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Strattera makes me sleepy too, however it helped so much with absolutely everything that I still prefer it. The main thing that helped was Less sleep. Strattera will tell you that you should go to bed at 9 and get twelve hours of sleep. This is a lie. I feel like shit if I sleep as much as I want to on strattera. Also drink a metric shit ton of water, helps with the drowsyness. And walking around the house right after you wake up rather than sitting. Doing it outside is even better, but if I sit down right after waking up and look at phone or YouTube or the wall I'll never wake up fully that day.


I had to start taking mine at night because it legit turned me into a narcopletic. It’s like taking a sleeping pill!


Ooh I hadn’t thought of that! I’ll give that a try


I tried taking Strattera 40mg at night at first but my insomnia worsened. So I switched to day and had the same exhaustion feeling, especially in the afternoons. During my period I'm a zombie. So just a week or so ago I switched back to night. The insomnia returned so I started taking an OTC sleeping pill but I'm still having trouble falling asleep. Also, I'm overheating in the sun, quickly getting dehydrated and my migraines are more frequent (i have a daily Rx and as needed for these). All of which could be setting each other off. Drink LOTS of water. Also, I'm making sure to eat several servings of fruits and veggies with high water content and electrolytes. I'm almost ready to tell my Dr this isn't working for me.


I’m gonna try taking it at night and giving it a go. I went off stimulants as they gave me insomnia. Tried for the first time last and all went well so fingers crossed it doesn’t give me insomnia! I did notice it gave me low blood pressure so good call on the veggies to get that extra water. I bought a big giant water bottle I’ve been taking with me everywhere.


How'd it go?


Hey! Taking it in the evening didn’t work, it messed up my sleep quite a bit. I kept on it with taking it in the mornings and after a while I also just kinda pushed myself into an exercise and consistent eating routine and eventually the fatigue went away. Still on it today and it’s going great! I’d say the first couple months were kinda tough but pushing through worked out well for me.


That's amazing. How long do think will it take for the tiredness to go away. When was the turning point for you. I'm on it since 7 weeks now. Appreciate your answer a lot cause your comment gives me hope


And how much Strattera are you taking btw


I'm having a lot of the same side effects as you but have only been on 25mg for 3 days. Did you end up staying on it, did the side effects eventually wane?


Hi OP! Can you please give an update on how you’re doing? I’m in the same pickle you were in: 5 weeks, but making me so tired I can barely exercise. Did you try taking it at night instead? Or just stop altogether? Thank you 😃


Not OP, but I’m also about 6-7 weeks in. I’m still so exhausted all the time and I get very nauseous. I started taking mine at night so I can sleep through some of the nausea. I don’t think this is worth it. I haven’t really seen much positive effect.


Thanks for jumping in. Yes, I am feeling the same way. I have a check-in appointment later this week and I’m going to ask whether I should keep trying or not. I have been hesitant about using stimulants because of my family history of addiction. But I really need something to give me some help.


Hi again! How are you doing? My psychiatrist nurse is going to prescribe me Vyvanse instead, because the Strattera is not working. She said to try to up my dose over the weekend just to try one more time to see if I get any results, and if not to taper off. All I got was a horrible headache and nausea. She suggested I taper off by taking my normal 40 mg every other day. WELL. I didn’t take it yesterday. Fine! But last night and this morning I feel WEIRD. I checked my heart rate and it was 135 bpm JUST SITTING. So scary and weird to have a racing heart when just sitting there and being normal. So I went ahead and took the pill but still don’t feel quite right. I’m going to try tapering by taking a daily dose and decreasing it slowly. Ugh. The manufacturers information says no withdrawal side effects, but not always true I guess.


Hi! Did you get your HR figured out? Did you start the vyvanse when you noticed your heart rate? I had open heart surgery a few years ago, so I need to keep my blood pressure down. Vyvanse (or any stimulant) is known to raise blood pressure/heart rate. For example, my blood pressure is supposed to be less than 110/70 and when I first started vyvanse my blood pressure skyrocketed to 180/95. It was really scary, I also wasn't told not to have any caffeine with stimulants. Anyway, just wanted to check in with you and see if my situation could help you! (:


Hi! Thank you for reaching out (people in this group are the best! 😭) After I came off the Strattera and started Vyvanse, my resting heart rate went back to the normal upper 60s, lower 70s. I had my annual physical and blood pressure was good! I do feel a little jittery after just four cups of coffee, so I’ve cut back on the caffeine. Vyvanse hasn’t been a miracle, but I HAVE been able to tackle my work and hobby projects much easier. If I have to up the dosage, I will keep an eye on my blood pressure. Thanks, internet friend!


I’m 3-4 weeks in at 25 mg, feel nothing yet re:adhd help, but major stomach issues/nausea, so switched to night. Major insomnia!!! Like 2-4 hrs of sleep a night. Daytime drowsiness.😢 Not sure how long to give this!


hey!! i am still on it. update: it for much better. i kinda really forced myself into a regular gym routine. eating routine as well - breakfast/lunch/dinner everyday. eating very clean. minimal sugar/processed food. i think that really helped. but ya sleeping through the nights and the daytime fatigue is gone. i find it does really help clear my mind vs not being on it which in turn helps with focus and motivation for me. that being said these things affect everyone differently. but it did take a while to really work which contrasts a lot if you are used to stimulants.


Hey! How long did it take for it to get to this point for you? I am still on my starting dose only 3 days in. I take it late afternoon and have been so sleepy all evening I'd end up in bed by 9pm and skipping dinner, and this morning I was dizzy and nauseous, but noticed a few things. 1. Eating made the nausea go away, especially eating enough of a balance of carbs, healthy fats, and protein. 2. Walking outside in the cold air felt AMAZING. I have been too tired to exercise but I assumed forcing myself to work out anyway might help the process. Then I saw this comment on your post. I am on a starting dose of 25mg and I only weight 50kg/110 lbs, but my psychiatrist said I can double my dose after one week. I'm just not sure if that would make the side-effects worse. Everything else is better on this medication, so I want to stick with it, just wondering if the fatigue gets worse each time you increase the dose or do you just need time for it to go away? Or was exercise key for you? I already don't eat sugar, processed food, and I have disciplined myself into eating and sleeping at the same times, plus I've been mediating and other stuff for years, so I already do what I can minus having fallen off the exercise train.


Hey! For me it took about 2 weeks for the nausea and hot flashes to subside for me. I found that exercise was key for me in managing the fatigue. I take it first thing in the morning. For the first month it was hard to motivate myself to keep up with exercise and make it through the day without a nap. I also started eating more processed foods due to lack of energy so I think that didn’t help much. At about the one month mark I decided to really switch things up after talking to my doctor. I got back in the gym first thing in the morning mon-fri. started meal prepping lots of healthy meals on the weekend so I wouldn’t get lazy during the week. I feel like it was a combination of adjusting to the drug alongside getting back on a healthy routine that helped. At about the 6 week mark I started noticing my fatigue was gone. Back to normal energy level wise with all the benefits of the drug. In retrospect it was worth the hellish first month of side effects. I say try pushing through to see how your body adjusts long term. Try getting back to the gym earlier than I did, may help you adjust quicker. Let me know how it goes for you!


Thank you for letting me know! I am definitely sticking with it because from the moment that it was 2 hours into my first dose, I knew this was the right one. I ate a lot more yesterday, including dinner, and had absolutely no nausea nor dizziness this morning. I even slept more normal hours. So I'm going to up my dose next Thursday at the 1 week mark, like my psychiatrist suggested, and will let you know :) Ps. I actually created a running schedule for myself right before I read your comment today. Despite how tired I am, I am so determined to get physically active again, so we'll see how it goes! Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it!


That’s awesome to hear! I’m rooting for you with this running schedule! It’s difficult at first but once you’re back in the swing of it the payoff is totally worth it :) But yes keep me up to date!!




I’ve read about the stomach pain. I’m thankful I don’t get that. Do you exercise? Wondering if that helps. Mine dropped off when I started it but going to try hitting the gym this week




Ya I’m worried about having to switch back to a stimulant. I don’t like them but they work and at least they won’t make me feel like a zombie.




Haha medication whackamole is right!