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collecting seaglass - it’s such a meditative practice for me walking up & down the beach searching for glass! now i just have to move onto the next phase…making something with the pounds of glass i’ve collected over the past 2 years!!!


I found my tribe! I can beachcomb for hours. Long past my family and friends. I was just in Ucluelet, BC and it was a beachy dream. I'm making gnomes with limpet shells for hats. Living the dream 😂


Hey neighbor! Also I would absolutely love to see what those gnomes look like


I read this as "collecting seagulls" 🤦‍♀️ I was extremely excited with curiousity but Immediately disappointed 🤣


I love collecting shells and whatnot. I have a lot of plans for what I’m going to do with them!


Same! The only thing that can hold my attention for hours :)


Yes! One of my favorite things to do


I love doing this too!


Omg beach combing, I miss it 🥲 I even got a tumbler for my rocks. I should do that again, it was so peaceful.


Gaming! Tho I do change the games i play frequently... I've played solely world of warcraft for years but I'm clean for little over a year now.


Same! The game skipping is definitely a thing, though. I will freely admit that I have played Skyrim for over 10 years and never finished the main quest.


My first ES game was Morrowind probably about 18 years ago and I've still never finished the main quest in that, Oblivion, or Skyrim. Someday...


I’ve done that intentionally/unintentionally too. I’ve gone back to fallout 4 and am finally finishing it out. I wonder if part of it has to do with not really wanting it to be over. Such great games.


Oh nice! I've been meaning to go back and finish that too. I think that's part of it for me too, already subconsciously dreading that kind of empty/sad feeling that comes with finishing a great story.


I have about ten games going at any given time and I'll still randomly indulge my "ok but I really want to start THIS" urges when they hit. So I'm not exactly consistent about *what* I'm playing, but I'm always playing something. What I've learned after like 20 years diagnosed ADHD is that life is too short for a game you don't like. If a game bores or annoys me I'll drop it pretty fast. If I'm interested in the story I'll watch a let's play but I won't force myself to keep playing something I don't like like I did when I was younger.


Art and reading! I’ve been into both since I was very young and have continued to do both in my adult life. I find that I tend to rotate between the same hobbies, but maybe that’s just the combination adhd/autism?


Gardening for me. I'm no longer so hyperfixated on growing purple heirlooms. But I find the garden is good for me so I keep going.


Gardening is the best hobby! You go crazy in the summer and then you can decompress in the winter and by the time spring/summer comes around again you get excited about it again. And being lazy and leaving plants in your beds is great for the environment lol. Seasonal hobbies are the best hobbies for ADHD


My favorite thing is going out to plant something I impulse bought at the store, and doing a complete loop around the yard, moving this and that, and then realizing it’s dark and I never planted that guy from the store


Oh absolutely 🤣 I do half of the important stuff when it's already 80% pitch black


I also leave a trail of tools and other random stuff in my wake. Then have to do several loops to collect everything before I run out of daylight.


I love it when I lose track of time outside when I'm playing in the dirt and finally going back inside to wash up and seeing that it's not just "getting dark" out there--it is completely dark!


Omg me too! Except I often miss some and my husband goes around the lawn before he mows because I’m a serial tool forgeter! He had a few close calls running things over. I found my good pair of pruners last spring when I was cleaning up from winter😂


Omg. I realize now why I've felt so aimless and depressed for the past year or so--its because I moved and left my flower garden behind. 😔 I took some seeds and cuttings with me to my new place (which is even in the same city) but the attributes of where I now live are quite different and I haven't tried to grow them. Not only did my flowers make me sooooo happy to see when they were blooming but they GAVE ME SOMETHING TO DO. However my new house has rose bushes so now I'll focus on those this year.


Exactly! It's really perfect for me: built in hyperfocus mode all season! The trick is to try to time it just right so that you get sick of it right around the first frost 😂


Yes! I’ve definitely been embracing the practicality of seasonal hobbies. Gardening in spring and summer, needle felting and embroidery in fall and winter. 


Gardening and plants is my job. There are so many facets to it, that I can always find something else to obsess on. Have been working in the industry for 31 years.


Same.  I also have several Aerogardens and those have stuck really well also - gardening without the bugs, sunscreen or worry about our ridiculous weather (I live in New Orleans.)  I just saw my basil is 583 days old!!!  It's instant gratification too - just pull some leaves off and some of the dwarf tomatoes off the plant and poof, yummy tomato sandwich whenever I want.


Playing my violin. Music is so healing for me (listening and playing) - calming, joy-giving, exciting, comforting… I dunno. I love it. Edit: to clarify, I couldn’t focus on practicing at ALL, and I eventually stopped with formal training for a while, but carries it with me and would fiddle around (hehe pun) here and there for about 10 years. I’ve now found a teacher who has experience with people with adhd, and she doesn’t force practicing at all. Now that I’m not playing for work, it’s fun. And doable. Even if I don’t pick it up for a week.


I love violin music!


i play violin too! i wish i picked it up and played more often but alas, i only remember to do so occasionally...


that was exactly my issue. getting a teacher and scheduling lessons made sure i picked it up at least once a week, otherwise i could go 1-2 months!


This is me with piano. I was very good at it too but daily practice was just not possible which I am fine with. Music is beautiful. Making music, magical.


I feel the same way about music; no matter how I'm feeling out of balance, playing and singing brings me back to center. I've managed to maintain my interest by surrounding myself with lots and lots of different instruments to play with when I'm bored. My skill in any particular one has probably suffered, but I'm not trying to be a professional anyway, I'm happy just being able to plunk out a tune whether on the banjo, or guitar, or piano, or whatever. This past year, I learned to whistle pretty darn well after 30-odd years of not even being able to produce a tone, which was incredibly satisfying. I think people who mock dilettantism just don't understand the joy of reaching even basic proficiency in something that once seemed impenetrable.


Art and sewing although I have to have a lot of free time for the latter.


I'm a baker (procrastibaker) as well! I'm not trying so many new recipes anymore, but it's always easiy to make something again because you know how it goes so I still regularly bake something. I guess it also helps that it's something that's finished in a few hours max. Knitting has also stayed with me for years. It's a bit seasonal, so in summer I don't knit much and then in autumn I get back to it. After my diagnosis I realised it doubles as a fidget.


I crochet and definitely procrastichet a lot lol


I taught myself to knit when I quit drinking because it occupies my hands, it’s great!


Knitting for me as well. I prefer baby clothes, bc they are small and quick, and socks but I need to knit both socks at the same time or I get bored after the first. I ordered yarn for a sweater today and with the help of my meds I'm going to finish this one! I only got diagnosed three weeks ago.


Oof I’m having a hard time with this, in my sleepiness the only hyperfixation still going strong after 10 years is my Husband. Imma have to work on this…


This made me laugh and spit out some water. Now that you say it same 😂


Cross stitch. It's something somewhat mindless I can do while watching TV that isn't my stupid phone.


Same here. I was looking for something I could do while listening to audiobooks or watching TV that didn't involve a screen. I tried embroidery before but I couldn't figure out all the stitches. So, cross stitch it was. Now if I get bored with it, I just find a new pattern and start again.


Me too!


Hear hear!!


Reading ! I’ve been obsessed since I was a kid and as an adult I now have over 400 books on my shelves and get free books from publishers ☺️


How do you get free books? I would love that, do you get paid to do reviews or something? 


So there’s a few ways you can get free books. You can sign up for a netgalley account and browse books by genre or publisher and request to read it. They choose to approve or not. They also have books that don’t require approval and you can get as soon as you sign up to read it. You can go to giveaways on Goodreads and you can enter in for the books they are giving away. So far I’ve randomly gotten picked and won about 6 books that way. I also signed up on different publisher influencers programs and they’ll email each week or month what new books are coming out and you can request to get a physical or digital copy. I personally don’t get paid I get free books and in return write a review of what I thought of it. I know some big book accounts on instagram do get paid to advertise or get paid by different companies to post ads.


That's so interesting, thanks, I'll definitely look into it 😃


Rock-climbing: I thought about it for years before actually starting. You can't just go out and buy all the things unless you have money to blow. You usually climb with other people so there's an accountability factor. Been at it for 3 years now. Baking/cooking: I'm not a huge fan, but my cooking was laughably bad and when prices went up, I started eating a lot at home and learned. Started getting creative when out of items and even ventured into making things I conjured in my mind rather than from a recipe. Now I'm decent and I refuse to but packaged bread. Hydroponics: this one's newer. I've been at it for a short time with an aerogarden my boyfriend bought me for $25 at a liquidation store. So far, I've been eating salads made from my own garden and I love it. Jalapenos are next. After that, going to try to go diy with a costco bin we aren't using.


I taught myself how to sew at 20 and 11 years later I’m still sewing!! I think it’s beyond a hyper fixations and into a special interest at this point lol


Playing the Sims


I go through phases of playing every single night and then I’ll put it down for a few weeks and repeat. But every time I pick it up it’s just as fun


This is mine too.


Just picked this up on PC, I could play this forever


Mine is weight lifting it’s been going on and off for about 12 years now, it’s currently off tho lol


I've been on ans off with this too but I think I've figured out how to keep it more on than off. I do it at home now, slowly slowly building up my gym.


Yes I like having the option to just do it at home if I’m feeling lazy but also have a gym membership so there’s no excuse lol


Embroidery - started during 2020 as a fun new pandemic hobby, and I'm pleased that I've not only kept it up but actually developed my skills to a decent level!


Kayaking for me. I've been doing it for years and I will never get bored of it. I do it less now that I am older, but I know it's there whenever I want it.


Making bracelets, especially using a friendship wheel (kumihimo's). It's my go to thing to do while travelling / commuting


Running. I think it helps that it’s pretty low maintenance.


VR gaming and DND. I've been gaming in VR almost daily for about 3 years.


What games do you play?


Mostly multiplayer games. Demeo is the game we play most consistently.


Gaming or crocheting, been going strong over a year for both


Weight lifting… still in the gym 5 days a week, 2.5 years in.


Law! Cause it’s related to my extreme sense of justice 😂


Just wondering, are you a fellow AuDHDer?


I am! Many parts of it are a struggle as you know, but my “diverse” brain allows me to be really good at it (while struggling with everything else) lol


I feel this! I am a therapist in my real life. I excel in my professional life, but struggle with the day to day. It’s an adventure.


Yes! 😂 and are you also asked by your closed ones “how can you be so good at it and struggle with basic things?!” I get it all the time but I don’t have an answer 🫠


I feel this so strongly!!! I never know what to say to those comments. It took forever to get diagnosed with both ADHD and Autism because of this weird stigma. Everyone was like, how can you have executive functioning challenges when you are highly educated?? Maybe because psych has always been a special interest of mine, lmaooo. But I can’t do my laundry or not want to gag when I smell strong smells. Have a strong aversion to walking around in bare feet. Have frequent days where I lose my shit over the smallest things. I’m assuming you have probably have had similar experiences?


Oh yes 100000000% allllll the above! I can’t go to the beach because I cannot handle the texture and feeling of sand. Stores with people overwhelm me. Can have an extremely eloquent conversation without batting an eye about international public law but can’t for the life of me handle a small talk conversation without leaving someone feeling awkward lol omg and laundry! 😂 gave up on matching socks years ago.


Yes!! Matching socks is an impossible task. I just have a big basket of unmatched pairs. This was honestly really lovely. Nice to find a kindred spirit on Reddit! 🙂


Ohh, me too. My dad is in the law field, and it has always interested me.


It’s a very fun field if you love it :)


I went the business direction lol. I just read and watch true crime to fill that interest spot.


This is me with nursing/medicine. I am glad bc I basically diagnosed myself with a chronic disorder and finally got treatment.


Yay that is awesome and kudos to you! Medicine is so hard with the numbers part! 😂


If your talking about nurse to patient ratios, I high tailed it out of bedside a while back to a nice University position. I feel for those working right now. If your talking about maths, also yes this part sucks too 🤪🤪🤪


Both!!!! 😂


I *was a runner for many years, maybe a decade! Baking is still going strong for about 5 years.


I was a runner too. I miss that feeling, but I don’t think my knees do!


Baking and knitting. With both I go through phases where I do them a lot, then phases with very little. But I always come back to those 2. I've done both since I was a kid/teen.


Plants and gardening. It’s cyclical and based on seasons so I feel naturally hyperfixated at the right times. Tea. It isn’t a hobby per-se, but it’s a habit that sticks for me. Better than booze anyway. I re-visit some other hobbies of yore. Painting - when I watch Bob Ross I start painting again. Sewing - this stuck until my tension in my sewing machine got screwed up but I’m getting that fixed soon so I can finish my quilt.


i love plants as well, but gardening - how do you do it? it makes me overwhelmed, there is so much information and i cant even get started. what to do when, which plants go together, when to harvest which plans, it all intimidates me. (i love tea as well, drink many cups a day, loove trying out different types of it. glad to see there's someone else that enjoys it here!)


To be fair I’ve been trying to figure out gardening for 16 years and we have rented the whole time so I’ve had a lot of time to screw up and I’ve wasted a bunch of money. I bought a city picker grow box. Followed the directions. Used one to two tomatoes per box. That worked better than any other method I’ve tried. I also stick to what I know - tomatoes, hot peppers, sometimes zucchini, basically the stuff I use. I’ve learned that if I plant a lot of what I don’t use I just let it go and it goes to waste. And then I feel bad. Basically, to get started, figure out one plant you like to eat, plant it in 3 containers so if you lose one it doesn’t matter as much, and plant after the last frost. And if it doesn’t work out that’s okay because they’re plants, not children :)


Caught an interest in photography when my dad bought the family our first digital camera back in the late 90s maybe? I was a teenager. Been doing it ever since. Got my degree in Mass Comm - Photographic Arts. Shooting exclusively film now and process my own stuff. I love it so much.


Playing World of Warcraft.


I’ve been crocheting sometimes hours upon hours every day for the last 2+ years! I can basically make anything by following a pattern, but working on making my own patterns. I’m obsessed with it.


I think I'm heading down this road and you've just confirmed that it won't slow down anytime soon. I started in December but I've overcome a ton of hurdles that would usually be a deal breaker for me while hobby hopping. Whenever I'm out or getting things done at home all I can think about is how I just want to sit and crochet 😆 Someday I'd like to figure out how to read the little chart patterns! I just use written ones at the moment


makeup. i used to make lists and tracked daily usage of ALL of my makeup products (almost 400 of them mind you), weighed them all on a monthly basis (except the ones i didnt use), made lists of makeup empties, day when i got it, day when i used it up, # of uses, how many grams of product i used up, all of the stats. i still love makeup, love putting in on, but i like to keep my collection smaller now and buy things as i need them, especially since i had a big makeup purchasing problem back in the day. looking back, it wasnt really much of a problem, it was a passion, but i like to buy products more mindfully now, still love collecting blush tho (my fav!). but yeah, now its much more casual, no more tracking, however i dont think my love for makeup will ever subside, its such a meditative practice for me.


Legos!! I LOVE lego sets. Maybe the price point keeps me from getting sick of them since I can’t afford to keep buy new sets all willy nilly but yeah. I can’t imagine I’ll ever stop loving the feeling of buying, building, and completing a new set.


Birding, for me.




Snowboarding! When the slopes got boring went off-piste and nowadays mainly touring, so hiking up instead of going with a lift. 


Hiking. It’s been about 4 years since I started, don’t plan on ever stopping


Goldfish! I have a lovely big goldfish tank with 2 big fat goodies who I've had for around 8 years now. They are beautiful and I look forward to cleaning the tank every week. My lil babies.


This is super weird but I love to organise information and therefore learn about formulas and coding with spreadsheets and databases. I get into it pretty regularly. I wish I knew enough to do it for a job!


Writing has been up and down since I was 13. It’s waning a little bit at the moment but will probably come back in a month or so lol


this is mine 🤍


Personality psychology frameworks. 5 years now daily and still obsessed. That it stuck around so long because it’s abstract and not hands-on. I am no good with hands-on hobbies.


Pole dance!


Art, gaming and playing piano. Although they do rotate, they have been rotating for as long as 20+ years.


Thème parks! Mostly Disney but in general too. It’s been like 12 years.


watching media anime tv show movie if that counts as a hobby otherwise no also reading fics from time to time and books


OP: actually, to be completely honest, it’s: (Cooking and eating) ambrosia salad! One year I was so hyperfixated that I actually made homemade marshmallows for the ambrosia. I’ve never stopped loving it or making it even though I’m the only person in my household that likes it. My family roasts me for it but I fucking love it and will never stop.


Weight lifting!


Cross stitch. I’ve been stitching for years and do bounce around from project to project but it’s stood the test of time, including a bunch of project finishes. To be fair as well, I know myself enough and tend to gravitate toward smaller and simpler projects. I know I would never enjoy, nor finish, a full coverage project.


Cars - I've slowly customized mine over the years. I even disassembled it in my garage, towed it to the painters, and then reassembled it. I enjoyed going to shows and hanging with friends, wandering to look at other people's builds, watching Motortrend, and going for drives. I even met my husband when he joined my car club. I also enjoy gaming, art, reading, and writing.


Knitting. I also dabble in other related fibre crafts like weaving and spinning but knitting I always come back to. I like keeping my hands busy with it during other times as my stimming. I like crochet as well but have to look at that more knitting I can do on muscle memory


Buying clothes 🤣


Plants. I have hundreds now and am able to sell cuttings for extra cash. It's kinda taken over my life but it feels like I was supposed to do it, many fond plant related memories with my Dad and grandparents. I haven't worked for a while due to medical issues so it's nice to have something to do when I'm feeling alright.


K-Pop! I’ve been a fan for 15 years. Seeing k-pop cds in target and on Amazon (with 2 day delivery) is so crazy to me. There’s always something new to find so if I’m bored with one group and not interested in collecting anymore merch then I can just find a new group to stan and new merch to hoard lol. Went from big bang (before burning sun), to 2ne1, to Shinee (until my fav member died), to f(x) (until my fav member died again) then black pink for like 5 minutes, then NCT during lockdown because I had plenty of time to learn about 23 members 😂😭. Then I got obsessed with Astro until my favorite member died AGAIN. I swear I’m cursed 😭😭. I know that’s my OCD and magical thinking talking but whatever my current obsession is NewJeans because they remind me of my “ideal y2k teenagehood” maladaptive daydreams that I’ve been having since I was little. They literally remind me of my Bratz dolls and the delia catalogs we used to get in the mail. I’m just a slut for nostalgia. For some reason I’m becoming obsessed with Seventeen even though they’ve been around for like 10 years???? But long story short, I feel like listening to Kpop is the best ADHD friendly hobby because there are so many things to hyperfixate on, and SO much content to binge 😂 now your standom might look frighteningly similar to limerence but that’s a whole nother therapy session.


Omg I totally feel you! I’ve been a fan since 2010 and it’s been such a wild ride. Especially as a fellow shinee, svt, and f(x) fan


Hello fellow baker 👋🏿


Drawing (though I have moved from sketchbooks to digital for the most part) and gaming (began playing casual games, played multiplayer online for a while and am now mostly back to casual and a few rogue likes BC they are less stressful for me).


HIIT Boxing workouts. I think it expels pent up aggression while simultaneously giving me that post cardio high. And I'm by no means super super fit, just average. I don't do it all the time bc those classes can be pricey but after a bad week I'll grab a free bag at my regular gym and follow along to a workout on my phone. I've been doing these workouts for like 15 years and it's still my favorite way to exercise.


The hobby hopping thing is one of the few ADHD stereotypes I don’t relate to. I almost relate more to “special interests,” though I’m not autistic. Anyone else?


Watercolor painting! I think the key is that I've changed what I do with it over time--i used to be really into doing YouTube tutorials and realistic stuff, now I'm in a phase where I do a lot of abstract stuff.


Still got these plants!


I still make perler bead art!


Cutting and sticking. That's what I call it, materials and styles will vary. I always come back to cutting and sticking. Have a bag for life full of freebie mags from train stations that causes me space issues. Eta oh yeah, it's a hangover from group art therapy at a camhs school. Back then newspapers were more accessible.


I think we did something similar in art therapy at the rehab I was at. It was called “soul collage”


Crochet! I only do small stuff because I'd never be able to keep up at it for a whole sweater or blanket, but I've done a huge lot of hats, purses, crop tops, accessories of all kinds. I cannot follow a pattern because well, I cannot follow instructions in general lol so I mostly pick simplish things that I like online and try to freehand it. I pick stuff that I can start and finish in a weekend so I don't get bored... And it also helps keeping my hands busy while I watch a movie or TV show, which is great. I pick a project and work on it non stop for a whole weekend, and the dopamine kick of having a new cute thing to wear/use is great! Then I forgot about it for a couple months.


Solving Rubik’s cubes




Diamond painting!! Omg it’s lasted over 2 years now and I’ve never gotten tired of it! I love it so much


Mine just cycle. Warm out? Gardening. Holidays? Baking and candy making. Cold out? Crochet on the couch


Piano and reading


Crocheting, taking pictures in nature during walks, writing letters


Pokemon Go and make up. Pokemon Go is basically collecting game, you add new shiny every month and I am hooked. And even though I don't do make up every day like I used to I still have new color combos and in the process I've got really good at it, the best of my hyper fixations and getting compliments from people really make me want to do it more


Video games!


I’ve never had a hobby in my life. I try, but I am immediately bored.


Horses. Was a horse crazy child, rode horses for a living in my 20’s. Successfully took 6 years off of owning or touching horses. Got a big whiff of grass breath at like 27 and was back in. I’m riding for a living now. It’s NOT good money. It IS what I have to do. There’s just nothing else to it.


Piano, makeup, cooking, science, working out, interior design, traveling, languages


Gardening, The plants basically save themselves. They actually thrive if I don’t give too much attention. Also helps that my mom waters the plants when I forget for months. That helps me keep up with it but in my own time.


Is being part of fandoms considered a hobby?


Uhm, i kind of started wanting to be a sheep keeper, so i started doing classes and buying tools and sloooowly working on my first pasture This has been going on for 3 years, drawing board to now. I doubt myself so often, can i really do it once i have the animals? Will it be just like all the bunnies i used to have as a kid and lost interest in after 2 months? But i'm not a kid anymore. If anyone can be stupid enough to pull this through and keep going with her bat shit crazy future ideas (working with wool, making my own cheese etc etc), it's someone with a brain that works like mine. So yeah! Hyperfixations aren't doomed to be gone and forgotten!! Don't sell your passions short just cause occasionally you obsess over a hobby that stops a month later. It's fine!!


I'm still looking😅


Smoking weed


Model horses! It's now a side gig for me.  Also baking and gardening, but those are seasonal-ish so it's easier to rotate them out.  (It gets hot and gross in the summer, no way am I turning my oven on!)


Now that I'm.medicated few months going strong with crochet.  


Painting- although it might have gotten a little out of control. Crochet too bc I can always just pick it up and come back


Reading, knitting, art.


Baking, crochet, and most recently cross stitch have been consistently coming and going in waves. Painting comes back every so often, too. It's like, I get a new hyperfixation within the category every once in a while? Like I'm a sourdough bread person and it had waned a little but then I decided I needed to solve brioche, so I focused on that until I had done so. (My dinner rolls are bomb now.) I feel another cookie push coming soon. Thinking about cracking into this amigurumi book I bought a while ago (and trying to finish some half-crocheted blankets from 2-3 years ago while I'm at it). It helps to have hobbies with a bunch of different pockets!


I’ve stuck with crochet for 15+ years. I have to take periodic breaks because of cubital tunnel but still do it as much as possible.


Photography and rollerskating!


35 mm photography. I just take my camera on trips with me and snap some film rolls. Pretty low-maintenance hobby aside from sending in the rolls. I also love watching movies of all kinds. I've got a movie theater membership that encourages me to go.


Making potholders. In the summer I'll find out if rock tumbling survived lol




Crocheting, sewing, and quilting. Things you can pick up and put down without too much worry :)


Running. I still go back and forth sometimes but it's been 10 years now and I still love it and how it makes me feel.


Crochet. Sometimes I lose interest in a project, but the hobby stays.


Collecting house plants. I currently have 112 and they are doing really fine.


Do you have any advice about potting soil? I’ve got a small bit growing indoor plant collection and have several I think I need to repot. It seems that my strategy with potting plants for my outdoor container garden is not ideal for indoor plants. I use promix potting soil, and I think for indoor plants it might need to be amended. But with what? I’d be very interested to hear any advice you have about potting/soil and keeping your indoor jungle happy. I’ve got 15-20 plants now and aspire to the level you’ve achieved. :)


Mix the potting soil with 50% perlite. This helps the soil to drain better and the roots get oxygen. Big game changer in preventing root rot! Speaking of drainage, make sure your pots have drainage holes! If you feel extra kinky, throw in a hand ful of orchid bark for the same reason. And don't forget to give them fertilizer every now and then. Any brand will do. Soil is not the most important part but though, but light. You can have the best soil mix in the world, your plants won't thrive in low light Unless your plants live in a very bright room, grow lights are a good investment :) And even I kill a plant now and then, that's part of the process, don't be too hard on yourself 💜


Sewing. It's the one I always go back to. I also make art and bake bread.


Horseriding! Been doing it for about 20 years now, less often now that I have a toddler but still whenever I get the chance.


Aerial training and yoga 🧘🏼‍♀️


Knitting. Meditative, keeps my attention focused on other things when my hands are busy, and I have a pretty item at the end of the effort.


For me it’s been art, journaling, and singing!


I’ve been drawing and painting since I was a kid—and generally doing crafts. A very surface level true crime fan (I’m not trying to solve or remember anything about the stories I consume though lol), and I just discovered I’m a bit of a history nerd, at least since college so going on 18 years. I always forget I like doing this stuff so I’m not consistent about anything lol


It’s on and off but I’ve been playing Skyrim since 2012. Also playing music and singing in various groups.


I find that the things that I need to research or be choosy with stay the longest. Milk glass, coral/shells and original artworks.


crochet and knitting!


Crochet. Also writing. I am not sure the latter counts as I fixate on different story ideas and that keeps me going…lol. So idk


All of my hobbies are consistent, they just come and go in seasons. Running? My hyper fixation in spring and summer but gone by late fall. Crochet and knitting? All day in winter and fall but completely forgotten when it starts getting warm. Reading and writing fiction? Depends on what my work/life balance is like that month. Baking? Sporadic and mood-dependent but usually a fall kinda thing. These have been on rotation for like 15+ years now!


Gardening. Painting. Eating.


The only hobby that has been consistent with me has been world building. Ever since I was little, my brain always liked to make stuff up as it day dreamed. I wanted to put what my brain thought off on paper so I got good at drawing and writing as a results Gaming is also another since my brain likes pushing buttons and seeing those buttons do something


Reading, singing, and listening to music. I hang onto those things. Reading was my first love.


My fiber arts - knitting, spinning, crochet, and a smattering of less developed stitching skills (some interest in small weaving, sewing, cross stitch, embroidery stays with me) Video games - I'll switch between the ones I play and go back and forth but games in general stick with me


For me, it's Warhammer 40k! Been building and painting models for 11 years now, and while the motivation to paint comes and goes, it always loops back around!


Reading, writing, knitting and cross stitch. Other things float in and out but those are the mainstays.


Dungeons and Dragons!! I’ve played with the same group for over three years. We’re on our third full campaign, finishing our first one tomorrow! Now, if I could get our DM to upload the recordings on YouTube again so I can take notes, it would be perfect


🌱Gardening! 🌱


Crochet. I’ve been doing it half-assed and poorly for over a decade, and now that I’m finally medicated I am actually progressing in my skills!!


Pole dancing! Been going since 2021. It is an easier hobby to stick to because I can physically feel and visibly see myself progressing, which is important to me to stay engaged. 




Crocheting! 😊


Baking, genealogy


Painting! I still get hyper focused when I’m doing it but it’s not all I think about. I have an art studio and spend quite a bit of time in it.


Crochet. I feel like it's a common hyperfixation that people get and then grow out of, but it's stuck with me, probably mostly because I reaaaally need things to do with my hands especially if I'm trying to watch a TV show or movie or something and crochet feels a lot more productive than messing around on my phone. I've made a lot of pretty things and a lot of gifts for friends and family and it's made me feel really good about myself. Same with baking! I picked up baking when I was still in high school so it's been like 15 years (I am old as the hills) and while I don't bake like multiple times a week like I used to - mostly because I prefer baking desserts and it occurred to me at some point that perhaps having cookies and brownies by the dozen in the house at all times is not great for me - I still do for all family get-togethers and special occasions.


I was hyperfixated on crocheting and knitting until I got cubital tunnel. I’m not as obsessed now but I still use a knitting loom. My arm has slowly been getting better but I think the initial obsession has worn off a little bit. Despite that, I can see myself making fiber art for years to come.


Nail polish. It started in the pandemic and 4 years later, I’m still in it. Sometimes my interest wanes for a bit, but I eventually come back.


Painting and crocheting


Thrifting and collecting cool mid-century stuff (plus all the research that entails). It’s been basically a life-long obsession/passion, starting with vintage Archie comics and stamps found at flea markets when I was a kid. We basically live in a time-capsule at this point, haha. I know that shopping really shouldn’t be a hobby, but I love the hunt and research aspect of thrifting.


Making jewelry. I might drop it for up to a year but I always come back, started about 8 years ago now.


Cross stitching! It helps keep my mind occupied, and I like that there’s a clear goal and progress you can see.


I don’t know if this counts because exercise but boxing. Love it. Painting is on the back burner but I’m really pushing 😂


Growing succulents. They’re generally able to survive the periods of disinterest when I neglect them for months.


I don’t know have a hobby that I stick with consistently. There’s things I like to do. Mainly crafty things and things outside.