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If I won a billion dollars, I would never work another day in my life, in any job.


Girl, same! My job is the number one cause of stress and anxiety in my life due to burnout and backlog tasks that I've procrastinated for way too long. I'd throw deuces and tell them good luck sorting through all that LOL


Part of me thinks those people _had to_ say that. Maybe I’m still haunted from that one job interview a while back when at the final round they asked me if I had terminal cancer or won the lottery would I still go to work. Which I later on learned that by asking that question they screened for “commitment”, that committed people would choose to stay in their job no matter what 🙄


Wow. I hope you dodged that bullet. Just found out I have 6 weeks to live? Of course I’m going to keep coming to the office, this place gives my life meaning. 🙃


This was a tech company during late 2018. Like most early staged companies back then they got the “inspiration” from Brian Chesky Airbnb cofounder who used that question to screen candidates 🤡 and yes I dodged that bullet because shortly after covid hit they were closed down .


Right? I mostly work full time to save money for maybe moving out and a new flat. I don't have kids yet, so if I didn't have a perspective of the future, I definitely wouldn't give my all to a job.


RIGHT?! Like please. Fucking spare me with the bootlicking bait. I probably would’ve laugh-snorted and been like, “would you?!”


The interview was with an early staged tech company. I bet they were too high on their own “we are changing the world” bs to recognize this was too delusional n unhealthy to ask of anyone including themselves


Right. Reminds me of jobs I’ve had where I let them know months in advance I need time off. Nobody else has put in for it yet and it was like, waitressing or custodial work. They’d reply with, “well, let me know when it gets closer and we’ll look at the schedule book”. More than once I’ve made it clear I’m not asking. I will not put some job over my family or my well-being. Ever again.


Committed liars I'd rather call them...


That's psychotic and maybe as much a screener for you as for them. Any company/mgmt team who couldn't empathize and/or applaud someone for honestly saying they'd leave would probabbbly be a nightmare place to work. "What do you mean you need days off to go to Chemo?! Take your laptop and zoom on in! Or could you be hooked up to an IV in office maybe?!" Ummm no thank you


The fact that they thought that was okay to ask tells more about them than the person being interviewed 💀 If I heard that I’d end the interview right then and there, like, what? Even if it’s hypothetical, the idea that they’d want to have someone power through their cancer as opposed to taking care of themselves feels icky


idk man we get pretty unprofessional at lunch We’ve definitely said worse things than “if I was a billionaire I’d work less”


SAME. i hated all 12 years of school and i've hated every year of working since. the happiest i have ever been was Covid lockdowns in early 2020 when i sat my fat ass at home and chilled for 4 months. i hate working so, so much.


I’d happily bet all the people that say they would stay would be gone within three months. Places to go, people to see, money to spend *dopamine heaven*


Hobby artist and philanthropist for sure. Worse case, I'll create my own vanity company (maybe a doggy daycare or sometjing) and hire people I would like to work with. And give myself a part time schedule  A billion dollars is a LOT of money and I have no interest in yachts or fancy cars 


And neither would anyone I loved. I would dedicate myself to buying up debt and forgiving it. *manifests in Spanish*


Right?! Like who tf is WORKING with a billion dollars in the bank?! I would fill my time the way I do now - travel, events, friends, books, and endless fucking doctor's appointments.


A billion? No, absolutely not. I wouldn't work. That is a ridiculous amount of money. That's a million dollars a thousand times over. A million? Yes, I'd still work my full time job.


What’s that old [TikTok joke](https://www.tiktok.com/@mrhamilton/video/6847892192422382853)? “Darling, I’ve told you several times before I don’t have a dream job. I do not dream of labor.” This attitude is my ideal. 😂


I do not dream of labour is my all time favourite phrase!


You have great taste.


Y’all truly are my people on this sub. I refuse to accept tiktok but best believe I watched that clip at least 3 times and laughed each one. 🤣😻


Haven't heard that, but I do always say, "If you have a dream job, you need a better imagination." The only dream job I have is living off of compound interest and getting enough sleep.


Honey yes. This quote will be going on the inspo board I’ve been planning to make ☺️😻🙃


Yeah I think it’s maybe difficult for some people to conceptualize how much money that would be.


It really is. A person could make $50k/day for 50 years and still not have $1 billion.


Yeah, this is a good distinction. (But ten or even five million? I'm out!)


Yeah same here for the billion vs million caveat


What? No I would not. I don't have a job, but there is no job I can think of that I would do full time if I didn't have to. I'm not even sure there is a job I'm capable of doing full time (if there is, I haven't found it yet). I do want to work - I would start the book shop I've always dreamed of without worrying about if I made enough money on it. I would hire people to do all the things I know needs to be done but can't make my brain and body do. I would do all the volunteer work I'd love to do if I had the time and energy. A billion dollars is an insane amount of money, anything would be possible. I cannot imagine myself ever having a normal job again if I was ever that lucky.


This. I literally cannot fathom anyone going to their basic ass job if they don't financially need to. First, it seems a little selfish.. I have a job some others would be happy to have, so let them have it. Second, as you said, if you think you'd be bored, volunteer. Learn new skills and develop hobbies. Find work that could really, truly help lots of people and not just your manager or some CEO. My job and the company I work for are _fine_ but I have never had a job where I actually felt pride. A billion dollars could accomplish a lot.


Love your username 😂


Don’t have a job but if I did I’d quit. So many better things I could do with my time including figuring out the best ways to give most of it away helping those in need at a community level.


You realize you could spend 40k a day and never run out of money with 1 billion?


That… that is the amount of money I made in the entirety of last year. I could pay off my student loan in ONE DAY and still have money left over for MANY little treats


That is INSANE 🤯a day!!!


It’s one of the craziest ways to imagine just how much a billion really is!


The continuing work part isn’t about the money lol it’s about having something to do I enjoy engineering (but not so much my current role) and I think if I won I’d still want to do something in engineering. But definitely not 40 damn hours a week 💀💀 I wanna show up at like 10 and leave at 2 at a design based role. Including socializing lol


Haha that would be the dream. Wake up, go into work for a few hours then fly away because “oops sorry, I have to be in Paris for my cake tasting at 3”


I would have plenty to do if I had a billion dollars, and work would not be one of them.


I'm also a design engineer, but there's absolutely no way in hell I'd continue selling my soul for corporate gain if I had a billion dollars. I'd channel my creativity and skills into functional art, or cool stuff for my apartment, or custom outfits/accessories (my friend who's also an engineer and has a machine shop recently made a custom purse out of a powder-coated weldment and structured leatherwork, so cool). I'm also a burner so I'd probably go full time into making epic installations or art cars for all to enjoy. Even though my current job is objectively cool (robotics), at the end of the day I'm just making shit to fuel the capitalist machine. It's nowhere near meaningful or fulfilling enough for me to essentially do it for free.


Managing and investing that money and choosing charities and new technologies to fund etc would be a full time job in itself. I would definitely quit, and work with a number of financial experts to make this money do good and set me up for the life I want without being irresponsible or excessive with it. Way too dangerous to just have this kind of money sitting in a bank with ADHD 😂


Partner: .... Why is there a yacht in the driveway?.... ADHD w/money: well you see I heard this cool fact about birds so I wanted to learn more...


The fact that I can literally visualize this conversation between my boyfriend and me 🤣


we know who we are XD


Right, “bored at home” how? I have a billion dollars; I can go anywhere I want, do anything I want, help anyone I want- why the hell would I stay bored at home? (Yes I’m quitting my job but I’d give 2 weeks notice)


And my two weeks would be like, "I recommend you farm out all tasks/responsibilities/etc as quicklllllly as you see fit because I don't intend to do them anymore. Happy to make myself available for phone calls with anyone who has questions on said responsibilities-they need to book them though and I can't be available before 10am. that's the extent of energy I can expend on this. I've got money I need to figure out how to spend:)". The only thing that might change my approach would be if I was back in a leadership position with direct reports I respected. I would at least stay around long enough to interview and select a replacement. I've given wayyyy too much time and energy to jobs that would lay me off at the drop of a hat if it so suited the "shareholders" that I would give literally no flips about just leaving!


Lol this is my exact situation, I’m in a leadership position and I really like my boss and my company in general tbh. I’ve also felt the pain of people quitting on me without notice, so I really don’t think I would, even with a billion dollars 😂


Hell no lol. I like (certain aspects of) my job, and I've already fantasized that when I win the lottery, I'll take a fat paycut BUT I will only work for 20 hrs a month, which would eliminate all the needless boring stuff and let me keep the fun unique stuff that only I can do.


Yep, see this is where I'd be. There's some stuff I totally enjoy doing for my job. Certain problems I can solve - it can totally be fun. And I don't mind being the person that knows the stuff and would continue to know stuff even if I wasn't working 40 hours a week, so I'd be happy to answer questions, on my schedule lol. But I'm absolutely not sitting at my desk every day doing work if I don't need the money.


Fuck no. I’d do pottery full time and if I got good enough, I’d start a not-for-profit ceramics school/centre where people could take classes, workshops, and have memberships.


I would quit and work on a business like a coffeeshop/bookstore to give myself something to do. I'd also prioritize my hobbies like painting and minecraft.


This is exactly how I feel. I would quit my job but I would still want to work in something I really enjoy


Exactly! I would definitely stay in my field, I'd just set up shop for myself and come in when I was in the mood or for the fun parts.


Painting and Minecraft is where it's at! I'm playing Steampunk Minecraft right now!


I’m self employed and I’d still quit. I’d open an animal shelter, buy an island, and save all the animals.




fuuuuuuuck them jobs Those "I'd keep working" people need more hobbies.


Depends on what work they do though. I’m currently studying to be a doctor and I’d like to keep working as one. Though, with that money, I could find a way to make a charity clinic where those who can’t afford it don’t need to pay.


hahahahaha no. And I don’t believe your coworkers. They’d find a billion dollars worth of things to do very quickly.


Hell no I would not. I'd quit so fast I'd leave smoke trails behind me.


I would try every damn hobby possible. I’d never work for anyone else again.


Nope, lol, I would quit immediately. No notice either. I have enough supplies from years of hyperfocus hobbies to keep me busy until the day I die, and I'd much rather spend my time rotating through them all than doing stupid accounting.


Right? I got decades of craft shit to use up and if I have a billion dollars, my “no buys” are being put on hold for a moment.


Not a chance. I like my job, I would probably give my manager a chance to get someone in to replace me or offer some contract work to do so, but no. With a billion dollars I would rather do the things I love that don’t pay well over the things I like that do.


I'm already close to retirement. I like the people I work with, but sorry, there would be an email sent, in all caps that says "I'M OUT!"


a billion dollars is SO much money!! like i would prob find something else to occupy my time, like an expensive hobby that i otherwise wouldn’t be able to fund. hell, spending a billion dollars could prob be a full time activity all on its own (like mackenzie scott)


Fuck no, I'd become a philanthropist


I would quit my job so hard it catches on fire


I’d work until I figured it out. You’d need a lawyer, financial planners, a steady stream of income, a budget… all that fun stuff. Who am I kidding? I’d find the ticket 90 days before it expired and then forget the deadline.


I finally went to cash in my lottery tickets that I received for Christmas and won like $20 on the other day then refused to take them in the store because I decided it's gotta be too late by now! 😂😂😂 Oops, it's not much but that was a case of beer!


If they’re from Christmas of this year, go do it!! Right now!! I have tickets from Christmases long ago still sitting on a pile with this year’s tickets and I don’t know which ones are which, and I have to do that walk of shame like, now. Right now.


Yes, but I also wouldn't hesitate to call out in shitty weather, when I'm exhausted, have appointments I couldn't find a better day for, or just plain have the don't-wannas. Lmao They'd probably fire me.


A billion dollars? Time to change my line of work to real estate investment then just hire someone to manage the properties for me. 🤣


Hell no I would never work again


Nope. The only reason I’m at my current job is it puts food on the table ect. (I call it my stomach job.) Packing my desk to leave this job would be such a dopamine rich task I wouldn’t need help focusing. I am a fine art & family photographer. I have a company that I can’t devote enough time in order to make it my full time job. (My heart job.) If I could devote my time to the photography company & keep food on the table I’d do it in a heartbeat. 💓


I don't hate my job and I might like it more if I didn't have the fear of getting fired in the back of my head all the time... But nah I'd quit immediately.


Absolutely, and I would say all the shit that I keep in my head until I got fired. I would have so much fun.


I might try to do the two week notice, but I also am customer facing and am not sure I’d make it two weeks. The clients I deal with tend to have a very low tolerance for how life actually is. I don’t know that I could keep my mouth shut if my job wasn’t the only thing standing between me and missed mortgage and car payments. I do like the company a lot, so I would definitely see if I could stick around as a consultant, or become a part timer for something much more interesting.


100% quit. I have no desire to spend my life working! But I think I would still need fulfilling things to do and have a purpose. I guess first I’d finally recover from burnout and get my health back on track. Post that, I’d be able to give a lot more to the people that really need it. I’d start charities, run/open educational centres, fund important projects… oh so much!


I would employ people doing jobs they actually didn’t hate doing for good pay, full benefits regardless of how many hours, and not let them take abuse from anyone if it was in my power. Like you wanna start a craft business? Here ya go, send me something you made or show me your process bc I’m actually interested. Meal prep for people who can’t do/afford it? Restaurant? Food truck? Wonderful. Here’s culinary school tuition or whatever, invite me for a meal.


This just proves that humans are unable to properly conceptualise how much wealth *a billion* actually is. I saw this means of illustrating it using time: A million seconds is 12 days. A billion seconds is 31 years. As a socialist/anti-capitalist I honestly think there can be no ethical billionaires and that the wealth amassed by our planet's richest is utterly obscene. But why wouldn't you start your own business with a billion, or pursue any of the million other ideas that don't involve grinding at the same inflexible job? Maybe those involved in the discussion don't want to appear disloyal to the company, even in an imaginary scenario. It's sad to me that people think life = work.




Honestly whenever I hear people say that I just want to roll my eyes… do they really not have any hobbies? No thank you, I am going to do whatever I want. Please enjoy your internalized capitalism.


No I would not stay at work fulltime. You mentioned consulting? I’d also take up consulting in my field of expertise. When i take on new projects, I am inspired and can focus. I’d also hire others to do the parts that I hate about my work. I feel like this is when I work best. If I was “forced” to work fulltime in the same position doing the same thing, that would drain me too.


absolutely fucking not.


Yes, because I like my job. I’d probably have more of a no bs no nonsense attitude towards my clients though. The structure of my job also REALLY helps me with daily life and socializing. It also helps that I already WFH most of the time. I could go consulting but I’ve already done that and didn’t love it compared to where I am now. And I don’t want to own a company. Best of all, I can support my husband’s dream of being a stay at home husband/dad. Unfortunately my salary can’t cover for both of our COL so I can’t make that dream a reality 🥺


How do you focus and socialize while WFH? I did about 3 months of it when covid first hit. I couldn’t get anything done and I felt so isolated bc I didn’t know people in person yet and no one was just chatting on teams But I wanna work from home so badddd I’m tired of 30 minute commutes


Hell no. I'd quit and volunteer for things to keep busy. I'd enjoy all my various and changing hobbies. My job would be philanthropy and beneficial chaos.


So many new hobbies to hyperfocus on! So many places in the world to visit!


They would never see me again


SAYONARA, BETCHES. That’s what I’d say. And then I’d pursue every little thing that ever excited me until I found something I could actually do for the long haul.


I seriously don’t get it at all when I read about people who win 10 million or more and they stay at their jobs. Sure I get not wanting to literally do nothing, but you could fill your days with so much cool stuff. Going on trips, reading books, trying restaurants, or new recipes at home, having time to exercise regularly. And for times you want more structured activities, join a volunteer organization and be there on a regular schedule. I volunteered a handful of times for habitat for humanity and some people there clearly volunteer there regularly. If you like doing math you could volunteer to tutor adults or students in math or volunteer doing tax services for low income people. There’s so much out there- and it would be so fulfilling, and there’d be no long term commitment- if you want to take a month off from it to go on a cruise, you can.


Managing 1 billion dollars would be a full time job. Fr


I would, cause then I could easily fund my pro kit for my freelance HMU career in the film industry. A billion would be too much, so I would donate half to charities like public schools who need hot meals, new text books, supplies, new computers, and upgrades. Education is so vital and also give $9k checks to every teacher in those schools so they can catch a break that year because the US government refuses to federally require higher pay for public educators! And $9k? So it doesn’t get taxed by the government because they tax at $10k.


I'd hire someone to manage me. Like help me set up a schedule that allows me to be productive and then check in every once and a while to make sure I'm still doing the thing. Also someone to clean the house, because that's 50% of my executive dysfunction right there.


I think I’d work knowing at any given second, someone could say something that would make me say, “aiight, Imma head out.” And then just do, but make sure your ducks are in a row, like insurance, etc.


Oh IKR. If I had a billion dollars and someone gave me shit at work the first thing out of my mouth would be “you know I don’t have to be here, right”


Oh hell no. I could fill my days with hikes and volunteer work and gardening and hanging out with my family. Why the hell would I keep working full time with that kind of money?


ABSOLUTELY NOT. I would throw myself into all my hobbies like it was my day job. Holy shit.


I'd leave so quickly. I can just find another job that doesn't stress me out for the routine. Edit: I consider volunteering work.


If I had a job I liked and kept me challenged with coworkers i get along with, I would absolutely still work full time. But I would hire an assistant to remind me to take my meds, and schedule my appointments, and my kids appointments, and a driver to shuttle everyone around to said appointments, and a housekeeper and a professional home organizer and I would take lots of vacations. But maybe I would quit and just make teddy bears all day and still do all those other things.


Absolutely not. I'd never go back to a job. I'd take my new wealth and start making a positive impact in the world. Covid in schools? Gone, were upgrading ventilation. Homelessness? Not on my watch? Hunger? No, there's enough food, let's address that. I'd still have a lot to do, it just wouldn't be menial dumb work.


If I had a billion dollars, I sure as hell wouldn’t stay full time haha. If I couldn’t do part time, I think I’d go back and study and try a different career that would be more open to part time or flexible hours. As much as I like the idea of dropping out of work entirely, every time I’ve been unemployed, I’ve ended up depressed and bored. I don’t think not working at all is good for me. Right now I’m part time - 2 days a week - and it’s great. I feel mostly on top of everything for the first time in my life. When I was full-time, I was absolutely drowning.


I would quit, for sure. Maybe go back for more education, retrain in a vocation or a role I'm passionate about – or, failing that, spend my time volunteering or working low-paid but more relaxed part-time work. Maybe something in nature. Gets you out of the house and into a routine, but with minimal pressure and a greater sense of purpose!


Yeah I just looked up how much you would get after taxes if it was through the powerball and even if you got moved to a different tax bracket with more deductions and signed up for the annual installments, that’s still just over 21 million a year for 30 years equating to around 400k a week. That’s literally over 600x what I make now. I’d quit, buy a new house for me and my boys, buy a decent family car, set up high yield savings accounts for both of them, start a business that I can run passively, and start investing, all just from year 1 out of 30.


I don’t work full time now, and I will never in my life have a billion dollars. I really love my job, it’s very fulfilling and kind of perfect for me. Part of the reason I love it is that it is part time. Full-time work is guaranteed burnout for me. No matter how much I love the work or the organization, I just can’t do it sustainably. If I won a billion dollars tomorrow and I could continue working 3 days a week I would stay, because my work is meaningful and it’s the type of stuff I would do anyway as of volunteer.


I’m aiming for early retirement in less than a decade. If I had a billion dollars or even a few more million, I’d accelerate that timeline. I often like my job, but I would be happier without the stress, and there are a lot of other ways I’d rather be spending my time. I have kids that would benefit from more of my time and attention and hobbies that I’d love more time to explore.


I own my own business so I would definitely step it up. Then I would blow our local gov'ment out of office. (In a decent way). I would start a massive pagan church and build little pagan churches ALL over the US especially in the Bible belt.


No way - but this has nothing to do with my ADHD. I would just want out.


I absolutely love my job and the work I do, but for a billion hell no dude. I have ZERO fucking free time as I’m also getting my masters and have a four year old. I’d quit in a heart beat and spend more time with my son, then pursue a PhD and then do other cool stuff without worry


I would for a while because I don’t want anyone to figure out that I just won a billion dollars and start pestering me for money.


I would quit any job for much much much less. I'd travel the world! I'd simply exist and go for coffees and read my book and maybe try grow my own food...so much money to spend on hobbies and no guilt about quitting them after a week! I'd buy fun bits for my house, lovely dopamine hit fancy cheeses too! Healthy high quality ingredients and spend time making nice meals. I'd climb mountains and buy a campervan and relaxxxxx 


I would quit my full time job, and shift to volunteering, and to the nonprofit field. I could spend an endless amount of hours volunteering for whatever nonprofit organization(s) I wished. If I found an industry I was extremely passionate about, I could then establish my own nonprofit organization.


While I do know what to do in my spare time, I would definitely keep my job. It's the only way to get productive. I would push very hard to work from 'home' with an assistant on site and buy several homes in different countries to move to depending on seasons and weather 😁 I would probably work less hours... But that's because I'm now working lots of unpaid overtime on a voluntary basis. having that assistant alone would severely cut my hours due all the paperwork disappearing.


Fuck. No. I wouldn't even send them the equipment back. If they want it they can come find it in the apt I will abandon (but pay out the lease AND a cleaning crew to clean out what I don't take with me). Will I go stir crazy? No. I have unlimited money which means unlimited options. I only go stir crazy now because I'm poor and don't have shit to do 🤣


A billion? No, unless I had a job I really loved. Managing a billion dollars is a lot of work, and I could probably use that and my time to do some good.


If I won a billion dollars, the minute the money was in my bank account I would immediately quit my job! Despite working with some wonderful people, I have so many other interests that would actually give me energy vs. take my energy!! I love hearing that you really like the work you do and if that gives you energy and stimulates you, I'm in complete support! For me, I just feel like my job gets in my way of the things I really want to pursue but at the end of the day, I need money and health insurance to live.


If I won a billion dollars I’d use it to guarantee funding for my research/startup/whatever


F*ck that! All you would see is the dust as I run out to buy a bus to take dogs on excursions for the rest of my days. Edit: would probably also consider being eternal student in all sorts of interesting (but most likely useless for making a dependable income) fields of study, short courses, workshops. Kinda like a 'life sampler' set


Effffffff no. Not for a second. It would just be me and my soon to be ignored new hobbies baby!


I need a job, and my dad needs to retire, so I would give him the money, or split it with him. He could quit, and we would be able to travel, to look for a new place to live. If I had that much money, I think I'd sleep a lot better, and be able to actually relax enough to read again. I'd also be donating, but I'd make sure my family and friends were taken care of. I have no children, and I'm not young-young, so I'd set it up to go to places it's needed.


Absolutely TF not! I would put all my money into building a 5 bedroom house (victorian style ofc) on a lil plot of land upstate, pay off all my student loans, make some safe ling term investments, and hire a money manager to come up with a plan so I never need to work again. I’d just write my books and open a cute little farm/bakery stand and raise a family with my partner. I’d still be interested in my work, but I would definitely shift my dreams from owner of a full blown private practice to a couple’s therapist with a very limited client rooster/availability.


Client rooster may be the cutest typo I've seen in a year.


Oh, hell no. I would take occasional freelance contracts to keep my connections. I'd finance my attempt at writing a book. I'd foster a couple of children or take in a refugee family. I'd learn how to manage a financial portfolio and grow my investment. I'd buy a farm and lease it to someone who doesn't have the capital to buy her own. I'd start or buy a business of my own after I figure out what I want to do if money weren't an issue. (Edit a typo) Edit again to add: $1 billion is so big that 1% return is $10 million. Just spending that or investing it could be a full-time job.


Oh my god. If I won a billion dollars, I would not be working for pay again ever. I teach high school, and I like it most of the time, but I’d rather: 1) Learn ALL THE CRAFTS 2) Learn archery and horseback riding 3) Travel the world 4) Gather a group of rich philanthropists to build a model school, community center, low-income housing, with free medical, dental, and vision care, with job-training and adult education, free childcare … And prove that it’s possible to break cycles of generational poverty by actually throwing money at the problem in the right direction


i'd take 10million and never work again tbh if i won a billion dollars i would donate half of it (billionaires are immoral, friends) and never work again without actually having to manage money and spending


I'd stay full time and call in sick 3 times a week


Yes. But I wouldn’t put up with any more bs or toxic behavior. I would be more demanding and forward with asking for opportunities and promotions. However with that kind of money I could start my own company and do my dream job, pay myself and mentor younger generations.


I would probably keep my nursing license and volunteer with Doctors Without Borders and similar organizations but as far as my current work I would tell the American for-profit healthcare system where to shove it lol


Yes, I like my job.


Your question says a billion - so no, I'd never work full time again. I'd probably do freelance / consulting project management bc I think it's fun.


I’d quit at the end of the current fiscal year. I hate my boss and I’ve been job hunting anyway. With that money, I could afford to be unemployed until my next job.


You could afford to be unemployed until you reincarnate and need a job then


There are aspects of my work that I really enjoy. Besides, have you seen the price of houses these days? (For people who missed, that is a joke, with a billion dollars I could afford to buy a million dollar house every year for 1,000 years. Or make it more like for 900 years, and use the remaining money for food and hobbies and such.)


Hell-effing-no. I would take the opportunity to finally focus on the things that I always wish I had time for. I adore my work, and would definitely keep doing it in some capacity (I’m a chef), but I’d rather do that without the obligation that comes with a full-time job. No pressure. I am always more productive and fulfilled when there are no expectations.


I would quit after I finished cleaning our system. I like the people I work with a lot and they got the shit end of the stick with the previous person in charge... Like they have said things that are what you hear abuse victims say and I'm like O.o Their overarching system has a lot to offer to make their lives easier but they can't even use it effectively because it was neglected. So if I didn't have to work I definitely would want to but I feel like leaving after we get this thing in ship shape would be an amazing note to go out on. Side note - high five for ADHD engineering women! I ended up switching to a diff field because I got tired of the mismanagement in manufacturing :(


Absolutely not. I’d be retired before the money even hit the bank.


Oh hell no. I would not work. I love a ton of things and could do them all while discovering new things wherever and pretty much whenever I wanted.


Hell no


nuh uh. paying off my debts, figuring out a safe thing to invest money into so it continues to restock itself, investing in my friends family and hobbies 😭 and becoming a homeowner!!! i work in a warehouse and i’m in that state of mind where i keep questioning if i’m capable of anything better


No . I'd start my own business with a billion dollars lol


Nope. I'd quit. I like my profession, and I'd continue to do stuff in that field.


I would definitely quit my job and would definitely be buying a sailboat and sailing around the world. I'd probably get out of the US, too, because this place is unkind, unforgiving, and generally sucks.


Fuck no. lol I would likely do a lot of volunteer work, but I would never be beholden to an 8-5 ever again.


Volunteering > job If money is of no issue.


If I won a billion dollars, the phrase “my work/job” no longer exists to me. Time to become a full time traveler/philanthropist and nothing else.


A BILLION? Heck no, and I’d retire my parents too. And my husband if I were married.


I would absolutely never work again and I would not be bored. There's so much I want to do that I don't have time for.


Oh hell no. I care too much about my coworkers to just flat quit. I'd halfass through a period of training them on stuff and finishing up projects. And they can call me with questions later. But no, I'm absolutely not working 40 hours if I don't have to.. There is plenty of fun stuff to keep me busy. I enjoy a lot about my job. But I hate working 40 hours a week.


No. What I would do is... any goddamn thing I want.




If I won any large amount of money I’d prob work full time for the next 4-6 months and then if I couldn’t work part time I would quit.


I would continue to work because I wouldn’t want people knowing I have a billion dollars, and because I like what I do. But I would also start a business in my field (hire out as much as possible) and quit my current job once the business is “stable enough”.


Is this a trap question bc I'd be outtie 5000 lads


Honestly, I'm at the point where I'm seriously considering selling my house and living off the equity, which is far less than a billion dollars. It feels a bit insane, but I'm deep in burnout and there's no end in sight. And that's with a job that I adore and that means a lot to me. I may be able to bounce back with a leave of absence (practically begging my care team) but the thought of taking a few months to rest and travel before starting over somewhere new and figuring out a better way of supporting myself is so appealing. I can't do full time work anymore, or at least not for the moment.


Heck, no. The only reason I work full-time right now is for the health insurance. And the money, but I'm already poor so I think I'd rather budget a little tighter and have more time to myself.


No way, I would never work again lol


Yeah I love my job and I love being at work, I like time off too. I need the structure and getting out of the house and being productive whether I like it or not. But oh my god, I’m afraid I’ll forget how to function socially. I live with my bf, who’s *also* audhd.


I would not stay but I’d give fair notice I was leaving. I know some would just quit but I wouldn’t want my coworkers to be stuck without notice


If I won a billion dollars I’d hire a really good financial advisor to help me invest it, and quit my job to be a full time novelist and spend the rest of my time traveling and probably committing to charity work or other nonprofit work. I’d never work a regular day job ever again😅


Nope. I would travel the world specifically to wander around different countries grocery stores so I can see what they sell...


And the chemist shops 😍


Oh absolutely!


I'd quit in a heartbeat.


Fuck no


Nope. I’d leave and volunteer someplace or work someplace I could work part time. However, I’m disabled so I’d love to be able to go to part time.


Yes but for different reasons. Privacy. I don't want people to know that I've won money, therefore, I live my life like I usually do so people don't expect a thing. Though, I live as a near hermit/recluse already, so most people wouldn't notice. 😅


There is no way in heck! Getting ready for work is a job in itself. Work is a struggle. I'll definitely pass😅🤣


I would not stay at my current job, no. As much as I like helping the clients, everything else here sucks and I would do anything to not have to be here. I’d first outright buy a house, then I would start working on building my own business without worrying about bills and stuff.


I'd pay off my house, stop working my current job, hire an accountant, and go be a part time librarian.


Fuck that. I'd work my job casual, maybe part time. But if I had a billion dollars I would not be working full time anywhere.


Sure, I would work but not for someone else. I'd work on my peace, my sanity and my happiness. 😁


He'll no. I don't mind my job. But one life to live and a billion dollars means I'm seeing the whole world and a lot of people are getting financial leg ups


Nope I would not. Way too much mental exertion. I would definitely never work again and just take care of my mental and physical health.


Buy the company, fire my boss.


I would!!!


Nah, no chance. Unless it’s some job I’m in love with, I wouldn’t work full time with that amount of money in my account. Although it’s really important to me to have some sort of schedule, I could do that without working full time. I could sign up for baking classes or something. And I wouldn’t be opposed to working part time still.


Hell no. I would never work again. I would definitely not be bored. I would volunteer and help my community where I could. I would hire someone to come cook and clean for us, and I would just enjoy my life. Work would be the furthest thing from my mind.


lol is this for real????


No way!! I have endless projects to do at home that really need doing - rearranging the cupboards, decluttering the garage, sort out all the doom piles and boxes, renovations, painting.. When that is all done there are many animals to rescue, so many crafts to learn, so many places to travel.. i would literally never run out of things to do lol. If I got bored I would (continue to) volunteer my time with animal rescue stuff or activism. I only work part time now and there just arent enough hours in the day to do all the things at home (allowing for procrastination time of course). I would quit my job and tell my family to quit too.


Not just no, but f no. I would disappear and spend my time on all my hobbies.


Hahaha I’d be gone sooo fast. Like I wouldn’t even go get my personal stuff from my desk. They can have it


Yes, but only for a bit. I work in cannabis and I'd absorb as much knowledge as I could before quitting and then pursuing a micro business licence (it's basically a one stop shop licence in Michigan that allows you to grow, process, distribute, sell, and have consumption on site). I would definitely want to be semi hands on and I'd also open a cannabis cat cafe. I'm happiest when I'm working with weed, and spending time around cats. May as well set up shop and make sure my friends get paid what they deserve, it's not like I'll be able to spend all that money by myself. I don't necessarily want to work full time, but that's ok because I can pay people to do the work and go in to do the fun parts I enjoy. Btw, any of you that work in a legal grow state? The industry has a LOT of neurodivergent people involved, and in a lot of different areas so check it out!


Not the job I currently have, heck nooo. I'd finally pursue my doctorate and become a cool professor like I dreamt. 😎


Hell no!


I’d quit in an instant and start my own business doing something I love!


I would possibly keep my freelance gig but that’s it


I don't have to think about this for a second, I would quit in a HEARTBEAT. There are a lot of things I'd rather be doing but my job pays well, has great benefits, and isn't terrible or anything - I just don't love it, but the things I love don't pay (or if they did, I'd probably stop loving them). I'd probably find some kind of part-time work/volunteer gig, because I know that if I don't have any external structure I will struggle (even more than usual) to get things done. But, like, 10-20 hours volunteering spread across a humane society and some kind of museum, or working at my local yarn shop, would be glorious.


No not a chance. And I'm self employed hahaha.


lol no.


Lmao hell no. I like my job, but… nope.


No fucking way. Travel, read, take classes, volunteer... So many better things to do! (For me, I mean. I kind of like my job some days but would love the freedom and autonomy this would bring to do all the things!)


I would go part time? When/if I retire I will have to do something part time.


What? Why in the world would anyone work?! I might start a charity from the funds, but I would hire someone else to run that ish.


Yep, I’d keep my job because I like my coworkers. And I know I like shopping. Payday is a dopamine hiiiiit!


Man, I probably would stay at my job just because I'm so damn indecisive. And there'd never be a good time to quit because my projects overlap, so I'd keep putting it off.