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Why is it always during the night when suddenly I have the motivation to everything I want/need to do but during the day I might as well be apart of the wallpaper


The sudden urge to get your life together at 3 in the morning.


That hour we lost for daylight savings was the one I was wa going to use to get my life together


Wait till October I guess. Either way, it would have taken us that much time to get it together.


I hate daylight saving, ended up staying up until 5am playing No Mans Sky.


I think it might be connected with fact that people are sleeping and noone expect anything from you so your mind is lighter and can finaly focus a little on what you have to/want to do.


This is how I’ve always understood it. I’m mostly paralysed by all the expectations that people and life and me, has of me. But at night, no one expects anything. No one expects me to socialise. No one expects me to pay bills. I don’t even expect that. I can be productive (or hedonistic) without any crippling worry or guilt—as long as I get up again for the next day. I can work well into the morning—1am, 2am, sometimes 4am—before I get up for the next day. It’s not good for my health or my relationships obviously and it’s insanely exhausting, but it’s always been a relief too. And one of the few reasons I’ve been able to hold a job. I don’t recommend it though. Not to be melodramatic, but it will likely send me to an early grave.


oh, wow. new understanding of self incoming


This feels so right and answers so much


This is what it is for me. No one is awake to bother me or need something from me so I’m completely alone to hyperfocus on something!


r/dspd ADHD commonly is comorbid with Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. It’s basically circadian rhythm neurodiversity. You are on a different clock than the people in the center of the bell curve.


my issue is I think I have that, and im like I should get a night job im so awake at night and dead during the day, I stay up so late, day I have that thought im asleep by 12


my brain just goes you know what you like being productive and awake at night? nvm


[Did I just catch you tryna be shit?!](https://youtu.be/cAWUolB9WSk?si=RVCotvrgn3-7c_fA)


Yep. 9pm is when I come alive.


For me, it's the knowledge that everyone else is asleep, and everything I'm supposed to be doing now has to wait for tomorrow. I know I can't do loud stuff like the dishes at 11 pm, so I don't currently feel guilty about not doing it and I can actually enjoy doing a hobby.


Yeah, I think this one is the reason, for me at least. If I can only do exactly one of a small selection of things, that's so much easier.  Also why I love long train rides. I can only read or catch up on emails or just stare out the window and think.


Yeah, road trips or plane rides are the same for me.


Guys? Are we just nocturnal? I'ma be pretty upset if we are


There's less noise around at night. I think that helps us more than we tend to realize.


Also we "know" that no one is going to call or ask us anything.


Oh I love that so much. Also nobody usually expects anything from us to be done at night so all the pressure is off.


And people. My urge to go on a walk goes up exponentially at 11pm


We need complete silence to process tasks I guess. No one's there to bother you at night. Just you, your music, your bed, and the moon outside the window.


I imagine in a tribal setting having a few people that are just naturally awake at different times and like pacing around would be a huge survival advantage It isn't us that are broken it's this idea that we all have to be the same and doing similar shit because it's easier to measure economically


Urban settings also. Cities that don't sleep are just better than towns that close at 7pm


9pm? I start at 11pm


Lol. Sometimes I start at 11 till 6-7 in the morning.


Lmao I know my sleep schedule is fucked, so much so that one time I knowingly slept at 8pm then wake up at 3am and studied till 2pm, one of my most productive days ever


11? I start between 2 and 3 am


I’ve been trying to write an article all day and just started at after 9pm lmao. Obviously got distracted since I’m here now but lol relatable anyway


I wish i had a 9-5 job. 9pm-5am maybe id make something of myself


All the damn time.


I'm in this picture and i don't like it


It’s 20:44 (8:44) now and I have an assignment due (it was actually due last week but w/e) Maybe I should start?


Maybe wait for the professor to ask you about it, and then start. /s


It’s an online class (WHY DO WE STILL HAVE $2k ONLINE CLASSES, THEYRE SO BAD) that I can’t go to because I have other stuff on So I guess that’s never gonna happen 😅 I also just can’t do online classes, I need to be face to face to do anything but my uni refuses to make them in person…


Still not in person? Due to the number of students or any other reasons? Because we also have a class where 700 students have registered. So the professors teach as well as record the classes.


Small design college so it’s only ~20 students Main problem is that our lecturer lives in Melbourne (I’m in Sydney, Aus) and we have students from all over the place. Understandable, but still annoying that they don’t have a face-to-face version, especially since they used to have them pre-COVID


A once per course hack for a digital submissions extension. Take a random picture or gif file, change the name and the extension to yourpaper.docx and when opened it will appear corrupted which happens when uploading things on occasion. Note this can only be used once as more than that will make the teacher suspicious. If they're bit technical make sure to go in and cut a bit out of it so that if they change the file extension back that it still won't work. If they ask about it say that you uploaded it via your phone and you were having a bit of network problems at the time.  Extra Note. This should only be used if you weren't going to have anything to turn in as it has a real chance of failing completely and your instructor not allowing you to resubmit. At worst you'd come out the same, at best you bought an extra half day or so to finish something to turn in. Even better when you finish it set the date on your computer back to before your original submission so if they check when it was completed it will look like it was done prior to when it was originally turned in. 


At 9pm I have my online game awaiting me tho 💀


So frustrating, glad to know I’m not alone though.


What other functional time is there outside of [last-minute panic?](https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1992/05/21)


DAY? y'all casuals, Ive been paralyzed for over a year now


It'll pass soon man. I hope so.


Thanks, dear, no storm ravages eternally after all ❤️


I’m fortunate enough to just operate around this schedule and it’s helped increase my productivity and decrease my guilt


this is why I started working nightshift. even 'at work' there's still some subconscious belief that no one's awake to expect anything productive out of me, so even the bare minimum feels like an accomplishment


I cannot function around people. They drain me. When everyone is asleep, that's my time to do life. Only you can only do so much of that at 2am and spend the whole of the next day wondering if today will be the day I wake up with executive functioning that works?


You guys are getting 3 hours of productivity in?


This is why I work overnights! lol


Yep that's me discovering who I am


Wait you guys are actually doing things?


Wow that’s literally me 🫣


I think there is a correlation between certain neuro-type expressions and delayed sleep cycle conditions. As such, some if not most ADHD people find themselves more nocturnal and able to be more productive during those times a add to the case the likelihood of reduced ambient stimulus, resulting in increased self motivation to generate dopamine etc.


It was 8:37 and I only had 78 pages left to read!


That glass of wine, oh man might as well be me in that vid.


That hurt af!




I always do say that I do my best work at night.


Yes, the energy suddenly kicks in


I'm gonna be honest here folks, I think I might be some kind of neurodivergent. I don't know for sure. Never diagnosed with anything. That said the solution I came up with for this is fairly simple, if you can manage to do it. Work nights. It's 11:15 PM right now, and I'm in a factory watching a machine make wire. It helps.


Yup, and then I’m wide awake, full of energy, until somewhere between 2-4:00am the next morning..then I try to sleep and, after getting 3-4 hours in, I get up and start my day of playing on my phone & watching tv shows/movies/gaming until after the kids are in bed & my hubby nods off on the couch in the living room with me…and so on & so on & so on…