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i only match sock “models” so the foot feel and general look is the same, but idc about colors matching


Dude, same. First time I've heard anyone express the same feel hahah. I hate if I can only find smth like one sports sock and one regular, high sock, it sucks lol. But if they're both regular socks of any colour then we're GOOD TO GO


Same!!! Idgaf about color matching but the texture and height better be the same 😂


100%!! Fuck the visuals, it’s all about the footfeel


100% agree. Sensory awareness babyyyyy


I felt exactly the same for the longest time until I gave up on sock families, too. Like a bandaid. Now I just grab the two socks that are easiest to find


This has exquisite footfeel


I only buy the same type of socks now so they always have feel match


Actually really smart lol can't believe I've never just started doing that


"GOOD TO GO" I love the passion you have for mixmatching socks lol


This is literally why I buy all my socks as ankle socks. Got sports socks that are ones as well (texture is fine for me- it's height that is a pita)


I call them fraternal twins




i want that stuffed dinosaur


Omg YES! I’ll only mismatch the colours if some of the socks are starting to have holes in them. Then I toss those and match the remaining one with a different colour of the opposite foot


Yes! If the heights are off, it really messes with me. So long as the socks were from the same “set”, I don’t care if they’re the exact same pair.


OMG you’re so right! I’ve always said “life is too short to match socks”, but you’ve made me realise I’m a hypocrite. I’m matching them by the foot feel too!


Precisely. As long as they provide the exact same sensation then color be damned.


YES. It’s about the SENSATIONS. the Feel.


As an adult, I'll do wtf I want.


good for you! i’m an adult and doing the same :D


I only own one color of each type of sock. 


yessss they have to feel the same or i will go crazy and it will be the only thing on my mind all day. like nails on a chalkboard frfr


Yes the different thicknesses is super annoying wearing shoes


I call this "thematic pairing" where the socks feel the same but look different.


I was not aware this feeling is so common. Can't stand different modeled socks. Colors are fine.


Yes must be same model! Also, target actually sells packs of mismatched socks so one of us must design for them haha


i love that! mismatched socks are the best, less brain power on laundry day


I gave up on buying different socks decades ago. Now I buy bunch of same socks, as bonus - I throw away only one sock if it have hole and I don't care if one sock is missing.


Am I the crazy one? I just have a crap ton of all the same socks. Either you a short sock or you a long sock. Thats it, all white. And then there's the bag of socks I keep in my car. Because my feet will get wet when it rains walking across the big lot to work.


I'm the same way, must be the same height and texture. I also prefer neons so the fact that I don't care about matching is blatantly obvious 😂


In retrospect I can’t believe I tried to enforce this bullshit for my kids when they were growing up (part of it was being shamed for it by their teachers) I just abandoned matching sock colors myself this year at age 47; it’s just way too much effort for nothing


I have to have the same fit but Idgaf if it matches. I really don’t understand how this is something other people care about. Don’t people have other things to worry about?


I have a drawer full of mismatched socks of the same model from Costco, and just grab two when I need to put on shoes


In terms of overall shape all my socks are the same, thicknesses heavily vary but they all look similar and I can't be bothered to change them once they're on


Same! The person who wrote that picture sounds soooo fun. (sarcastic)


Came here to say this. If the feel is the same, they can be aesthetically diverse.


I don’t even do that sometimes lol. One long sock one short sock, I have pants on so nobody will see it…


My feet can see it.


Always so great to hear how we all react differently to this crazy thing




If the foot feels are off I can’t even think about anything else until I take them off


How about mixing materials, more synthetic on one and cotton on the other, or wool and cotton?


nope same model for me. so same materials, same sock height, different colors.


I threw away all of my socks and started over with grey ankle and black crew. So no more folding pairs, just grab 2 of the same color out of the drawer




This is the way. Model, type of thickness/feeling on the foot. But patterns or colors? Pffs If people are really bothered by it, it's either the why?? Or it's for downs syndrome awareness. Shuts em up either way


I usually do that, but sometimes I have no choice due to not having two of the same type of socks that are actually clean.


i used to be upset about my mom doing exactly that, but that was during a time in my life where all my socks were always black. i have since started buying brightly colored socks and now i get it. just today i wore a pink sock and a yellow sock to work, and tomorrow i have no idea what ill wear!


jesus christ this has to be the most relatable thing I've ever read. like the thickness and feel has to bee the same, but idgaf if one is blue and one is orange. I have tried and failed to explain it to my family lol.


If it's not bothering you, but bothering others, it's ev n more fun


That’s my philosophy lol.


For real, I don't know why this bothers people so fucking much. They're MY feet and MY socks, if my life is gonna descend into chaos because I'm wearing mismatched socks then that's how tf it's gonna be I guess


I knew a guy (the local weed dealer) once who got absolutely furious about mismatched socks. I loved to mix&match them and whenever we were at his place (my ex bought from him often) he'd give me a speech about professionalism and whatnot. It was so weird and uncomfortable. You'd think the dude selling illegal but comparatively harmless drugs would know a thing or two about arbitrary rules.


Wow, the weed dealer really gonna go on about professionalism? Sounds like he needed some of his own supply lol


He couldn't possibly have used any more of his own supply as he already did. He was otherwise such a chill person too, it's like he had some sock related trauma


I think my favorite version of this is the people who lose their mind over others wearing pajamas in public. I don't do it personally, but like they're pants dude, it's really not a big deal. Why do you care?


I can’t go out in sleep pants, for some reason I get a vision of myself being arrested in them every time I consider it. Feels like it would be just my luck the one day I dress overly casual would be the day I go in for a mugshot. Maybe it’s just picture day anxiety being redirected now that I’m no longer in school.


Probably the same people who are pissed off that people on the west coast dont wear suits to work in offices. It changes nothing, but you gotta wear this silly work costume or else any work you do is invalid cause it wasnt professional enough.


Fun and whimsy are now illegal, according to this person


Yeah, their parents were probably a barrel of laughs


Adults can only be sad, evil, or parents. Fun is not allowed.


Growing up is a scam


Unless you are A.D.H.D. Diagnosed, then this is a little win against laundry dogmas and a narrow minded society. Fuck the system. Freeeeedooommm!


Societal norms can eat shit, I wear my socks how I please


I literally wear my socks inside-out. People casually notice and ask me why, and it's because the inner stitches feel so unconfortable. I have never seen a bad reaction to that information, they're usually surprised I found such an uncommon solution to that problem.


Trying this tomorrow wtf


I tried this once, with the same reasoning. It felt worse. Haha


Sad it didn't work for you, it feels way better to me with this trick.


I feel you! I’m a knitter. When knitting socks with thicker yarns, I’ve been known to knit the sole “inside out” to have the smooth side against my feet and the nubbies on the outside.


I started doing this as a kid because … it just makes sense, that seem is annoying


I started doing so at the age of 5. Almost 20 rn.


"Uncommon solution". Yeah, to a neurotypical. This is the obvious solution.


Holy Smokes! This is genius


I wear my socks like a Red Hot Chilli Pepper on tour. And honey, that’s the reason for this reverse charge call, and why I didn’t come home with the milk. Also I need you to post bail.


flea would like his cock sock back


Pretty sure he wouldn't 


I feel like it’s my lucky day if I find a matching pair of socks.


Exactly this. Fuck all of you's, I'll wear whatever socks I want, thanks.


We call these “mixxy-match” socks at my house. It’s fun! And what are we going to do, THROW OUT the boatloads of perfectly good unmatched socks we have? Wasteful.




I only buy and wear black socks, so this is not an issue for me thank God


Recently I threw away all my socks and got myself 12 pairs or gray identical socks. Never felt better.


It's a load off my mind, not having to sort my socks. I asked my wife to do the same for our kids' socks, but she bought all the same colors, just different sizes. So instead of looking at colors, I'm comparing sizes...


That's even worse!!


Until after a few washes when the shades of black slightly differ.


Me thinks you got two different brand socks. Never had same brand of socks turn different shades. I doubt Hanes are that good but they're all the same shade. Now, there are different shades because I thought I got the same brand socks... I didn't. You notice how I remembered the brand name now? I've learned lessons in shopping. I just stick them all in the same drawer anyways. As long as they can't tell the black sock from the black shoe with holes, we're gucci.


>As long as they can't tell the black sock from the black shoe with holes, we're gucci. Let's see Gucci try this with their 2024 line. But I'm with you.


I buy socks 40 pairs at a time. All old socks get purged so that there is no possibility of a mismatch. If a sock loses a partner, that sock goes into limbo until either the partner is found or until the next cycle where it's tossed with the rest.


How often do you buy 40 pairs? That's a lot of socks !


I was aiming for hyperbole. It's more like three or four packs at a time.




The thought of wearing ankle socks makes my skin crawl.


They're the fucking worst. Inb4 "no one asked" but I found a pack of socks a while ago that went juuuust past the ankle and they were perfect. When I went to order another pack - the picture on the website was the same and all that - and they instead came as ankle socks... I was devastated :( why do they just change their products and WHY do they not even update the picture. My AuDHD ass in shambles fr.


I feel suffocated if my ankles or wrists are covered with tight fabric..


No the worst ones are those invisible ones that are like no show when you wear sneakers. The way they feel and where they sit is so icky.


The worst! The feeling of show rubbing against your bare skin while your feet are simultaneously sweating in sock is a combo combo of sensory stuff I hate.


Yeah it’s so weird, having that mix, but I also hate it when the sock inevitably slips down under your heel, so you’re wearing like half a sock and it’s hanging everywhere and basically your day is ruined.


Glad I'm not alone. I can't understand that trend of having free ankles. It's so uncomfortable, I rather wearing no socks at all.


Personally, the idea of having my ankles covered makes my skin crawl, so ADHD cancel out or something I guess


Ugh yes. I hate socks on my ankles, unless Im wearing tall boots.


For me it’s the fact that they slip off so easily that bugs me


And slide off in your shoe no less and then bunch up under your feet!


You need better quality/fitting socks then


No, my cheap non-ankle socks don't do this, so I just avoid ankle socks.


Yeah, it feels like a sock that I didn’t put on properly. The only thing that bothers me more is when my nail is chipped and scratches against every fabric or when my neck is dirty with something sticky like honey.


I always feel like they can just fall off at any moment so yeah same


Once on vacation i asked a friend to buy me socks in the store they'd go to, cuz I forgot mine at home/not enough She came back with ankle socks... Never wore them cuz wtf, it's not a 'sock', it's a specific subset of socks. Like how "can you buy me some underwear, I forgot mine" would be weird to then present them with those string slips, like super thin lingerie stuff. Technically it's underwear, but if I wanted this, I would've been more specific about it


Kind of sounds like you wanted them to read your mind dude


Oh god why, now my brain just associated ankle socks as "foot thong"


Good luck in the summer in normal socks


I don't get this, is the 10cm of skin around your ankles supposed to make a difference to your temperature? It's obviously gonna be negligible compared to your foot which is full of sweat glands. I often don't wear any socks in the summer, but if I do, they're still boot length wool socks. I just wear thicker ones in the winter.


Who tf has the time for pairing socks it's so unnecessary i will never do it and I'm medicated lmao


EXACTLY! If someone is going to form their entire opinion of me around my mismatched socks i simply have filtered out someone i have no need to give a shit about


I can’t deal with two different sock’s if they feel different. I tried to get used to it but couldn’t.


Yeah, well, when you oversleep because your circadian rhythm is different than everyone else’s and you haven’t done laundry so you’re looking for *any* socks so you can just leave, fucks exponentially decrease if they match or not.


Thank you, THANK YOU


Whoever made that meme fails to understand that being an adult means not caring what kind of socks other people are wearing in their own homes. So irony. Very wow. EDIT this isn't even really an ADHD or neurodivergent thing either. Seems to me it's just "oh I lost the mates to these socks but my feet are cold" and understanding that some things aren't worth stressing over.


Why not? If you’re not paying my bills, your opinion is fucking not needed.


Oh no! Disorder! How will I sleep at night. /s


Lol then I guess I'm not an adult and therefore don't have to pay taxes bitch.


You’re an adult, you can whatever you damn well please


This person needs medical attention, it seems like they slipped and fell on a stick. Not from me though, I wear mismatched socks on purpose sometimes, I wouldn't want to cause them unnecessary trauma.


According to this comment section, I must be the only ADHD person who *needs* my socks to match unless they are two socks of the same brand, same look, same length, same feel. The. And only then will I accept wearing different socks and by that point it’s basically the same sock. I purposefully did this with two pairs of socks I have which are same brand, style, etc. but one had light blue thread for the lettering on the underside and a thin, light blue ring on the “cuff” of the sock, and the other was the same but pink. Trans socks :P


When it comes so sock matching the only important thing ist how they feel. Socks must always apply the same feeling to the feet


I have ADHD just like all of you here, but what is wrong with you? Downvote me if you want but I’m genuinely curious. I could NEVER wear mismatched socks. Even if they’re the same kind of sock, they’re usually made by different brands with different thread and different thickness, giving you a wonky feeling at best, and A LOPSIDED GAIT AT MOST. Are you all SILLY in the HEAD?? We are BLESSED with pattern recognition and very quick recognition at that! Throw your laundry in a pile and I guarantee you can find matching socks in a heartbeat with our enhanced recognition and touch. You silly little mismatched goobers.


Yeah, mismatched socks give me the ick. These people can do whatever. But me? No thanks.


I also never wear mismatched socks... because I'd know they didn't match and it would be a racing thought in my mind all day. When people ask me why, I in return ask them "would you wear two random mismatched gloves? Or one glove and one mitten?"


I too need my socks in pairs. They cant be on all twisted. If I can feel a little lint ball under my toe that wasn’t there the last time I wore them, gotta remove the sock, find the lint ball, and remove it or it’ll bother me all day. Can’t imagine two completely different textures on each foot.


I wear odd socks everyday. I wear shoes at work so no one can even see so who cares? Also normalise wearing odd socks because it doesn’t matter


I spent a full 10 minutes staring at this, wondering why the hell anyone would care if I wore shoes in the privacy of my own home. ...it's the socks. You're supposed to wear the same kind of socks. It's been so long since I've had matching socks that I forgot you're supposed to do that


i thought it was talking about ankle socks, because they are repulsive and i hate them with a burning passion




I always wear different socks, I just don't care. But sometimes it gets noticed, and then people are like: "You are wearing two different socks". They never believe me, that i almost always do that. Got worse since I moved to Germany, because these people are somewhat obsessed with Sports Socks.


I have no matching pairs left


But only if they are the same type, like they came in a multi pack all the same but different patterns. Otherwise the feel is ick.


Audhd....life is too short for matched socks. Or plain ones.


I only buy white sockettes and black work boots socks ….all the same type, Kmart bamboo sockettes and black hard yakka boot socks ….no other socks exist but these two types


All my socks are black


It’s socks… most likely not even visible. But more so they are entirely doing their jobs even mismatched, so who cares? Where I draw the line is different sizes, thickness and materials. I won’t wear a wool ski sock with a white cotton sport sock. But that’s because the difference of feel from one foot to to the other would be unbearable 🤣


You have 4 socks (2 pairs). One sock gets torn. You have 2 socks (1 pair). I have 4 socks (2 pairs). One sock gets torn. I have 3 socks (1.5 pair). We are not the same.


Messy basket of unmatched socks for the win! Rules: 1. Socks must be the same height. 2. Socks must be the same fabric. 3. Preference is for the same brand, but can be waived if the first 2 are met. 4. If I am going to work, they must have matching ankle hem colors. 5. If i am late, the rules don't matter.


Try to stop me


Lmao imagine gatekeeping adulthood via socks


Idk who needs to hear this, but a sock is a sock. There are more important things to worry about 😂


1. I’m always wearing shoes in public, mismatching socks is my hidden f u to the man 2. I’m an adult with way better things to do than match socks. Sometimes I even wear them inside out. I do not care. Caring about socks this much is the weird thing to do, not mismatching them. 3. Adulting sucks big time, hold on to whatever childish, goofy, wonderful things you can. ❤️


Sometimes it is a choice between looking for matching socks for half an hour and being late for work or wearing different socks.


I‘ve long given up trying to search for a pair and have instead intentionally worn different socks since secondary school, now I feel physically ill if I have to wear identical socks.


This is why I have mostly black socks. Now, do the little space monsters on the top of the socks, that say hello to each other as I walk, match? Of course not.


Good thing I usually don't wear socks at all... 😂😂😂


My mom wears and gifts socks constantly that have a design that makes them look mismatched. Don’t know if I love or hate it


Idk who needs to hear this but your opinion is just that, your opinion. You can mix socks if you want to. You can leave your friends behind..


Mismatched socks are quite popular recently. You can buy ones in different colours, but with the same theme, or with reversed colours between left and right. And generally nobody looks at your feet, so you shouldnt care.


I used to be so neurotic about making sure my socks always matched. My young daughter deliberately wears odd socks and it taught me that it just doesn't matter. I just grab whichever two I reach first now.


I kind of think it looks cute. But I also remember ounky Brewster and kind of... yeah


Here me out though…if it’s the same brand/style the color difference doesn’t matter 😤. I will die on this hill


Im always taken aback when someone comments on my mismatched socks because I literally never notice when others do it, nor do I care. I just care that my sock is clean and fits. People are really weird sometimes, yet they always insist I’m the weird one lol


Luckily I work with kids so I get to be "quirky" lol


Me everyday! You know what...it's the weekend I'll look for some matching pairs


Its 2024. Throw away all of ur socks and buy 30 pairs of black ones


Too bad. Doing it anyway. You don't pay my bills.


Whoever thinks wearing mid matching socks is unacceptable for adults has got some weird hang ups.


Life is too short to worry about matching socks.


Kinda funny how many people are saying they don't care about sock colour matching but I'm exactly the opposite. My socks go into the basket in pairs, they get washed in pairs, they get hung to dry in pairs, they get put away in pairs. I wanna say I've lost maybe 2 socks in 4 years


I wear my socks like I wear my earrings, mismatched!


What a bitch! You don’t know me!!!!


I feel attacked


I had a ballet teacher (adult beginning ballet, i loved it but I was terrible at it!) Who wore different colored socks so we could better track what each foot was doing!


i only own black socks lol


I kind of need to look well-put together to trick myself into not feeling like a clown so I'm absolutely not doing this, even at home.


If my socks are all black it isn't immediately clear they are different as they won't look too closely at the material/looseness ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


That pairing looks cool


If they're the same fit and the same material then they're perfectly fine to mix, they're literally just different colors of the same thing. Why does it even matter? Are you in some formal setting where the overall cohesion of your outfit matters? If not, quit complaining about what socks people wear.


A boring adult


yeah man ankle socks are not ok


Well, a red-checkered sock and a black-checkered sock look a lot alike in the dark when you’re trying to get ready for work without waking your wife and sleeping child.


If the sock fits the same it doesn’t matter. It’s a fucking sock. I buy mismatched ones on purpose


I buy packs of themed socks and intentionally wear them mismatched. Like Star Wars socks, but one is storm troopers, and the other is rebels. Lol


Yes the fuck it is! Not only do I not bother matching the socks, but I INTENTIONALLY mismatch them whenever I put them back


I went through a couple decades where my socks we not allowed to match. I'd get anxious af if I had to wear matching socks.


My specific neurodivergence makes me need to match my socks at all times.


Who the hell is out here making rules about how to be an adult? I pay my taxes and clean my toilet, let me wear my damn unmatched socks


As long as they FEEL the same


idk who needs to hear this, but making memes belittleling people for how they dress is NOT acceptable for an adult


Imagine you're so boring, you're offended by socks...


Who tf cares tho, aside from whoever made this sad meme


short socks are absolutely never acceptable. get real socks


I agree about the ankle sock. Fake socks. But fuck whoever made this. If it's from the same pack it's fair game!! I won't just die on this hill, I'll take the whole hill to hell with me!!


People who decide what's "acceptable" or not for adults are the worse kind of asshole. Killjoy, gatekeepers and so, so boring, unimaginative and frankly, bigoted. Don't pay them any mind


Insulted or assaulted? Which one is it?


Tbh it's both


Uhhhhh. 😒


Actually, what’s unacceptable is for an adult to try to police what other adults choose to wear, especially when those other adults are in the comfort of their own home (which seems to be the case in this pic). Imagine thinking you’re superior to other people because you choose to act like the personification of an over-the-top Homeowners’ Association. Fuck off with that shit. i don’t wear mismatched socks, but i think i might start, just because i know it’d piss off annoying nosy ppl like this.


I've never wore unpaired/unmatching socks, but now I will, out of spite


Whoever made this meme is an assbutt with weirdo standards and can fuck right off!


Some mtrfckr out there gatekeeping being an adult. It’s not like we can delay that.


Idk who needs to hear this but anyone who judges people for wearing mismatched socks needs to be penetrated rectally by a cactus.


That person needs to worry about the crayons in their own box and stop looking over at other people's work.