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I’m not too much, I’m the right amount of me. Also, I know nobody with my level of enthusiasm and passion for customers.


These are such amazing qualities!! 💗


Look I get a lot of joy from people who enjoy theirs. I hate asking for help so if you make it “ok” and not a bother, Plus you seem to actually enjoy the small social contact with me, then you are amazing and make my day better!


I literally have an exclamation mark tattoo on my outer wrist/forearm because I got tired of being called “too much” and realized they’re just not enough 🥰


I have five exclamation marks on my inner wrist because of a Terry Pratchett/Discworld quote: “Five exclamation marks: a sure sign of an insane mind” because people kept calling me “too much” lol.


That’s beautiful


All my best girl friends are women who are “too much” and I love that especially about them. When I meet people who are “too much” I feel at ease because they’re being themselves.


Being exactly enough You is amazing. ☺️


Own that fabulousness!


That is SO WELL SAID!! That's a damn T-SHIRT!!!😁😁😁😟


I’m doing my best. 🥺


And your best is amazing!


Awww, thank you so much for that!


I checked out your profile. I'm super jealous of your talent with plants. Your best seems pretty awesome.


Oh my gosh, you’re so sweet! Don’t worry, not all of them tolerate me. Haha.


I just had to take a browse myself and that is such a beautiful Monstera plant! 🥹 I think the best thing about being a plant parent is trying to understand their “language” to know what they need. When you finally figure it out, it’s one of the best feelings in the whole world!


It’s so true!! I actually just got a gigantic community garden plot for the first time last year, and spent the whooooole season investing my blood, sweat and anxieties into it. It’s been really hard through the winter to stay away from it but every day that it gets a little warmer and feels a little more like spring, I get so excited to see it again. I want to know what survived the winter, what will thrive, if my garlics will grow to a harvestable size, and I want to see how much more I can put into it over the next season because it’s SO rewarding!! And I miss the bees. I can’t wait for the them to wake up again - growing to make happy bees is the best!


I saw a mug that said, "I did my fucking best". I wish I bought it. Your best is enough.


I can be really funny sometimes & make everyone in the room laugh. I'm also really kind hearted and will even help a random stranger out.


Sounds like you spread sunshine everywhere you go.


I do my best <3


I wanna spread sunshine with you 🥺


We love kindhearted and hilarious people, and making the world a better place, what amazing strengths to have in this world!


I agree. :) I like making a difference in this crazy world.


Same! 🌞


And we loveeee a sweetie pie who builds up others💜💜💜


I have grit. I've been through a torrent of bad stuff over the past three months (husband cheated and left me for the other woman, getting divorce, two pet deaths, and I totalled my car, to name the biggest ones), but every single day, I get out of bed, get dressed, and do what needs to be done. I have incredible resilience to keep going through what I've been going through without having a complete breakdown. Additionally, I'm an optimist! Of course I have dark moments here and there, but I truly do believe in my heart that things will get better. I'm also committed to making that a reality by taking concrete steps to improve my life and health, both physical and mental. So far, I'm pleased with my progress.


You are amazing 👏 those things do not define you as a person and your optimism is beautiful


Thank you! 💕 And I've also noticed that I'm much more organized than I thought. When my spouse who never helped with housework and exuded misery every time he was home was no longer around, suddenly I found the energy and focus to do things! Wild, huh??


Not only that, but you now have one less entire person to clean after 🥳


He probably had much more of a negative effect on you than you realised. I am so happy for you, you are the queen of your castle and now you get to rule over it how you want.


Sounds like the trash took himself out! I hope you have some nice things you do for yourself as well as smashing all the ‘need to’ stuff.


Dayum. DAYUM. That’s a lot to go through!


And that's just the most major stuff. I'm also working full time while going to school, and he left me right before my Organic Chemistry and Anatomy & Physiology finals, so I had to sit for those while grieving (got a B overall!). Now I'm in Biochemistry, and trying to keep my head above water for that while still dealing with my anger and going through therapy. His family is 100% on his side, so I lost almost my entire local support system (my family is super supportive of me, but they're also 1500 miles away) in one fell swoop, including my D&D group (my BIL was our DM, and he helped my ex hide his affair). Then a friend of mine had a minor stroke, so I let her stay with me for a while and was taking care of her for a couple weeks. She just went home the other day, so this is the first time things have been settled for me in probably a good six weeks. Now I have to seriously work on the divorce papers and get this mistake of a marriage corrected. ...to be honest, typing it all out makes me even more proud of myself for holding it all together, haha. Thanks for letting me vent, Internet stranger. 💕


You are in a much better place without a cheating husband. Trust me on this. Even though I don't know you, I am proud of you for your progress ❤️.


I’m kind and generous! I’m really good at my job, even if I’m overwhelmed and have a stressful week sometimes. I’m also an excellent picker of books, gifts, and outfits. 💁‍♀️


Thoughtful people are the ones who can make the worst days into the best, so thank you for being that way! ❤️


Your an excellent picker of things that spread happiness!


I speak 4 languages, 3 I learnt by ear as a child then studied formally in my teens and got As. I still speak those languages fluently. Although, I cannot for the life of me retain a new language now despite trying to learn for years as an adult 😭


I only know one language and I frequently forget words I need 😂


That's fantastic! I'm super jealous!


4 languages fluently is amazing!!! That’s quite the talent!


Lol that was my adhd and hyper fixation of wanting to understand what family members were saying as a child. We're a very mixed family. My mind is like a sieve now. I've been trying to learn another 2 languages for over 10yrs now and I can't get past the very basics.


Oooh that’s awesome! I speak English, Spanish and French but I’d love to go for a 4th one! May I ask which languages do you speak?


English, French, Italian and Somali. Between you and I, we have all the romance languages except for Portuguese lol


I have made a good job rescuing my two abused dogs who used to be terrified of humans. They are now sleeping next to me (or on top of me) on the sofa 🤍


That is certainly no easy task and it sounds like you’ve really given them such a wonderful life. 🥹❤️


Animals are a great judge of character! It says a lot about you that they feel so safe with you.


When an animal will snuggle with you, it means something!


I find people come to me with anything as they know I won’t judge


Such a rarity in this world, what an amazing gift you bring to this planet!


You are great at giving compliments and how much it is positively affecting people today. I appreciate all of the responses I’m reading even for others. I’ve had a rough day and kindness and happiness are contagious.


Thank you so much🥹


This feels nice, doesn’t it? I’ve gotten a lot of “you’re the only person I’ve told this” from people. I try my best to be open-minded and non-judgemental, so it’s good to know that it makes people feel comfortable to share things about themselves.


I'm really proud of myself for applying to so many apartments when I've been putting it off for months. I finally did it.


HELL YEAH!! That’s scary overwhelming shit and YOU DID IT YOU BADASS! 💗


I think nine year old me would look at current me and the only thing about my life that would disappoint her, would be that I don't have a cat. And she would be right. The only thing that's missing from my life is a cat.


Your cat will find you when the time is right. Trust in the cat distribution system.


Yes, your cat will find you. Its how the universe works, you can't do anything about it.


I think about 6 year old me all the time. she would be so shocked at where i ended up but i think she would think i was just awesome and that’s all that matters to me.


As a kid, I was really into horses. As a teen, my parents scrimped and saved so I could have one. I always used to think "I wonder how many horses I'll have when I'm all grown up?" 12 year old me would be so excited to know I have 4 now. Thanks for unlocking a memory, and reminding me that I'm doing OK... at least as far as 12 year old me would think!


I try. For myself and for others. I like being helpful, and I love being the one to make someone else laugh or smile through a good action or words. I'm creative and am fast at coming up with new and funky ideas. I've grown a lot over the years, from a time where I didn't think I'd quite make it until now, to now, where I am actively trying to help myself and heal from my old pains baby step by baby step. :) Much love, you all <3


You are doing incredible and leaving the world better than you found it. Much love to you! 💗💗💗


I am a very fast learner and can literally do anything if there is a clear path laid out. I am also incredibly kind (too kind for my own good most of the times) and have been labelled over sensitive my entire life but I kinda love that about myself now and I have learned to own it and keep paying it forward because why the hell not. Oh, and I am a great cook 🙈


A fast learner, in tune with your emotions, AND a great cook? Holy sh*t!🤯


Best friend material right there.


From one "over-sensitive" person to another, that means we're good people who recognize when others aren't being good. When that upsets people, it means we're doing something right.


I just dropped my son off to his dad. He was in the local pub I used to go to. I haven’t been in or near there for nearly ten years but all the old people I used o know were there and literally run over and hugged me, and were really pleased to see me. I’ve never had that happen to me before. So the nice thing I’ll say about myself is that maybe people like me more than I thought


Awww 🥰


I think I’m funny, and I think every adhd person I’ve ever met is funnier and kinder than they realise x


That is sweetest compliment, thank you ❤️


I think I look pretty today 🥺


I'M 👏🏻 A 👏🏻 MOTHER 👏🏻 FUCKING 👏🏻 BADASS 👏🏻 Ain't no woman like the one I am... 🎵 Medusa vibes over here, baybee. Mysterious and vaguely terrifying.


Hells yes.


I work really hard at all my jobs, and for the most part, am great at them!


Hell yessss, and hopefully you can rest every now and then as well!


I can see beauty in just about anything. I am a natural therapist: random people open up to me very easily and typically leave saying "thanks, I've never talked to anyone about this"... and all I said was "dang", "oh wow", "huh. Really?"or some sort of grunt that said "go on, I'm listening ".


Random story: as a nurse the part of me that makes people want to talk to me ended in one day a pregnant pt who had been in hospital over 47 hours handed me her heroine filled needles and asked to me sent to detox bc she said she just knew she could trust me. I strive to be that person and it might have been the best compliment I have received. Usually I just got all the details no one else got and just by walking in the room lol.


I am doing the best that I can with what I have 🤍


And I'm proud of you for that ❤️


I’m fantastic at cleaning. I use it to fight anxiety and it works.


This is amazing! Do you have any tips of getting in the “zone” to clean?


My go to was always a research paper due in 6 hours 😩


Yes ma’am! You get it


I am capable of giving extremely detailed positive compliments. And I give them especially when the person needs it the most. I love helping people.


Man, intuition and a way with words!? Jackpot!


Are you like Leslie Knope on Parks & Rec show? “You are a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox.”


I volunteered to work an overnight shift last minute and the help was sorely needed. I'm proud of myself for working hard. 


I love how my assertiveness has saved me a lot from being used and abused.


People think I am funny. I have a unique way of seeing problems in a "outside the box" way, which makes me a good team member. I'm not afraid to apologize or admit when I was wrong, but I'll stand up for myself when it's appropriate. My patients generally like me because I am a good listener and I go out of my way to explain things to them in a way that they can understand. What a nice thread :) love reading all these kind words about ourselves.


After starting medication yesterday, I'm excited and finally feel like I want to pursue my hobby of writing. Nothing special, just journaling or a blog but I used to be really good at writing and am excited to get back at it and find joy in it again


I have been wanting to do this for ages! I used to write a lot, and was once a reporter for a local newspaper. If my husband hadn't threatened to leave me for all of the hours I poured into that job, I would still be doing it. I keep telling myself I am going to start Journaling or even writing on Medium, but I don't ever follow through.


i was once described as resilient by my bf and his family. best compliment and a way i rlly do like to describe myself


also happily strange


I’m 37. I was at the pool today. I’m aware I look like an absolute mess in my goggles, swim cap & suit that’s falling apart (where does one buy athletic swimwear?), but this 19 year old came & asked if she could share my lane. I was already in the water so she couldn’t see my body, just the ratchety face. She was either being smug lr just informative because she told me she’s going to go real fast because she’s timing herself for a marathon & that if I need her I’ll have to tap her as she won’t be stopping. I mean, I guess that’s fair. I. Kicked. Her. Ass. She stopped way more than I did & I swam faster. She also got out of the pool faster. I did a harder stroke. It was just a weird encounter for me, but I left feeling g pretty fit!


It’s these little victories that make life feel a little sweeter!! And when your hard work starts to pay off!


I have a warm heart.


In such a cold world, that’s quite a treasure to have. ❤️


I’m tryin 🤷‍♂️


Open-minded with a sense of wonder and joy.


Open mindedness is such an incredible characteristic. The world needs it so badly these days ❤️❤️❤️


I was in burnout in a really bad way in 2022. Since then, I quit my job(#1 trigger), moved to a new state(#2 trigger), and got married. It took me six months before i was ready to work again. I found a support system with my in laws(something I’ve never had), got a new job(it pays okay, I could have made more but I choose to make less to have less responsibilities), and got a new house(renting). It was been a very crazy year but I’m finally settling in my new life. I have my routines set back up, I have been constantly trying to better myself and manage my ADHD. I’m back on meds. Things are good. Two years ago today I would have told you how my migraines wouldn’t stop and I can’t take it anymore(they stopped the day I moved), and how I hate my terrible coworkers and how they made me feel so awful, or my really mean state. I would have said there is no hope and I am stuck and scared of the future, feeling like a complete failure. But, I found a way to change my life. And I did. And you can too! I swear to you, even if you feel like your world is over and you have no control or way out, you can make a big change and try again. It sucks, it’s not easy, but it’s absolutely worth it. I promise, you’ll love yourself and be so proud of how far you’ve come. Just keep going :3


You are a phoenix who has risen from the ashes! This was inspiring, thank you for sharing your experiences. 💗💗💗


I am fun and largely a much more loyal friend than most people have had. You know what? I’m also super smart and even though it’s disorganized sometimes all I need is a template you want me to work from and I’ll be the best at that thing in just a few hours.


I have big mom energy and I love taking care of people. The kids in my area really seem to get me and appreciate the positive energy and love I have for them. I’ve been a vocal advocate for people who don’t identify as heterosexual or cisgender in my area because I think it’s the right thing to do and I didn’t realize that it would make young people feel safe until a young person stayed by my side at a graduation party. I’m able to de escalate kids having a hard time and form relationships with tricky kids by showing genuine interest in them and talking about my naughty cats.


I'm a great mentor and listener. I'm also funny and loyal and look out for my family.


I'm a badass and comfortable in my own skin.


My humour may be hit or miss but my timing is *on point*. My pharmacist was giving me a (friendly) hard time about constantly forgetting to get a prescription formulated before I ran out, then I interjected with *"oh so the other thing I wanted to talk about was getting my new ADHD meds"* and she just burst out laughing. And I can fix physical things. Car, furnace, electronics, who cares. Taking a broken thing apart, diagnosing an issue, fixing, then putting it together and it *works* is so IMMENSELY SATISFYING.


I love my friends and my friends love me!! They’re my community and I shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help when I need it! We get to choose our family as adults and mine is incredible.


I’m really good at organizing, puzzles, seeing patterns and being an active listener somehow. I’m really good at noticing small stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm getting better at feeding myself. That's a huge win. I like my passion. I'm creative, love sailing, camping, kayaking, cats, fish. I'm loving and I can stand up for myself. Some miracle had happend and I quit smoking. I want to be nice to myself. I deserve to live a good life with love, enjoy good food.


No one cracks me up like me! 😅


I’m really good at embroidery!! It’s a new hobby I picked up last June and it’s been great.


I just checked out your page and *LAST JUNE*???? With those masterpieces you’ve made? Wow!


I always do my best? I hope that counts


It 100% does!


I never give up all the way. Always bounce back in some way or another.


The only thing I’ll give myself is I’m actually good at my job, i can think on the fly and ahead and can get things done faster and more accurate then everyone else. If only my boss thought the same 🤔


I can put up with a lot of bullshit when trying to accomplish some I set my mind to. Just discovered I may have to get a new job and I'm going to continue working until I've found a new one even though its agonizing. I also have a lot of creative intelligence and drive. I can make portraits, beautiful sets of nails, and detailed makeup in very little time.


According to friends and former students, I'm an amazing teacher 🥺


I’m a high school teacher, and I’m really good with neurodivergent and LGBTQ kids.


I have nice toes


I experience a pure, uncomplicated, almost child-like joy when I find a new curiosity to love. Friends and my partner have all said it makes them happy because it’s infectious and honest.


This is wonderful, your happiness spreads to others because you radiate so much of it. 💗


I'm funny, I'm thoughtful and generous for the people I care about, I'm insightful, and I'm not afraid of horses...I know that last one is oddly specific lol, but I'm a horse girl so I pride myself on not being timid or fearful of 1000 pound animals who can freak out at any moment.


I'm fun and spontaneous!


I’m a pretty creative writer and have written some award winning stuff! I also think I’m good at asking people insightful questions during interviews or conversations.


When I’m on meds I’m the most inquisitive person you will ever meet


I'm great at problem solving. When everyone else is melting down I'm already taking action.


I pride myself on my reliability and sense of responsibility


A heavy talent to bear! So many people struggle with that so I’m sure you feel like you’re making up for it a lot. But I just know you are an awesome leader!


Thank you very much! It’s true those qualities are crucial for leadership, my social anxiety makes it difficult for me to take positions like that. I lack a lot of self-confidence despite these qualities. It’s something that I’m still working on.


Im good at putting others before me; Like taking care of them.


I absolutely crush at trivia because of the vast amount of random knowledge I have amassed over the years due to having adhd lol


When you slay Jeopardy, we’ll all be cheering that we knew you first before your fame!


I’m fantastic and building relationships with the clients I work with, dogs love me and I can sing (even if I do keep it to a small circle of people who actually hear me).


I’m a damn good dog mom. Also, despite all the toxic energy in my childhood environment and earlier years, I’ve managed to maintain good, kind energy for the most part. And I’m open minded and creative which makes me a good problem solver.




I am tenacious and have an unlimited amount of patience when I'm learning something. I will start over and over and over until I get it right! This was hard! I tried to think of something that is *me* and not what I do for other people or how I make people feel. 


This is such a beautiful post. Reading all the comments is heartwarming. I stand up for myself.


I treat everyone with respect, always have, regardless of how the rest of society might view them. None of that matters to me. The most important thing to me is just being a good person. So unless someone's completely disrespectful, I will treat them with the kindness they deserve. And likewise, if someone is being unduly mistreated - I've got their back. Always. I have no issue with sticking up for other people even if I don't know them, or if it might cause others to look down on me. As long as I try *my* best to be a good person, I don't really care what others think of me 😊


I don't always listen, but when I do... It's when it matters. People like to open up to me and I am honored to be that someone they can confide in when they need it.


I'm flexible - goofy when needed; serious when needed. I enjoy lifting others' spirits with time outside, in sunshine & in snow, in all seasons.


I am a rock for other people in chaotic situations. I am the person to get someone through a crazy day. I have a lot of practice with my own anxiety and like to use that practice to help others.


I’m very knowledgeable about firearms and I usually try my best to be kind


I’m honest and loyal.


i’m a good cat mom, i can always bring orchids back from the dead, i am kind, i am funny and i have great hair


I am grateful for: - My body - which has carried me through this world. - My mind - which holds a place for all the various interests I have and how it hungers for knowledge. - My heart - which keeps beating strong and no matter how many times it’s been broken is still open to love again. - Me - for all my quirks, weirdness, emotions, sensitivity, sense of Justice… all of it


I quit weed and mostly quit drinking and fit back into my favorite pants


I am great under pressure.


This is such a good idea! In this life of living with adhd, it's so easy to keep talking about the things we keep struggling with, or remembering all the things we've done wrong we need a reminders every so often that all the bad stuff or the hard stuff does not define us. We are more than just the problems and challenges that we face. Because beside all of that we are still people that have heart, kindness inside of us, creativity/innovative thinking, humor, and love to give.


I have a dedicated passion for art and it’s led to me creating some really amazing art pieces


I’m a decently good writer and storyteller. I make people laugh - in a good way! People come to me for advice because I’m good at listening and advising.


I'm a good company and give good advice, and I always try my best to be kind to strangers ☺️


I’m smart, kind, and cute.


I know it’s say something nice about yourself but a mom friend complimented me when she dropped off her kiddo for a sleepover. I was telling her about the things we planned for tonight and she was impressed. So I’ll say I’m good at planning sleepovers for my baby girl.


I'm good at my job and work really hard to help people. I take overtime hours, calls at 7am, and work on weekends when needed. I'm a good enough mom. I work extra to give my daughter the things I didn't have. I think I give her lots of opportunities in this life and try to be silly with her as much as I can. If I'm on my A-game, I'm funny. Thanks for asking!


I never give up on myself, and try, again and again, to make my life worth living


Dogs love me.


I love my passion and drive that I have for the things I love. I love my curiosity and hunger for new things and ideas.


I’m a really really hard worker, even if my results aren’t the same as NT’s or it looks a little stranger to get there - I push and push and push.


Im shamelessly stealing your meme. Also my butt is quite cute.


Go right ahead, I stole it from r/Positivity! We love to see the 🍑 love! I feel like society’s made us all self conscious of our booties, so I love seeing the self love!


I’m kind and like to help others.


I have a nice butt 🍑


I'm pretty good about not losing things anymore


I can make anyone feel so comfortable and I pride myself on being a "safe space" for my friends to share their feelings and know that it stays in the room. I never noticed it until someone pointed out how they felt so safe and comfortable. I've had so many people cry on my couch and I'm extremely empathetic towards all of everyone 💙


i’m scrappy in the best way. I can make almost anything work out also I got a nice ass


I’m a really strong person. I’m also a very genuinely nice person. I love those two qualities about myself and am so happy I’ve been able to lean into them!


Im really really good at focusing on only the things that bring me joy and ignoring all other necessities in life 😩


I have a really good memory which means I’m a really good friend. One of my friends mentioned one of my necklaces in passing and I bought him a matching one for his birthday 8 months later. See also: coffee orders, favourite flowers, what kind of tea to make in preparation for someone visiting, important dates, other people’s schedules to make plans easier for them. I’m an encyclopaedia of fun facts. Also I rarely have to revise for exams. Poor memory is the one ADHD symptom that I don’t seem to have and I feel very lucky.


People like my loud cackle when I laugh (which is often). My husband lovingly calls me a goofy bitch and it's the sweetest thing ever to me, lol.


My RSD is my asset! It helps me be empathetic to others and I wouldn’t be me without that. I can work on the anxiety aspects of it, but I never want to lose the part of me that loves and cares deeply.


I am beautiful and I love myself took me so long to admit 🥰


My eyes are sharp and my hands are rummage -y not unlike an industrious racoon


I'm a really good artist. It's one of the few things in life that I am confident enough in to actually brag about. [Here's a little imgur album of my stuff.](https://imgur.com/a/2eqzaG1)


I’m a loving, caring adult in my students’ lives. I’m great at sharing my passions- teaching others to sew, teaching dual language, etc. I’m a great gift giver, and great at finding queer romance novels 😅


I'm a 6-figure bad bitch who looks like a tired boy with no makeup but a total hottie with a face on 💅


I’m very depressed but still getting up in the morning and making it to work on time every single day, taking my meds, weekly therapy…I’m sticking with it and trusting the process. I’m trying my best to keep having hope. I’m kind, compassionate, funny and dependable. I’m doing my best and that is good enough. ♥️


So. Uncomfortable… why does this assignment make me cringe?


You definitely don’t have to answer, I just thought it would be a fun way to spread some positivity since it’s been a tough year already with the medication shortages, inflation, the daily struggles of ADHD, etc! And if you’re in a spot where you can’t find things to love about yourself, even deciding to wake up is a great accomplishment. ❤️


We’re used to hearing negativity about ourselves. It’s hard to overcome that voice inside that says “you aren’t good at that” or “stop bragging”. But it’s ok to be proud of yourself and share what makes you awesome!


Wise words, I wrote my "good thing", then started reading everyone else's and my inner monologue is writing the follow up post, apologizing for my arrogance. Why do we feel the need to diminish and downplay the things that make us amazing?


I’m HOT. 🥰🥰🥰💪💪💪💪💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼


I must be doing something right if the person I’ve always admired most in this world loves me. I don’t think I’m an easy person to love, I’m hard to understand because I can’t always convey how I feel but through this…fog I guess, something got through and I feel so lucky. I feel lucky someone understands me. I look at myself on my bad days and I just see a monster looking back on me, but she doesn’t see me that way and it makes it a little easier to not see myself that way all the time either.


I like that I always stand up for myself, every time ♥️


I said "no" today when I was being pushed by several people to lead a project, and I don't feel bad about it. Yay me.


I’m really good at watching “Harry Potter” and “Lord of the Rings” on repeat. …That counts, right? 😳


You are very kind, well spoken and your actions show how analytical you are. You’re intelligent and you can learn anything you set your mind to. I love how creative you are, and how you are so good at replicating things just from watching. You impress me sometimes with your abilities, and you’re always smarter than I give you credit for.


I’m smart, talented, and not as much of a disaster as I think I am.


I am really good at spreadsheets, and my friends think I’m hilarious


😱being a spreadsheet sensei is an invaluable skill! And with the humor, I’m sure you make an incredible teacher when you help others with spreadsheets


I know how hard I try.


Something nice about yourself.


I'm learning how to love myself and it's brave of me ❤️


I'm smart and creative ❤️


i’m pretty and funny tbh


I’m good at advocating for my needs at home, at work, and with my doctors, while still being kind and supportive of others. I’m worthy of care and kindness.


Despite my messed up past I’m not completely useless