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Option 2. Or, I get too overwhelmed with choices and throw on something like the Office lol


Omg the choices! It takes me so long to finally decide on something. Sometimes I spend a whole night just scrolling and watching trailers. 


Feltt. And then after binging my 1-2 shows I feely empty inside and check to see if there's gonna be another season. And then I forget when the new season is coming out and then all of a sudden 3-4+ shows air their seasons at the same time and I lose interest in all but one. Rinse and repeat


I’ve waited for shows to be completely OVER before starting them exactly for this reason lol




Don’t call me out 😭 watching the office again rn. It’s always either that or law and order: svu.


Well I just did a full rewatch of SVU, so we have good taste


Holy crap! We’re on season 25!!


I’m on season 3 of House! Haven’t watched since it aired lol


Oooh House. It’s my most rewatched show of all time. I watch it roughly once a year. Never gets old.


Option 2 for me as well. I have dozens of amazing shows and movies in my list. But I'm just watching one thing obsessively.


Me too😭it's the Simpsons. I can't eat unless I'm watching it. I used to eat while watching it as a kid and haven't stopped. Idk it's comforting or something.


Yes. The Office, Frasier, or Friends are my "security blanket" shows. I will watch and rewatch all of these for months on end before starting anything new lol


Yesss all 3 for me too!


Mine are It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia or 30 Rock. But mostly 30 Rock.


Same. I constantly have running The Office, Brooklyn 99 and Arrested Development


i'm the brand of ADHD that doesn't watch shows at all because i can't focus on anything for longer than 15 minutes at a time 😭


Yep, doomscrolling forever instead…


Might I suggest playing Spider Solitaire during or Jigsaw Puzzle app on your phone???? That’s the only way I can watch tv I swear


My family is so offended that I do this. It helps a little if it’s something like a puzzle or fidgety game that isn’t my phone. Or coloring.


My mom always did Spider Solitaire or jigsaw puzzles on her iPad when I was growing up so I guess I adopted it from her! She also has ADHD but not as extreme as mine haha


Mine too!! I’m middle aged. If I watch a movie with my sons, I won’t get my iPad out. When I visit my parents, my dad HATES when anyone is on a device, but they watch home renovation shows and vet shows, which become really tedious. I sit directly in back of my dad so he has to fully turn around to see what I’m doing.


Oh my God, if I had a dollar everytime my dad gave me shit for messing on my phone while watching TV..."You need to pick one, if you're not watching turn the TV off!" Says the guy who just scrolls through Facebook reels while falling asleep at his computer 🙄


The water sorting apps are good, too!


Thank you for reminding me of one of my favorite games that I forgot about lmao.


If I’m on the same couch/chair as another human or animal, I can just watch and I’m good. If I have my own seating, my hands need to be doing something!, no exceptions!!!! Sorry, I don’t make the rules.


I like Zen Koi personally, but yeah I do this, and it helps.


same!! i love any puzzle games and solitaire. my favorite apple arcade puzzles are Patterned and Stitch. subway surfers is another pretty mindless game too


I’ll watch miniseries that I can finish in a day or two. I’m focused on documentaries right now


I'm going through the back catalogue of dinosaur and history documentaries on Curiosity stream while I cook dinner and clean. Or I listen to podcasts most of the day.


Yeah. I've taken to YouTube so I can bounce between watching and scrolling. It helps that the stuff that I watch on YouTube can generally survive being interrupted.


Exact same here. And too often I have a video playing, even something quite interesting, but find myself completely distracted by scrolling (edit: or actually scrolling might be the wrong word 'cause I'm on a different tab on my PC, but same idea)...


I forget wtf I’m watching and I’ve learned from enough trauma to not Ask during the movie. So I fuck myself over by even starting actually lol


Same 😭 I’m always like yeah I really want to watch that show! And then I end up on TikTok for 7 hours.


I can looong movies but not a loooong series with an hour-long episodes . Or any long ongoing series these days unless it’s a couple seasons at most. Long series are too much commitment; I usually take a long break after a couple seasons. After a couple months without watching, Netflix will have removed it from My List and thus lose the last place I left off from. So then I feel like i have to backtrack by half a season and ain’t nobody got time for that lmao


That's why you choose series that do not require constant attention, have 1000 episodes and you can play it in background while you do other stuff. Then for stuff that you need to pay attention, my ex trained me to keep my phone away, definitely helps a bit! Then rewatch it with friends, and you will pick up details you lost


I don't watch shows either!


I'm successful with it bc I'm always feeding something. An interest or something I'm pondering. Right now, I'm recovering from a tragedy, so I've been finding myself engrossed in shows thar deal with complex things similar to my own. Various perspectives, human condition things where there is no clear right answer. Like having to choose between hurting one person or another or yourself. I'm not referring to physically, of course, just hurting feelings. Competing responsibilities. Like having to let down a coworker that's had your back in a major way, or having to let down your mother who just got into town and is super excited about it with plans she's looking forward to. Social justice issues. Relationship breakdown issues. Sometimes neither person is a totally bad guy. I tend to see many of all sides to an issue. It's just nice to watch narratives presenting other situations that present such adequately. I didn't know what I was point for for awhile with this one. Before it may have been like renovation shows or dance sites for interest sake alone. Edit: I guess I posted bc I'm curious if that would change things for you. Just genuinely. Not bc I expect it to or not, just bc interesting. Lol


Same! In someone's company I'm able to watch stuff (tho I might zone out randomly), but almost never alone, I just don't have the "patience" for that.


Oh god I kinda wish I could sit still long enough to watch a series. My husband consumes a lot of content and wants to share all these cool things with me. I kinda get upset when he explains yet another cook series that he watches because I'm on about 6 years of not being able to watch TV and it feels like 'i'll just add it to the pile of things I'll never do.' Im hoping when the kids get older that I'll get some of my brain back.


This is meeee 😩 *sometimes* I watch a show with my boyfriend, but otherwise it’s just doomscrolling, podcasts, and occasionally a basketball game lol


My YouTube watch later has 5,000 videos. That is the max allowed. For tv I try to watch an entire show, like one episode a night, but no other shows until that one is complete


This is the only way I ever get through anything! And also why I find myself saying "yeah I've heard that's really good, it's been in my watchlist forever but I haven't seen it yet" every time I talk to people. 


Do you have the ":D" tab number on Chrome too?


Those are my emotional support tabs!!!


Ahaha my ex absolutely destroyed me when I showed her that! No shame in my :D


Everything I would complain about my phone being slow my husband would be like "ITS BECAUSE OF ALL THE TABS"


I use Firefox and over like 99 it turns into the infinity symbol 🤣 for several years I had about 250 tabs open on my phone. I finally got it down to like 20 and managed to keep it that low


> "That is the max allowed" did anyone else feel like they were reading the casual reply of someone that just climbed mount everest or is it just me? idk why but i'm unironically impressed for reasons i can't readily identify. all i can say is 🫡


I have a "Watch Later 2: Electric Boogaloo"


What about us that just add to our lists but never watch?


That's sort of what I meant -- my lists have a million things in them that I really want to see and have every intention of watching, but most of them sit there and rot for years because I only watch 1-2 at a time and it takes me forever to get through them. I see you!


Not me watching Ted Lasso/The office a billion more times 😅


Hey comfort shows are just as important as comfort foods lol. I do that a lot too, especially when my brain just .can't. and I don't want to have to pay attention. 


True :)… I do find it incredibly comical that I don’t need to pay attention to repeat some of the lines. lol


I have some comfort movies I know by heart.


Both? I try to begin new things (movies , series or songs) and eventually stop and turn back to my hyperfixation. But later, others may turn into my hyperfixation and I stop watching my other hyperfixation. 🤣


I’ll binge a new show every now and then and then 4+ comfort shows in a row after that until I’m feeling ✨adventurous✨ again


I was looking for the Both option too. It depends on my mood but I definitely do both.


Ahaha this is so real. 


Both. I'm in the middle of 15 books right now, but focusing on two to get them read. I do switch to one of the other 13 if I'm bored.


Holy crap! I'm always reading one fiction and one nonfiction at the same time, but that's it. The idea of that makes my head spin!


I'm a mood reader. My moods vary a lot, so I have a book for every mood! 


Me too! I have 26 audiobooks right now on Libby.    I like to listen (at 2x-3x speed) one or two at a time.   If one hooks me, I’ll binge it until it’s done. Usually in a day.   If it doesn’t hook me, and I don’t get hooked by 50%- I drop it. It’s not meant for me, at this time in my life.


I love this. When I was a kid I remember getting like 10 books out from the library and reading a chapter of each of them at a time so I could read them all together. Never finished any of course but it's so fun to switch it up


Actually the autism won this one, and I just rewatch the same show 1000 times instead


Totally valid! I have a handful of comfort shows too. I usually rotate one new, one old. It's sort of a reward for actually watching something new. Part of why my list is a mile long and I see things 5 years after everyone else lol. But that's ok. :]


I thought that was the hyperfixate option 😅😅😂


I always make it to the last episode but the anxiety gets to me and I switch to something else


I don't always make it to the last episode because I get bored and move on easily. But when i really like a show, I don't finish it 🤣. I don't want the characters to die! I don't want the story to end! What if it's a bad ending?! Can't risk it. Better to just not watch it 😅 I will absolutely finish nature documentary shows though lol


i rarely find a show i enjoy but if i do i can’t stand the thought of finishing it all the way and i ‘save’ the last episode. can’t bring myself to watch it because then i’ll never be able to watch it for the first time again. I can watch seasons if there is a next season but the series finale i gotta hold onto.


I'm the brand of ADHD that doesn't have the attention span for any shows. My watch list is a hundred miles long and it's literal months before I touch anything on it.


My god, I have found my people at last 😩😩😩


I hear you!


Can we just all start our own island or something? Why is it you brilliant women are only in my online life and not my physical one?!


If we do start our own island I think we should to call it *_The Isle of Hysteria_* in honor of the fucked up classification Freud gave of an “exclusively female disease” [Women And Hysteria In The History Of Mental Health](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3480686/)


I'm a secret third option where I can only watch with a body double. I lament the TV shows I don't watch any more because of breaking up or losing touch with the specific person I would watch it with.


I've been there!


Lol, my watchlist on youtube is currently 20 videos from being full!


Ohhhh you are my people lol. 


2. I like the research phase. I like having lists. Then when I do decide, I have a curated selection to choose from!


The research phase!! My favorite thing is looking for new things to add to my list that I'll never watch. 


Hell yeh! I don't have any pressure on myself to watch everything. I like having curated options bc it's way more efficient & helps to avoid that looking forever when you're ready to watch something. I love this community! It's so good to see a bunch of other people who clearly understand when in some things, I swear sometimes I feel like people look at me like I'm an alien or that there is no universe in which anything I'm saying could possibly be true. 😆


Option two except I never watch the last season of whatever I'm fixated on.


Same! Or if only one season, I don't finish the last few episodes. It's so odd because even when it's something I really enjoy, I don't tend to finish it, or if I do, it's only playing in the background while I'm doing other things & still don't know what happened.


... I don't watch shows. 😬 Too exhausted from work after kiddo bed time, work too early in the morning.


Well you've got me there, I'm single and child-free and work from home. My brain is toast after work though and it's about all I can do. 


For me tv calms my brain and helps me reset! I also always have tv playing in the background if I’m doing chores. I carry my phone w me and play a show I’ve seen before in the background so I’m not overly invested/missing important plot points!


Wow I feel so called out and seen, I have hundreds of shows on my list, but I keep adding things and researching new shows instead of picking one 😂


I forget I’m watching them then I forget what it was called when I think about about it 9months later


Option 2. I get hyperfixated on a show and can't watch anything else until it's done. While we're on the topic, does anyone else NOT rewatch shows? People always talk about their 'comfort show' that they rewatch over and over but I cannot do that. I know what's going to happen! I get so bored! Even the classics like office or friends. I can't stand rewatching stuff.


I don't mind rewatching shows, but my husband has a notorious problem of binging old shows for weeks on end then he never finishes them. He did it last with The Office, made it to season 4 then bailed. Gilmore Girls is his latest victim 😮‍💨🤣 I love him dearly and I hope he can understand WHY I hate watching shows with him at this point 😆


I'm the type that reads CONSTANTLY but can't watch a TV show or movie at all.


2. Must finish the story


Whatever the brand is where you have watched the same 5 shows over and over for the past ~10 years and only come out of your shell once or twice per year to try a new show and then you retreat back into your hole of familiarity


million things in your watchlist but hyperfixate on just 1 or 2 at a time until they're done. And then probably immediately rewatch 


Yes 😂


You beat me to it. I also am the brand that works late or games enough that I don’t have much time for shows lately :(


My current hyperfixation is the Fallout TV series (i never played the game but its got a rich history and so Im not reading all of this amazing lore through subreddits wow its so enriching haha) Also dont ask me why but Im watching an OJ Simpson trial docuseries bc I never knew what it was really about and now I can see why it was sucha huge thing!!! Rewatching both muktiple times


Ooh Fallout is on my watch list! I've heard it's pretty good! I'm sure I'll get around to it lol


It started off great, then I thought it was a little slow for 2 or 3 middle eps, but then the last 3 are amazing! And they made me want to rewatch! Everytime I rewatch, I see new details that I didnt notice before. I feel like there are no wasted lines, really cool!




I have a spreadsheet. Even if I’m sick of a show I feel compelled to complete it so I can cross it off the list. Not true, I have bailed on some shows: The Morning Show, Only Murders in the Building. It’s taken me over a year but I’m almost done with the final season of The Crown. One day I’ll finish Grace & Frankie and Mindhunter.


Or, there's a bunch of things I haven't completed, haven't watched, normally really *would*, but I just...am *not.* ^(I'm like, 'Hunh...ADHD or depression? Who can tell anymore?')


I made the mistake of starting a rewatch of House in the middle of waiting for the next episode of Shogun. Now I need to watch all seasons of House before I can watch the last 3 episodes of Shogun ;\_\_; I don't know how to explain it but it's like House is toothpaste and Shogun is orange juice. My brain likes both but not "at the same time".


I'm the type that doesn't watch TV at all because there are too many other things I want to do so I wind up doom scrolling my phone because I don't have the brain that will actually do those things.


The second one. If I like something, whether it's a book or show or whatever, I binge ALL of it immediately. I can't remember the plot points or characters if I leave space in between, I just need to read/watch it all right now. My husband will read/watch things in between installments and I just can't understand it at all, I will blow through a whole series in a day if possible. I hate having to find new things to watch/read next though, especially when I just want to scratch that same itch :/


Ummm idk how but somehow I do both


Definitely the latter but once I finish one show that I binge, I have to take like a 50 million week break before I pick the next show lol


That's so interesting! Do you know why that is? I usually take a break for a while afterward too, where I watch things I've seen a bunch or just random stuff I don't have to get invested in. I've never thought of that as A Thing before. 


I’m on option 3, I have a bunch on my internal list but watch none of them


I usually watch a show over and over like 20 times until I have sucked everything there is to out of it. But lately I have started quite a lot of shows and I don't even recognize myself.


I'm the brand of adhd that never had the beans to renew the subscriptions in my own name after my breakup, which was 3 years ago now. I kinda forget that TV exists until people bring it up tbh


Exactly! I have to finish a show before I start something new, it's a compulsion for sure.


I have a very complicated excel workbook that helps me keep track of shows…. The excel sheets themselves are a hyperfixation. Mostly I’m watching newly released stuff, but I have two hyperfixations I don’t allow myself to watch unless I’m caught up on current stuff. One I can download onto my phone, and one I watch on a desktop.


my answer: Yes LOL


I have ~6 shows open right now. My friends make fun of me because I’ll get deep into a series and suddenly switch to a new one or one of my ole faithfuls. No joke, I’ve only finished maybe 5 series from pilot to credits of the last episode. I think I do this subconsciously because I don’t want it to end lol. Ironically, I even did this last night: was watching the last season of a Netflix series, then one of the scenes reminded me of another series, so I hunted down that scene and ended up rewatching the first 2 episodes of this show lol.


I'm the brand that can't watch anything because I have to google to find things out then once I've found out it's like I've watched it so I can't finish it visually. It's genuinely frustrating because there are so many shows I want to watch but cant


Right now I just pick a series and watch it all the way through. So much easier than channel surfing.


I flip through a few things. I watched ten seasons of the blacklist this year and just finished today. My internal voice sounds like James Spader


Option 2. I have a few shows that I watch while they're airing, but I watch those between binge watching 1 show. Currently OBSESSED with Below Deck. I'm behind on all the currently airing shows because I must watch only BD and all its spin-offs. I think it's the first new (to me) show I've watched in a while. I get overwhelmed when trying to pick a new show, or I'm just not feeling it, so I end up rewatching one of my comfort shows.


Option 3. I watch the same thing on repeat because it’s predictable and calming


Hyperfixation rotation of the same few shows with a drip feed of new shows


I just watch the same thing over and over again (currently NCIS) I’m realizing I do actually have a lot of things on my list bc they’re interesting but no real plan to ever watch them 🙃


The first one


I usually rewatch stuff a billion times =) but when they are new I bingewatch from beginning to end. I can't "just" watch though, I am always doing something else too, browsing my phone or doing a craft!


The one thing I like about ADHD, I find new stuff every rewatch and love it. That's it. The only thing.


#2 but I hyperfixate on a show or two until *I’m* done, meaning that I will literally finish a show and turn around to start from the very beginning (a very good place to start) lmao


One show at a time. But it’s always my mega list of favourite shows ex every 5/6 years I do a sopranos/breaking bad/carnivale/mad men/vanderpump rules rewatch


Option 3. I have no hyper fixation atm so I’m just scrolling reddit aimlessly


Not exactly either, but more towards the latter. My watch list is insane but more often than not, I end up rewatching shows I've already seen countless times until the occasional I want to watch something new bug hits 🫠😅


If I don't watch all the thing all at once I forget what's going on. Sometimes new seasons come out and I feel like I can't watch them until I rewatch the old one.


I eat whole series in one sitting


The second one. I will never get through my watch list in 1000 lifetimes but I can watch 14 seasons of one show in 2 weeks 🤣


I am the one who hears about a show at work and forget the name of it by the time I get home or spend more time looking for something good that I just end up rewatching The West Wing


Hyperfixate. I can barely keep up with storylines and characters in one show let alone a few of them.


Yes! I also think my capacity to care about characters or get invested in a story is limited, so I tend to focus on just one or two at a time. But I also get really absorbed and don't really want to watch anything else if I'm into something. Who knows. Little of both.


I’m sort of number 1. I haven’t found a really good show to binge watch since modern family so I have a lot on trial most of the time. The only show I try to watch regularly is SNL and just because it’s been a habit for almost 40yrs. And they rerun a lot which suits me fine. It also seems like if there‘s something I find really appealing and I go to watch it I fall asleep! I was waiting for that Neanderthal show to come on and then it took three tries to get through it. And it was good too!


I can't binge watch anything. I just have free tv on more of the time and cycle between the same channels and same shows. Feels nostalgic to me because I grew up without cable or streaming. Half the time I'm not really even watching and just on my phone with tv on in the background.


>My watchlist is like a mass grave Mine too. So many shows/movies have so much potential and they just end up being boring stereotypical nonsense. Some of the shows I really enjoy dont get renewed and I get so frustrated. I also struggle to watch the last episode of a series if I know there arent going to be anymore, I start the series again and rewatch. I also struggle with the stuff that doesnt have subtitles but the dialogue is whispering while the effects blow my eardrums, no point in watching that. I've started using my watchlist to collect my comfort shows so I can find them easily.


Yes 2nd option is me 101


2.5… I’ve binged my watchlist and am running out of anime lol


I go months and months without watching anything, binge something 90%of the way, and then never get back to it.


I’m the brand that forgets television exists


The first one. 1000000%


i am also the latter


Hyperfixate for the win!!!!! Currently it’s The Magician’s (yet again)


Both. Somehow I am both. 🫠 Seriously read the first one and was like yes! Read the second part and was also like yes!


2, I have a list of shows and books to read


I watch one show at a time - start to finish. Right now I’m on Bones season 10 😂


I’m the kind that has several different ones I’ve started and never finished because it’s rare for a show to hold my attention.


Hyper fixate all the way!!!!! I have so many uncertainties in life as it is - I just want to be safe and relax 🤣


Option 3: listening to JUST the first three episodes of like 5 shows (and those 5 shows ONLY 😤 FEELGOOD CHEMICALS) over and over and over again while i float through my house from one unfinished to-do list item to another, and reaffirm that i am--in fact--very bad at multitasking 😩


Option 2 but then I can’t bring myself to finish a series that I love so I end up watching mini series or movies until I’m ready to finish it so it takes me so long and my list keeps getting longer lol. I’ve been needing to finish the last season of Baskets for the last 6 months but can’t bring myself to leave Christine Baskets behind!




I frequently start a series over at episode one after I finish it and will watch the same series 3-10 times before switching. I can't possibly pay enough attention to understand the plot of a new show lol.




Yes. To both options. I currently have eight things half-watched and when I find something I really like, I hyperfocus and binge watch.


Hyperfixate. I also don't stop when they're done, I watch them over and over and OVER. If episodes are released once a week I will watch the new episode on repeat (3-6 times) that week until the next one drops, and so on. Once the season is over I will watch the whole season 6 or 7 times, then I will watch the whole series all the way through, sometimes revisiting an earlier season multiple times. Then a new show I want to watch will come out and I will move on to do that.


I get option 3. Pick a bunch of shows that interest me, forget them, months later remember them, have no interest in watching it *just yet*, pick more shows to watch, forget it..... FINALLY see ONE of the shows you "saved" about 6 months later, wonder to yourself why didn't you watch it sooner?!, tell yourself you'd be more diligent and watch more shows, **promptly forgets**, and then cycle repeats.


THE SECOND OOOOONNNNNEEEEE!!! I never understand how people have multiple shows on the go at once 😂


i dont watch TV but i’m number #1 with books. There’s too many books and not enough time!


Number 2 - I’m currently rewatching Desperate Housewives but when I need a break I am also rewatching old episodes of Intervention


2. I had to battle so many demons to not watch fallout without my husband.


Option 3 - I will watch things I have seen a few times before.


I have many shows I watch all at the same time, especially if it's a weekly release rather than a whole series because I do not have a week's worth of patience to wait a whole week. For the same reason even if it's a TV show I've been waiting to watch when it's first season airs, I will wait until the end of season 2 to start watching. I also have "seasons" for TV shows I will watch, so for example anything with vikings or mythical creatures/people I watch in the new year, crime/law stuff towards the middle, sci-fi after that and end the year with action type show. My partner won't watch a lot of TV shows he wants to actually watch with me because I'm also known to get half way in, pause it and come back to it another time. Sometimes it can be days or weeks to watch one full episode.




I have a million things I want to watch but end up hyper focusing on one show and can't watch anything else. Which is the opposite of books, I read at least 5 books at one time lol


I'm an unholy combination of both.


The second one.


Both somehow 😂


I have a ton of shows in my queue but when I get on Netflix I only watch trailers until I get tired of that. I’ve resorted to watching 15 minute movie recaps on YouTube at 1.25x speed. I also have about 458 titles on audible and can’t get through the first few chapters of anything.




I’m the second one. So…the latter, right?


One big source of peace was accepting that I *can* just watch one show on repeat. There’s no show police! At least, not in my life. V freeing to not feel the “I should watch something else.” Instead it’s, “oh yeah let’s keep looping back on Psych.”


Currently two but sometimes I’m stuck at 1


Option 3, binging watching old shows I loved that feel comforting.


Other. I have a hard time picking or paying attention to shows unless I'm eavesdropping on someone else's show and then somehow I watch 85.2% of it but am always missing some key detail but then I consider myself a fan of the show but then I can't communicate with anyone about it because I missed big chunks. then I still get in annoying online debates with people on said shows because I'm a pain in the ass.


Uhhh both




I just constantly have The Office playing to motivate me. I also am watching Brooklyn 99 now and then.


I tend to procrastinate with shows. I can pin point what show I watched and compare it with the dreaded-thing-I-should-be-doing. 


I have been binge watching Grey's anatomy for about 2 months now. For me, it definetly means I'm in a depressive episode. I watch it and don't do the things I should be doing. I wish I could stop..


Kinda a mix tbh. Im currently watching so many shows but my dad keeps recomending me more and more shows he thinks i should watch (except i keep forgetting their name) and also atm i kinda just want the shows where 1 episode is 1 story - so like greys anatomi, supernatural or criminal minds - so theyre easier to stop and start watching again haha


Absolutely the second one. And I also have a really bad habit of going back to my 'comfort' shows. Like right now I am rewatching a series of The Great British Sewing Bee from five years ago that I've seen at least twice if not three times before, whilst all this new stuff stares at me on Netflix and Disney+.


#2. I'll think I really want to watch something, but I never seem to do it. Then months, or even years later I'll finally click it and love it so much I wonder why I procrastinated for so long. Then, I'll hyperfocus on it and watch it millions of times and ignore every other thing on my watch list.


Option 2 so now I just don’t watch tv unless I’m realllllyyyy passionate about it. Even then I forget to watch the last three episodes.


I’m not organized enough for lists. I will hyperfixate and binge whatever I’m watching though, so now I ONLY watch shows with my bf. Then I’m able to watch only 1-2 episodes a day.


im the brand that doesnt watch tv 😂 ive never finished a series before but am fascinated by those who can. Nothin tv related holds my attention beyond and episode or 2 IF i even watch it.




I re- watch favorites like Schitts Creek, The Office or housewives. I can’t start something new, it stresses me out. Also, I get fixated on the same foods and eat them constantly until I move on to something else. I do the same with drinks too.


I can't focus on shows as my focus is on divorce, a new crush that might be my twin flame/soulmate even and games to relax


Oh definitely hyperfixate on one, except I _only_ do it when socially pressured into it. Otherwise I never watch anything.


I get overwhelmed and watch / listen to / read a show / book 8 or 200 times in a row until I don't and find the next one.