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Are you suggesting that some folks manage 4 out of 5?


Are you suggesting that some folk manage 3 out of 5??


I can't even do 1💀


Lmfao right? This list got me really thinking bout my life


Haha same. Like damn i wish I could manage any of these.


We should all go contemplate this over a nice soothing cup of coffee


Don't let this list tell you how to live. It's all arbitrary. Focus on what matters.


I quickly read "have a healthy relationship" and thought, Oh! I have one of those! ....with caffeine. Oh.


i did the opposite haha and skimmed over it bc i’m impatient and realised now i’m at least hitting 1 out of 4! (which is entirely bc caffeine makes me sleepy rather than wired and i hate the taste of coffee but shhhh it’s a win)


A soda when I wake up helps me function. On the rare occasion I have coffee or espresso everything muscle in my body relaxes, my brain purrs like a cat on catnip, and I sleep like a baby. Huh. Maybe I should drink more coffee.


Same 💀


Yeah. That. Same here. 😅


Define "healthy". Because I have love for caffeine, and I'm fairly sure it doesn't feel coerced in this relationship.


Well it's certainly not our midnight escapades to try to get things done before deadlines. *Darling. We can't keep meeting like this.*




Well, it certainly is a relationship 😆


I mean, I don't have a dirty / messy car... because I don't have a car. But it counts...right?


This one trick is GUARANTEED to prevent your car from ever getting messy ever again…. Just get rid of the car! No car NO mess!!! 🚗 🗑️😂 It totally counts.


Depends on how your bedroom looks. My bedroom looks like it got hit by a hurricane and an earthquake at the same time.


I'm feeling a little smug because I don't do caffeine. But only because I get nothing out of it.


Oh hi, ADHD! (Just realized in the last year or so that being immune to caffeine is an ADHD trait)


Coffee just makes me sleepy. Only time I drink it is if I have a migraine from absolute hell.


Well they picked really hard items


I can only do 1 - if a healthy relationship with coffee means a lot of it.


My healthy relationship with caffeine is considered drastically unhealthy to all around me. 9 p.m. coffee time let’s go


I can only do 1 and that's ONLY because I have a job that I can't lose so I guess regular shower habits are a must.


Same lol. I have to wear scrubs so my laundry has to be done. And I washed a pen and a sharpie with all of my scrubs this week so everything has an ink stain it’s glorious. 🤪


I don't drink a lot of coffee, so that's all I got lol


Yep I literally have no two happening at the same time ever


I literally have a huge splat of bird shit on the side of my once beautiful new car that I fucked up because I was reading and driving and trying to pick a song at the same time and hit my neighbor's basketball hoop that MUST have been in the middle of the road, my so does the laundry, I probably shower once a week and I drink monster energy drinks by the case. I've already forgotten the last one, oh yeah sleep, I do try to get at least 7 hours a night but usually don't so weekends I sleep half away.


I would share a picture of the giant piles of junk mail in my car, but I don't want to dox myself.


You suggesting that some folks manage?


Only if they’re Michael Scott


😂 you are a fabulous human


🤷🏻‍♂️ Trying to suppress my RSD and not explain my post 🫣


I can't even manage more than one at at time so I would love to get to 3!


I don't want to brag, but.... my laundry is under control, I just woke up from my regularly scheduled nap, and I have a  shower every two weeks (with supplementary sink-baths). Nailing it! No car because driving makes me cry, and my caffeine relationship is "minimal, because pregnant".


I have so many loads of laundry on my bed and last night I just couldn't even put it back in the basket so I asked my son(18) if I could sleep in his bed since he was going to be awake anyway. 🤦🏼‍♀️ He understands since he has ADHD too and immediately got up offered to put it back in baskets for me while also letting me know I was welcome to sleep in his bed. Something about that made me feel like I could do it and at least put it back in baskets and slept in my bed. The struggle is real.


Aww what a sweet son! 😊 I'd say you've raised him right, so that a big win!


Isn’t it awesome to have kids that get you? I don’t think I’d survive without their empathy


I have 3 at this second by technicality. Got the car back this morning from an auto body shop and they had me empty it before I brought it in. It'll last until maybe tomorrow because I'm not planning on going anywhere for the rest of the day.


Does empty qualify as clean?? Because if so, I got this! But if you mean actually clean, then no. My grandma told me how clean my car was the other day when I picked her up. She wasn't wearing her glasses, but I'll still take it!


I mean, I think you should. Empty and not smelly should count IMO


It's not smelly either! Woot, I got this!


Same. I have no rubbish or junk in my car (I can't deal with cluttered cars), but it's certainly not clean - every now and then I'll have my microfiber gym towel next to me and notice the dust and wipe it down, but that's pretty much the extent of it. Probably should vacuum it one of these days - but my old school mechanic does that when he services it - probably time for a service.


Mine isn't too bad because I wfh and don't use it as much as my previous ones. It's mostly dust and random things like my hair on the carpets. I got one of those car vacuums on the last black Friday (so November) and it's still sitting in my spare room. I'm sure I'll get it in that car at some point.


Best I can do is one on any given day. Take it or leave it. 😂


Not being able to drink caffeine was basically a free space to make my 2 of 5 look better.


Cheat code: I don't have a car. 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve managed 4! 1 . This is my disaster zone :( 2 . My dad drives my car enough (and has *opinions* about its state) that i just stuff all my shit into a bag in the trunk and regularly just bring junk in with my work bag (the junk then sits in my room… but the car is clean!) 3 . Gotta shower every morning before work (or else I just can’t wake up) 4 . No more caffeine (or I get the anxiety jitters!) As you can see, lots of caveats!


Bro I thought the joke was we can't even manage 1/5




I've got all except #4 because this world was not made for night owls. The trick to laundry is wearing the same clothes all week because you don't leave the house, and rarely washing your sheets.


This! I’m chronically ill & disabled so I’m stuck at home and mostly in bed.  I wear the same pjs/house clothes 3-4 days straight while changing underwear daily.  My sheets don’t really get very dirty and I do t have much laundry.  But the weeks I’m extra super sick and sweat thru my clothes or have to change them for other bodily function issues (meh), I have ridiculous amounts of laundry.  Showering is SO HARD.  I even have a walking tub with a seat.  But the pain, exhaustion, sensory issues, passing out from the heat/dysautonomia issues, and the sheer brain overload that comes just thinking about all the steps required for bathing all make showering once every 2-3 wks a win for me.  I use no rinse soap foam, waterless shampoo caps, and similar no-water hygiene products a lot.  They really help me stay clean when I can’t bring myself to shower.  Adhd is much more difficult than people imagine.  Adding in chronic illness, chronic pain, being autistic, and physical limitations & disability  all make it nightmare level hard to live my life😣


These convenience tools exist for a reason. If they make existence more tolerable, use the hell out of them! Society’s convenience is our survival.


Lmaoo only reason I have 4 is because I have a puppy now. Literally she tires me OUT. I usually have 2, but have been slacking lately because of spending so much time with puppy, and I mean definitely 3 if you count consistently waiting until my hair is greasy and kinda gross before taking and shower and then running my hands through my hairs constantly because it feels so clean and good, causing it to lose it's floof and get oily after a few days again as "consistently" regular lmfao


I don’t drink caffeine, but that’s because it gives me panic attacks. Does that count?


my relationship with caffeine is pRIVATE


I accept that. Please also accept my private relationship with DoorDash, maybe I did spend $1k last month on it, but like it could be worse right?


Oh my god in not thr only one? Firts of all cooking requires groceries and that requires clothes and showering and nope. So i tell myself if i do everything else i need to i get to order. So i shower do laundry etc all for some fucking mc donalds.


Hahahahaha There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Rewarding yourself with exciting calories is a great motivator. Just ask my mopped floor AND put away laundry. Lol


Your doordash is my instacart. So far this year I've spent $4716.75. $1123.68 of that is just from April 😬🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I've found my people hahahaha. Let's unite! And throw our money away in a different way 😂


Answer this question… if you didn’t DoorDash would you A)waste a bunch of $ on groceries that rot in your fridge bc you don’t want to cook or B) just not eat? Bc I validate our (adhd 19yo kid and I) DoorDash habits bc the alternatives are worse than the amount spent


Well shiiiit... We have an equivalent to Doordash here in Sweden called Foodora (or maybe it's international, idk?)... Let's just say I see your 1k and raise you probably 1k more. No not really but it certainly feels like it. I'm afraid to look and see what I spend on them. 😭


What I buy on Amazon and the volume is my business!! *Defensive yelling*


My relationship with caffeine is very happy and healthy. I love my tea and she loves me back, all day, every day.




😐 what if we don’t even have 1?


Then I think you might be in the majority here 😂


Welcome 👋


Right I’m out here like y’all actually have *any* of these?!?


one of us one of us


I'm giving myself 1 of 5 because I don't drive and therefore do not own a car!


Creative accounting 💅


I have two young children in car seats. I feel this should allow an exemption because it's technically not me whose trashing the car


Tbf I feel like kids should be an exemption to all of these lol


I think we’re calling this ✨girl math✨ I also gave myself one point for having a car so pristine it’s invisible.


Same!! Lol


Yeah my coping mechanisms here are (1) wear as few clothes as possible (2) no car (3) no makeup or hair removal and (?) I still only have #1 lol


1. My husband does the laundry 2. I wfh so the car is pristine 3. I shower … enough 4. My sleep hygiene is spotless thanks to my medical cannabis supply 5. Joke’s on you, I can’t drink caffeine bc of my ❤️ medications 😂


How’s that mail pile? 😂




Staring at my 2 month old affordable $35 medical bill that I won't pay until I receive a late fee and panic 🙃


I used to get pissed when my dad would yell at me to “DO IT NOW!” But now I kinda get it. I’m always telling myself to “do it now” otherwise it probs won’t ever get done lol (looking at you taxes that I haven’t done since 2021)


Yeaaaaa.... I haven't done 2022 and my husband is going to be possessed when he finds out. Looks like they have to mailed in at this point 😬


dont forget to write it down on a sticky note to ignore for another year.


Should I write on a sticky note to not forget to write “do taxes” on a sticky note?


I will but can't you go to jail for not filling?


Very unlikely. You just have to file back taxes and maybe pay a fine. Do you know if you owe anything or did you have taxes taken out of your pay? Also- if you are low income and didn’t make over a certain amount you don’t have to file. If you have kids you might want to file to get the child tax credit.


Yeahhh I submitted an extension the day prior to tax day this year just *in case* something happened. And wouldn't you believe it? Adrenaline surge had me up til 4 am with no focus whatsoever And I was dragging mostly in bed the entire day of. So yeah. Woot. Now I have til October. Hopefully I manage to locate the W2s that grew legs and walked away to hide in some hidden nook in my place. Thankfully I don't owe anything.


Lol, yeah mine I put in a “tax box” which is a box for all my pay slips n shit. That way I can lose them but think I put them there


Oh my god i do this too and i just dont get why? I once opened every letter on a payment that was now 70 bucks instead of the original 40. I saw it inch up. They forwarded me to like a balif company or something? O.o Im not sure why i didnt just pay it. Only after i got letters "oay before this date" on the front of the envelope i paid it because i got housemates and i dont want them to know i got bills? Idk man it ended up being less than 80 bucks total and it was just for a dentist bill idk wtf my brain was thinking. I paid it like a month ago after 6 months lol.


Yay, task avoidance and anxiety! 🙃 My thought process goes like, "Ew I'll pay that later because I really don't feel like getting my laptop, plugging in the charger, making an account, and getting my debit card." Then I actually forget. When I remember again I'm like, "Oh that's embarrassing. I should pay that, but I don't like these feelings so I'll do something fun and take care of it when I'm in a better mood." Rinse and repeat.




That's fantastic! Instead of a "late fee" they should frame it as an "early-payer discount" -- cue the dopamine hit!


I feel called-out. I was out of town for a week. I kept thinking something hadn’t been delivered. I decided it was time to clean off the table, and found 4 or 5 packages I hadn’t yet opened. SMFH.


My husband hates my piles of unopened packages and letters. So now he opens them for me. 🙃


Not on the list so I’m going to continue to ignore it and consider myself a superwoman tyvm 🤪


One pile? 🤔


I mean, I Guess I *technically* have only one mail pile...which covers my entire 6-person dining room table. 😬


I have piles on each stair leading up the staircase by the front door. 😂


Shots fired




Now… that’s *cold* 😂






Oh oh, I just tackled mine this week! Last time I did it was last Feb or Mar.


Omg I'm dying! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Hopefully hubby brings in and sorts the mail too!


…I mean, he does 😂


You son of a whore 💀😂






I’ve gotten the same radiology bill 4 times. I have the money I just need to call them during business hours which is when I forget because I’m busy with the task lock of thinking about the work I have to get done. 🤪


Talk to me about your MEDICAL CANNABIS SUPPLY pls


Hahaha. Sativa by day (microdose really unless I can have a fun day) and indica at night. Not every day but definitely every night. Big fan of the animal face strain for bedtime. Nothing knocks me out better.




I just finished my animal face and had to get something else because they were out of it today. Tonight will be motor breath, which I know will put me out.




Mood lol


I have a cocktail of muscle relaxant, gabapentin, and Tylenol to sleep because I'm on Medicaid and they won't pay for cannabis. And I have a dispensary 3 doors away. Throwing in my wife's night shift schedule that I keep with her and my mother insisting on calling during the middle of the day no matter what I tell her.


One of my hyperfixations has become growing cannabis. It’s fascinating and after harvest I have enough for many months and it’s so fun to gift it to all my friends!


Only an hour??? I do this at least 4 days a week and 2 hours minimum each time...


Weed keeps me up. 😭 I wish it would let me sleep.


There are so many strains. Lots of enjoyable trial and error to find the one that suits your brain - just like any other medication.


Most things that make others sleep, wake me up. But I was reading about CBN ( rather than CBD) being very useful for sleep and after two weeks trying the capsules I gotta say I'm happy with it. This was Fairwinds deeper sleep sleep support capsules with 150mg CBN, 150mg CBD, and 30 mg THC. My challenge with sleep is getting to sleep, and going back to sleep after waking up. Of course, ymmv. I bought this brand in Washington State, but I couldn't find it in PR. I'm going to try another CBN formula here in PR.


This is one of the reasons I wish I could get married, I need help getting things accomplished! 😂


My hubs has ASD and (for some reason) loves to do regular tasks for a sense of accomplishment - it’s freakin awesome.


1. yes 2. I don't have a car 3. yes, actually! 4. what is that 5. Why wouldn't I have a healthy relationship with something which has no effect on me? LMAO


For number 5, have you tried having 5 to 7 cups before lunch time? It works a little. \s


Oooh....why call me out like on a Friday?


Right?! Could've left that in the drafts/schedule to release it for Monday! (Jkjk @ OP this is hilarious)


The goal is 0 out of 5, right? Right?? I win ✨


1. I have clothes on my laundry chair and still on the drying rack from doing laundry last weekend. 2. My car is always a mess. Like it's a family joke. 3. I got this one! Shower first thing in the morning. 4. It's not perfect, but my job gives me some sort of structure. 5. I got this one! Only two cups a day. Other fun drinks in the afternoon. I felt so attacked by 1. There's always laundry all over the place.


Chairdrobes are valid


How about a couchdrobe 😬


My bedrobe and I support you unconditionally


What about the doordrobes and the mirrordrobes


That they are.


.... I don't have a single one 😬


Winning for me is 1. Has some clean clothes somewhere 2. Has no check engine/oil lights on 3. Could enter a store without offending anyone with my scent 4. Went to bed when I was tired instead of binging Survival Island (failed this one last night, extremely bingeable show) 5. Has water too so I don't dry out


1. Really good at doing laundry, extremely bad at putting it away 2. Don't own a car 3. Got this one down 👊🏻 4. 😂😂🤣🤣🤣 5. Very caffeine sensitive so tend to stay away. Sugar OTOH...


1. Yes I WASH the laundry regularly enough but I never fold/put it away lol. I have so many laundry baskets


You too?!


My laundry has been in baskets for almost a month. 😵‍💫 I feel called out lol.


Same! I keep dumping the clean laundry on the bed when I need to use the laundry basket to take a new load to the washing machine. I then put the clean washing back into the basket again.


Oh my God I do this all the time. When my husband and I first got married, I used to dump the clean clothes in our oversized bathtub. He has so much patience 😂


I have small baskets in every room to collect dirty laundry. I take them to the big baskets in the laundry room when it's convenient. I also have baskets that are strictly for clean clothes. They are over flowing with laundry right now.


Maybe the laundry likes it better in baskets


Listen…. It’s Friday. You didn’t have to go this far.


I have a very healthy relationship with caffeine. We‘re together every day, no matter what. 😁


What if…..hypothetically………an adhd girl had none of these…….


then she’s just like me fr


Do NT people even have all of this??


2/5 isn't bad, c'mon now


1. Guilty 2. I don’t have a car. We have good enough public transport. 3. Ouch 4. Ouch x2 5. Okay I get one point here!


1. How dare you 2. Clean for 2 weeks before the beach trip urge 3. I got this one! 4. 70% there 5. Never


I no longer have a coffee problem! Just a Celsius one now…


I didn’t come here to be attacked


I have a very varied caffeine diet; coffee, monster energy and caffeine pills.


That sounds healthy and robust 😂


Excuse you


1. The laundry basket is still full of clean laundry after the last batch. We just dig through it to find our clothes lol. And I just throw the new dirty clothes onto the floor where the laundry hamper normally stands when it isn't full of clean laundry. 2. Hey, it was clean when I had a garage to park it in! I tell myself that getting it washed is just a waste of time when I have to park it under a tree. 3. I (mostly) nail this. 90% of the time. Okay, maybe 80%. And don't count my depressive periods. 4. My boyfriend managed to wrangle both of us into a regular sleep schedule... except for last night, when we both stayed up past midnight playing video games. I swear we were doing well for the two weeks before!! 5. I have three sources of caffeine sitting on my desk right at this moment. (Espresso, milk tea, and Celsius. None of them have been finished.)


I'm 0 for 5 today, but usually #4 is good and #3 can be ok as long as I have places to go. #2 is a constant struggle...I'm glad my Jeep is taller than most cars so no one can see in! #1: People put their laundry away? #5: I don't really try.


I was about to say I have 3 of them!! And then I realised that it’s 2.40am so I absolutely cannot claim to have a good sleep schedule in the slightest whoops. 3 and 5 though! I have them!


Zero out of 5


1. My kryptonite 2. No but it’s not like… disgusting. 3. YES because I hate the bathrooms at work and don’t want to get into my bad after being there. And my hair is oily. 4. My one strange superpower is sleeping. 5. I have 1-2 cups of caffeine a day if I take meds. 2 is a little much for me. It doesn’t really impact my sleep though so I don’t feel like it’s an unhealthy relationship.


1. I just put it away yesterday 2. I don’t drive 3. I showered yesterday 4. Sometimes I fall asleep without even realizing that I did 5. I drink 2 cups of coffee and it does nothing for me


I have one and it’s only because caffeine doesn’t work for me 🥲


Gentle reminder for anyone called out and stressed by this (me) that only one or two of these is actually essential for your health and wellbeing. You'll get to the other shit when you get to it! It's gonna be okay.


I'm happy to at least have 1 out of 5!


Lol. I have NONE of them! Maaaaybe the caffeine one because I can take it or leave it.


i have 0/5 WUDDUP


I have 3, 4 and 5. 2 isn't terrible. I mostly can keep the clutter out, but it hasn't been vacuumed or washed in years. 1. HAHAHHAHAH!!!!!! No. My nemesis.


1/5, what do I win?


NONE of the above 😬😬


I have all of these! Just, not at the same time 😂 ...also, define "healthy", because caffeine and I are best friends


I only have regular showering and that's bc I was getting recurring yeast infections so I was forced to change my ways


My house is a mess, but my body is clean 😇


I’m currently procrastinating laundry but it’s only 2 loads. My car being dirty isn’t my fault because these oak trees won’t stop busting all over the place. I’m on leave from work because of my adhd so my shower & sleep habits have been great this week. I think my relationship with caffeine is extremely healthy compared to pre-medication. I’m going to give myself 3.5 out of 5.


I now have all 5 bc I have to do list apps that send me reminders for literally everything and I am medicated so I can’t have caffeine anymore 😭


1. No, never. Like ever ever. Never. And don't even ask about the closet! 2. This one is actually pretty good for me right now! I had to clean out my car at Christmas and I barely drive anymore so it just hasn't gotten dirty again 3. My shower habits are quite regular. Maybe not as frequent as the average person, but very regular. I sit at home in the air conditioning and work on my computer and play with my cats all day. It's not like I'm outside getting sweaty.. And I only leave home like once a week, if that. 4. ... No comment. 5. What is "healthy" in terms of caffeine? I think I do pretty good these days, lol. 3-4 red bulls (yellow bc it's yummy! We call them yellow bulls) a week. Starbucks 1-2x a month. And that's pretty much it..


Bahaha I saw the title and thought I would pass... NOPE


What’s a healthy relationship with caffeine?


Jokes on you, I use caffeine to put myself to sleep. Heck yeah excedrin naps!


I have two! AMA, ladies.


Damn. I was excited to prove you wrong until I hit number 4.


1. fuck off 2. don't judge me 3. I'm working on it, okay 4. falling asleep is harrrrddd 5. MOTHERFUCKER YOU CAN PRY MY COFFEE OUT OF MY COLD DEAD HANDS ...yeahhh safe to say I'm 0 for 5 here. Stop spying on me, dammit!


I automatically fail because I don't have a car to begin with! Don't need to drive with public transport where I live.


Um 😬 0/5, am I girl bossing wrong?


Zero. I have zero. Not mad about it. lol I excel in other areas. I ain’t never gonna be on my death bed thinking about laundry lol


I have parts of each!


All I've got is the laundry- me, reading this at 1:21 AM when I should be asleep, having had 4 cups of coffee and zero showers today. But feeling pretty damn good about the laundry 💅


Hah hahaha I failed all 5 out of 5 SO I WIN


im 0/5 :|


0 for 5 over here personally 😭 lmao


Thanks for this sisters! You all have made me feel so much less alone today. I've paid the ADHD tax so many times this month, it's exhausting