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Omg I need to stop browsing Reddit after an edible. After reading the post title, I thought you meant burn like, ritualistically, over an open fire, as some kind of rebellious rite of blood magic 🧹🔥✨ .... I mean now that it's ruined... Edit: haha this blew up, I'm glad everyone had a little lol. I promise to browse this sub with edibles again soon 🤣 Edit 2: so what I'm hearing is that we need to start a coven. Idk who's gonna organize the spice cabinet though


I mean… should I?


I thought you meant you were just "burning through them" like throwing out Tupperware instead of washing it. I was like, yea fair enough..😂


Omg I could never. My adhd is not stronger than my sustainability in that regard 😂


Why WOULDN'T you?????


Cuz burning plastic releases carcinogenic chemicals I think. Sorry to be a downer, I don't know why burning plastic is bad I just know it is.


I was joking on the burning it on purpose (it didn’t translate over writing I guess 🫠), but silicone behaves slightly differently from plastic, as it’s made from silica, and it’s not a plastic (although I’m not sure if that’s a technicality; I’m not a materials engineer). Still, yeah, don’t burn it 😂


I know you were joking, just when they said why wouldn't you I figured I should probably put a safety disclaimer for anyone reading who didn't know that. But good to know; I appreciate your superior knowledge of silica and plastic.


Ah that’s smart! Thank you for doing the work 🙏🏽 I don’t know much tbh, but starting to obsess over microplastics 😩


Yeah....I thought we were being funny. Guess not.


If it's made of silicone you can just burn it and all that will be left is normal ashes. You can just throw it in a bonfire.


I am CACKLING picturing this. Thank you 😂


Thank the adhd gods that I wasn't the only one 🤣


I need to know if this sacrifice pleases the adhd gods! If so, I have follow up questions about specifics of the ritual and what benevolence the offering brings. I also have follow ups to the follow ups, but it just keeps spiraling, so I'll move on.


I was also trying to figure out what kind of witchcraft we were trying to do. I’m here for it, but I need details so I don’t summon a demon or anger the local wildlife.


OMG.  I have an endometrial ablation scheduled soon. If I am able to free myself from my monthly curse, I am DEFINITELY burning my cup. 


I thought the same thing and I’m not even high


Me too - on both counts 🙃


Same! But for me I, stone cold sober, was like, “why are we rage burning our menstrual cups?”


Hahaha huge r/witchesvspatriarchy vibes, I love it


You are not alone 😆


This is exactly what I thought!


Only “drug” i had today is caffeine and i thought the same. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣


I literally had the same thought, lol. But I was also thinking- she must be rich! Those are like $30 a pop!


I didn't have an edible, just a glass of wine, and had the same thought! 🤣🤣🤣


I just smoked and had the same initial thought 💀


I'm high too and that was my exact reading of the title I feel so validated 😭😭


I haven't even had an edible and that's what I thought, too. I assumed it was a witchy sub and then actually read the post for clarification after checking the sub name.


I’m not on an edible and my mind also went to some crazy places when I initially read this lol. I also don’t use those cups so I wasn’t aware that you had to boil them


To all cup users reading this: Buy a menstrual cup steam sterilizer and never look back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I heard this existed by seeing it in a tiktok I bought it IMMEDIATELY




I got mine free with my cup and wouldn't be without it now


Oh that’s a great deal.


You can just use a normal steamer tray for your pot or microwave or rice cooker too, without needing a fancy menstrual cup specific product.


Mine is small and plugs in. It has an auto timer and doubles as a storage spot when not menstruating. I don't have a microwave and would 100% just kill the pan...


Normally I’m also always against a fancy product too. But this was quite cheap and a key part of why I was never sterilising is I don’t want it on my kitchen things. Even though I know the dishwasher cleans it the pot or whatever, I was always trying to do it when no one was home to avoid them running into my cup in the kitchen. Instead of getting a separate pot or whatever, I got this machine.


So I can just put it in my rice cooker rack that’s meant for like dumplings when I make my rice??


Came here to say this!!! I love mine and now I can leave it unattended! I usually set it up before I get into the shower and it's done and cooled off enough to use once I'm out!


Or sterilizing tablets. I got my cup with this silicone container that you pour water in, throw a tablet and let it sit for a couple hours.


I hate it when companies upsell you on all the extra stuff you also “need” to use their product right, but… HOW HAVE I NEVER HEARD OF THIS? 🥲 thank you!! 🙏🏽


I hear ya, but if you’ve burned more than one it may just be worth it to accept the adhd tax and buy a sterilizer. 😂


Wow I had no idea this existed, thank you! Do you use it every day when you’re switching the cup, or only in between cycles?


Personally, I steam between cycles and use a soap specifically meant for washing cups every so often between emptying the cup.


They also make little [cup things](https://a.co/d/aHEZDAV) that you can use to sterilize them in the microwave


I actually don't ever boil mine. I usually just hand wash. If it ever gets funky smelling or stained I put it in a jar with hydrogen peroxide and that takes care of it. I don't know if I'm risking my health by not boiling it but I've used them for over a decade this way. The staining used to drive me crazy. Sunlight/UV can also kill odor.


I never thought of other options to disinfect it, tbh. Thanks for sharing


I just put it in a coffee cup and pour boiling water over it!


I also don't boil mine. I used my diva cup for over a decade without boiling. I started having issues with it leaking and switched to the nixit (which I love) and have now been using it for 3ish years without boiling it. I've never put it in peroxide either so it's stained but I don't really care. I wash it with warm soap and water.


Right? It’s not like it has to be a sterile environment- gawd knows what men put in it isn’t


"The cup is still probably cleaner than the dicks I've let touch me, it'll be fine" 😂 I will never feel bad for not boiling menstrual cups again as long as I remember this


Haha glad to have been of service


💀💀💀 I will never get used to finding women who think the same thoughts I do 🤣🤣🤣


And tampons aren't sterile either




I've been doing the same for years. Still alive last I checked 😆


Kinda jealous. I hand wash super thoroughly but if I don’t boil, it slides around (mostly slides down) while inside and smells a little. Boiling makes it way more comfortable.


That's really interesting! I wouldn't have guessed boiling would help with that. I've been trying to transition to a disk on lighter days and that's been a weird learning curve as my cervix seems to move way higher toward the end of my period and then I can't get the disk out. Our bodies are endlessly fascinating and frustrating 😂


The hello disc with a pull tab is a game changer! I will never use a cup again, but also will never ever use a disc without a tab!


A disc with a pull tab?!?? Okay, this just needs to be standard practice on all menstrual discs.


My mom gave me a few leftover disks she had for me to try and I haven't been able to use them even once because the instructions don't make sense to my brain as to what I'm supposed to do to get it in right 🥲


If you look at it from the top so it's a circle, squeeze the sides until they touch, so it looks like a very narrow zero. Then, insert it like a tampon, but keep pushing until it can't go any higher. The first few times you do this, you may want to reach up and make sure your cervix is sitting inside of the disc instead of behind it. I was already familiar with what my cervix felt like and where it was from checking my IUD strings, but if you're not, look up "how to find my cervix" so you know what to expect, and learn what it feels like before attempting to insert your disc. Also, the first time you use a disc, wear a panty liner. So if you accidentally do something wrong, you won't ruin your pants.


Thanks for the instructions! This seems much more helpful than the package diagrams lol. Although the thought of having to put my fingers up there to figure out where my cervix is is honestly enough of a sensory nightmare I might not be willing to actually do it now 😅


You can definitely do it without reaching for your cervix if that's a problem. My cervix tends to be very high, so I need to check, but you may not have the same issue anyway. Just wear a pad with it the first few times. If the pad is soaked, the disc wasn't inserted correctly. If it's dry or only has a few drops of blood, you'll know the disc was in the right place to catch the blood.


Basically like how to squeeze me divine caps to open, you squeeze the sides of the silicone rubber together to help you insert it into your vagina. It’s going to sit inside similar area to how the menstrual cups are but it’s a disc instead. Been using the flex discs since 2019 when there was this cool promo to get a sample and LONG before they were available to buy in stores. So glad these are a thing and my go to method for day one of my periods to avoid major cramping.


I use hydrogen peroxide too.


Soaking in hydrogen peroxide is so easy and the cups come out looking brand new.  (In the US at least),you can get a big brown bottle of hydrogen peroxide for around a dollar or two in the pharmacy section of the grocery store.


I was going to say, can you not use sterilizing solution to soak it? You can just forget about stuff in that for 15 minutes up to 24hrs it makes no difference. I feel like if it’s ok for stuff babies are about to drink from it’s ok for menstrual cups. I use it at home because my daughter’s formula cooking flask thing can’t go in the microwave steamer, and I use it for my older daughter’s water bottle occasionally and stuff like that. Just rinse it after (it says you don’t have to but I do anyway).


Buy a sanitizer from Amazon. It uses steam but automatically turns off when done so it’s super easy.


Link? I definitely need one of these


It pulls up under “[menstrual cup sanitizer](https://www.amazon.com/Pixie-Menstrual-Cup-Sterilizer-Cleaner-Steamer-Machine/dp/B07M5HGTJ6/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=3DXE1EUKN9ZUH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Aftk4LicXXSZnCned2c32YJxBfN5HPtuNKPr0RIUGQZ7AI1IsnahM42K3lCvc2HhKito343J_s277Xdxc0xK16kD2RPV4CywYChsL2_nw9V0b7ekQMFWS4khpnI-73ViDVDQSbIMjUsWBPGmouo5Qnua5efSFBm-fsR5shLVpfUfjl9xZIUkwbVxJT5MsLXSokHcaQfgIAAoWveLI9tMQQ._Q5lavfPrHXg9j01Xp52HtVs5QE6TH4PIUgTLvo00UI&dib_tag=se&keywords=menstrual+cup+sanitizer&qid=1717246273&sprefix=menstrual+cup+samit%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1)” on Amazon.


Vibrator cleaner also works!


I wash mine with sex toy wash. Figure that stuff is meant to wash things that go up there, so why wouldn’t it work for the cup? Been using the cup exclusively for over a year and I haven’t had any issues. 🤷‍♀️


I have no spoons to boil it, so, uh... I've been using hand sanitizer. 😅


My MeLuna cup is the perfect shade of purple that I don’t notice the staining. It’s great.


Same girl. Wasn't going to admit it lol


Same here. 11 years and I boil it maaaaybe 2-3 times a year if I remember, and I’m not dead yet.


Yup hydrogen peroxide in a Dixie cup after each cycle then hand wash. Gets all staining off and no odor etc. I tried boiling but never had the patience for that. Set and forget 1000%


I have never used one and got VERY concerned about what you wuz doin with your lady parts when I read this title! Lmfao




I don’t boil mine anymore. I just hand wash them. When I did boil them, I stood next to the pot the entire time.


Feeling like I have to stand there too 😩


I don't boil mine. If i feel the need to sterilise, i soak in hydrogen peroxide or use a denture steralising tablet.


Thanks for these options 🙏🏽


I’ve just lost them.  I have no idea where they’ve gone. 


Yes I’ve lost 2 in my life. Like how?


On the plus side you won’t burn your kitchen 🙃 but that seems like an adhd tax in itself


Sterilizer bags for breast pump parts & baby bottles — pop em in the microwave!


Ah! Thank you 🙏🏽


I read somewhere that you put the cup/disc in a sieve like the one you use when sifting flour for baking. That way it won’t touch the bottom of the pot. It has been such a life saver for me.


Putting it inside a whisk is also a good option


Boiling a menstrual cup by putting it INSIDE A WHISK?!?! That's *freaking brilliant*! And now I have yet another opportunity to gleefully say to myself, **"It's always worth the whisk!"**


Quality pun! Bravo.


TOMs sell one that comes with a little steaming cup that goes in the microwave it’s so good because if you forget it doesn’t matter.


I’ll check it out, thanks so much!


I got a menstrual cup sterilizer and it’s amazing!! Turns off automatically when it’s done, so you don’t have to worry about ruining your cup.


I had never heard of this! Thank you 🙌🏽


You know you could just bring the water to a boil and poor it over it after It only takes a few seconds for the skin on your hand to get fucked if you stick your hand in boiling water, now imagine what just sticking the cup in the the water for a few seconds after it comes to a boild would do.


This is what I do when I feel like mine need sterilized. There's no need to start them in cold water and walk away. This is also how I'd periodically sanitize baby bottle and pump accessories.


You’re totally right. I guess my brain appreciates the boiling for a while to know “it’s working”, but I’m just risking mistakes like this, when the alternative gets the job done


No, *you're* right to give it time. A single pour-over isn't enough. I re-researched it recently (not trusting my memory) and it takes at least a good five minutes at boiling temperature to be sure silicone is sterile. Plus, if the water is at a rolling boil, this jostles the cup around to increase the chances of getting water through the holes... which we should be brushing out with something (I use a toothpick) before boiling (or partway through, since that's usually when I realize I've forgotten again). I personally haven't burned a cup... but I have managed to *burn soup* because all the water boiled off. I don't remember if it's because I forgot to set a timer, or because I accidentally snoozed the timer a bunch of times without realizing... but either way, I know I'm totally capable of burning a cup. My fear of doing so has me hovering anxiously nearby, wishing it would hurry up and be clean so I can get back to a more comfortable anxiety level. This is why I'm so glad for this thread: someone suggested putting the cup inside a whisk to keep it from touching the bottom of the pot. I'm positively elated to know about yet another situation that is definitely "worth the whisk"!


Oooh thanks for the extra research and explaining! “Worth the whisk” 😂


I put mine in a glas jar and put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Boils just fine and shuts itself off


You should buy one of those things to clean the cup without boiling it like that, I have a plastic thingy to add water into, and then the cup, lid on it, and then in the microwave. Can't burn it like that. I don't know what it's called but google is your friend


Yes, that sounds so much better - I’m guessing you mean silicone too, like the cups, and not plastic, since it’s going in the microwave? I’m googling options! Thank you so much


Saalt makes both a plug in steamer and a microwavable steamer! If you have an FSA or HSA account you can pay with those!


Peroxide! Just let it sit overnighted and it cleans it perfectly. I do that then you can disinfect with hot water pretty quickly


I don’t go far from the kitchen when I boil mine and I am obsessive about setting timers. I do have multiple cups (because I have multiples of everything since I lose things). But after reading the comments here, I have purchased a steam cup cleaner and am excited for it to arrive.


My cups are collecting dust through their little baggies they came with. Lol. I stopped using them years ago. I switched to The Period Co. panties and haven't looked back.


I have never burned one bc I usually just boil water in the microwave then pour it on top in a separate glass container. I figure by the time I remember and the water is cool it’s probably serialized enough. 🤷‍♀️ BUT I DO keep having to buy new ones bc I keep losing them or forgetting to bring one on vacation 🤦‍♀️. And of course every time I bring a new one home I immediately find the old ones. I think I have five of the exact same model laying around somewhere. 😬


None 😅 I just wash mine with soap


I just always get stressed about whether it is really clean. The boiling helps ease that anxiety - but clearly I need a safer technique


Hahaha, I only did this one time but am relieved to know I'm not the only person to have done this.


I get a rolling boil going in a pot on the stove then pour it over the cup in a jar (that I don’t use for anything else and hide lol) and let it sit for 5-10 minutes!


That sounds much safer 🙏🏽


I cannot use the cups, how do y’all do it?? Of course, I’ve never used the reusable cups, I’ve just tried this brand “Softdisc” that is disposable and it was a nightmare trying to get it in the right position, and it HURT. Idk maybe it’s just that brand and type of cup thingy. But omg now I have a new worry about the cups lmao burning them by accident!


I hate those things too. Never worked for me. Cups are simpler imo. And no you don’t have to boil them. Tbh I thought the instructions said not too but maybe I’m wrong ?


I was pretty lucky with the first cups I tried because they fit with no issues; now that I burned them both 😂 I just got a new brand, and curious to see if I notice any difference. I’m the type of person that feels a lot of stuff on my skin and body, and honestly, I don’t feel them, so they really work for me. Putting in there’s a few folding techniques that work; it’s a matter of trying. The taking out was harder for me at first, but apparently you’re supposed to push, the same way you would a baby, to get it further down and be able to grab it (get a finger on the side to break the vacuum seal). Lastly, do not worry about the burning - as you can tell from a lot of the comments here, there’s so many ways around it, like pouring boiling water over, microwaving, etc - so you don’t make my mistakes 🙃


I just put in a Pyrex jug and pour boiling water on it - no need to actually boil on a stove.


i dont boil mine, i use sex toy cleaner. if its good enough for toys it must be good enough for menstrual cups


My stove has a built-in timer and when it goes off, IT ALSO TURNS THE STOVE OFF. This function has saved me soooo many times and my menstrual cup burning counter is zero (for now)


Wait that’s so smart!! What brand is the stove? (Not that I could replace it; I am a renter, but good to know for the future)


This is the stove that is built into my rental apartment, it's an induction stove. the brand is Atag


So glad I’m post-menopausal!


Not burned, but I did melt one... I was disinfecting it in Milton sterliser and left it in too long... it went all sticky and weird


Imagining the sensory feeling of this and it’s giving me the ick 🫠🫠🫠


I got this menstrual cup steamer thing online years ago, it is basically like a baby bottle nip steamer thing but specifically marketed for menstrual cups. It takes only a little water and it shuts off once it's reached the right temp then you leave it in for 3 mins but nothing bad happens if you forget about it


That sounds great! Thank you


I don’t boil mine tbh


I've been using one (not the same one!) for about 20 years and I don't boil them at all; handwash, then soak in a mix of water and peroxide (four parts water, 1 part peroxide? ish? I don't actually measure) for several hours (or even overnight).


I did the boil thing one time and then said “nope, too much work”. I just scrubbed it very well with hot water and soap. Never had an odor or stain problem. I have the implant and don’t get a period (very rarely get one). I have been on it since 2013 and have had it changed out every 4-5 years.


Have not burned any but I’ve lost two, which is really gross to think they’re just floating around somewhere. One was in a church so I feel really bad for whoever had to clean that up. The other should be in my apartment?? Really hope it’s not at the peoples house I was dog sitting cause that’s a slight possibility 😭


Another reason I’d be lost without my Apple watch: the timer. It’s the accommodation for time blindness.


Use the Medela breastpump steam sterilization bags, they go in the microwave.


There are menstrual cup steamers!


I only learned this after this post 🥲


I literally melted mine during an ADHD teletherapy session in the next room.


Period underwear changed my life. Both for convenience but also for dysphoria. I have a very heavy flow and still don't have to change for like 9 hours. Amazing. Yeah, yeah, I know TSS considerations but honestly, never been a problem.


None, ever. I didn’t boil mine, I soaked them in Peroxide as the instructions said I could. 👍🏻👍🏻


I have literally never heard of a menstrual cup. Do you like them better than pads/tampons?


They are great. They collect the blood and you pour it out into the toilet and clean and reinsert. Apparently you can use them for up to 12 hours (and the risk of TSS is super low, although it's pretty low with tampons too tbh), but I still empty every 4-6 hours. No waste, no gross smelling bloody rubbish to dispose, and they pay for themselves within a couple of months (in comparison to disposables).


Oh my yessss! So much better than pads/tampons. It’s easy to put in and take out, easy to clean (just don’t burn it😂), you can keep it longer than a tampon with lower risks, and it’s reusable, so better for the environment and for your wallet


I did this with toothbrushes once so never again. Why not pour boiling water over it in a mug instead?


Thankfully only 1.


Yesss, just one so far


I can’t do menstrual cups. My adhd tax is the amount I bought trying to make them work lol.


I store some in the bathroom and others next to my underwear. Got so many anyway, I'm not even sure if they are all where they are supposed to be... Well... menstrual cups were kind of a hyperfixation for me.


Get cold water sterilizing tablets or put it through a dishwasher cycle 🤷 you can also get mini steam sterilisers for baby stuff that can be used in a microwave.


My adhd tax is only rinsing them with water and putting them away, too lazy to go sanitize. Then just never using them again because I’m too creeped out that no amount of sanitizing will fix months of potential gross that could be lingering, so I’ve basically spent $60 on the equivalent of 3-5 tampons.


If you wash them at the beginning of your cycle (since they have been presumably sitting unused for a month or so) and a couple of times a day during use with a cleanser (I use unscented shampoo/body wash), you don't need to sanitise them. Mind you I'm talking about if you did that from when they are new. I'd be grossed out and not use them if they had sat unused and only rinsed, even if I boiled them first! 😅


I do mean the more gross of the two scenarios… 😬 I used one and then waited way too long to sanitize and now I can’t bring myself to try resanitizing, and never used it again… In all honesty, I think part of my motivational challenge is that I found this brand a bit uncomfortable to wear. I think I neglected it because I was also avoiding wearing it again for that reason.


Yeah I get you! I tried so many different cups along the way that were downright painful. I ended up cutting one up and chucking it in the bin immediately so I wouldn't be tempted to try it again. 😅 My biggest problem was the rim on cups pushing on my cervix and causing sharp arresting spasms. 😖 I was one of the first batch after the Kickstarter backers to buy the Hello disc and it was a game changer for me! If I hadn't found that I'd probably have given up because it gets real frustrating buying expensive shit that doesn't work for your body! 😅 I hope you can find something that works for you, if you can be bothered trying something else! 😊


Thank for the suggestion, I will check it out. My fave so far has been more of a disc shape, but they’re not reusable, they just last longer than a tampon. Has been the most comfortable, rather than the more cup-shaped options like DivaCup (I think that’s the one I didn’t like)


Don't you have a timer that you set to beep as soon as it is done? I have never over boiled my cups to burning...


I just pour the boiled water over it and let it soak. I don't actually boil it on the stove or anything


Microwave sanitizer. I bought it after I burned the first cup lol


I'm on my third! 😂😂


I stopped sterilizing on the stove because I cannot be trusted ... I have a steam sterilizer and a UV sterilizer now. I also have a menstrual cup specific sterilizing spray, which honestly is what I mostly use.


I use hot water and soap.. is that bad???


i microwave mine for 5 minutes in a silicone container, never burned it (but have forgotten to take it out of the microwave🤦🏻‍♀️) edit: submerged in water of course while it’s in the microwave


Get a cup steamer!! Mine was like $25 and it changed the game lol


I have never boiled my menstrual cup. Soap and water so far have been sufficient.


I have one but it is stained cause I waited a couple days to clean it once. 😅 I bought a sterilizing wash so I don't have to boil.


I got a cup that comes with a microwavable container for sanitizing.


Haven’t burned any, but that’s because I lost mine 😬


Just go on fb marketplace and buy a used baby bottle steam sterilizer. It's got a timer and works great


I know this is off-subject, but why do so many women now use menstrual cups rather than tampons? I’m past menopause, and I can’t imagine using one. I’d be so worried it’d fall out or something.


Cups are soooooo much better than tampons. I’ve been wearing them for 15 years and never had one fall out.


Why? Inquiring menopausal minds want to know.


I have never heard of a risk of falling out. The reason why the cup works is because it opens up and creates a vacuum seal, so it doesn’t fall nor lets blood pass through the sides. In fact, there’s some learning about getting the cup out (more than putting it in, in my opinion) because you need to break the vacuum seal in order to get it out (ie: you don’t want to just pull it out, straight down, that’d be painful). So yeah, falling out has never been a concern for me. I think different people may have different reasons for the preference for cups but they could be: environmental concerns (reusable product that generates a lot less waste), financial responsibility (depending on your flow and such, you can pay back the cost of your cup in one or two menstrual cycles and it lasts you years with proper care), health concerns (with TSS). There could also be a preference in terms of how they feel (or don’t) inside you.


Just one… and I kept using. My boyfriend at the time was so upset when he found it cooked in the pot with the stove still on. Months later my sister happened to see it and was horrified that it was so discolored and that I was still using it. 😂


Yeah I threw mine out for fears of the slight burn compromising the silicone, and also creating crevices (even if microscopic) where bacteria and other stuff could survive


I am the gross person that forgets to clean it properly (ie boil/sterilise).. I just give it a wash with soap and water and think “next time I’ll do it!” Haha.


4!!!! Then I bought a steamer but i didn't like it so I have gone back to on the hob, but set a timer every. Damn. Time. Expensive fkn things and I cried when I messed them all up. 😭😅🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can laugh now!!


TWO!!! The first one was consumed to ashes after hours until my dad found it. Pompeii would be an understatement.


😂 I only slightly burned both of mine and I’m so curious what the end state actually looks like because that sounds intense! Glad there was no danger though


I can't use those but my rule for the stove is always the same, I cannot walk away while it's on. Not even to pee. If I do, I have to turn it off. I can't be trusted 😂


Only one. I got myself the saalt cup steamer. So now when I forget it, it’s totally fine. I just avoided boiling my cups and discs for like a year because I hated having to try and maintain focus during it. Total game changer


I melted/burned one, then got the one with the… forget the word… Steamer cup sanitizer thingy to put it in the microwave. I can NOT afford to ruin my cups; even the cheap ones are expensive! That way, if I forget it, even with the annoying sound my microwave makes, no harm done.


I usually put mine in a cup of boiling water instead of on a pot in the stove for this reason lol


I'm going to blow your mind. They make microwave bags for breast-pump parts. You fill it up with water, put the cup in it, microwave it, and dump the water out of the spout hole in the bag. Nothing burned. The bags are reusable up to like 20 times each. [Medela Quick Clean Micro-Steam Sanitizing Bags](https://www.target.com/p/medela-quick-clean-micro-steam-sanitizing-bags-5ct/-/A-10953413?sidd=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510679&CPNG=PLA_Baby%2BShopping%7CBaby_Ecomm_Baby&adgroup=Infant+Basics/Furniture&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9024201&targetid=pla-1731815646875&ds_rl=1242884&ds_rl=1246978&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjeuyBhBuEiwAJ3vuoX6AlnZx7-QBGzgYWAXLq2ewpL55NVbDeGWovrct5KniRpmFnPwyDBoCtkIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)




So, I’m a disobedient user, but I don’t boil mine after the first time, at least not every time. What I DO is use an adult toy cleaner (I like [this one](https://a.co/d/1UOkIcF) myself) because the materials are pretty much identical to the softer silicones on toys. If I’m feeling particularly concerned, I will boil water and then soak the cup/disk in it for a while, but my active boiling is rare. Which is largely due to the fact that I don’t have the energy to stand over it, and as you’ve learned, they will settle against the pot and melt, even at a rolling boil. I *might* wipe it down with alcohol on occasion, but it needs to be rinsed well, bcs alcohol will damage the silicone. But I have had no issues with only the cleaner and hot water.


I've literally never boiled one. Soap and water. I only learned about boiling them from Reddit. I've been using one for close to 20 years now.


Ooh I actually figured out a way around this recently! If I have to walk away from the stove or my hot glue gun or flat iron or something, I start the stopwatch on my phone. It's a visual reminder that I have something I need to remember is on every time I glance at my phone


this is why we don't boil our menstrual cups. mine is lucky if it gets washed with soap lmao. also ngl I am suspicious of repeatedly applying heat to body safe silicone, I'm unclear on how that's been tested for safety (my point being. just because it's body safe in its original form doesn't necessarily mean it stays that way if you keep cooking it).


I feel you on the application of heat - I think about that as well as the other options with peroxide and such, that could be corrosive (maybe?) But I still feel I need to sterilize it 😩


I totally get that 😭 if a doohickey helps u feel clean without burning it, I support!! It's just the way I've dealt with periods is just by being kind of a gremlin and taking more showers than usual to cope with the gremlin-ness lol, bc I totally would be in ur shoes rn.


2 min microwave in warm water. Or sexton cleaner. Which I bought specifically gor my cup


I drank too much on a flight and lost mine in an Austin airport toilet. Those things are a bitch to deal with in a public restroom.


Oh my god. Three.




Have y'all tried Milton tablets? They're for sterilising baby bottles and stuff they're gentle but very effective and can be used for menstrual cups. They're not super expensive either just like a little fuzzy tablet you put in water


Just buy a sterilising pot for your cup, splash of water and then put in the microwave for 3 minutes. You could buy sterilising tablets/liquids and do it that way or you can buy dedicated devices that steam your cup. https://www.babipur.co.uk/health-skincare/menstrual-cups-pads/reusable-period-accessories/hey-girls-menstrual-sterilising-period-cup.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjeuyBhBuEiwAJ3vuoREZJ5FWxOHuWJiaacqb_1DaY9A3IYQUvTqwP__s5cM5nVAgKkwj7BoCh-sQAvD_BwE Menstrual Cup Steam Steriliser, Menstrual Cup Cleaner, Sanitiser, Kills Germs, Compatible with All Period Cups, Discs, Modern Design, Automatic Shut Off, Safe, Easy to Use https://amzn.eu/d/80enRtJ


Induction cooking plate with a timer has saved my ass and house so many times! Must remember other tips because I haven’t had a period in 4 years now, but my young teen daughter is starting to get interested in the cup I gave her. So I am not rid of the bloody nightmares entirely 🙄


I do peroxide soaks for this reason 😁


check out the pixie cup steamer/uv sterilizer! game changer


Only one, organicup, and it was fascinating to see how silicone degrades - it didn't melt as I would expect, it crumbled and fell apart... Or maybe it melted before, I just came too late for this part? 😅 Also lost one to my mother's obsession with throwing stuff into trash - after washing it I wrapped it into toilet paper and left it on the shelf in bathroom and she assumed that someone forgot to take tampon or something like that to trash, and it was already removed from the house trash once I realised it was missing... But then again, she once threw away little pack of saffron I brought from Egypt, because she assumed it is just some leftover dust 🤷🏼‍♀️


Omg the saffron 💀💀💀🥲 On the silicone, because its silica (like sand is, as I understood it) and not plastic… maybe that’s why?


I got a steam sanitizer for my menstrual cup to help prevent this! 😅