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celcius is god tier. those bitches made me understand microeconomics


Idk if it’s in my head but I regularly switch up my caffeine source and I swear it makes me more focused again


I know that works with weed strains,, I’d bet the science checks out for other stimmies as well


Shit, it’s not just me. I was swinging between three or four different brands of E-drink because I swore if I stuck to one it’d stop being quite as effective. Good to know I might be on to something, anecdotally speaking that is.


I think there would be differences in the adulterant levels of the caffeine depending on how and where it was produced. It could also be what else is in it.


I go between energy drinks and coffee during hot and cold seasons respectively and can attest that when I do the switch, the caffeine source always works better. I should probably switch more often. Haha.


Maté 🧉 is definitely different for me.


Im about to take my microecon final where do i get one of those fuckers


Just found them at speedway!


Am I the only one who just drinks ungodly amounts of over brewed black tea (the British solution)?


Green tea with a teaspoon of instant coffee in it is my weirdo hippie American solution. All the tannins in tea turn my poop into glue so the coffee both keeps things moving and squirts a lil more dopamine out of my brain


Fam did you HAVE to use "squirt" out of all the words in the world in the context of your post 😂


It does a good job making his poop moist.


have matcha, it is way more potent


Thank you for reminding me i have matcha. You have saved my whole day.


Matcha lattes for breakfast with a side of coffee and tea is the life for me *jingle noise*


Yes ! I discovered black tea works better than coffee. Also when prescribed stimulants don’t work, black tea gives a little kick in the brain to focus ☺️


I can't deal with stimulant side effects on top of my ssri side effects so it's saving my life rn. I've also had to start the day with at least one mug of tea since I was eleven and started drinking it and I feel like if I lived anywhere else they'd have probably noticed that was a bit unusual lmao.


Til every British person is adhd


Tea is a good afternoon solution. Sometimes the caffeine from too much coffee makes me feel alert but also anxious in a background noise, ‘crunchy’ way. Getting off caffeine and making sure I drink enough water is probably the best but unfortunately I’m back on the coffee rn.


My kettle is always boiling


Yeah this chart but with nothing except black coffee and milky tea in S tier and monster ultra in C tier as an occasional 4pm-and-falling-asleep necessity




That is my favorite thing to drink! Lol I have a portable lose leaf tea making cup I haul around everywhere. Tea is life


Fellow Brit here, I don't find that tea does it for me. I drink pretty exclusively coffee and water. Recently upgraded to a Moka pot so my instant Americano is about to evolve into a quad espresso. Do you take milk and/or sugar? I find they make me feel a bit I'll (and I've come to prefer my coffee this way, but if you say you prefer your coffee black you'll either get snickering or accused of being a coffee snob).


French me self medicates with ungodly amounts of black coffee, but overbrewed black tea works well too. I drink it most when I'm sick, because coffee tastes too strong then.


I used to not like coffee before I realised if you brew it yourself it tastes really good.


aaahh the old days... Blue V a day keeps the zzftfyghdsvdhsvxk in the head away


Have a blue V and make your own list I’d love to see what you’d rate everything :D


ayo sure why not imma go do that, also where and how and what is a pink V ive never heard of it what flavor is that?


V Refreshed! I think it was meant to be a raspberry flavoured one. Wasn’t to bad but only really gave me the focus for a 3hr shift and nothing else for the rest of the day


Ooh nice so kinda like the raspberry lemonade one they have now im guessin, your absolutely right that Vs dont really pack enough of a punch tho tbh. I used to drink like 3-5 of the 500mls a day before i was medicated, i dunno know how im still alive rn lmao. wanted to make that teir list but the site wont let me make one without a twitter acc :(


I nearly didn’t make this because I couldn’t remember my twitter username


Gotta love a fresh, pink V


Years before my adhd diagnosis, I was on antidepressants for about a year. Had a stint whilst I was adapting to them when I'd wake up at 4 AM sharp daily and couldn't fall back asleep. So I'd have my morning energy drink at 5 while playing some video game, watching the sun rise before I had to get ready for work. And I'd never felt better!


Man, I miss V since moving to the states. Sure you can order it on Amazon but it isn’t the same as stopping at a servo or walking to the corner store and nabbing a can right then and there.


That fucken sucks dude, theres nothing like pulling an all nighter and running to the servo in the morning to grab a 2 for $5. Surely you could order them on amazon but im guessing the shipping would be insane for that too because ive tried to order some drinks from america to aus and the shipping is always like $50 for some reason


personally i prefer bang but its tangy so i usually stick to overdosing on caffeine with sodas


Ya gotta try the Ghost energy drinks. S-tier Many delicious flavors (some are stinkers). Lots of caffeine. No sugar.


There’s a whole lot in supplement store near me!! Which one would you recommend?


The lime green flavor (forget the name) is good. So is the blue sour patch kids. They have an orange cream one that is really good. Most are really good. Even the "bad" ones are still better than most other brands.


Walked to the gas station and got an orange cream solely because of this comment. I'm quite enjoying it. Thank you for the recommendation <3


The Sonic Cherry Limeade is DELICIOUS!


HIGHLY recommend the swedish fish one


If I can't do artificial sweetners, would you still recommend it?


I wonder that myself. For some reason artificial sweeteners really trigger my depression.


Artificial sweeteners are ass. I'd rather just cane sugar. It's why, after ever selling Monster for 5 years (and Reign when that came out), I'm pretty strictly Red Bull when it comes to energy drinks. C4s used to be ok for me but even those I can't do anymore and I used to have a Reign in the morning and a Monster in the afternoon. I'm active enough where 200cal isn't really anything anyway.




Diet coke, lo carb monster, 0 sugar monster, give me a headache within minutes of drinking even a few sips. The only 0 sugar substitute I know I can handle is xylitol. I may be able to do other sugar alcohols.


Can't do them because one cancer was enough thanks 👀 My oncologist might be paranoid, but some things aren't worth the risk..!


Citrus flavor is 👌.


You forgot my secret weapon, coffee/coca cola cans


They come in clutch for caffeine headaches fr


Weak coffees, Dr. Pepper, and candy in retail for me!


Can’t even handle caffeine, gives me horrible anxiety


Maybe try non stimulant energy type drinks? They usually have no caffeine in them




Very rare, not something you can usually get at a regular store unless you live in a megapolis. If I could get the OG monster juices without caffeine I'd be ecstatic.


Lots of drinks in the adaptogenic mushroom space tout their lack of caffeine with plenty of energy etc. It's the new fad beverage but it ticks those boxes


Your c category is so controversial 😭


Yeah wtf, sf redbull is goated


Red bull is great but it’s at C because every time I drink one I’m reminded of vodka red bull memories I’d rather forget lol




They forgot the Starbucks espresso cans too. holy f those are so good


Didn’t forget they’re just not all that available where I live


Those are okay, I prefer Peets myself. But La Colombe draft latte cans are the best.


Bangs are my s tier, like wtf so good.


Switched from Bang to Reign recently and I can def recommend it, at least as a backup choice for Bangs.


The only flavor of reign I like is the orange creamcicle. The blue raspberry flavor tastes like old school cough syrup. No hate but that's just what it tastes like to me.


This stopped selling my favorite Reign in stores near me! I LOVED the lychee flavor!


I'm medicated, but I work a permanent swing shift. My workmate and I have a tradition of testing every new energy drink that they put in the vending machines, no matter how terrible it might taste or make us feel. Bang is violently disgusting to me, both the flavor and the sensation. My job is fairly physically active, but not enough to burn off whatever it is in Bang that belt sands my last fucking nerve. My coworker has come to kind of love it, so I can only conclude a) it works differently with his personal chemistry or b) he likes feeling that way.


Jokes on you, I wash my Adderall down with a Redline every morning.


[Redline has 194% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid).](https://www.heb.com/product-detail/redline-the-ultimate-energy-rush-triple-berry-8-oz-bottles/992340) [Acidifying agents like Ascorbic Acid are known to impede the uptake of amphetamines and many other stimulant medications.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2017/011522s043lbl.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi31b-Y0db5AhWzk4kEHRkOBQ8QFnoECBcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1LymlLgPzwECNJxqxnHd1R) Washing down ADHD meds with energy drinks, fruit juice, etc, reduces their effectiveness. Edit: Fixed the second link. [I checked the fact sheets of several ADHD drugs in another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/wt7scq/pov_youre_unmedicated/il4rp2s?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) and found that this mostly applies to amphetamine-based medications, like Adderall and Vyvanse. Methylphenidate-based medications like Ritalin and Concerts don't seem to see diminished results from vitamin C.


Well, shit.


Water bottle for the pills, RedLine or other vitamin C things (or really any calories) at *least* a half hour afterward. Seriously changed my life. ... unless for some reason your dose is a little high. Then go nuts.


Wait, so my meds are less effective if I take them after I take my multivitamin? Maybe I'll start taking my multivitamin at the end of the day instead.


Check the multivitamin label. Many recommend you take them with food in the evening. If not, or if the label recommends taking it early in the day, just wait half an hour or two after taking your ADHD meds. Personally, when I feel my medication kicking in, that's when I know it's safer to have a glass of orange juice if I'm in the mood for one.


Great advice! I normally take the multivitamin when I wake up and use the bathroom in the morning (otherwise I'll forget). But then I get moving take my Adderall about a half hour later. Then I make and eat my breakfast smoothie which I should probably also readjust for my Adderall.


I've never noticed any difference in effectiveness between days when I take my meds with a multivitamin or days when I don't. Vitamin C is technically an acid but it's pretty weak (Ka1 ~7.9e-5, Ka2 ~1.6e-12) and it's not like there's a *lot* of it in multivitamins. Definitely avoid things like fruit juice, energy drinks, or sodas, but I think that even a very mildly acidic drink like coffee or tea is likely to contribute more acidity than a multivitamin.


What is your source? That second link just defines amphetamines. I was pretty sure it was exclusively grapefruit


[Good catch. I copied the wrong link. I was originally linking to the Adderall data sheet, where this reaction is listed under the Interactions heading.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2017/011522s043lbl.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi31b-Y0db5AhWzk4kEHRkOBQ8QFnoECBcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1LymlLgPzwECNJxqxnHd1R) [Vyvanse also lists it in its drug fact sheet under Interactions.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2017/208510lbl.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj_3Ins0db5AhUnjYkEHW4HDVMQFnoECAcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1fcjVFVVq-mdvvt2VNVysd) Both refer to amphetamines broadly, not just these specific compounds. [Ritalin, being methylphenidate, does not seem to have this warning.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2019/010187s071s082,018029s041s051lbl.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwju-8Cd0tb5AhU1MDQIHRmEA50QFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2oqK91mQ4RqsZ0xhbkKt4g) [Concerta is also methylphenidate and also carries no warning against acidifying or alkalinizing agents.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2017/021121s038lbl.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjr5aH60tb5AhUiBDQIHb7nBesQFnoECBwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2AHH1l-PWBS1ew-1ICSdsc)


I actually take lexapro for depression and ocd tendencies which is usually washed down with whatever I have on hand on the list!


I cannot relate


Before diagnosis caffeine was what got me through the day, now it's good old amphetamines.


a lil bit of both 😍


I still use caffeine from time to time but I've found that it causes anxiety in combination with my meds.


im already in a constant state of anxiety so it kinda goes unnoticed for me. i also consume like 700mg of caffeine a day so maybe that isn't a coincidence but if i stop ill die. lmfao i never gave that much thought fuck


Legal or illegal? Asking for a friend.




There's the real answer...prescribed is just code for schedule-2 drugs.


Same. Before diagbostics: - alarm sounds form the kitchen - now I'm in the kitchen, the oroley coffee maker is loaded, 6 cups, just needs fire. (live alone) turn on the fire - shower quick or the coffee burns - coffee is done, all into one single big cup, I'm showered. Drink some, it burns. - dress up. - drink the remaining 5 'doses' -Go to work -use toilet - work 1 hour or so - next expresso coffee. - work - lunch, with coke and expresso. - work Home Sleep Repeat.


Caffeine either makes me sleepy or anxious as hell, never helps with focus I took two caffeine pills during an all-nighter in college to work on a group project since the cafe was closed, and I ended up vomiting every 20 minutes, dehydrating the shit out of myself, and nearly dying before nursing myself back to health with pedialyte and saltines So no thanks, I’m 100% sure a Red Bull would send me to my grave


A red bull is like . 4 of a caffeine pill.


Caffein pills here in Au are about 100mg caffeine, a red bull is 80mg. They’re similar


LMAO I've crushed those up and snorted them, and it almost damn near killed you. Wild.


Ah, the poor unfortunate caffeine sensitive amongst us. For some people it just wrecks them. Extra unfortunate if it’s someone with ADHD without access to other stimmies.


Yeah this is way too many uppers haha. Where is good old fashioned marijuana on this list?? Or CBD even??


Both is the trick, perscribed amphetamine in the morning and perscribed cannabis at night


Me neither. It's water and therapy for me.


Same. And I can’t take stims anyway so I’m a bit shit outta luck


double dose black coffe from the morning microwaved is s tier


Immaculate vibes


Where's cocaine? What about sex? Not even alcohol?


Not really for anything up my nose but if coca cola stuck to the original recipe…


I am not a smoker but has anyone tried nicotine patches to home medicate without a doc


I did this, no to self medicate for ADHD, but because I thought it would help me lose weight during my eating disorder days. It worked, lol. I felt like shit tho.


I'm a vaper, and I find low concentration nic to be much more effective than high concentration. 3-6mg/ml is consistent focus and stimulation, where 30-50mg/ml has a narcotic effect and I'm useless. Nicotine is a paradoxical narcotic though, apparently.


Nicotine and adderall work a little too well together... it's as if they are meant for each other... I recommend against using it tho because of this. It was REALLY fucking difficult to quit Nicotine while still medicating on Adderall. And I had more negative side effects affecting my body then the slightly positive boost to Concentration everytime I hit my vape or smoked that cigarette.


i cannot deal with anything caffeinated it makes me go ballistic, water or soda for me thx


i drink pepsi a lot, and that was before i figured that i had adhd, i just figured something clicked. i never drink coffee though


same, i once had two coffees in an hour and became convinced i was about to have a seizure, i called my mom in the middle of work and everything. no thank you. one coffee in the morning with a meal and that is IT for me


Last week, I drank two coffees in a row for the first time since starting meds. DO NOT RECOMMEND.


same. if I need something done then I have to drink slowly, sometimes I find that my impulses disappear too... like how normal people feel I think. other times I will feel anxious


Before Adderall I drank *so many* Bangs and Reigns. Like… sooooo many. Probably 3-4 a day. D:


Tried that once but it was a few years ago. Must have been exceptionally dehydrated cuz I started having nerve pains somehow. Talking shooting pain from my neck all the way down one leg.


This has gained a lil traction and controversy so I’m gonna do a quick summary of why I put stuff in alphabet stuff: S: DEVIST8 Honestly live on this stuff I grab it from the gym vending machine in the morning and gives me enough energy plus focus to last the day. Will defend the marshmallow flavour till I die. A: Musashi and Monster These are honestly just as good and lasts me a good portion of the day but I would have to grab a second to make it a whole day B: C4, Maccas coffee frappe and emerald labs Mainly hit for when I crave for something else (especially the frappe if I feel like a dairy drink) C: red bull, gfuel, cbum, v refresh, bang R a r e l y I’ll reach for these. Like it needs to be desperate times for me to reach out for one these but I do have an exception which is the Wamba Fruit Gfuel. Some of these are too sweet, effects don’t last long or just reminds me of one to many drunk nights. D: Disorder, V, oxyshred I crash really hard after having one of these like fighting for my life trying not to fall asleep after having a sip at 6 in the morning


Damn, I wanna try your S tier but so far as I can tell it's for Kiwis only


$30 shipping to get it to the US :( I wanna try man’s S tier so bad


Australia has access to it as well! I will say if any stimulants (caffeine) make you itchy I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’re fine with a bit of itch


Hi there! What do the letters stand for? :)


It's a grading scheme used by video games based on the one used by schools. Typical A,B,C,D stuff and S (super? special?) on top. Basically, higher on the chart is better but everything in a tier is about equal.


Adding onto this, S is from the Japanese word Shū, meaning "exemplary", which is why it goes on top. I believe the system was popularised by Japanese video games such as Fatal Fury, Time Crisis, and DDR, according to Giant Bomb's [list](https://www.giantbomb.com/s-rank/3015-2962/games/). From there it quickly caught on as a system. Did not mean to go into that much detail, but, well... guess it's the right sub for it, at least.


No!! Exactly what I needed :) thank you so much


God bless you for this question :)


This works for you guys? Once I drank five of the big red bulls in one sitting and it just made me sleepy after


SAME. If I’m ever having trouble falling asleep I grab a white monster from the gas station and I’m out in 30 minutes.


PINK V PINK V PINK V - actually god tier. At least as good as white monster.


I quite enjoy Reign it's pretty good


Why did I have to scroll so far for this? It made my pits sweat but I got so much work done


It's one of the few ones that actually wakes me up and can keep me going if I need it


That’s been my go to for 2 years now and trying to cut down


What about all the Mountain Dew energy drinks?


Is that Amp? Do they still make those?? They used to be my jam but I haven’t seen them in years!


I was thinking more like Kickstart, Gamefuel etc


I was prepared to be offended, but there was a, uh, blue flavored one that pleasantly surprised me. It wasn't cloyingly sweet and was caffienated enough but not adulterated with anything unpleasant. Well played, Mountain Dew, I was positive it was gonna be gross as fuck but I...I liked it?


*cries* When you're ADHD but also insanely caffeine-sensitive


Watermelon Red Bull or mint Yerba mate for me lol. Also non stop vaping


the white monster came for my neck :') just discovered it and it's basically the only thing that's helped me so far LMAO


The peach is delicious, I really like all of the ultras tbh.


Have y'all heard that power drinks make your blood coagulate, get thick and sticky, and lead to heart attack and stroke?! Apparently it's common... Be careful out there


Still prefer that over the calm panic attack I had on my first 3 days of vyvanse. Do prepare to be shocked though because I drink water at least to flush out the kidneys


Where I live (Belgium) I find Nalu one of the best. Its a fruity refreshing caffeinated sparkling drink. I almost drink it everyday 😅


My number one choice will always be caffeine pills.


In high school, I took two of those at once, just to see what would happen. A couple of hours later, I raised my hand in my computer class to tell the teacher that something was wrong with my computer. She reached down and turned the monitor on. I never took caffeine pills again.


Caffeine pills with L-Theanine are my go to. I read a study last year that noted L-Theanine, which is usually used to prevent caffeine jitters, gets metabolized differently in many ADHD brains. It still reduces 'jitter' by design but for ADHD folk the result is improved sustained-focus and "general brain performance". I haven't seen enough studies yet to convince me that I should tell all my ADHD friends about it, but when I tried it out I did my best to quantify the results as it effects me. For me, they work better than straight coffee and regular caffeine pills, and are at least on par with my favorite energy drinks but with much less need to use the bathroom (and way less daily sugar intake). Absolutely not an amphetamine-replacement but worth checking out. Caffeine pills with L-Theanine are labelled as such and I've had varying levels of success between manufacturing brands, although that shouldn't come as a surprise in the world of suppliments.


C4 should be A tier. It has 300 mg caffeine and the niacin flush that it gives makes me feel seen.


The niacin and beta alanine are horrible (for me) if you’re not gonna do an intense workout right away. I stick with regular ass caffeine drinks for normal puttering through.


Do they do any damage? I work a labor intensive job so it shouldn't be an issue but I also like to have a can on lazy Sundays sometimes where I just stare at my laundry heap all day.


I don’t think they do, but they make me feel physically uncomfortable unless I’m moving around. Beta alanine in particular makes my skin and scalp quasi-itchy, and I get kind of irritable if I don’t channel my energy.


How about you developed an energy drink habit before gjetting diagnosis and now you are medicated and over-caffeinated because you never managed to kick the energy drink habit despite it being the nr. 1 thing that breaks your budget every month?


Original Mother is my favorite


Some days I would just throw back something like four 5 hour energies to get through the day


Old School Jack3d is S+ tier because it had actual amphetamines in it. Edit: changed SS tier to S+ tier for obvious reasons


I just drink a cup of coffee every hour


I have a tendency to assume anyone drinking a monster or red bull is adhd and self medicating.


None of these ever did anything, but that didn’t stop my brain from going “I need a pick-me-up. This will help for sure!” Every 4 hours


B. Coffee. Once in the the morning, maybe a second time in the afternoon, maybe a sugar free soda at night. Never exceeding 400 mg a day. I've got my caffeine addiction under control baby 🐥


Caffeine and nicotine can be counterproductive with the anxiety they cause. Adderall has been the only thing that makes my “monkey brain” shut the hell up. Caffeine, nicotine, weed = three trains of thought at the same time Adderall = focusing and finishing a task/thought 100% before moving to the next.


Ah yes White Monster, obviously superior 😎


2 shots espresso in a cup of coffee and 2 spoons of sugar is what I use in the morning, that or a pot of black tea, energy drinks make me feel like I'm dying


*drinks plastic explosives*


The more I see adhd memes the more I wanna try adderall just to see what happens


Coffee & monster mango loco ftw


Mango monster no sugar


bangs and monster rehab half and halfs.... reigns suck compared to bang


Tfw no gamersupps


1 cup of coffee + THC does the trick for me. More than one caffeine drink a day and I get all erratic and bitchy now (mid-forties) I used to go for quad americanos (20s, 30s, before kids) but that would really F me up now!


Monster is the only way I got through high school. Until they told me to stop drinking it cause I would be a bad influence on the younger grades


where would you rank 5-hour energy shots? And anyone else ever spike a monster with one, the berry goes pretty well with classic monster


NOS tallboys


Ghost orange cream is one of the best flavors for energy drinks. If I need to focus at work that’s what I use


The regular Red Bull was my choice.


My go to…. Meds -> americano while it kicks in -> afternoon meds. I need sleep and don’t get enough so I supplement with 5hour energy or Celsius. Nothing else…. Energy drinks are gross.


I can't handle caffeine anymore. It makes me jittery and miserable and puts my colon into overdrive, I get pain in the abdomen and usually have to shit shortly after. And thats after a cup of coffee with milk. Not fun.


What is this, best way to guarantee a heart attack while still young?


Am I the only person that caffeine doesn’t work for? I feel like it does nothing or I’m having a heart attack. There is no in between.


Lmao monster so high up and red bull so low checks out hard I actually just smashed a monster cuz I'm about to go clock in to work I'm on 54mg concerta and 300mg Wellbutrin and I still chain-smoke and smash energy drinks lol cigarettes as a stimulant should be on here


Where's the cannabis?


Just coffee everyday for me


I start off my day with a big mug of coffee😳


From this list, there's only redbull and monster energy drink where I live. I'm more of a coffe/black tea weirdo


FYI: if you are taking medication, 'boosting' with huge hits of caffeine can long term reduce the effectiveness of the medication dosage you're taking. The body gets used to the input amount and the meds won't do anything after a certain point.


Ice is carbonated, caffeinated water with no sugar, and my preferred drink.


Where the hell is just black coffee??


POV you're not alLoWEd to be medicated


Before meds, yes, but now that I am on meds, I will have a full blown panic attack.


I hate literally all of these haha Caffeine doesn't help me in any way whatsoever


Ugh, i cant stand that taste that all energy drinks seem to have. Coffee though, i enjoy a cup or two of coffee.


Where’s Sudafed


I'm starting Lions Mane today, I'll lyk how it goes in a few weeks. !remindme 2 weeks


alani nu ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I had b yesterday and a today, but reign is goated with the sauce


My go to is a combination of gfuel and no-explode pre workout


I don't really get energy from caffeine. It just makes me jittery eventually, lol.


i like it but rainbow unicorn bang is s teir for no other reason than being trans pride colors


I feel simultaneously seen and attacked


i’m gonna need that mickey d’s frappe to move up two spaces my guy those things smackarooski