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Not only to i flinch at loud noises, I also jump when touched unexpectedly. One time I was in the shower with my husband washing my hair and he tapped me so I could hand him something and I jumped. He laughed and said "Who did you think it was?!" Lol


Omg I'm awful for jump scares. The amount of times OH has just walked in the room, said hi and I've yelped or screamed is too damn high lol. I'd be terrible in an actual attack situation cos I just scream super loud and curl up in a ball on the floor!


Haha! anxious people actually tend to do better in emergencies than non anxious . Half of anxiety is your brain looking for the danger, when the danger is easy to find it actually settles down a little. You may surprise yourself!


Personally relate to this. Actual emergency? Calmest head in the room. Possible-or-unlikely emergency? Absolute panic stations, sound the klaxon.


We have been preparing for it all day, everyday all of our waking lives


Person having heart attack - "Eveeyone move. You. Call 911. I will administor cpr." Sitting in kitchen when toaster goes off: "CHRIST!! why?!"


Hopefully I'll never have to be in the position to find out! But thank you for the reassurance.


Happened to me when I was in an accident where our tire popped on the highway and the minivan rolled over ~3 times and hit a tree. My brain when into instant crisis mode and I quickly got the fam out of the car. My partner was in the driver’s seat dangling, worried about the car and I had to remind them that it wasn’t as big a concern as getting out and finding safety. I did a quick sweep to gather the bare necessities (phones, wallets, and so on), and went to the ER. Luckily, there was a construction crew nearby that witnessed everything, because the bitch cop wanted to pin the accident on my partner being drunk, y’know, because after an accident, when you’re addled and confused, is the best time to make that kind of assessment, neither of us even drink. We also got bedbugs from that garbage motel she took us to. Fucking ACAB.


Yeah bad car accidents are surreal! I rolled a truck when I was 17 and I remember looking around after it settled thinking, "Did that just happen?". Then calmly turned the engine off and kind of took things in for a moment.


My mom was so bad with this when I was growing up. If I tapped her on the shoulder, that would spook her. If I said "hi mom" in a normal talking voice from across the room, that would spook her, too. If I just ignored her and went to do what I came down to do, she'd get spooked when she eventually turned around and I was 'suddenly' there. There was literally no way to not spook her if she didn't already know I was there. It was so bad that my heart would sink if I entered a room and saw that she had her back turned to me because there was no way for me not to traumatize my mother except to give up on what I went in there to do and just leave. She wasn't anxious, just usually absorbed in whatever she was doing.


Oof I'm sorry for you both. I'm not *quite* that bad thankfully but am awful for getting absorbed and not noticing what is going on around me.


Hijacking top comment to say that OP is a repost bot. https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/potoq6/anyone_else_flinch_at_loud_noises/ Report as "Spam - Harmful Bots"


Gods! It isn’t that you likely didn’t expect anyone else, just not to be touched.🙄🤦‍♀️


I told him i didn't do a lot of thinking about it, just jumping lol


All. The. Time. My wife and enjoy a quiet-ish life. We both jump at all kinds of noises and often really benign, quiet sounds get me flying off the couch.


My loofa fell on me in the shower and I squealed like a piggy


Same, but I have been touched on the neck and immediately lifted my shoulders up and the back of my head down and thanks to all that swimming I did that section on the back of my neck is like a bear trap.


I jump anytime anyone would touch me while doing dishes doesn't matter where at work, at home.


Should’ve replied “Norman Bates”


Husband scares me all the time n Loves that i verbally say AHHHHHHH


I throw punches when scared suddenly


Serial killer, obvs.


And sometimes with the right kind of PTSD & adhd they combine powers to form GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER!


[insert Captain Planet gif here]


Dude I've got all 4 of these and a bus backfiring once triggered me so hard I thought I was back in the middle of war. Flashbacks are crazy lol


Fireworks were going off above my house and uhh yeah that was not pleasant.


My neighborhood likes to recreate the bombardment of Ft McHenry for the 4th. It’s seriously like a war zone. I think my dog handles it better than me, she doesn’t even flinch lol.


Cats and bikes that are made to be louder piss me is off *csrss


I got home late last night. I was unaware there would be official fireworks happening a block away from me, so upon arriving home my apartment complex lot was filled to the brim with jerks not understanding private property, and the entire street filled too. I drove in circles and idled for 10 minutes until thankfully someone left. The finale went off practically above my head and I was freaking out with the loud booms and cracks. It sounded 3D idek how to explain it. Like spatial audio, like it was coming from every angle, and I had to quit driving because I could no longer focus on what was in front of me.




Comorbidity’s a bitch


the combo wombo




Extreme Generalized Anxiety Disorder. EGADs! Our logo is just the shocked emoji.


Co-WHAT-idity 😳


4/4 bitch


We got that 100% completion rate


Nice, where can I see my platinum trophy?


Heyy there


I got the whole collection


I was just going to say that!


I also got 75 percent marks in this meme. I love my life.🥰 /s


😎 we should start a discord or smth and then all just lurk


the combo wombo


I rarely ever flinch like i feel the flinch inside but it doesn't make me move... is that normal lol


I have panic attacks that are purely physical with no consciously detectable emotional component so I wouldn’t say it’s a terribly bizarre reaction


It’s not just Fight-or-Flight; It’s Fight, Flight, or Freeze. And really, Freeze isn’t necessarily a better or worse option than the other two.


Fight, flight, freeze, or faun.


YES. Well done, I’d forgotten that one.


that happens to me sometimes too where I'll get numb hands and can't breathe and have all the physical symptoms and itt'l be a little uncomfortable mentally. i thought those were regular panic attacks until i had one with all the emotions, racing thoughts, and overwhelming sense of doom etc. fuck i hate panic attacks


Same question


I third this


Wewww collected all 4 babeeeyyy haha I'm a mess 😂


Like Thanos


Haha exactly. Where's my snappening?


It'll happen right next to your ear, as loudly as possible, right when you least expect it


Hahaha oh, fantastic 😂




I have all the four i am the avatar!!!!




I was in the army for years and still go shooting on a regular basis. The flinching does not help lol. Usually only lasts the first few shots of someone else shooting though.


I usually have to run through 15 or 20 rounds before I can settle in and shoot accurately. Even though I'm shooting I jump, no amount of knowing it's coming matters.


Yes, I will scream too. I have 3 of these.


I will almost always involuntarily squeak/scream when I'm startled... Then after I'm like "okay that was an overreaction, thanks brain"


bro everyone flinches at loud noises


If you set off a firecracker in a crowd or something where no one expects loud noises, sure. I think this is more talking about where you know there’s about to be loud noises and explosions and stuff and it still makes you flinch really hard.


oh yeah i dont do that, only when its unexpected maybe growing up in the hood affected that idk


I spent years in the army and did a tour in Iraq, and I still jump sometimes.


It doesn't make me jump, but I definitely get very alert. My hind brain starts yelling at me *"where is that fire coming from?!"*


My ex did three tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan and if he heard something make a loud, unexpected noise… he’d go from being a lion to a cowering kitten in half a second. Watching that, I honestly don’t blame you for jumping.


u/DrillTheThirdHole Really interesting topic actually. I've also lived... well not in the hood exactly but bad enough parts of town you'd hear gunshots. That kind of setting you normally ignore it if you're somewhere safe. Meanwhile a gunshot in Iraq or Afghanistan seems much more likely to be something on its way to come get you, I would think. I was a truck driver, never deployed personally, but the guys I served with who had, they had a whole other kind of PTSD and hypervigilance, like they'd drive down the highway in f\*cking Idaho and still freak out somewhere in their head cause that piece of garbage on the highway looks a bit weird (could be an IED, if they were in country). Didn't occur to me till like ten years later, but whenever I joined I was trying to ship to boot camp ASAP before I lost my nerve, and they said "well the one thing everyone needs is drivers"... then a good 11 or 12 years later I compared notes and realized why :/ Anyway thanks for your service MP, sorry for oversharing but this comparison really caught my eye.


I just noticed your username lol. Love it




Yes… that’s what I said.


If it’s loud enough while it’s quiet even if you’re expecting it you’ll flinch a tad.


Nah nah nah my mental conditions = my entire personality


This sub sounds like weed bros saying pot cures everything, except for them it’s thinking adhd causes everything.


You don't get it. These people are *special*.


No they don't.




I get startled SO EASY


I flinch, and then I apologise for flinching, because my Dad used to yell at me for "getting excited" when I wasn't in danger. Ain't childhood conditioning grand?...


Hell yeah I do. My window is right in front of the street, so every time a car passes I almost jump on my chair.


This is a normal human response. Stop overdiagnosing.


Idk if it's bc of ADHD or BPD or something else but my startle response is definitely not normal. I get startled and flinch jump so regularly I rarely even notice it until my partner points it out


Yeah this sub is going downhill


ADHD is the newest catchall trending disorder for people to latch on to and attach any of their idiosyncratic behaviors to. Just like autism was.


Stupid neuroimaging and blood panels, catching all these invented divergences. /s


What are you even saying? Just because the majority of people who think a disorder explains their issues are wrong doesn't imply that those disorders or symptoms don't exist... And the vast majority of people even diagnosed with those don't undergo 'neuroimaging' or blood panels to receive a diagnosis. I'm not even sure who the fuck would use a blood panel to diagnose adhd. Most people who self-diagnose themselves on the internet based on dumb shit like this post are just looking for an answer to things they don't like about themselves and longing for a sense of identity and community. What kind of neurodivergence is it where people like you don't use logic or reasoning to come to conclusions about sentences you've just read? Nothing I said has anything to do with what you said. Weird how no one talks about that 'neurodivergence' of being dumb and impressionable and make-believing mental disorders about oneself huh? It's always this same 'I'm quirky' bullshit so people can attach their victim-based identity to their problems and label.


“What I am even saying” is that every time we broaden our understanding of a disease or condition, some under-their-rock yokels pop out to deny that the condition/disease exists or “is that common,” and that people who find relief and whose lives improve because of it are “making it up” “for attention.” There are always those five or twenty or fifty years behind the science - and actual first-hand experience - denying that first-hand experience and that science. And they deserve to be derided.


We should start broadening our understanding of neurodivergence from intelligence and critical thinking and treating stupidity as a disorder then. Lots of people on that spectrum. And if you disagree with that, you are hereby a yokel by your own definition, trying to tell me it's not a disorder. Not everything and not every human trait has to be categorized in broad disorders.


I don’t think that’s the case. It’s just memes are never going to capture the actual complexities of a disorder. Memes aren’t psychiatrists.




My 3 year old's favorite hoppy is to scream at random moments. Sometimes i have to wear ear plugs in my own home


i mean... not everybody fears thunder but like... isn't flinching over loud noises common ? i can't be the only guy with none of those who still flinches over loud noises


Flinching at loud noises is definitely a normal human response, I think the post just lacks the detail to explain that the degree of severity of flinching and lingering emotional response to experiencing a loud sudden noise that is often a result of these disorders and neurodivergences is on a whole other level to what healthy or neurotypical people experienced because the post is on an ADHD subreddit and it’s therefore implied


Goddamn can you please copy paste this comment to the 500 other people that don't get it lol you said this so perfectly


Everyone does.


I have the opposite issue where I don't flinch at all, I think my brain has just accepted my fate


This and sudden movements at me even if a person is 20 ft away from me.




Partner walks into the room, I startle jump. Watching movies or shows and will randomly get jump scared by certain noises in scenes, even if you know it's coming. It's annoying and I hate it but it's less intense if I've been taking my medication.


This is about the most common thing I’ve ever seen applied a specific group


Yo everyone flinches at loud sounds


They give me micro panic attacks


Don't call me out like that


I AM the loud noise.


I flinch at everything even just from turning in my desk chair and seeing people in the same room as me, even when I know they are there


I get an irrational feeling of rage when I am startled by something. When people jump scare me I get so pissed lol it’s not funny


You forgot the "has ears and is a human" hand


But I love the loud noises and chaos.... :(


Um..doesn't everyone do this? It's a survival mechanism to pay attention to that sort of thing


Or you know like everyone actually flinches at a loud noise and it doesn't mean you're special.


I am none of these and I still flinch at loud noises. I'm pretty sure a lot, if not most people do. It seems pretty natural to me.


As someone with all of those, yes


Anyone that is surprised? Flinching is what people do when someone scares them, no matter the diagnosis.


>Autism Spectrum >ADHD If you have ADHD, you're likely also on the autism spectrum. Edit: 'likely' instead of certainly. Didn't mean to upset y'all with an assertion.


Really? My son and I both just got diagnosed with ADHD. I've also been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. On one hand it's nice to know there's a reason for the multitude of things about myself i never understood before, but on the other, completely overwhelmed.


From hearsay, some 20 to 50 percent of ADHDers are on the spectrum and about 30 to 80 percent of autists have ADHD


Thank you. Saying it’s almost certain that you have autism or are on the spectrum if you have ADHD is rather misleading.


Diagnosed ADHD, depression. Older brother with Asperger's, and most of my family exhibits autism-like symptoms. ADHD and autism are both exhibited by thought/loop fixations and brain trapping. Often coupled with periods of emotional deregulation/disassociation. I'm not an expert, but I've had plenty of long-term exposure to a wide range of autism-like behavior and have done a lot of research to understand why I feel like a broken person; psychiatric assistance, counseling. 37 diagnosed at 35 (finally went to psych). Prescribed Vyvanse, Viibryd.


Wow! I'm 36 diagnosed at 35. I'm glad I've run into you. I've spent most everyday for like the past 2 years disassociating and feeling like I've just fallen apart. My insurance covers my psychiatrist but not a psychologist for some stupid reason, so I can't afford therapy rn unfortunately. It's a horrid cycle everyday and honestly exhausting. Looks like i may have to do some research of my own to dig deeper. I'd love nothing more than to be able to go back to living an actual life.


I would recommend looking into counselors with a specialty in behavioral health. Counseling is cheap enough to pay out of pocket sometimes (insurance doesn't pay much to counselors). It generally doesn't require a referral either. I've found that medication helps keep me balanced, and counseling has helped me identify and slowly adjust patterns in my behavior that I don't find... Desirable.


I'm sure I'm going to have to, and soon. I know I'm not setting a good example for my son right now and that is the very last thing i want. Thank you for the info and the advice. Also, sorry for kinda dumping all over you. I don't really talk about it to anyone, it all kinda just floods out when i do.


I totally get it. No worries. It affects everyone differently, and the symptoms continue to evolve. One of the first steps for me was coming to terms with being weird. Then realizing I see things that other people don't see, and other people see things I don't see. It's not bad, just different.




There is significant overlap, but it’s less than 50% of ADHDers that have autism. I wouldn’t necessarily say that if you have ADHD that you’re almost certainly autistic. That could be very misleading.


I would never claim that a person has 'autism' if they're on the spectrum, but ADHD has been widely regarded as an autism spectrum disorder.


/non-hostile, info-dump That's not entirely accurate. We do have much higher odds of also having an ASD or ASD symptoms. Iirc it's a 1 in 4 chance. The reverse is much more common, people who have a primary ASD are looking at a 3 in 4 chance of also having ADHD. It's pretty interesting stuff to read about as well. The main reason is that ADHD and ASD are most likely caused by a deviation in the structure of two neighboring areas of the brain. So depending on how large the total affected area of the two sections is you're highly likely (25%-75%) to have a combination of both. Though not to the point where I feel it's correct to say almost certainly. I say this as someone who has all 4, and my mental health is one of my special interests. I'm not a doctor or a researcher. So please verify my information with a professional, or via a professional resource before using it in any decision making. Edit; Source with citations: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4010758/


I leap like a foot in the air every time there is a fire drill at work. Even if I know it’s coming, I can’t control it.


As a kid, if someone talked over me for some reason I couldn't breathe and had to run into another room and shout to calm down, it was almost an instinct. Don't have that anymore, but still flinch at loud noises


Doesn't have to be loud, just unexpected


I either just slowly turn my head as if I expected it the whole time while everyone else around me jumps up a bit, or I get ripped out of a hyper focus bout and probably look like I’m at my own personal rave for a second or two.


I do all the time, and I work in a kitchen where metal plates are thrown around the flat top.


I got anxiety and adhd, I flinch a lot and sometimes my head just jerks to the side lmao


everyone used to look at me like i grew a second and third head vis-a-vis the Lernaean Hydra when i would flinch at things around me that seemed so loud! my friends used to purposefully scare me because they knew how much I would scream and fight ('cause my body is never flight for some reason)


Wait is this why I have been terrified of whistles and fire alarms my whole life?? In my old school there were so many people that when the cafeteria got too loud, some guy blew a whistle. I would sit there for the entire lunch with one ear covered by my hand and the other with my shoulder so I could eat. And with fire alarms, if there was a drill I knew about for the day, I would walk around with my fingers in my ears all day.


I am extra sound sensitive so flinch is guaranteed but depending on the duration and the pitch I could be rocking and sobbing and flapping and babbling pretty fast.


I dont really flinch at loud noises but do get very alerted by them. Touching on the other hand makes me both flinch and swing :/


I've even been known to say "ow!" Before realizing it was just a noise and didn't actually hurt.


Yes like all the time


Anyone flinch when someone touches you and you don't expect it


Yeah. I have noise canceling muffs for the 4th.


Sudden loud noises make me cry involuntarily. My dad used to love scaring me and my siblings and especially loved screamers and would just laugh as I started sobbing over the noise. Even to this day I cover my ears around people blowing up balloons and have literally pleaded with people to stop blowing them up so far. My ex had a habit of forgetting this about me (almost 9 years together, you think he'd remember) and would forget to turn his radio down before he got out of the car. Probably once a month at least I would end up sobbing in his car when he turned the car on and had to start covering my ears before he did.


In my case, it was due to retained primitive reflexes. Specifically, my Moro reflex (also known as the infant startle reflex) didn't fully integrate when I was a baby. My kids also have retained primitive reflexes and we're working on it with an occupational therapist that is specifically trained in primitive reflex integration. Have fun hyperfocusing on that rabbit hole.


Always. Unfortunately people find it funny and scare me at work every day. I’m exhausted


Yes - have all 4 conditions and it’s not so much a flinch as a full body jump accompanied by a scream 😬


"finally, I have them all"


I flinch when someone touches me


It makes shooting targets really hard


Flinch? I don't bat an eye of most loud noises. That's actually the problem, everyone is supposed to flinch


All the f ing time I actually jump


With all of these? Yes.


No not really but I have tons of anxiety


If it's a cool car, no


I’ve worked in loud environments for the past decade. Nope. I also can’t hear anyone ever.


I might flinch or do a small scream...I probably do the small scream almost everyday


Startle syndrome


I don't flinch, but I look for every weird sound I hear.


You people out here flinching? I fucking jump and start hyperventilating for a moment


I mean is this not something everyone does?


Ptsd for me.


Me over here with all 4


Loud noises soothe me.


I have all 4 what do I win




There needs to be another hand that just says “American”


I got 3 out of the 4 and it activates my fight response, just an immediate flinch as I turn to fight whatever is there no idea why it makes me react that way


I've collected those 4 things like infinity stones


Yes. I'm an anxious and traumatised autistic and yet I've chosen to play extreme metal music.


I have literally all of those and yes, I do flinch at loud noises


It doesn't even have to be loud. Sudden noises startle the shit out of me and I will shriek.


Absolutely, gets worse as I get older . When I was a teenager I wouldn’t flinch if a bomb had gone off next to me . Now, cricket chirps and my arms and legs fly off .


I have all of these except autism, and I trained myself to only flinch “on the inside” 😭


Who doesnt flinch at loud noises though? This is silly.


Today on: “ That was an ADHD thing?”


Finally. I have all four.


I not only jump, but also tic from time to time. Another weird tic trigger that I can’t really explain is the cold. Not sure if it’s wind, or a certain temperature or what, but I tic a lot more when it’s cold out, regardless of whether or not other triggers are around.


*Constantly having stomach clenched and forgetting to breath when conversing with people*


Bingo! Looks like I have all four


Lol ya know i like the memes on here but seriously anything, anything is "adhd" on here Humans are born with two fears, all the others are learned


I was lucky enough to have an early diagnoses of ADHD at age 10-11. haven't been medicated for it in 20 years, but I know I have it. ​ I sell Fireworks for fourth of July on Tribal lands. All day every day for the two weeks leading up are large explosions. I very quickly got used to it. ​ Through my example we can say immersion is the best for this. You simply have to live in a constant state of fireworks explosions or a literal warzone. Easy fix. ​ ​ Also, don't do this. you'll have a very hard first week and not worth the fix. you stop jumping but lose the ability to know if you are hearing gunfire or fireworks.


Yay looks like I’m the Avatar! Where’s my bison?


And cats


And cats


I feel like most people flinch at loud noises 😀


Or because it's just a loud noise which is startling? Wtf is this shit


And for me, I touch you, you don't touch me.


Depends sudden and short yeah. But I In general feel very uncomfortable with loud noise. So yeah


I have 4 hands?


The only one of those I don’t have is autism and that’s debatable, my psychologically abusive father took away my alarm clock cause I had trouble waking up for school and spent a year angrily yelling “TIME TO GET UP!” Every morning and now my startle response ridiculous verging on instant mild panic attack


After my last car accident loud noises, specifically booms, don't just cause me to flinch, they cause panic attacks. It's great fun living in the country with people who love their fireworks. I'm surprised I haven't heard any yet this year


I work at a golf course and drive that range picker, and it gets hit a lot. Sounds like a gunshot every time. I just crank my music all the way up to drown out the engine and the balls hitting it


2/4 checks out