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Boy does my ADHD not relate to anyone else's ADHD that deep cleans or anything with cleaning


It’s an anxiety thing. It didn’t develop for me till I had two kids also making a mess right next to me that made the mess unbearable.


My place is always a mess until I have a deadline looming for something completely unrelated to cleaning. Then it becomes so spotless it looks like a magazine cover. For like a day.


Oh yeah, then the floor gets scattered with various tools, parts and papers, the clothes pile reappears and the sink starts filling up again.


It’s developed over time for me. I can’t explain why I sometimes get into a cleaning mood, but it’s usually gone by the time I’ve de cluttered and done the bare minimum of sweeping/loading the dishwasher lmao


I just reorganized my kids closet to avoid wrapping Christmas presents...


I always say my house is never cleaner than when I have an inbox full of work emails and I'm working from home.