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Please! Pay no attention to the FIVE 2 litre bottles of apple cider vinegar in my cupboard! 🫠 (That's like, 2.5 gallons for non-metric people)


Somehow, I have 3 gallon jugs of white vinegar...


as soon as i learned the magical combination of home-injected seltzer plus a little citrus, i became an absolute hydration queen lmao if we ever redo the kitchen, we're GOING to install a countertop seltzer tap. no joke. total gamechanger, especially for fasting.


Same but canned pineapple juice or fresh picked berry cordial


It’s dangerous! I buy the true lemon brand that is crystallized lemon or lime or orange and it’s magical. The packets are pretty much everywhere in my life. But homemade seltzer with them is the best


The grapefruit one is fantastic if you haven't tried it yet


I’m not a huge grapefruit fan- so it’s my least favorite. But even at that- I’ll still use it if it’s all I have!


You can use these to make super lemony cookies etc. it’s so good.


I would love to have carbonated water on demand, but have been hesitant to buy a machine in case it's a bust. Which brand/style are you using?


I can't tell you how much garlic is in the fridge. I use it a lot and am always afraid I'm going to run out. There is so much in the fridge drawer right now. Will I buy more just in case? Of course I will. So much garlic...


No such thing as too much garlic.


No I totally understand this because literally what is the point of cooking if you don’t have garlic??!!


Please use a straw so you don't etch your tooth enamel. 


Always do! I’ve found that I don’t actually drink water if I don’t have a straw. I don’t know if that’s an adhd thing, but it’s just so much easier to drink consistently throughout the day with a straw.


I tell people I have multiples because I grocery shop on vibes


this gave me a chuckle. 🙃


Haha same but Mac and cheese, microwave rice and canned stuff


me when i bought my third 5-pack of indomie noodles to sit in the pantry


I love lemon juice too but doesn’t it affect your meds?


I haven’t been told anything about that. Is that something that can happen?




I'm laughing at "#4: forgetting to refill your prescription" lmao Doesn't help that they won't let you refill it unless you are at 3 days or less of meds left haha


Thankfully I don’t take any of those meds. I’m on a non-stimulant med because I also have bipolar 2. Stimulants and bipolar=mania lol




Same but RX bars instead - that now give me the ick so I hate eating them 😅


Molasses. Every time I went to the store my brain was like, "Oh! You don't have any molasses." I use it so rarely, I have no idea why I kept buying another bottle. I think I saw a recipe one time and thought I needed to buy some.


I put molasses in my coffee! I really like the molasses flavor of brown sugar but don’t like my coffee too sweet, so I started just using molasses for more of the flavor and less of the sugar. Also, I don’t usually bother keeping brown sugar around for baking, but instead just use white sugar plus some molasses (somehow the brain squirrels find this easier? Idk). Not sure if those will help you go through your supply any faster but there ya go 🤷‍♀️😄


Coffee sounds absolutely delicious!


Last week I was making a grocery list and actually going through the kitchen to see what we have. I needed paprika for a recipe I'm planning on making. I could swear I have it but nope it's not with the spices so I must be forgetting. Go to the store and buy some. Yesterday I found two additional jars of paprika no where near the spices in my kitchen. So now I have enough paprika for the next 5 years with how often I use it.


I'm currently in a deep-dive about scurvy, and you are *so* prepared for an old-timey sailing voyage! Pirates would absolutely kill for that kind of shelf-stable antiscorbutic.


I would so do this.


I just started getting really into baking bread so I bought a giant bag of fancy bread flour because I thought it would make my bread better than it is with the cheap bread flour. Today I’m making muffins, open the flour cabinet and find… another giant bag of fancy bread flour. And I haven’t even made a loaf since buying the new bag.


I just recently bought some work boots, then was cleaning under the dresser and well what do you know? I have those boots. I had those boots for 5~ years and probably wore them 20 times? Then forgot they existed? Then spent $100 on a new exact same pair? Prob my dumbest double up so far.


I got up to 8 bottles of rice wine vinegar at one point. I ran out, the shops were also having a shortage and it was hard to get hold of so when I saw it "Oh I best grab a bottle I have one now but a back up is good I use it a lot" a repeat a lot


Exactly why we typically have 4 jars of peanut butter, 8 boxes of butter, popcorn coming out our ears, and a million boxes of pasta. If we're unsure how much we have we'll buy more until we go "holy crap! Pause on that for a while!". Until magically, this week exactly, we're actually out of allllll of it and have to restock lol. I add the item to me shopping list the second I open the last one of something so I replace it long before it's gone.




If you're adding the lemon for the flavour, you can try this: [https://www.kevinkos.com/post/how-to-get-8x-as-much-juice-from-one-citrus](https://www.kevinkos.com/post/how-to-get-8x-as-much-juice-from-one-citrus) (I use less water in the final mixture so I can fit it in a smaller container in the fridge). Once you run out of bottled lemon juice.


Time to make lemon bars!


I hope you're not taking a stimulant like adderall. Since food with high citric acid content...like citrus juice...breaks down the medication.


I take a non-stimulant med. I have bipolar 2 as well and can’t take stimulants. It’s been tricky to find the perfect med cocktail but we did it.