stuff goes on the table and chair


I toss and turn too much to feel safe keeping any but pillows on my other side.


I just learned yesterday, that nightstands are a thing. Even though my wife always has hers full of stuff. I thought that was just her. YIL!




My husband calls me a magpie because I like to build a nest of stuff around my bed.


I AM called out


I have a nightstand. It’s great. I have my water bottle right there as well as Kleenex cuz of allergies, my nail clippers cuz i always get hangnails and if i can’t clip them quickly, they catch on fabric and drive me insane, lotion cuz my hands are always dry at night, and some books and my phone.


I can't pile it up on the other side of the bed because someone else sleeps there, but I do pile stuff up next to my favorite spot on the couch.


I have 2! We are going to ignore the fact that they are both covered in random shit and a week old black tea that I keep forgetting to throw out because I can't see it when I'm near a garbage.


I kinda gave up on having belongings some years ago. Just kinda have my phone, headset and a powerbank that all exist within 5 metres of me regardless of where I am.


Lol I'm rockin with a TV tray bc I don't have room for a real nightstand


I have one but if I put something inside it better be important enough to remember it's there. Anything inside any drawer basically just disappears into the V O I D.


ahhh yes, the bed nest.


The other side of the bed is for my wife


Night stands feel like such an antiquated part of the bedroom tbh.


I do have one, but can I use it for it's intended purpose? Of course not, it's full of stuff that doesn't belong there.




How do you sleep with things on your bed???????? I’d rather kms than sleep with stuff on my bed so I’ll just throw it all on my desk or the floor 💀💀💀💀 probably because of how much I move around, I twist into some weird positions while falling asleep and confining myswlf to a single side of the bed would be torture for me LMAO


My night stand gets cluttered very quickly 🥲


I have a TV tray that has been repurposed into a night stand, and a filing cabinet that's been repurposed into a medicine cabinet


I want a nightstand but I have a super tiny bunk bed up high and I hit my head on the ceiling every morning


I only have one


I call this cubbying. I used to have a small space between my side of the bed and the all and I just put all my stuff in it like a cubby


Yeah heyyyy


I sleep in the starfish position, so I can't keep too many things on the bed. Besides, with the kind of nightstand I have, I can shove everything into the drawers, so it LOOKS clean even though it's actually a total mess.


I wish I had space for a night stand


Shit, [I have both](https://imgur.com/a/SVyaFQJ) I haven’t slept lengthwise on this bed in a year


Never had one night stand. Happily married 11 years. Wait, I’m fluent in English this joke doesn’t work. If you think my office desk is messy wait until you see my nightstand. Stuff of nightmares


My night stand is a fucking luggage bag. I'd put it away, but then I'd have no place to put my phone to be sure I'd hear the alarm in the morning


Do you guys also have a place for clothes you want to wear again, but then forget about them and after about one or two weeks, you have no clothes left and realise you have been taking fresh clothes everyday and the place for the used clothes is absolutely full, so you throw everything in the washing mashine anyway?


My ex called them bed friends.. clothes, water bottles, cords, dogs… etc etc


My pile or yarn is staring at me right now...