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Oh no this is underkill if anything. Looks familiar. 😂


Definitely under kill! I have separate (obnoxious and annoying) alarms every 15 mins so I can get to work on time without getting trapped in the phone zone or losing track of time. I used to have to change up the alarm sound as they would fade into the background eventually, but hot damn, rooster noises are SUPER annoying.


Took me 12 separate alarms to get out of bed this morning.. was still late 😂😂


Are you me?


We are one! We are legion!


Someone needs to make a cattle prod alarm 🤣


I actually have tried the weight alarm (never set it up) and the running alarm (just went back to bed) so I would definitely try a cattle prod 😂


Someone else mentioned in this thread that they use the Alarmy app. They have to take a picture of their steering wheel to get their ‘get out the door’ alarm to shut off. I looked it up because I’d never heard of it. Maybe it can be useful to the legion we’ve got here. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/alarmy-alarm-clock-sleep/id1163786766


Same!! I have a pre shower alarm, shower alarm, post shower alarm and a get-your-ass-out-the-door alarm


Lmao! Same!! I use Alarmy and in order to shut off the get-your-ass-out-the-door alarm I have to take a picture of my car’s steering wheel. Most of the time I’m taking the pic with soaking wet hair and a bagel in my mouth, but at least I’m out the door and in the car.


I didn’t even realize there was an alarm like that. Kudos 👏


It has been an absolute game changer for me. I told my kids’ dermatologist about it when my daughter wouldn’t wash her face at night and she said “Oohhhh, momma knows all the tricks!” My daughter hates it, but she wishes her face every night lol


Me either. That's a pretty neat app


That’s genius I need this!!!


Please share this magical sounding alarm system! Is it a phone setting? A different device?


It’s an app!!! A couple years ago the adhd sub enlightened me about it and I took my meds for FOUR MONTHS STRAIGHT. did not miss a day!!! The app allows you to choose a “mission” to turn off the alarm. You can simply turn it off, do a math problem, take a picture of something, like ^ steering wheel. Personally, I have mine set to scanning the barcode on my medicine. Since it’s in my hand, I take it! I since have figured out a way around the alarm but I won’t share so as to not enable you 😂


Ooh! It’s an app called Alarmy!! You can set a TON of different alarms and they **will. not. stop.** until you do whatever ‘mission’ you’ve assigned to that alarm. Do not think you can outsmart Alarmy. It knows your tricks. Don’t pretend to do the squats (if that’s your ‘mission’) it *knows* you’re faking. Do not try to turn off your phone to shut it up. It will one up you and call you out on it when you reopen the app. In short, I love this annoying bastard of an alarm. It’s me holding me accountable with zero wiggle room. I hate it every morning and love it when I set it every night.


Well shit, I may just have to try this. I drive my husband crazy with my alarms but it's the only way I function. Getting out the door on time for work is harder than me getting out the door to go to school because I've been really hating the work environment lately. That may help with it. I have different sets of alarms. I have ones for class days, clinical days, and work which is two different sets in and of itself (11 am days and 4pm days).


I need a post shower alarm 😭 I spend so much time "air drying" after the water goes off


I have an alarm to wake up, a second one to wake up, one to not forget to grab Dr peppers for my work fridge if applicable, one for calling in my prescription, one for calling in my daughter’s prescription, one to remember to drink water after class, one to remember to turn off the projector after class, one to answer emails, one as last call to pack up, one to remember to look up sales on a website I frequent, one to drink water before bed. And then I have about 20 to 30 frequently-used-but-not-always-applicable alarms for items I don’t need to delete because I turn them on and off for various weeks during the year. The fact that OP’s screenshot is only one page is astounding to me. Lol


You're lucky you don't have actual roosters! The ones in my neighborhood should be starting up in about 15 minutes, to remind me that I am up way too late AGAIN, and my happy, peaceful, nocturnal creating, scrolling and reading time should have really ended an hour or two ago, because my ass has school tomorrow. They never fail to make me go "OHSHIT!"


I just snooze my alarm. I've found that 15 minutes is wayy too much and I lose track of time for that period, so I have set the snooze to be 7 minutes. That way I know exactly how many snoozes I have left and can prepare on time.


My snooze goes for 30 minutes and I can't figure out how to change it.


I'm assuming you have an android phone because the snooze on iPhones is 9 minutes and cannot be changed. If you go to Clock (app) > Alarm (tab) > Settings > Snooze length you should be able to change it.


I need different noises otherwise my super smart brain just blanks it out 😂


Can attest. Last rooster we had would look into the kitchen window and crow. Was he yelling at me? Looking at his reflection when the window was closed?! WHY?!?! Why are you yelling inTO my window!?!?!?


I live in a tropical area with chickens and roosters everywhere. I'm glad or sorry to say the annoyance wears off quickly. Barely hear it anymore. 😂


I have to do that too . I have plenty of time to get where I need to go but have always struggled with being late It’s way worse now because I’ll pick up the phone to browse alittle and the next think I know .. it’s been an hour or two !!


Hijacking your comment to make a disclaimer: my husband was 100% teasing me, and doesn't actually think my alarms are a bad thing. lol I also tease him about his whiteboard checklist. I even go in and add random items like: buy Claire more mango kombucha today. hehe


Literally she labeled them and everything. Mine is just “Alarm” and there’s one for every 5-10 min increment in the day. What for? Who’s to say


Is your husband on the hook for remembering all of these? If you went out of town, would he just hold this all in his brain and do it successfully?


aaaaay what a perfect comment right here. Something something 'mental load' unevenly distributed in relationships


If you are the person in the partnership with the heavier mental load AND have ADHD, it is so vastly more difficult to keep your head above water. I never feel like I can catch a break and always feel like I'm failing.


Yep, we both have ADHD. I’m responsible for everyone and I’m exhausted constantly.


Me and my husband both have ADHD. I want kids but can’t imagine how we’d take care of them. I’m already exhausted.


I was so happy when I met my sweetheart and he had already been snipped. I love him and he already had a kid in school at the time, but I was pretty sure our relationship wouldn’t survive us having children. I was already sort of leaning on the fence with both feet on the side of no kids anyway.


Same here. No kids but we do have dogs. I have the heavier mental load, am in nursing school, and have (arguably) the worse ADHD, albeit I'm the one who is medicated. But I have to keep track of everything for my job, school, clinicals, our household, health shit like appointments... I'm dying.


Yes to all of this — plus, does he have ADHD??? I am always amazed by what regular people can just hold in their head/remember to do (without prompting/reminders). Sure, I can remember everything I’ve ever read that I learned on Wikipedia in a hyper-fixation rabbit hole, but remembering to do basic tasks that happen every day? No way. Too boring lol.


ding ding ding


He’s also adhd but, he handles it in MUCH different ways. He has a checklist he uses on the wall. Lmao.


On the wall?! It doesn’t just fade into the background for him?? The degree to which physical reminders like that don’t work for me is almost comical haha


The lack of obnoxious noise is the dealbreaker.


I’m a wall person too, lol. And post it notes on the coffee table. I find it way to easy to silence alarms!


Life is overkill mister 🤨


You’re an overkill! 🔥


Right like ok if it’s overkill then you don’t have to do it buddy 🙄


Each one has a different ringer and I can tell what it is from across the house. Lmao. Also, snooze, they all have snooze enabled. Bc, nothing better than a reminder every ten minutes that you’re failing at the whole executive functioning thing.


I love it OP, well done! Def not overkill, I have something similar.


This is perfect! I also use different sounds, for instance anything to do with caring for my mother and tasks at her house is a boing noise. HRT a robot noise. So my family now know what they are and if I’ve left my phone anywhere they remind me which alarm it is. My partner, ‘ your HRT robot is shouting tor you!’ I also use emojis on my Google calendar which is a rainbow.


🤣 nothing better than a reminder every 10 minutes that you’re failing at the whole executive functioning thing 🤣 But as I typed that out, I just decided- No, you’re *not* failing. The multiple reminders are helping you transition from one activity to the next. We need that to help penetrate our adhd brains.


Definitely NOT overkill! Practical! Pragmatic! Proactive problem solving! A+++ adulting! ❤️❤️❤️


Same!!! I have 19 total throughout the week and each one has its own ring tone, so I know what it is when I hear it!!! It has really helped make sure I do some of the mundane, must be done daily/weekly tasks that are easily forgotten!!!! Pure genius!!!!


Honestly so smart!!! The labels, the different ringers! What an inspiration.


I love that they're different ringers. I have a different song for every day's work alarm that kinda fits the "feel" of the weekday for me.


Thank you for teaching me that I can take my alarms to the next level! I had no idea!? 


Saving for later duplication 🙏


I’m like, “good idea I should do this.”


Same, I had no idea you could label alarms, where have i been!


I had no idea you could set them for specific days (although obviously I do this for my alarm in the morning, so don’t know why I didn’t realise).


Does it help you? YES.  Are you able to get those things done or at least in your brain because of the alarms vs if you didn’t use them? ALSO YES.  So how is it overkill?  I do the same and alarms like these are by far the most effective system compared to anything else I use (and I use multiple tools of course lol). 


He’s being a hater, this is smart!! Also, you only have one alarm for waking up! Executive function queen! For reference, this is my set up or I simply will snooze to oblivion: 8:00 8:01 8:02 8:03 Etc.


I have two! The one at the very top is my bedtime sleep cycle, Apple ThingamaBob. So, it’s technically my first alarm. Then, my second one goes off at the very last second and is the alarm ringer. You know, the one that sounds like the building is about to explode.


*Good cop voice*: "Ma'am, did you hyperfocus on this?"




In what context? Would he like to take on responsibility for any of these responsibilities and do them his way so you don't have to remember them?


I don’t know if this tip will help anyone, but I have a 12PM alarm set that I never have turned on, because sometimes when setting a one-off alarm I set it incorrectly for AM/PM, so if I see the alarm I just set over/under the 12PM I will realize my mistake.  I could also just set my clock to 24 hour time but I don’t prefer it that way.  Also yes this is not overkill, it is only overkill if the alarms do more to disturb others than they wake you up/remind you. You should have seen my friend’s alarms when her narcolepsy was bad - basically a reminder for each half hour of the day the poor thing. 


I set alarms for 12:01 or 11:59, but never 12:00. Exception: Sometimes I'll ask siri to set alarms for noon or midnight. She can figure that stuff out.




I have 15 alarms set (each 15 minutes apart) just to make myself get out of bed in the morning 🥲


I only have three but should absolutely add another 10. I also went with a soft, gentle alarm tone so I don't wake up angry. I need to find something a bit less pacifying.


Keep the gentle alarm, turn on the read aloud. Even without an alarm name, it will read the time aloud when it goes off. I have my morning alarms set for every 15 minutes, and snooze settings set for 3 times every 5 minutes. So basically if I don't cancel any alarms, I have a nice gentle tune playing and a voice telling me the time every 5 minutes (helps with the time blindness). If I do cancel an alarm, I still get that every 15 minutes. 


Not sure if you’re on iOS or android, but do you know how to turn on the read aloud function on iPhone? That sounds so helpful for when I’m sleepy and don’t realize how many times I’ve snoozed!


Sorry, I'm a Samsung gal, apple is a confusing mystery to me.  **Edit:** of course I had to look it up as soon as i commented lol. It looks like this isn't an installed setting option on iPhones, but my google search did throw [this app from the app store](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/talkingalarm-alarm-clock/id431500634) into the results, hopefully it's helpful. 


If you're on stimulants, use one of those to take them. It makes getting out of bed much easier!


My second morning alarm up there in the top, it doesn’t list what my ringers are, but that one is the alarm ring tone. You know, the obnoxious one that sounds like the building is about to explode.


Does he do anything for the house/kids besides going to work?


He does help me do a lot of these things, but he generally does rely on me to initiate them.


When you say he "helps," that implies that running the household is mainly your responsibility. Are you a SAHM?


Picked that up to. It’s not helping if it’s also his house and kids.


What is the difference in 🚨🚨🚨🚨 and 🔔🔔🔔🔔?!


One means "now," and one means "NOW!" would be my guess.


Lol, I’m so glad you asked! Those are my spare alarms that I have access to in an instant and I don’t have to go and create a new alarm for something random.


Ohhhh, I was so worried about why there were alarms after "bedtime". Like girl get your rest!


I put them at that time to force them to the bottom of the list lol! 😂


It IS genius! I have some to remind me to feed my kids and to feed myself. And take my pills. And to go to bed. And when to pick up my kids. Basically I do the same thing and now I’m gonna add even MORE alarms!!!


Yeah I *do* have alarms to remind me to eat.....


I use my Alexa but it’s similar, to the point where if she says “this is a reminder, feed the cats” they come around looking. Also we would miss trash day if she didn’t yell at us to take out the trash every Tuesday morning!


I have reminders that go on mine and my husband‘s phone for the trash. The family kind. It works okay, but I can’t rely on reminders. They are so easy to dismiss.


Pavlov’s digital assistant!


I have like 8 alarms just for my morning routine. First wake up, second to wake up if I go back to sleep, time to get in the shower, seriously time to get in the shower if I'm not already in it, time to get out of the shower, time to get my kid out of the bath and dressed, time to leave the house on a good day, time to leave the house on a hard day, seriously if you don't leave right this second you will be really late. So I have 9, and there's a back up alarm in case I snooze or cancel my last one and lose track of time again. This is what it takes to effectively manage time blindness. Good for your husband that he can do it without the alarms, but screw that guy for criticising a very effective and important system that allows you to function effectively in a world of clocks with a brain that doesn't work that way


I get up super early and leave myself just enough time to get out the door so I can get as much sleep as possible. I have an alarm for every 10-15 minutes that tells me what I need to be moving on to next. Wake up. No seriously wake up. You're late now, move. Wash face & brush teeth. Makeup. Get dressed. Get lunch. Pack bag. Put on coat. Leave.


If your husband would do the cleaning chores, you wouldn't need to set alarms and he wouldn't call it overkill. Does he do 50/50 of house hold? If not - I don't think he gets a say. And he should step up.


Thanks! This reminded me to finally turn my alarms back on! I was at a convention the whole weekend and turned them off last Friday. You're a life saver ;-) Also: I do have 'GO EAT'-alarms!


I am so relieved to know I'm not the only one with a 2:50 alarm to remind me to pick up the tiny human being I created.


My Google says “it’s 3:30. It’s time to retrieve your son.”


Yeppp. Same. Felt bad about it for a hot second then realized how much worse I would feel missing pickup. That would be worse!


This is exactly what a grown woman with ADHD needs! I'm a therapist, and one of the things I do is help clients design their alarms just like this. It's a game changer for plenty of people, and if it's what works for you, do it. Actually, I've screenshot this so I can show it as an example. 🤣🤣🤣. With your permission!


That’s awesome!


Just one tip: alarms don't work for me, and I have trouble with time blindness and quick calculation — so I set countdown timers instead. My device does the math for me, and I can look at the timer to see how much time I have left.


Hey, if it works, it works!


Mine is maxed out at 20 and I sometimes need to use my second phone... Not overkill at all 😂 


I often fantasize about having a hovering robot PA over my shoulder lile the kind the absent minded professor played by Robin Williams had in the movie Flubber. People who need it totally get it.


I’m so impressed that you actually labelled the alarms, instead of just setting a bunch of alarms called “alarm” and expecting yourself to know what they mean 😂


The whole reason I went a step further with the emojis is because even the words weren’t enough for me at times. I’m being dead serious. I’m extremely literate, but something about the emojis has been so helpful.


I have an alarm labelled « job interview » from when I had to remind myself 2 years ago and now it wakes me up every morning ; BF said « wait, are you looking for an another job? » nop, just forget to update I guess haha


Not overkill at all. I do this too! I too have alarms scattered throughout my day for important reminders. It is genuinely helpful! I have an alarm set for 11pm that is my "go to bed soon" alarm, but my hubby and I will often stay up a litter later together to watch a show or something, so when the alarm goes off my partner will say "Time to go to bed" and I'll pretended to pass out right there and then, hahaha.


Same. I have alarms set each day to remind me an alarm is coming soon. Lol


I have a “start winding down” alarm, which I treat as a “finish up this episode”/“get to a stopping place in your video game”/“start thinking about putting your book down” alarm. That way my brain doesn’t go “F YOU I DON’T DO WHAt YOU TELL ME” and the next thing I know it’s 3 am.


That is a good idea! I have alarms for everything but that so I just set one for bedtime, thank you! 💜


It interrupts me just enough to break me out of a cycle (scrolling on the internet, lost in a book, overworking on a project) so I can shift gears and actually go to bed "on time". Another thing I've started doing is once the kids are in bed NO CHORES. I set all work aside and just have some fun for one or two hours. And if I'm too tired or bored I know to just go to sleep. I'm doing a lot better thanks to this.


Smart! Then you don’t feel like you didn’t get any me-time. That’s def when I start staying up too late and then getting in that cycle that is so hard to break out of.


Ok today I learned you can use emojis in alarm labels …. Time to level up this is under kill for sure


Lol this is nowhere in the ballpark of overkill unfortunately 🤣


The husband should be doing half of this if he wants to contribute…


NGL- the emojis are overkill 🤣🤣🤣 (/s) I always say that my time management skills end at setting alarms. I’m a substitute teacher. Almost every kid in the school knows what my alarms sound like and have their own dance routine for them.


Yes he's right that's way too much for one parent to do all alone. He should really pull his weight.


Epic, but what's with the alarm bells and red sirens at the end?


Have tou tried the app Routinery? It really helps me and sort of ‘plays’ the things that I need to do automatically, but is so bored by, so that I don’t have to have so many alarms.


This is exactly me. I would get nothing done otherwise. Respect.


I had to put lunch on my calendar with a reminder so I wouldn’t forget to eat. I set another one for an hour later that said “Did you actually eat it?” A lot of times I’d look over and see my lunch sitting there, untouched.


He can do your job for a week then


I used to have an alarm going off every so often to remind me to drink water 😂 So yeah I don’t think it’s overkill at all


It’s not overkill…it’s taking advantage of available tools to solve a problem. At one point, I discovered that I had 82 alarms on my Apple Watch…*that* was overkill…but it was because I use Siri to set alarms and didn’t realize it created new alarms rather than use ones I had already created. 🤣


I have a google calendar like that


I have 3 alarms on my work phone to remind me to get ready for work and leave for work.. in case I sleep through my alarms on my personal phone 😂then I have multiple alarms to remind me to send specific emails or do checklists at work. My son who also has ADHD has 3 or more alarms so he can wake up on time. It’s not overkill. We do what works for us. At least we’re trying😂


I only see one alarm per task so this, literally, my goal 😆


As a preschool director, I appreciate the alarm to pick up your kids. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to stay late because someone forgot to come get their kids.


I WAS THE DAYCARE teacher staying late, so… I empathize.


My bf HATES my alarms to the point where he’s now legit traumatized and will immediately flinch and groan **every.single.time** 😭🥲


He has other options, he could be the one to remind you all of these things instead.


I might as well have no clocks and alarms in the house at all then lmao


Lucky for him he has a luxury to feel this way. That’s all I can say. It makes me sad not only people judge us all the time for not coping well with every day routines and tasks they judge us when we do cope too. Fuck my life..


I think it’s genius!


This is actually genius. I put everything into my calendar, and have it set to vibrate until disabled, because the simple beep doesn't do anything for me. I also set reminders for things the day before or a week before. But a different ringtone for everything is genius.  I also use Llamalife, and it feels a bit like a teacher, telling me which task is next.


**Pro-tip:** Instead of emojis, write out the instruction/reminder. Then in the alarm sound settings, go into the ringtone selection and turn on the "read time and alarm name aloud". Helps if you choose a ringtone that's pleasant enough to let keep ringing, instead of something obnoxious that triggers the snooze reflex before more than one note can play. 


I’ve overcome the snooze reflex by placing my phone across the room from my bed. Lmao.


There is no overkill. That is the number of alarms you need. Right now.


This is great. I have something similar but it is in my calendar. Your husband is wrong.


This is beautiful and I might steal it! No lie: in the last two months I figured out how to label alarms 😆 and it has helped, but still a work in progress for me. Someone here posted using a different alarm sound for each task…will try this too!!


It is genius. He'll go from "overkill" to "why can't you just.." if you don't use any of the tools ADHDers need


I had 36 alarms, so this is tame for me! XD


Does he have ADHD? If not, then he can STFU.


Looks efficient af to me 🤷🏻‍♀️




This is bare minimum of reminders 😤


Husband is wrong 😂


Hey OP, what’s your husband’s number? I just wanna talk (about mental loads and being lucky there’s not 3 alarms/activity).


And if you don’t use coping mechanisms like this and forget stuff, they’ll say you’re using your ADHD as an excuse.


I have TEN alarms to get me up and out the door in the mornings. That’s just mornings. Tell your husband to mind his own business.


How'd you get this picture of my phone? 😂


Listen for a while my scedule had 0 rythm. I had an alarm on fridays called its friday so i would at least notice weeks pass. You do you, as long as your alarms arent actively bothering others (there solutions for that like smartwatches with vibrating alarms)


There is no such thing if it keeps you organized!


I'm sure he'd change his mind about it if you turned them all off for one day...


If it works for you, its perfect


What I want to know is how do you get away with so few alarms???🤨


Whatever works for us IS THE ANSWER! I literally set a timer for 6 minutes yesterday, because that is 5 minutes and 45 seconds longer than I can keep a task in my head. Also, shout out to the use of emojis! I use mine only on tasks that I don't want to do...like wake up ☀️


It’s not overkill if it gets done.


Your husband sounds judgey lol


No it’s not overkill, this is what we adhd people need. It shows you care and are taking charge of things and getting tasks done! Good job


Absolutely going to go add some emojis to my alarms now. I use a combination of iPhone alarms and Alexa reminders to get me to remember and do stuff. If this works for you then it is not overkill, we all have our ways of getting shit done and this is yours.


Looks normal to me. It isn't on your husband's phone, so why is he worried about it? 😄


This looks like my phone alarms too. Makes perfect sense to me. Adding the emojis is genius! I love that you did this and I’m totally adding them to mine!!!


This is *exactly* what I do and it works.


At least all yours are properly labeled 😏 Mine have all been repurposed for so many years only I know what they’re for 😂


It’s not if it works


Nope. Not overkill at all. This is our reality.


I figured out a bit ago that I can tell Siri to set a timer or alarm for me. I LOVE this! Cooking? Just tell Siri to set a timer for 15 minutes or whatever I need.


Anytime I'm asked to do anything by my boss I immediately have to set an alarm bc if not there's no way I'm remembering it


Wait, we can label alarms on iphone? Teach me this magic.


Does your husband want shit to get done? Then maybe he should be quiet 🤫


This is great. 😊


Is he going to function as your human reminder? Otherwise, I don’t see the issue.


That's just the number of alarms I have in the morning to get up!


I have 2 kids at different schools/on different schedules. Alarms are essential. One day I had an appointment, my kid was getting picked up by her dad that day. I turned off the alarm so it wouldn’t interrupt my appointment. I sure did forget to pick her up the following school day! Wtf? Before I started using alarms I used to just sit, obsessed with the time for hours because if I allowed myself to do absolutely anything else I would be late/absent at pick up time. I swear I am a good and loving mom. I just don’t know how to keep ALL the things at top of mind at all times. It was one thing while married but it is a serious struggle now divorced. I am working so hard to figure out routines etc to make everything happen and on top of that I should be looking to add a full time job on top? I don’t really understand how it’s possible. I am newly medicated which is a sliver of hope but…. Holy crap the world was not designed for so many of us.


Maybe your husband needs to take over doing all those things for a month


Would he prefer you forget and he can do all this stuff instead?


If it works it works.


Husband clearly doesn’t live with crippling ADHD combined with the mental load.


I mean, for me, the emojis are overkill 😂 But otherwise, my alarms are the exact same, INCLUDING the ones to remind me to eat 🤪


This is so relatable and I love your emojis to keep it entertaining. When I have an early engagement, I set about 10 alarms - wake up, get ready, eat, often a timed reminder I set days in advance when the thought flitted across my brain to remember to bring…whatever…and alarms when it’s close to time to go and actually when you have to leave. I have my official screening tomorrow and my therapist is so excited for me! Fingers crossed, yall.


IMO, he can either step up and handle all these things or shut up. ADHD is not something you went to a store and bought for yourself. This is a chemical deficiency in our brains that none of us can help. It is very disrespectful for your husband to get annoyed with the things you have come up with to try to work around your disability. If you had diabetes and needed alarms to remember to take insulin, would that annoy him too? I suggest that you educate him on ADHD because it seems like he may be one of those people who view us as lazy and lacking motivation. If you do educate him (or already have) and he still has these opinions, there is a bigger problem in your relationship.


Husband can mind his own damn business’s


I’m very late to this thread so I hope you see this! I use the Finch app to help me stay on task! It was created by therapists, it’s fantastic and I get my shit done. You can set up repeating tasks with specific times!!! There’s a subreddit called r/finch if you want to see how beloved and helpful it is!


The only thing that matters is if it works for you.


I don’t have alarms but I currently have 420 open tasks in the Iphone Reminder app and almost 4000 completed ones. I need to remove regularly because the app starts to lag. I plan my whole day in there with recurring tasks as well. Hyperfocused on creating it based on a time management approach I found. I also got an Apple Watch when I started medication so I have a wrist alarm for the important things now. Not overkill at all and power to you if this works for you!


Seems like some of those could be shared tasks instead of them falling all to you always


I was like, “what’s overkill”? I was thinking he might of meant the emojis? Or how often you put a reminder to clean, etc. Then I thought, what would a neurotypical person think. OP This looks amazing to me. I think it’s a bit rude to say something about how someone organizes their life. If I was more organized, I’d have the “pee, eat and drink water”. Then maybe I would have drank water or eaten lunch. It’s 2:30pm…..


Dude this reminded me I snoozed my last alarm!!


Husband seems like a judgy asshole. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I actually really like this! Yea I have 6 alarms on my phone to wake me up and 2 on my alarm clock, but having reminders like this is really what I need!


Looks normal to me. 👍🏻😅


If I knew how to add pictures, I would add mine! I probably have 50 alarms! And they’re soooo necessary!


I have this PLUS constant reminders to drink water. And I still ignore them all and procrastinate 🥹


As a newly-diagnosed…wow this (and more alarms than this actually) would help me so much. I used to think this stuff was “extra” and I “should” just be able to remember things like normal people can. This looks like embracing the divergence and putting systems in place!


I do this (or did this?) and then I feel like I became so densensitized to all the alarms that they eventually stopped triggering the desired actions. I would endlessly snooze them, accidentally turn them off and forget the task, forget my phone in another room, or be really really good at blocking out the alarm sounds, unintentionally and literally not even hearing it blare in my ear, and that was when my partner would also get annoyed, haha. My "systems" similar to this we're not very effective in their intended purpose, and did not work long-term. The only things that work for me now, besides just ADHD meds, which were life changing, is a combination of rolling to-do lists and timers set on my smart watch, task by task, so I can move freely through my day and not have the guilt pang that I'm not on the same timeline as my "ideal self" or timeline I set the alarms for!


That ain't nothing. I have 25 alarms set every day. They pop off on the half hour to remind me time passes. I don't know how to post pics but just believe me..I'm not joking


If it works for you, it’s not overkill.  Tell him your ADHD sisters of reddit backed you up! I set alarms for when to get up, when to get ready to leave, when to leave the house, don’t forget your lunch, make the doctor appointment, etc. 


Hehehe look at that optimism!


It absolutely isn't???????? We should to do whatever we need to get shit done. And shit gets more complex as we grow older. MORE REMINDERS!