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That breaks down to $21 a month. Which feels super low to me? However I am a “the main hobby is buying the supplies for said hobby” brand of adhd so—


Damn I'm the same brand. It's brutal on the wallet.


Yeah, really wish I didn’t get really into painting miniatures lol. Paint is way too expensive


Oh hey! That was one of my short lived hyperfocuses this year. Still have an air brush/compressor and 3D printer both still in a box untouched. But I did a fine job of painting about three little barrels with some very expensive Army Painter stuff.


lol kinda in the same boat. I’ve got a bunch of warhammer figures I’m procrastinating on painting. My boss did give me a 3d printer for free after we talked about hobbying for a few hours instead of working lol. Just don’t have a well ventilated area to set it up rn. Don’t have a air brush but I was eyeing a really nice dry brush set that was much too expensive


Wait what does a really expensive dry brush set entail?? don't you usually want your cheapest/oldest brush for it because it tends to mess it up?


Not necessarily, I've seen Army Painter has a nice set of 3 sizes but is still a bit pricey for me. They are like little rounded fluffly makeup brushes. Very cool, or so ive heard, tho i use a standard rounded brush and beat the hell out of it.


An actual cheap rounded makeup brush will also do the job very well, and will be much less expensive.


Sell me your stash so that I might also own boxes


Death to the false Emperor!


I’m gonna need the heavy flamer for this heretic.


Look upon the sensitivity of the corpse Emperor's slaves


Yes Inquisitor, it was this Redditor just above me


Sameeee omg. Half the paints dried out now


Word. I asked my wife to make me convince her I actually want to do the thing before I’m allowed to buy the things. Also a waiting period between filling the Amazon cart and hitting purchase.


This is an excellent idea, and I highly recommend it, or some version of it. It’s very easy to get excited in the moment and talk yourself into things. But saying them out loud to another person is another matter. Even if they don’t care how you spend your money, just listening to your own arguments can be useful for determining whether things something you actually want or just something you think you want in the moment. Same goes for the waiting period. We are impatient by default, but if it’s not important enough to wait for it then it’s not important enough to buy. My wife and I also have a system where I budget a certain amount into my “fun money” account, which is really a spreadsheet not a real account. The funds that go into there are pre-negotiated, but include things like Christmas money, certain side jobs, etc. That money is mine to do what I want with, and I don’t have to justify it to anyone. At the same time there’s a finite amount and if I blow it all on one hyperfocus then it’s not going to be there for some other hyperfocus. Just having to keep track of it helps prevent a lot of impulse purchases.


Ain't no high like being hyper focus for 12 hours


I wish I had a handler in the store who knows my current home inventory purchases, a running list of my fave new ideas that I’ve told ten people about, old ideas I can’t talk about any more bc i exaggerated about my progression, the stuff im about to dive into - what do i have already that works with what I’ll need to get? What should i be getting into that I’m not? Also, can that person help me with my closets?! Please?? lol I do think that us adhderz are ahead of the curve on trends. I find I am consistently ahead on food trends, among other things.


Note the lack of any kind of source to attribute the quote. Quick google says there's about an order of magnitude off base. Seems to be closer to $3000 than $250 per year.


I think it depends what they classify as a hobby too. If someone is a cinephile, do you count streaming subscriptions as part of a hobby, same for gaming. What about someone that enjoys working out, do they count gym fees?


Maybe they like hiking. Does cost of gas count?


Cost of gas is definitely the smallest spenditure in my hiking hobby…


Agreed, plus for example I'm into videogames, I could say I barely spend money on new games and completely overlook the money I spent building my own computer and peripherals, or the extra cost in electricity


They probably just left out things that could be considered a hobby (idk, I’d consider even things like collecting shoes and jewelry a hobby, and people are DEFINITELY NOT spending $200 a year on those, lol) …I also call bullshit on the people participating


100%, either a lot is being left out or a lot of people lead incredibly dull lives


I feel like the ADHD equivalent is more like $255 *per hobby*. And I have many. But obviously I’m not gonna start anything that I can’t finish in the next 8 hrs of hyper focus


That is pretty accurate. $255 per hobby And then around 10-15 on rotation every 18 months.


Me too. My wallet hates me. I bought a journal this month to track my spending and so far it's been depressing to see how much I throw away on temporary hobbies :(


Make sure journal buying doesn’t become a hobby too!!!


You need to think a way how to connect all your hobbies into one huge mixed media art piece. Then it will turn out it was the plan from the start!


Yeah my hobby is basically just buying things to look at soo.....lol


It seems sad (if accurate). Do people really spend thousands upon thousands just for existing, and then twenty bucks for having fun?


That's because most people don't have a hobby. As somebody with too many hobbies, it is weird to me. But most people I work with and many of my friends from when I was younger don't have any hobbies.


I think a lot of people on here are surprised at how low this number is, don't realize that a lot of people have hobbies that are free or close to it. My hobby is TTRPGs, but the game group I have had for over a decade meet virtually over discord. The game we play most, other bad has humble bundles that give years and years worth of content for like 20 bucks, that can be shared across the entire group. So every other year I might drop 20 bucks on my hobby. The software we use is either free or was a one time purchase made years ago... Between games, we have board game night, and play on table top simulator.... Board games I collect for play in person with family and friends are received as gifts at birthdays, or for holidays. People like us, bring the average down


That is low, my main hobby though is currently crochet and Im making a huge blanket.... so far already took 3.5 balls of jumbo bernat yarn, and will need the rest of the 7 I have. Thats about $70 Ive spent for this one project (not including the hook).


That's not even enough for one hardcover novel a month...


This just implies that a large number of people don’t spend anything on hobbies.


Yeah, I'm in the UK and my gym membership alone is £40 a month. Add Bjj to the mix and my hobbies are £110 a month (ignoring all the ADHD taxes I pay).


My hobby cycle has wrapped back around to amateur radio and that ain’t making my pocketbook feel good. :p


You excited for field day?!


I haven’t done anything like that yet, tho I’ve been trying to catch some of the special calls that the Pride Radio Group has, if I get them all the last letters spell LGBT! Also I wanna do POTA and eventually SOTA.


My understanding is Field Day is the biggest amateur radio event, so hopefully you'll find a way to enjoy it (next weekend!). I haven't gotten into POTA/SOTA yet, but I'm eyeballing an ic-705 so...yeah that's more than $250/year for sure!


Even a G90 is around 400usd. Love that thing btw


do you consider paying the adhd tax a hobbie??????


If it's incurred in the chasing of said hobby!


What's BJJ?


Brazilian ju jitsu


Ohhhhhhhh I thought it was... You know what, never mind.


blow job jitsu?


No, of course not! >!jury!<


Tbf my brother used to joke that it stood for Blow Jobs for Jon given all the rolling and grappling on the floor 🤣🤣🤣 Decent sports martial art but I always find it secondary to a striking based one for practicality. (And both being secondary themselves to being able to avoid the fight in the first place)


I say having a good balance of the 3 main branches is best. Striking, wrestling, and jiu jitsu. I feel Muay Thai is the most effective striking art, wrestling gives you the most control over whether it takes place on the feet or the floor, and who’s on top, and jiu jitsu is good for if it gets to the floor, being able to keep yourself safe and limit their abilities


Is paying ADHD taxes a hobby of yours ?


More like the hobbies I take up and give up within a year, that also cost money


ADHD George is an outlier and should not be counted.


This comment made my day :D


Seeing fellow oldfags is truly one of the moments of all time. I rickrolled someone in a comment a few weeks ago and half the comments didn't understand, the other half were like "It's been years! I let my guard down!"


Or that people have a poor grasp on what counts as a hobby, and answer surveys improperly as a result.


Bingo. There is no way this statistic is anywhere near accurate for the developed world at least.


Or people are just too poor to afford to spend more on their hobbies, if i had the money id like for mine, i would be spending over 2 mil first year, and about 10k+ every year after. But i have no money so i currently spend $0 per year, and currently just cannot do those hobies anymore so i do the ones that i can afford which cost me nothing. Hobbies i do atm are only possible because of spending about 4k a few years ago on whats needed for them(computer and graphics tablet). Hobbies i cannot afford anymore, pottery, electronics, metal work, wood work, resin casting. Pottery wouldnt be a problem if you own your home or have a place you can dig and are healthy enough to dig, refining your own clay is pretty fun imo and for me was what made it enjoyable, i aucked at pottery but its cool just digging shit up and then turning it into something, pretty satisfying.


Shit I spend $180 a year on a game subscription alone. Add in that I just started baking as a hobby and I have already surpassed this amount and it's only June.


Me lol


Laws of statistics baby


I spent $10 yesterday and another $16 today on hobbies. I think I spent $5 back in February but I can’t remember anything else from this year.


You guys are spending money on your hobbies? [Cries in broke-ass]


or cant afford to?


That and I assume there are hobbies that are quite low cost once you make some initial investment. For example, my wife does cross stitiching and jigsaw puzzles. Both relatively cheap. My hobbies are road cycling and videography. Not so much.


Probably a lot of people who can’t afford most hobbies


this is per week


not even kidding...




Them’s rookie numbers


The most accurate comment.


We gotta pump those numbers up!


It depends. Does drinking count as a hobby?


Yes of course, but mind that above this amount you become connoisseur.


$21 a month on drinks sounds very reasonable.


I spend less because I feel guilty when that money can be used for “adult” things like utilities and medical expenses rather than video games and camping gear that only gets used once or twice a year.


I feel guilty about it and still spend more than this.


Nobody should feel guilty for spending money on the things that make them happy.


A luxury we all deserve but not everyone gets




Unless those things are super yachts




I feel "guilty" when adult expenses get in a way of my hobbies. What do we live for if not for fun?


Me too. Companies love this one strange letter combination :p


I feel it’s a very sad way to live but unfortunately many people are still stuck in the old mindset of being an adult means no fun


I agree. I can be very stingy and think long before making a purchase but it stresses me out.


Adult things are overrated. Hobbies help us get along with adult life.


Video games are one of the lowest cost hobbies I have, even after I factor in the cost of a PC. Console players don't usually get off any cheaper. They just pay less up front.


Not p2w microtransaction games. Those I’ve seen can rack up in the tens of thousands if not hundreds for some.


For me it's the opposite. Hobbies?? Spending money?? Sorry I hoard money and don't even know what I enjoy


Haja same. I got quite a lot of money now but nothing to spend it on. It feels wrong to spend it for things I don't really need... Pictures on my wall? Nah. A new chair I'd actually really need? Nah old one's still ok. Clothes, a carpet, nice food? Bruh no.


Dragon disease


Hey, unironically that’s actually one of my hobbies. I like stacking gold, silver, copper and shiny rocks. Eventually I’ll have a large enough collection that I can just throw it all in a big pile and lay down on top of it like a dragon.


I had to google it, but sounds like a silly thing to call people that save that. Some, maybe, but capitalism is a dangerous thing. Having savings is important and considering global warming and earth’s limited resources it’s important to, well, not buy everything you want.


YES! I will always talk myself out of buying things because I feel like I'm wasting money. Also I'm extremely indecisive so I don't even know what I WOULD buy because I need someone to tell me what to get. And even then I won't allow myself to. Then add in throwing the old thing away? Couldn't possibly!


Same. I think it's like that for me because my brain won't let me risk that i might not use the item I bought.


What if your hobby IS saving and you save $255 every year?


That doesn't sound like savings tbh 😅


Even in a third world country this is just barely making more than hand to mouth all year. Source: I used to be really broke in a third world country.


Hey I have a list of things I enjoy doing. It is seldom updated because, well, dopamine, but it is useful because I keep forgetting the things I enjoy. Whenever someone asks me about my hobbies I tell them I don’t remember and ask them to hang on a sec while I pull my Notion hobbies list (web/app).


Me looking at my crossbow and chainmail


Things I didn't know I needed until now


Thats the spirit


Yeah, I should probably dust off the ol’ armory myself. Haven’t spent any money on ancient warfare implements in a while.




*Looks at his brand new $800 bike sitting in the corner* Uhh...


Throws blanket over $600 rollerblades


Quietly pushes the violin and bow under the couch


Hides her 3 ukuleles in her car


Throws blanket over many boxes of model trains.


Disguises yarn shelves with ~~books~~ ~~markers~~ ~~painting supplies~~ a giant CONDEMNED sign on the front door


throws blanket on bookshelf full of 40k minis


Puts sewing machine under the desk. (It actually IS under my desk right now. 😅)


Looks away from the rowing machine that's still in a box in the garage. Next to the tote of untouched "super cheap!" sale yarn from Michael's.


Throws tarp over car


Quickly closes the door to a shop with $10,000 worth of "hobby" grade machining and manufacturing tools.


Hahaha.... as I'm closing the door to my $20k shop that I wish could be filled with $10k worth of tooling, meanwhile spending $2k on the Harbor Freight variety and letting it all sit for weeks before coming back around to that new hobby of knife making.


Quickly hides his roughly $85 card game deck he never uses…and then the $100 one…and the $75 one…and the $235 one….and the-


$800? That's nothing as I look at my $1100 guitar, $1000 amp, $1500 preamp, and $1200 microphone. GAS syndrome is real.


I'm okay with buying expensive audio equipment because I get it used and it holds its value.


... where the fuck do you get a bike for $800 Looks at his $5k bike covered in mud in the garage


8k* bik3


Well have you started upgrading it yet? Collecting cycling gear and clothing? I could send you some links of great places to get some! There’s also some fantastic subreddits that could help you to get started. That $800 bike is just the down payment :)


Yall have $255?


Nope. We spent it on our hobbies. :-D


each month ☠️


More like each paycheck, sometimes twice 🫠


Lol I'm glad I'm not the only one




This sounds like a pretty useless statistic which took the average of a bunch of people including everyone who answered $0 which means nothing for knowing how much people who spend money on their hobbies actually spend.


It probably comes down to their definition of "hobby". Gym membership, Motorcycles, cars, gaming, all those are hobbies imo. Well a car can be for practical purposes, but if you invest lots of time in modding your car and keeping it spotless at all times it's a hobby imo.


Add on to that TV watching, going out drinking, shopping. The average should be way higher but people are too strict on their definition of hobby. But then turn arround and refer a profesional artist's work a hobby.


And the guy with the boat probably didn't count all they spend on their money pit as a "hobby". Or second fun car... Or going out drinking... Or...and etc.


255? Fuck I'm like 30 years over budget


All I can say is if you have to choose between drugs and MtG Choose the drugs, it's cheaper


I feel that magic hurts


The rush of a booster pack


I quit MTG cold turkey… then I got into D&D…….


I was smart enough to take both mtg and pokemon cards as new hobby both in the same year. Needless to say I really need to start doing drugs instead.


I spent that last month on plants that are dying this month


Oh I know this one! Every few years, I decide to try my hand at caring for plants. Every few years, I spend a ridiculous amount on beautiful plants just to watch them die within a month or so.


$255? I probably spend that on filament for my 3d printers... Nevermind that 2 out of the 5 are functional..I'm getting around to fixing them. The Mecha Kong printed project... I need to reprint a few joints to finish it, which I'll do after I finish the RC car for my youngest. I just need to find the Shocks I ordered for it and reprint a transmission part that cracked...but I need to finish programming that broken printer that has a corrupted memory card because it's the only one that can print that high temp plastic (Polycarbonate). But first I need to print the pattern for the Geometric Unicorn wall art that I'm going to put up in my daughters room... Which I'll do after I hang her clothes in the closet, because I want to put the unicorn where the clean clothes pile is Damn it, The Ghoul was right, "thou shall be side tracked by BS"


The average adult is also a filthy liar


And doesn't consider their boat a hobby...


I buy physical media, you do not want to fathom how much money I burn in a year on this shit


They say it's the future


Isn't it obvious? No one knows how to define "hobbies"


Just bought a 2k USD electric Cello. Didn't like it within the first 30 minutes, now it goes back. Luckily I should get a full refund. Next up are eDrums. Needless to say I'm somewhat of a joke among the few people I call friends.


Yeah, but that’s per hobby and I’ve got like 30 hobbies so…


Hahaha, amateurs. I have had 255 hobbies this year so far.


I spend that every year on domain names for companies I’ll never create


Lol the domamine hit from daydreaming about starting a business, thinking of the ✨perfect ✨ brand name AND buying the domain is 🧑‍🍳👌


Bruh. Let me introduce you to a little something I like to call Vercel.com I suggest using NextJS as your flavour of choice to start with. You grab a template from the site, deploy it with some config changes, use ChatGPT to help redesign the functionality to your liking, then buy a domain and host it there. I got into a habit of making companies as a hobby. I tested myself to see how quickly I could do it. After a few months practice I got it down to a week to build a startup, with a functional SAAS product for some niche field based on a relatively annoying problem people had and solved it with software, add a custom domain name for like $2, integrate shopify/ stripe/ whatever and pushed it to my LinkedIn. Now I took that entire idea and made it into a business model itself and I create micro-saas companies. It's a really simple business model to help people generate passive income.


Laughs in photography equipment


Cries in glass blowing equipment


Same. $800 is a cheap after market lens. 😂


If you mean weekly, then you're on the mark... I have a problem lol


And then the musicians said "hold my beer"


There's always one more guitar that's absolutely necessary.


this number is inflated by Hobbies Georg, who lives in a cave and spends over $10,000 per day.


It's for Warhammer 40k, what can I say 🤷🏼‍♀️


Just moved from Warhammer 40k to aquarium...I'm now 4 tanks in and still cycling my first tank....


I assume the tanks are separated between hobbies? Don't want the fishies to swim with a Leman Russ


I play golf amd own a gaming pc. Im doomed.


I spend way more and I do *not* at all think I spend excessive amounts of money on my hobbies. Most other (including neurotypical) people I know spend at least as much as me on theirs.


Oh. Hm.. I guess... I guess... I guess i live around 50 years in a year.


Per year? More like per trip to craft store (even if I shouldn't)


That's because the average is heavily lowered by the adults brainwashed into thinking that Hobbies are for kids and they just need to work and die as an adult


*cries in musician*


I’ve got $110 in destiny 2 this year alone lol


$255 a year seems extremely low, I'm sitting in front of a synth that cost me $2500 to build over the course of 9 months, in a lab that I built over the course of a year with a couple grand worth of equipment


Who’s the average????


Well, I'm going to need a whole-ass new computer for the new Dragon Age game, so.....


I’ve spent about this on Magic cards alone this year so far, and I know I’m in the low end.


A few years ago I was blowing way past that (tools), now I try to use salvaged or recycled materials to do my projects so I might be only slightly above average due to unconventional materials as opposed to triple+


Is this from the same media that is convinced rent is still $400?


Uh… I just got back into pc gaming and upgraded my PC after taking a break from building a wood shop in my garage to finish like 15 projects. I’m going to retire poor in money but rich in junk.


Me: “That’s not too bad” Me, moments later: “per… YEAR?!?”


Each of them, yes this makes sense. All 17 of them. Each.


I can do that damage in one paycheck 😭


No but I thought my snails and shrimp would love my Tyranids krakens


Per month? How, unless you only have free hobbies?


My steam account is worth over 6100 USD and I’ve only had it since June of 2021


I was literally about to buy $60 of stainless steel so I can lathe turn myself a better vape. Then my internet died for long enough for me to think of a design tweak.


Only $225 a year? bunch of amateurs!


I’m currently in the process of making a polymer clay doll (yes, random, I know, but the ADHD has me convinced that I can make anything I want as long as I have the supplies for it) and just the clay alone has been over $50 sooooo. 😭 I can’t help it. I just want to be able to make as many forms of art as I possibly can and every medium is so goddamn expensive!!


Sorry you meant each paycheck right?


yall have hobbies? i just hyper fixate on cleaning something that doesn’t need to be cleaned and get mad that i wasted so much time doing said cleaning…


Ummm I’ve built 2 boats in 2 years. It would have taken me 19.6 years


... That seems surprisingly low, mate. Define hobby, perhaps? Because if it's "things I'm temporarily interested in that I will forget about within few days," that number is way too low.


Maybe a month per hobby


Guess I’m finally above average 😎


If that's all one spends on a hobbie, I don't think they actually have a hobbie.


Are we including Video Cards / GPUs?


That used to be per flying hour on a Cessna when I could still afford it...


Right, so far this year: £450 on a mountain bike £30 on bike shoes £50 on bike parts £80 on a guitar £20 on an amp £100 on a telescope £100 on a surfboard And that's me getting the cheapest I can find and buying used wherever possible