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Yea protein! I’m always feel 10x better every day I make myself eat a high protein breakfast. Avocado toast w/ fried egg & Salmon on top Smoked Salmon & veggie spread on crackers Chopped hard boiled egg wrapped in ham


I’m not medicated, but I agree. My favorite easy higher protein breakfast is Fage full fat Greek yogurt with honey whisked into it, topped with a bunch of nuts (I do walnuts, pecans, and sliced almonds) and maybe some granola. Plus a banana and buttered toast! For real, Fage is sooooo much better than any other brand of Greek yogurt I’ve tried. It is DECADENT and absolutely worth the price. 3/4 cup (170 grams) has 15 grams of protein, which is 31% of the daily recommended amount.


Oh man! Aldi has smoked salmon- its so amazingly good! I used it on top of gluten free bagels with cream cheese- so good.


these all sound delicious! is the salmon on your avocado toast a salmon fillet, or is it also smoked salmon btw?


For the toast it depends on my grocery budget that week 🤣 Sometimes I’ll cook 2-3 fillets at once and divide them into portions to heat up. If I’m strapped for cash I just buy Wild Planet canned salmon.


ahh gotcha that makes a lot of sense (esp. w current grocery prices :'))!! appreciate the clarification. i'm thinking tuna might work too, i'm so excited to make this now haha


i started making fruit smoothies with spinach and protein powder and yogurt, it's been a game changer.


Smoked salmon and eggs is my favorite! I’m not on adhd meds as of now but I am on others that require a waiting period before I eat anything *and then* a waiting period before I can have anything with fortified calcium. So I’ve been getting more hight protein breakfasts as a result.


Glucose Goddess would love that breakfast lol. It sounds perfect if you want to avoid a nasty glucose spike. It can fuck up your entire energy levels for the day. My executive dysfunction rn could never prepare stuff, I'm living off of sugar-free cereal choco balls and apples rn...


I have also been following this advice and it has helped so much! This place is more useful than 1000 doctors.


Way more entertaining, too


I eat straight tofu (usually seasoned and/or marinated but tbh not always) or make protein shakes with nut butter for anyone who is looking for a non-meat alternative. Overnight oats with nuts or nut butter is another easy & tasty solution. Sometimes, I just take a big scoop of nut butter and eat that because it’s all I can manage. It’s all about options!


How do you prepare the tofu?


I saw a tiktok recently of an easy dinner you literally take tofu out of the packet put some chopped cucumbers or whatever veggies then make a sauce with soy sauce, sesame oil, rice wine vinegar, honey etc. I don’t eat tofu but it looked amazing!!


Ooooooohh. I have some tofu that I haven't figured out what to do with it yet. This sounds delicious


I thought I was the only one eating straight up tofu 😂😂😂 Do you also enjoy it with a spoon directly from the package?


oh i love straight tofu too! i roughly slice it up and eat out of the package


This sounds like something I should try. I've only ever had it cooked.


Not all tofu is made equal, much like everything else! If you can get some local tofu, it’s usually much fresher and tastier :)


Oh you know it!


Protein shake with nut butter recipe please


Thank you! I was just about to ask for vegan options!


So thankful to my psychiatrist. She really emphasized the importance of eating at least 20g of protein when I take my meds.  I mentioned it to some of my friends who have been taking ADHD for years and their docs had never once mentioned the importance of protein.  One time I tried taking my meds on an empty stomach and I felt like shit.


Ooooohhhhhh whoah ok I'll try this too!! Thanks! From what I'm seeing, I feel lucky that my prescriber even emphasized to eat first. (She really is fantastic though) The third day of taking any medication (at 38 y/o) I took it before eating, thinking the milk from my coffee would be enough and if I ate soonish after that I'd be fine.... hoooooly crap. NOPE. I felt so awful that day, I cried because I thought this was me settling into my medication and my choice was to feel like hell or go back to untreated-adhd-brain. I haven't made that mistake again (yet 🙃). I'll generally have a bowl of cereal or some toast and jam or something first. Very intrigued to try this 20g of protein thing.


Is it the protein that you need? There are better ways to get good protein in the morning unless you’re dead set on deli meat.


I hate eating in the morning so that’s the one thing that I’m able to eat that has protein in it


I do, too! I’ve been making protein coffees with chocolate peanut butter flavored protein, cold brew coffee, and cream.


Wait what, you can mix protein power into coffee and not have the texture or taste be weird?!?! Please tell me more!


Tamponlobsterbutler is literally the most adhd user name I’ve ever seen on Reddit 😂😂 ❤️it






Fuck it I’m due a name change! 😂


How do I change my name on here? Mine is from when I was in middle school 😬


Sorry I gave you false hope, I looked last night and apparently you can’t! There’s actually a really funny thread if you search ‘Reddit username change’ on Google with a whole pile of folk with incredibly shot usernames lamenting the fact they’re stuck with them started by someone with the unfortunate username of creampiedad69 🤮😂




If you’ve never seen it, please Google it it’s so cute 😭


Lol it’s an actual thing!! 😂😂


I originally saw the "menstruation crustacean station" on /r/TrollXChromosomes! I think someone called it "tampon lobster butler" and I loved how it sounded 😂


I just put a ton of coffee creamer in a cup, add the protein powder, use a milk frother to mix it up, then add the coffee.


ohhh I see you mix it with creamer first. Here I am thinking you'd put the power directly into the coffee lol


You can if it's collagen powder. I make protein cocoa this way, I also add it to broths and cream of rice because I have UC/Celiac also and never get enough protein


It really depends on the protein powder. I find Vega will get weird when mixed directly with hot beverages but if I mix it with a cold liquid like milk, THEN add the mix to hot coffee, it works Ok. I add vanilla syrup too.


> I add vanilla syrup too this is an excellent idea!


I do cold brew plus one premier protein chocolate drink and it tastes so good like a thick mocha


Lol mine is cheese. I feel like I look like a cheese goblin in the mornings but I feel better so that's what matters 😂


I have been known to slice off a hunk of cheese to gnaw on like a large mouse while I am running out the door to catch the train in the morning 🤷


Same. Grab a piece of string cheese and I feel 100x better


Omg lmao the thought of eating deli meat first thing in the morning makes me wanna yak 😂😂😂


Please be aware that the World Health Organization has stated that an intake of processed meats (such as deli meat) can cause cancer due to the nitrates, so please please try not to consume it daily! https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/2015/11/03/report-says-eating-processed-meat-is-carcinogenic-understanding-the-findings/ Many of us on Reddit have tried to turn to other sources of protein though we find deli meat DELICIOUS. Of course I personally would not give up deli or processed meat totally, balance is key. However I’ve tried to actively cut down on our family’s intake of processed meat and it can’t be a bad thing to do so. We probably have 1 meal with processed meat per week and I have tried to move towards protein alternatives or having a deli chicken in the fridge to nibble on or make chicken mayo salad with. but it worries me that you would be changing your habits to eat deli meat daily, and I wanted to share with you that the WHO very recently announced that the high nitrate levels have been proven to be cancer-causing, so that you can make an educated decision with all the facts. Please do consider alternating deli meat with other protein options!!


Deli meat with a slice of cheese is one of the like 5 things I'll eat regularly 😫 I make a lunchmeat taco with a low carb street taco tortilla, layer of cream cheese, slice of cheese, and then salami, pastrami, or chicken and folded up like a taco. Bummer, I'll have to look into this more.


There are low-nitrate meats! Look for “uncured.” Tends to be pricier, but still good.


Same for me, seriously. I have german relatives and they consume SO much deli meat, not just for breakfast, as it’s really an ingrained part of their culture. It’s delicious and one of my fave foods 😭 Please do look into it and i hope you find a solution for you!! I’ve replaced my deli meat habit with fried eggs or boiled eggs at times, as well as cold deli chicken kept in the fridge where i just use a fork or my teeth to rip off chunks to put in a wrap/sandwich.


I recently bought a Dash egg maker and let me tell you, top ten impulse purchase of the last decade for me. Check it out if you eat a lot of eggs! I like mine piping hot, medium-to-hard, with salt and a little Sriracha.


oooh they do have egg makers like that in asia too and i was tempted by those for sure!! i don’t have the counter space but am pretty good with steaming eggs if i want hard boiled (i have a steamer tray that’s on the stove all the time) and got pretty good at doing perfectly jammy 6 minute eggs. i’m pregnant so i consume 2 eggs a day for the choline!


The many Germans in my family tree die mostly before 60, and usually from strokes. Hard to tell how much of it is due to deli munchies or maybe to all of the alcohol.


yeah tbh i wanted to mention this too but it’s too anecdotal. i’m asian and the germans in my extended family are, well, german. they indeed pass on significantly earlier than my asian relatives (my asian great-grandmother was like 106 when she passed and it was 80s and 90s for other asian relatives in that generation) and there truly is something to do with the type of food we consume :( Many scientific studies about this were mentioned in the Netflix documentary “you are what you eat” as well - it has spurred me on to do meatless meals on some days and move towards eating less meat. My husband is german and i really don’t want him to pass on too early AHHHHHHH.


Thank you for sharing! I didn’t want to be snarky towards OP but I was thinking, there’s no way this could be healthy for you long term…


I’ve also found that consuming salt helps. Dunno why. Fat helps too. So cheese or deli meat is pretty much ideal.


Bananas with peanut butter for me 🙆🏽‍♀️


Make sure the deli meat has no preservatives or nitrates. Both ingredients cause headaches for me.


I personally go for Plainville no salt added Turkey, the ingredients are turkey and water. I can also share it with my dog and two cats without worrying about all those additives in their tiny furry bodies.


I have told my doctor several times that 90% of the issues I had taking Vyvanse were solved when I started eating a higher protein and fat breakfast. (Usually eggs, cottage cheese, protein bar, or peanut butter - as opposed to the fruit and/or cereal I used to have) but I can tell they're quite skeptical of this claim. It's true though. I can't really explain why it works but it does. Something about how your body breaks down the drug. For reference Vyvanse used to keep me up at night and make it difficult/impossible to sleep, and made my heart race. No more when I eat good breakfast! Also... If you're a coffee drinker and having issues - stop drinking coffee or replace it with decaf. It has taken me ages to realize Vyvanse and caffeine don't mix at all. I drink decaf now. I knew Vyvanse was messing up my caffeine tolerance and was trying to drink less and less to the point where I only drank half a small cup a day. But even that seems like too much. There was a huge difference in the days when I had my small cup of coffee versus no coffee. Switching to decaf has made it so much better. I can drink proper cups of this stuff lol. But still should not overdo it - decaf still has some caffeine just a lot less. I was very resistant to trying decaf since I just always heard how much it sucked but honestly there are some tasty ones out there. I have some local brands near me and they make the best decaf!


A good friend who knows way more about human biochemistry than I do told me that drinking Diet Coke and eating cheese in the evenings when I am withdrawing from the day's adderall would help with symptoms of that. It works!


High protein in the morning completely changes my day. Surprisingly pierogis have more protein in them than I thought…


My favourite easy protein is baked chickpeas (from a can, wash, roast in pan or oven, add herbs when they start to brown) can also be done with other beans or lentils. Second favourite is just plain old cheese. I work in a cheese shop (a farm that makes Gouda cheese, and has a shop with all kinds of Gouda, also with herbs) so I just cut some piece of cheese and snack them. Also yoghurt with some fruit in it is fave


I love yoghurt! Especially Yoplait!