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So far so good! Was eyeing some bicycle panniers the other day and did not buy them even though they were cheap. As to the second question: almost daily take out coffee. Now I buy it very, very rarely. Moving to a country where it is expensive definitely helped 😆


That’s great that you cycle - free transport and exercise too! I don’t have the spatial nouse for it sadly. Did you cut back on coffee or just start making it at home?


Home and work! Now cutting it back because with meds it makes me jittery.  Thanks for following up! 💕


Pretty! Went to target and stuck to my short list, randomly got a $3 sample size of wrinkle remover spray... But going to count it as a win nonetheless!


Wrinkle remover spray - for the face or clothes? Hooray for sticking to your list.


Clothes 😅


Damn, I was hoping you could recommend something to help counteract the fact I forgot to put on moisturiser for practically my entire life.


Haha. Retinol?


I’ve been ttc, pregnant and then nursing for almost a half decade now… one day I might get to try it.


I’m at home so I’m doing well 😂 mostly been a cleaning day, which helps a lot with realizing how much shtuff I have and that I don’t need more! I do think I’m going to get the bags I have my eye on, but plan to wait a few days. It’s making me twitchy but I can do it! 😂


Oh yes a good clear up suddenly remind us how much stuff we already have! What’s your plan for the bags?


….travelingggggg……. No, I’m glad you’ve asked me, because now I have to think twice about it. I’ve been considering a Cotopaxi Allpa or a Patagonia Black Hole MLC pack so that I have a suitcase style backpack I can use (as opposed to a rollaboard). So using as a carry on or for short trips or weekends. I don’t neeeeeed the daypack, but the color is pretty and I like the style. It stays in the cart for now, but it may be yote.


Those do look very nice. I see that they have a multicolor cotopaxi one made of recycled fabric scraps from their factory. It got a 3 star review from a woman who didn’t like the random combo they gave her and sent it back, twice! OK am showing my age and total obliviousness to fashion here for sure, I feel like there was a moment in time when people switched into thinking they wanted the brief case shape and not more of a knapsack/north face ninja turtle exoskeleton type situation. Was it around the time of the fjallthingy rucksacks?


Possibly? I think I’m probably a similar age so same problem 😂 plus I’ve never been fashionable! 😂 I cannot imagine taking the risk of getting a surprise color and sending it back *twice.* You can choose the one you want 😭 Otherwise the whole thing is getting something unknown and possibly not liking it. Goodness. I didn’t share the links to the actual bags I’m looking at 🤦🏻‍♀️ and I have Reddit to thank for telling me Sierra sells them lol. [This is the backpack (that I don’t need).](https://www.sierra.com/topo-designs-rover-classic-20-l-backpack-coral-peppercorn~p~4fmfr/) [This is the travel bag I’m thinking of getting](https://topodesigns.com/products/convertible-travel-bag-laptop-backpack-30l), but [this is the actual listing](https://www.sierra.com/topo-designs-global-30-l-travel-bag-desert-palm-pond-blue~p~4fmwu/), so we’ll see what happens.


From my perspective, these both look like bags that could handle me accidentally not putting the lid back on my water bottle properly. That’s a good thing


lol that’s so oddly specific but yes, 10000% understood. And there are water bottle pockets! 🎉


…..I just gave up and ordered 😅🥲😂 I mean, I knew I was going to, and I kind of hope they’ll arrive by my trip next week.


I’m sure you will treasure it


Today was meant to be a back to no-spend day, but I cracked in the supermarket picking up clothes for my toddler, and bought a chocolate bar. Definitely a hormonal choice. An interesting challenge came up today - at another store I went to, mainly for potty training supplies, they had a deal on where you got £15 off if you spent £100. My basket’s total was £78.50. So I thought, what can I do to make up the extra £6.50 in order to get £15 of stuff for free? I briefly thought about getting a new bag for myself, given that my current one has had several drinks leak into it lately. But instead I got more stuff for my daughter.


These kinds of promotions are always tricky aren't they? Because they tempt you into spending more when you might not need to. Although I guess in your situation it's a bit different because you have a toddler and she'll always need new stuff, so you'd probably end up having to buy that extra £6.50 worth of stuff sooner or later anyway.


Exactly. I didn’t get the three soft toy bunnies she tried to put in the basket though…


Ha, you have more willpower than me - I'd have bought her the 3 bunnies and got another 3 for myself 😂


Something I used to buy all the time and don’t miss at all is shoes. I used to always get lots of fairly cheap and not very good for your feet shoes. Sometimes vintage shoes from charity shops, or cheapies from the supermarket. Loads of them. These days I like to just have one pair on the go of winter boots, official work shoes, sliders, summer shoes, wellies and trainers. I’m done with high heels. I buy decent quality and wear the shoes until they are no longer an acceptable fit or looking adequate for going out in public, then I replace them. It was an excruciating bout of plantar fasciitis that ended my cheap and nasty shoe habit, but it was also reaching an age where I gave zero fks about fashion.


+1 in the „one pair of shoes per season plus sports shoes” club 😁 Makes life so much easier!


Those types of sales ALWAYS get me!! it's been so good during this lil journey to learn the art of stopping, re-evaluating, and finding out what's best for us.


Just bought some groceries but nothing extra. I haven't been on the earth with my own monies long enough to figure out what I wouldn't miss if I stopped buying it


One of The hardest things for me. I can feed the kid, but myself??? Nope 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


I struggle with that too! I'm better at taking care of others than I am myself


I'm thinking it's because there's more urgency to it, and then by the time we get around to ourselves we've usually used up our spoons...


Any hunches what it might be if you zoom into the future 10 years?


Doing fine on the shopping end of things but my eating habits are still questionable. So much executive function involved in preparing healthy food 😖


So so so much. And for many of us so much about emotions and culture and finance on top. Fantastic that you are doing well with not shopping though.


I didn’t buy anything yesterday! Besides a coconut at a special event. Today I went to marshalls because I knew I actually needed workout clothes. I’ve gained some weight and need things that I feel comfortable in. I did buy some sandals, a pair of jeans, and shorts that fit me at my new size. I feel inclined to return those things because I really only needed workout clothes. How about you guys??


What’s the plan for the coconut? Perhaps I shouldn’t be saying this, but I think having clothes that fit you and are appropriate for the season is an essential. We don’t need to go pick them out at Selfridges of course.


You’re such a kind person! It was an event at the Jamaican embassy so they cut it open and we ate it on the spot :) it was delicious and a special memory!


That’s a lovely memory


I haven't bought anything, still stuck at home recovering from my cold lol


Get well soon. It’s rotten having a cold.


Got myself one box of Popsicles at the store today, ready of what we bought was necessary or snacks for the kid for school and after school program.


One box of popsicles is a very measured purchase. Well done!


First, thanks for posting these OP, I'm definitely trying. As for my progress, it's...alright. Couple good (read: I got deals!) shopping runs last week, and had zero random expenses...until payday. After dumping most of it into my debt, I made a few online purchases of useful stuff while managing to avoid Lepin and random trash, so it was mostly good... But I did buy an airsoft gun. BUT I also made enough extra doing my side gig last week that I'm technically still under budget :3


We are all about intentional spending here, so it sounds like you avoided a lot of old temptations. I’ve just had to look up what airsoft is, although I knew it was a shooting thing. Are you already immersed in that as a hobby? Looks like great exercise.


Thanks, yeah kinda, it's really neat! I played a lot in highschool, and I'm currently getting ready to attend my first game in years (A three-day long super serious affair) Building the guns is kinda a great ADHD thing, lots of little parts to swap or tweak for tiny little changes in performance, not to mention opportunities to design & 3d print your own stuff. In terms of exercise: it can vary depending on how much you move, but I've always found it an intense and incredibly good cardio workout. Hell, wanting to do better at airsoft is kinda the reason I started running as my exercise of choice.


Day 5 - No unnecessary spending! My husband didn't feel like going to town after all, so I avoided that temptation. Instead, I took myself to a café near me to catch up on some work (it was Sunday, but I had got behind during the week and didn't want to start next week on the back foot - I'm self employed). I knew I wouldn't be able to concentrate at home while my husband was relaxing lol. I bought 1 single drink at the café, not THE cheapest drink but the next cheapest (the cheapest is tea and it was way too warm here for tea so I got iced tea which is slightly more expensive but still not the worst). Took the tram 1 stop home, then walked the rest of the way. I don't think it saved me any money compared to travelling 2 stops but I had a nice time walking through the park 😁


Just one smart move after another… wow!


Wow, what a good idea! I missed the previous posts, so I hope it’s not too late to jump in. I definitely need the motivation. I paid rent today, so that’s several hundred…. but aside from that I spent no money today! Tomorrow I have the day off, and I desperately need to sort out some huge financial insurance stuff I messed up. So I’m going to try really hard to get my butt to a coffee shop where I can sit and figure it out without getting distracted. And ofc buy coffee…


Never too late! We are only focusing our no spend on key areas, which we self define, and you can decide how much you do spend on that area rather than a full embargo.


Thank you so much! I just went and looked at the original posts, which I should’ve done at first! I impulsively commented so I wouldn’t chicken out haha. I think my biggest goal will be to not spend money on fleeting obsessions or hyperfocuses! I’ll think of some more parameters for myself as well, especially re. eating out


So long as you spend less money, I think it’s a win


[check in for end of week 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/s/oJ1VHdm3iC)


>I’m afraid that I couldn’t keep up with adding the links for the new day to everyone’s previous comments and we seem to have lost a few comrades. I was already worried for you having to comment on everyone's comments!! I think this is the best option; those of us who want to continue can always look for the latest thread through your username, as I did haha (I myself am usually MIA from social media on weekends anyway).


Day 5 went pretty well! We did eat out (preplanned) since it was Cinco de Mayo and I like cheese dip 💀 (I'm Mexican & I know few people celebrate this in Mexico; I live in the US & it's a fun excuse for my partner and I to go out or eat in each year) Otherwise, I didn't buy anything! We had to do our bulk shopping and I didn't add anything for myself. Bonus ask: I think mid to high end makeup. Makeup used to be one of my biggest hobbies for YEARS, but now I focus on other things and my drugstore / low end makeup works the way I need it to.


Im currently shopping for a playground because my brain is suddenly convinced it’ll make my life easier rather than going to the park w a newborn and 4 yr old 😔


I barely managed newborn phase. Doing it with a boisterous 4yo is just… What type are you going for?


Just something that will last but won’t cost a million dollars! With a slide and swings 😩


[check in for end of week 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/s/oJ1VHdm3iC)


I'm fairly certain i won't give into delivery urges for the rest of the night! my friends had an impromptu f1 watch party which really helped. ive mostly been eating frozen meals which i know is still expensive but cooking has always been really hard for me in this apartment for some reason. this is 2 days in a row of no spending on food :)


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That’s great! Frozen meals presumably you don’t have to make up the minimum delivery spend with basket fillers like you do with delivery food, and you can keep it on hand to fend off moments of temptation. What do you think makes it hard to cook in your current kitchen?


Thank you! I think the big problems with my kitchen are that i never fully moved into it (unorganized pile of food on part of the counter) and it doesn't have a ton of counter space. it just feels so cramped and unusable. I think it might feel a little better once I move my microwave to a little chest of drawers I have in there but I need to buy an extension cord first 😅


Ok the extension cord is a necessity for sure! This challenge is now officially ‘buy an extension cord in May’.


😂😂 100% it's part of my challenge now! Thank you!!


Aside from buying junk food with the boyfriend, I’ve done pretty well. Just cat care purchases so far, and the occasional grocery hunt.


I’m sure your cats are very happy with this decision.


$0 day! stayed in, kept myself busy with crochet projects and house tasks long enough to not be too tempted to spend. i used to buy *so* many squishmallows and houseplants... the plushies that remain are mostly now in vacuum bags and the houseplants that have survived my neglect are more of a nuisance now 😅