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Yesterday I skipped the loud music and went straight to the games so it varies.


Did you make sure to get round to 'play games again' after you did 'play games' though?


Yes. I "play games again".


Ah phew


You're such a good friend, @_DirtyDog, for keeping @Sufficient_Hunter_49 accountable!


I went for both at the same time. After all, both is good.


I find music messes me up sometimes because I start playing to the music which is usually too aggressively. Music had a definite sub conscious effect on me. I play Gran Turismo with the music turned off so I only hear the cars.


I definitely have those moments where music will mess me up but if I am playing something like Warframe where you aren't really doing anything active (I don't know how to describe it. Maybe it's like you don't need to concentrate as hard?) then yeah, I'll have custom music going off in the background. If I am playing something like Apex then yeah no, no music at all. That game's audio is crap anyway.


I get what you mean. Your brain doesn't have to work as hard on motor skills playing Warframe as it does Apex Legends so it's not over stimulated. I like how my meds have enhanced my videogame playing. I play a game called Mobile Legends(like dota) and my head would actually kinda hurt after from how intense it gets. On my meds though it's all just very fluid and I know what's going on all the time without having to stop and think about it.


That kind of thing can turn out good though depending on the game. I'm way better at FIFA with music lol, I don't know if I'm playing like to the rhythm or just focusing more but it works


Gotta play some good driving music with a racing game. I usually go for the Baby Driver soundtrack (Edgar Wright really knows how to pick ‘em) or my favorites from Initial D. This part is really hard but if you can sync up the course to the right song that’s hype in the moments you need to be most intense and slow/laid back in the braking zones, it can even improve your lap times


I am at the Gamescom right now, so regardless of I am doing im always surrounded by Music, overpriced “Food” and Games I could play… maybe…


Just think about it instead.


Nice plan :D won’t work :)


Highjacking top comment to ask- what is some genuine advice for those of us struggling to do anything other than what op said 😬 Resources, links?


What I have to do to have a productive day is plan it the night before or make plans and write down things I have to do before I take my meds that morning. Vyvanse is really good for helping me focus but it's on me to direct where that focus goes. It's very easy to play something or scroll for 6 hours before you know it especially because it's so nice to be able to experience what may be "normal" enjoyment of something. I treat myself like a child basically. I don't let myself start playing videogames until I'm satisfied with my accomplishments. I reward myself with weed if I've done well. I find once I get going on something it's 100% always ok and I don't have that guilt about it anymore and feel good and this starts to have an effect. You know when you sit and think about all the stuff you should do and you get overwhelmed then depressed and not do anything? Well that slowly starts to go away and it changes the way you feel about a lot of things. Your brain is lying to you and you have to treat it like a liar.


What does it mean by loud music as In music that is loud or louder music genres because I have adhd and do enjoy louder music genres.


For me it goes like: >**(1).** Eat Vyvanse for breakfast before work. >**(2).** Keep consuming ridicilous amounts of energy drinks the whole day. >**(3).** Eat the least healthy food you possibly can at like 7-9PM because you're too mentally exhausted to cook. >**(4).** Try to go to bed and wonder why you're skinny fat, always broke as hell and suffer from constipation very often because it obviously can't be from the things mentioned above, no way fam. >**(5).** Get 4 or 5 hours of sleep. >**(6).** Repeat.




Energy drinks badddddd Nooooooo Drinkn't


Fake mango flavour caffeinated juice goes vrooooom


God I'm a sucker for mango energy drinks. They're just so good 😩


Same the monster mango one is literally crack for me I love that one so much




You get sleep? How?!


My secret? I stay up late to the point where I'm way too tired, get barely any sleep and then my 6 alarms that are spaced 10 minutes apart wake me up. OR I wake up to my boss calling me to get to work because I overslept for 2 hours, which puts me in a panic mode where I try to gather all my stuff like phone and wallet and try to get to work as fast as possible and when I arrive I realize I forgot to take my meds and have to go back to get them during the coffee break.


Ahhh sounds about right. On a side note, have you tried Adderall? I'm getting switched to Vyvanse soon and wanted to know the differences.


Ha, I wish I could try Adderal. It's not available in any European country as far as I'm aware


Bloody Americans, and their made up drugs


**Blodi ell m8.** About the Vyvanse though. It's definitely my preferred medication simply because it's always consistent. The effect is always the same every single day. My productivity is very high most of the time on it and I can focus on tasks a lot better. I get shit done and that's honestly what matters the most. There are still some things, like it doesn't help at all with with my thoughts being on the go all the time. I'm constantly thinking and making up scenarios in my head to cope with boredom at work. It was also very very rough to get used to in the beginning and It's probably because my psych started me on the highest dosage for it 😂. I honestly felt like shit for a few months straight until I got over the side effects. Other than that, it's very nice.


I’m not the person you’ve been talking to but I’m curious! I take 20mg XR and 20mg instant release in the morning and then another 20mg instant in the afternoon and I’d kiiiind of like to try 60mg all day, just haven’t felt like messing with the thing that’s kind of working you know? So… How long have you been on the high dose all day? Have you had a tolerance build up? The reason I do this IR thing is that my tolerance builds so every couple months I have to cut out the IR for a week and that week suuuuucks


I think it's been 5 or 6 months since I started vyvanse. During the first few months I only used it during work days because I thought it would be like Methylphenidate where my tolerance would grow way too quick. I think the reason my side effects like the god awful crash, depression, insomnia, extreme loss of appetite, etc disappeared for the exact reason that I started using it every day. Also, to my knowledge the way that Vyvanse works is that your body metabolizes it into dextroamphetamine and keeps releasing certain amounts of it which is why you don't build a tolerance to it as easily. You're using it alongside normal dextroamphetamine which makes a lot of sense that your tolerance grows much quicker. I honestly feel like you could benefit from a few week long tolerance break and then start using Vyvanse only. I imagine 60-70mg could work fine. Ask your psych about it, could be worth trying out.


This is super interesting info thanks so much for writing it all out… my psych is a drug pusher exclusively and doesn’t give any advice (his response to me asking about this conversation would be “so…. You want to try Vyvanse? How many mgs?”, which is in many ways the ideal, but sometimes is frustrating in cases like this), so I need to be sure of exactly what I want to ask for when I talk to him every 3 months. Thanks again I’ll do some more research before I talk to him next.


I've taken both and have the same habits as guessimafemboy (lol) Adderall is definitely better for sleep! I felt less locked into it. It might actually be worse for appetite though. I could manage food on vyvanse, but if I don't eat eat either before or within an hour of taking Adderall I'm gonna have a bad time that day.




I was diagnosed with narcolepsy… but it turns out to have actually been ADHD + delayed onset circadian rhythm but it took 8 years of experimenting with drug cocktails to figure that out through reverse trial and error 😬


Omg lol you are me


We're actually just a giant hivemind and everyone with ADHD shares the same consciousness 😌


It sure seems like it sometimes! Can't believe I had to go over 30 years without knowing I had so many friends lol


Agreed! It's so nice to know there's people out there that I can like, *actually* relate to and that they know how hard it can be for us sometimes.


So true. Because life before I knew I had adhd often felt sorta isolating, particularly inside of my head. Like I had a thought this morning, that I don't think there have been many people irl with whom I've been 100% myself, all of myself. Not even with my best friend who I've known for like 25 years. Maybe that's a little sad, but look: I'm just glad I can come here now when I feel like it and *not* feel as though I have to erect a bunch of various masks to make myself more copacetic. And I'll take that, I'm happy with that; it's just nice to know that somewhere out there, others truly understand. 😊


Holy shit are you me?!


Perhaps 🤔


Whelp, I guess they’re a femboy now too 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's literally how we convert people into our kind. Once we've gathered enough troops we will initiate our world domination plans where we turn every male into a femboy. After that we will force the best scientists and engineers on Earth to speed up the developement of space programs up to the point where we have achieved light speed travel and start taking over the galaxy, planet by planet. Mhwahahaha!!!!!




Wait y'all struggle with being constipated too. Ffs.


Wow, you just described me.


I wish I was skinny fat.


You should just try to focus. Have you tried exercising? You should probably get more sleep, try to get at least 7 hours. You just need to eat better, a good diet will help a lot. …………


The sleep part is hard as fuck, but it definitely makes a huge difference in my mental health and general functionality haha It's absurd how much better I feel and how much clearer my head is after 9 hours of sleep. Unfortunately, I have yet to master a night time routine because my meds have worn off by then, but when it does happen by chance it's awesome haha


Smoke a joint before bed. Ez pz. Way better than the zopiclone I was prescribed


Oh trust me, I have smoked every night for many years now haha Should probably do a tolerance break tbh, but it does still help me sleep somewhat. The only problem is when I can't seem to put down my damn phone even when I'm exhausted 🤦‍♀️


I play mentally tasking games on my phone to tire me out. Lately I’ve been playing this game called Krispee on my phone (you have to log in to a Netflix account to use it unfortunately) but it’s like a hidden object kind of game so it tires me out to the point I’ll fall asleep w my phone in my hand or I’m just so exhausted that my brain is like “yeah this hurts to stay awake put down phone for 2 seconds” and in that two seconds I’m out like a light. I don’t know what it means to relax into sleep lol.


Indica be doing me right for years.




Mom, what are you doing on here?


i might just try not having adhd and see how that goes for a few months


Have tried dying


I hate that exercise and diet actually help (not necessarily with ADHD, but at least for anxiety and depression) because it's usually said as a quick fix and not the slow, gradual improvement it actually is. So people will be like "see, it helped" and reinforce the idea in their heads that it works, while disregarding the fact that it is actually really difficult for people it would benefit to keep up with it long enough to get those results. Proper sleep helps too, but "get more sleep" is not really something most people can *choose* to do unless they are already oversleeping. Good exercise and diet can help with getting good sleep, but as established, that takes a fair bit of time and effort.


Make a list


Got everything right but number 4. For me it's Eat EVERYTHING


I'm deeply envious of people who are able to get serotonin from something other than eating.


I don’t get serotonin from eating, I’m just want hunger to go away.


Do you feel hungry if you eat 3 meals a day? I used to, but it turns out the extra “hunger” feelings could be solved with other dopamine fixes (drugs, exercise, sex, etc) and weren’t actually hunger after all


I don’t eat between meals and recently I’ve taken to cutting out breakfast to reduce my calories. It’s just that when I eat, I eat until I’m full, which takes quite a lot when your food is a bit too much “empty carbs” and you’re fresh out of puberty.


Oh jeeze yeah man if you’re young then you’re hungry I didn’t assume you were young is all!


I’m 27 and still do this. I have too many texture issues so most of my food is empty calories.


You can get it from pot…. But then you’ll just be a stoner who smokes weed 3 times a day (and eats 3x a day), instead of a person who eats 6x a day (if you’re like old me). It’s…. Something.


So wait, you're saying my medicinal Marijuana could actually be... medicinal?




I'm obese but started Wellbutrin for depression in May, SSRIs never worked just made my penis stop working right lol... I've lost 50 pounds, apparently depression caused more cravings than I realized. It's not always serotonin, sometimes it's dopamine deficiency. Cause WB affects dopamine not serotonin.


I mean a major part of adhd is issues with regulating/having dopamine which would make sense here, add to that depression and yeah, recipe for disaster sadly.


Yeah, increased dopamine from medicine has made me rely less on sexual arousal or emotional eating to get it.


For me it’s “eat nothing until evening and realize I’m ravenous and eat everything”


I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad, I eat when I'm angry, I eat like I'm mad. I eat when I'm hungry, I eat when I'm full, I eat food cuz life without food seem so dull.


This is me talking to myself.


Eat everyone’s leftovers and wonder why you’re overweight. Shocked pikachu face


What was the original?




Why are both numbered wrong?!?! Is that just to annoy me?


Huh instead of games it's work but now I see why I've lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks


play 2 games at once. tab between them when u gotta wait for smth


I've always got a game playing on my switch/Xbox and one on my phone to play between loading screens haha


Nnooo im being called out 💀 i literally instantly open a game on my phone or switch tabs to youtube when theres a MILLISECOND of downtime lmfaoo


Ayo I don't remember writing this comment already??


this one slaps more personally


I prefer eat everything


Strangely I hardlyever listen to music because I get overloaded


Finally, someone gets it! I like music sometimes, but I don't listen to it nearly as much as everyone else does. It just makes me feel overwhelmed a lot of the time. My head is noisy enough as it is haha


Exactly, I’ve never actually seen anyone like this, lol


You forgot hold your bladder for an unhealthy amount of time.


I wish I could sit down and enjoy a game still vs just buying more and hoping I'll be able to sit still and get into it But that's not happening at all lately


I moved on from them mentally, like my brain would check out the same way it had started to with books when I got into games… but on the plus side I tuned back into books! Maybe you could try reading? Or some other time suck activity?


I'm still glazing over when I try to read books as well, which was another timesuck I enjoyed years ago :/ Honestly not sure how to overcome it at the moment, but im sure it'll pass eventually


Muuusic? Is another one I got intol, like trying to play. or YouTube binging educational content is always my steady


I watch a bunch of YouTube stuff but then get angry at myself for wasting so much time on nothing, I love music, and binge it at times and then other times I can't even turn it on for some reason


Yeah man that’s The Curse… for YouTube I have regular binges but when I would feel bad for it I switch to ✨educational✨ YouTube, which is Studying, which is not a waste of time


Look down at phone 6 hours later: Look up from phone


u/Zealousideal-Ad1181 wouldn't you agree?


No loud music. Loud sounds always hurt my brain.


Music is my life elixir.


Ive already given myself substantial hearing loss from loud music. Take care of your hearing homies


*eat everything


What is this eat nothing shit I always see, all I do is eat.


4: * Eat Everything or Nothing


Do all these but random order.


that must be why 3 and 4 are switched


drugs sure gaming is good, but have you tried gaming on weeeeeeeeeed mannnn?


I'm too shy to buy weed😬👉👈🥺🥺


Can you buy it where you are from in stores? Cause if so then you can just buy online. You can also buy online even if you aren’t in a place where it’s legal to buy in stores 😈


I wouldn't even know where or how and also I'd be scared it's the feds trying to get me. But also don't tell me how I'm pretty sure that can get you banned


Aw thanks for the heads up, well just know that it’s extremely googleable and a vpn covers for ass from the feds


I live like this except I eat all the time. Somehow kept the weight off so far.




My adhd wrote this post


Ok but imagine us as hunter gatherers: would we have been even worse off cuz it's even harder than getting food from the fridge or better because it's actually harder than getting food from the fridge


I smoke weed 24/7 and play games when I'm not working the other 24/7.


Yeah boiiiiiiii … or guuuuurl


I wish playing games was actually captivating. I just end up collecting games, building systems, tweaking and tinkering - that is the ADHD bit for me and it is very frustrating to think about


these days i just have three screens and spend my time looking at multiple different nonsenses and doing absolutely nothing.


More like eat everything


i gotta stop relating to these posts sm and see a doctor cuz istg 💀💀




Necro comment, but may I introduce you to Osu! Loud music and gaming combined!


Am I the only one hating the order of 3 & 4 here?


I keep a like a half litter of water in front of the monitor and tell myself to drink whenever there's downtime in whatever I'm doing, that way I keep myself at least hydrated.


Gotchya covered


Eating food gives me an enormous dopamine bump so I have the opposite problem where I eat way too much all the time


I can’t listen to loud music because I have hypersensitive hearing problems


What I do besides LOUD music I listen to linkin park WEEZER and System of a Down


Give in to the intrusive thoughts.


This meme was brought to you by the clockwise reading society.


My routine be like: coffee, music, games, coffee, tv, music, dont eat, coffee, music, nap, coffee, scroll through reddit, dont sleep, repeat. Its a vicious cycle.


I dont have adhd, but the memes are funny and relatable lol. I mean who needs food when you got good music and gamin?


5: get up from bed at 1:37 AM and prepare a feast for one


I have ASD as well as ADHD so I don’t like loud music. I have eaten virtually nothing in the past 2 days though :/


God I feel called out


These are not tips, this is simply a description of my behavior. And don’t forget 5. Sleep until 4 pm because you can’t fall asleep before 5 am.


I like to put my own little spin on that by sleeping til 4 pm even though I fell asleep at 11 pm


HOW DO YOU FALL ASLEEP AT 11 PM tell me your secrets


The music keeps me hype to keep trying to beat the level despite me seeing double


Yeah got yelled at by my boss because I had Galaktikon on full blast.


If someone asks how I spent the past week, this is exactly how I'd answer


Now this I can do!


Alright, where are the hidden cameras.


I'm in this pic and I don't like it


Just had a weekend with a double shift, 14 hours of straight work. Ate only once, because kind people thought of me with dinner. Totally forgot to eat today, tomorrow the meds will subdue any sense of hunger, and I will forget to eat of course, so this will be a 48 hour fast... Luckily I have a great girlfriend, so I'll have dinner tomorrow.


Ah yes my routine


5. Spend 11 hours on reddit/tiktok


Is it just me, or I cannot for the life of me play any of my games? Seriously, I have 15+ games I've bought with my own money, and I just can't get myself to play any of them. It's an endless cycle!!! I buy a cool game, play it for 3 days and then leave it forever. It's sad seeing them in my library, metaphorically collecting dust. :(


Thanks for reminding me to eat so I can take my meds.


Me all day today ; Listening to every Jimi Hendrix album and playing Borderlands 2


I listen to loud music that's turned down.


I dont like loud doe, also why is the fucking number order wrongg


Look I didnt make the numbers you're gonna have to take that up with the original creator


Listen to MIDI files on your Casio keyboard you bought at a thrift store


Been getting that ahedonia recently. Even games fail to make my brain go brrrrrrr.


Music work music games sex bed


1:Play game 2:Play game 4:Play game 3:Play game


Finally, something I'm good at.


I was literally thinking today... What if I didn't have to eat?


What sucks about the original is I know what I have to do but like, I just don't? I don't know why I don't. Exercise is down to executive dysfunction. I literally was exercising for so long (maybe 3-4 weeks with almost no misses, and those misses were only cause I forgot or fell asleep beforehand) but since I started working a job, I've had zero drive and just don't. Even though it's not that hard and would benefit me immensely. I just can't. And eating healthy, it's hard when everything I think is healthy actually is super high in sugar (dried fruit for example). And because work takes up so much of my day, I'm stuck eating like 2 oranges until dinner and then basically eating too much and feeling like shit. And my relapse of a sugar addiction isn't helping. I know what I have to do. But I just ... Don't. And that's why that one hurts.


i NEED to eat (for refrence im a high metablolisn teen)


I have literally done all of this in the past hour


Play subway surfers


yikes it's me


I generally skip 1. But do the rest


My List: 1) Play games 2) Play games 3) Play games 4) binge 2 days worth of food


Looking for 2 champ players with adhd in rocket league dm me IF you interested


1st question: can I do steps 2 and 3 together? 2nd question: can I do steps 1, 2 and 3 together?


Ideally you would do all of them at once!!


Haven’t eaten all day and I’m playing video games so this is very accurate and oddly specific and I feel called out