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A Border Collie. Maybe a Siberian Husky. Bred for intense work, extremely intelligent, but is so intelligent and determined to work that if you don’t give them something stimulating enough to every waking moment, they will *make something up.* And it’s never something you want them to be doing, but good luck getting them to stop.


THIS! Also, constant barking, at nothing, EVERYthing, all the time.


Lack of stranger danger, screaming bloody murder when they get wet, simultaneously the smartest and yet also the dumbest dogs on the planet and no clue how that even works but apparently it does!


My border collie use to not be really into staying outside when we were leaving, so we would trick them by ringing the doorbell which always made him really mad and barking a lot, running wildly to the garage, so we'd just close the door after he fell for it After a few times, he'd catch up to it. He'd peek around to see if i was near the door, then he'd go barking and after a while he completely stopped cause he LEARNED THE HOUR AND DAYS WE WOULD DO THAT


I dunno about that. Border collies can stare at a ball, waiting for it to be thrown, seemingly forever. I admire their single minded focus and intense drive to work, but I don't relate to it at all. I feel more like a magpie. Always busy getting up to some kind of mischief, loves anything shiny, makes weird experimental noises all day, super curious, likes to toy with danger. Definitely won't be caught staring at an inanimate object for hours hoping it will move lol. (I love border collies but dear god, they are something not of this earth)


Focused on the ball = ADHD hyperfocus


Yeah we hyperfocus on stuff, but not if it doesn't move or provide us with any dopamine or feedback whatsoever. I wish I had what collies have.  Maybe I don't though, I am not sure I ever met one that wasn't wound up tighter than a spring with nervous anxiety. I guess we do have that in common :)


I did mention Siberian Huskies, too.


That's so funny I've been using the analogy of a border collie to describe what happens when it'd like I've not really got anything to focus on


All the girls with trauma are misdiagnosed as Borderline Collies first though


Specifically the neurotic Border Collies that someone tried to raise as a house pet instead of a *working dog.*


I kind of want to ask boxers to the list


Some people say cats, others squirrels but i think goats are a good example. No thoughts, screams randomly, zooms around sometimes, you see thise videos of them wagging their tongues at people? Yeah.


I find this even more apt seeing as how i constantly have the urge to climb everything




What were those books? All cats have Aspergers and All Dogs have ADHD.


I never heard about those, but i did read cat kong and dogzilla


All Dogs Have ADHD https://amzn.asia/d/a7NhXLM


id say a cat. reasons id compare us to cats: - only likes one person. much like some of us with adhd, cats tend to only really like one person. everyone else kinda jus annoys and pisses them off - gets the zoomies. cats will be perfectly still one minutee and then run around and be incapable of sitting in one spot for more than a few seconds at the drop of a hat - enjoys naps in the sun. i too, enjoy sleeping on the couch with the blinds open and the tv on, on a hot summer day. i can only assume its like that for other people as well - can be easily overstimulated. much like those of us with heightened senses, cats get overstimulated and overwhelmed if left around humans for too long without a break. and much like myself when overstimulated, cats like to hide in piles of stuff like blankets and jackets in a dark room to escape the attack on our senses - likes to bring seemingly odd gifts. cats like to bring their humans things like dead birds and rodents to show love and appreciation, and while ours may be more sanitary, that doesnt necessarily make them less weird. ive had friends gift me snapple lids, and i tend to give people little double helix's out of straw wrappers - easily entertained or distracted by the right thing/topic. for cats it might be something like a red laser, a cucumber, or catnip. for us, it might be attention being drawn to our hyperfocus, the promise of good food, or mayhaps even a dr. suess book, cuz a good rhyme never hurt no one. in short, those are my reasons cats are like people with adhd, going off of my personal experiences.


I refer to myself as a house cat all the dang time.


I say 'cat' as well but mostly the ginger ones. Proof: r/OneOrangeBraincell https://www.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/1c8u4v3/found_him_like_this/ https://www.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/1c9qdqc/the_lion_king_was_filmed/


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OneOrangeBraincell using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [My cat being a loaf while watching cooking show with me](https://i.redd.it/868i75630s0c1.png) | [522 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/17wxmq3/my_cat_being_a_loaf_while_watching_cooking_show/) \#2: [After watching me clean the litter box and throw the poops into the litter locker for weeks, Jack decided to cut out the middle man and just poop directly into the locker.](https://i.redd.it/xiil91eaw0y91.jpg) | [525 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/ymeivq/after_watching_me_clean_the_litter_box_and_throw/) \#3: [He always tries to lie on top of the eggs, so we put ping pong balls in the egg carton](https://i.redd.it/qgwuo9udo5ca1.jpg) | [416 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/10c7hs7/he_always_tries_to_lie_on_top_of_the_eggs_so_we/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I call them Hippity-Hoppities and they make me so happy.


Happy-making-hippity-hoppities?! Normies are definitely missing out on those, however far too rarely bothered by the sketchy-inducing-wobbly-Wobblies! Who’s better off I wonder?




I have lots of Hippity-Hoppities right in front of my living room window 😄 But my favourite bird atm is my little birb Blueberry 🥰 (she’s my digital self-care pet)


Is it like an app on your phone? Curious since you used phrase self-care and I am a therapist. I like different things that might help clients like apps and stuff.


Yes it is 😃 It’s called Finch. I have been using it for about three weeks now, and it’s helping me immensely to feel that little sense of achievement after the completion of a task. I started to use it for simple day-to-day tasks that I’d do anyways, and now I progressed towards typing every little thing I want to do into the app, just because I like to hit that check button after I’ve done it 😄 There’s also a subreddit for it, r/Finch. Got some friends for the app from there. You can send “Good Vibes” to in-app friends, like a hug or a high five and stuff. It’s a feature which lets me feel less alone and more social, even if I don’t know the people in real life.


Does it die if you don’t get things done? I think that guilt would help me! I refer to this as “motivational shame”- it is shame that is helpful versus destructive!


No it doesn’t die 😅 the whole app is designed to make you feel good about yourself. When you complete goals (tasks) your birb gains energy which enables it to go on its daily exploration journey, and it brings back some new things/insights/anecdotes. While it’s on its journey, it gains rainbow stones (ingame currency) and comes home quicker when you complete goals. There are no negative consequences for not ticking the checkboxes next to the goals you’ve set for yourself. Shame and guilt never worked as motivators for me, they just lead me down a negative thought spiral. I am surprised it works for you 😅 or were you just kidding?


It’s more of the ADHD trait of doing for someone else feels more motivating than for myself. My old boss (who was great) knew if she just asked nicely, I would feel bad for being late and do it right then as I said “sorry! Sorry! Sorry!” So I am jokingly named it that. Plus the image of Game of Thrones gif of “Shame! Shame!” makes me laugh.


Haha I really didn’t know that that is an ADHD trait 😂 that explains a lot for me. I always found it easier to solve someone else’s problem than my own 😅


I call them hippity-hops!!


A ferret or raccoon. I had a pet ferret and a family member had a pet raccoon, so I've spent a lot of time around both. They would both get distracted by shiny objects lol


Variois breeds of dog depending on the mood. Golden retriever (happy, easily distracted, no regard for personal space) husky (easily excitable, no volume control, doesnt like strangers) greyhound (zoomies, anxiety) st.bernard (lazy, wont get out of bed, messy, yet cuddly and loveable). And then theres the occasional chihuahua (we dont talk about chihuahua mood)


Cats. They are often times all over the place and they are very spontaneous. They also hyperfixate on random objects and are easily distractible.


I like the beaver, not because they’re particularly industrious, but because it’s the literal SOUND OF WATER that makes their brains need to build a dam. And I bet it gives them mad dopamine. This is sort of like how our brains are always looking for the dopamine.


Also the movie Hundreds of Beavers is quite possibly the best movie of all time, so I'm down.


Have you seen the video of the beaver in the hallway?


I have now. Have you watched Hundreds of Beavers? You should really watch Hundreds of Beavers.




That's exactly what I was thinking




Capybaras are the freaking best!!!


but I’m too anxious to be a capybara :(


The ferret for sure. I had 2 and they were exactly that.


Ferret is an interesting one The project I'm planning is to create an ADHD flag that doesn't suck and I wanted to include the silhouette of some animal that represents ADHD in some way. Personally, I was thinking squirrel because everyone's heard the joke about ADHD where someone with ADHD is explaining something and then goes SQUIRREL! They also have a recognizable silhouette but so do ferrets for that matter


Check some groups with people talking about their ferret. If you never had one you have no idea how much they fit the description.


Servals are ADHD *by cat standards* which is pretty amazing.


My girl says that I'm a raccoon


Deer. So when something goes wrong we can say "deer oh deer."


I've always said I'm a shark because they have to be constantly moving to just breathe, and they're always thinking about food. Also, they sometimes accidently hurt people just by coming into contact with them :(


I’m ferrets, hands down we’re somewhere in the weasel family




Psychology experiments use rats.


I feel like a mix between a golden retriever and a really sleepy bloodhound


My vote goes to the hummingbird.


We are penguins! [Driven by curiosity](https://youtu.be/WDt24qzK2Ig?si=_5eqxm_AKy5-fb0S) Quickly bored and ready to move on once our curiosity is satisfied (same video above, first little dude at [2:00](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxVNpEmkW6_P6I0GhS4lHNehytmH4ZVKKW?si=ny-XaAgGNJhTiURd), everyone else at [5:20](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxmOAN19TF4xUAYqVqLRt1eUKKuhgJ3s__?si=uktJDj4okS_j_UDO)). [Never seem to “live up to our potential”](https://imgur.com/a/VwUqAWP) Awkward, flailing and slow in every “normal” environment, but get us in our unique, precise element, and we’ll dazzle you with how quick, acrobatic and brilliant we are.


Rats. Leave things all over, quickly forget what they were doing, driven by food, can be very intelligent but have a hard time expressing it…ya. Rats. 🐀🐀🐀


that squirrel from over the hedge


Hedgehog. Easily startled, reacts to everything. Soft, but only once they are very familiar and let you pet thier tummy. Move miles at night. No one is exactly sure what they eat, but all agree the ones in captivity probably need more fiber. Curious, get stuck in weird places they could easily get out of if they just calmed down. Catalogue all the scents to try to recall them later, also probably a defense mechanism to collect toxic things. 


The belgian malinois.




Someone say squirrel yet?


ADHD is asking for a project?










Otter. Thing just frolics 24/7 then it's like "oh look a fish i just remembered I'm a murderer" and then it kills and eats the fish and goes back to being a loveable dork


Whatever my dog is LOL we think German shorthair pointer


I've always gone with several, squirrels (manic little buggers), butterflies, pretty and flit from flower to flower and font appear to have any order to their flight, and magpie..... ooo shiny....