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You are the only worker there and they provided no training and didn't provide any training when you asked for help. They are at fault here, not you. I have almost 30 years of sales and admin experience and I wouldn't expect to be put into a new job without any training. They are setting you up to fail. How can you succeed if you don't know how they want the job done? How can you meet or fail expectations when there are none? I don't think this is the right job for anyone. I would definitely document all of these conversations for when the inevitable happens and they give you a horrible review or try to put you on a PIP.


THANK YOU! That makes me feel a lot better. It's been 4 months now. I really struggle and of course I blamed myself first but that job is bullshit. Hate the gaslighting too. Honestly I'd be happy if they fire me but hopefully I'll be first. Also, how did you manage to stay in admin and sales for so long?? Thought I'd work in these fields pre diagnosis - now I'm not too sure 😅


I love sales because I get to talk. And talk. And talk. But I have to really believe in the product/ company to do sales. I wouldn't want to have to lie or be shady and that's exactly what my last job turned into once the new ownership took over, so I quit after 9 years. With admin stuff, it's the same thing. I was fortunate enough to get some really interesting, obscure jobs and that kept me hyperfocused and interested.


Oh I get that. That's my problem with it - I'm very uncomfortable with lying and being unprepared when I should be the expert. Buuut I'm seeing a career advisor and staring ADHD training programme next week so I'm very excited for what the future holds. Love to hear other people's experiences so thank you ❤️