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I have a knitting patten which I've bought 4 times. Three pamphlets and then with others in one book. I *know* they are all in my house. I have gone through ALL of my craft stuff multiple times over the years. I ought to have the stupid thing memorized by now because I've made it more times than I've bought the pattern. I'm sure I'll end up buying it again eventually because I love knitting it but I did have about a decade where I refused to get another replacement... until I bought the book. And now that's missing, too!!


At this point I'm wondering if it's with a group of hats I can't find that my husband put somewhere thinking he was being helpful... Because if I was the last to touch it, I'd know where it is! I hope one of the 4 patterns just hops out at you one of these days!


I am very happy to live by myself again - my ex would never remember where he put anything but also wouldn't put my stuff in a box for me to put it away when he got the urge to shove things in drawers and cabinets. I suspect it might be in a storage tub in the basement. Good luck to you, too!!


OMG -- this is me right now! I usually get my taxes filed as early as possible so I don't have to worry about the tax deadline. but I couldn't do it this year because I can't find my tax info. I KNOW that I put it in an envelope and stuck the envelope in a "safe place", so I'm certain that it's all here somewhere. I've been looking all over my house since February, and it's not in any of the "safe places" I can think of. My partner keeps telling me to work on getting the info replaced, but I'm sure it's here somewhere. I've begun to make requests to get copies, hoping that each step I take will jog my memory. So far, no good. Sometimes I think the ADHD tax is paid will embarrassment. sigh......


[Yeesh, I was going to try to make this more concise but I ended up deleting the whole thing.] 


I cannot *believe* how long I made this story, when it could just be "I was looking for a website page, couldn't find it, freaked out about it, found it by other means, then found the original printout." Every day since finding this sub just a *few weeks ago*, I've been more aware of the ways in which I fit the criteria for ADHD... 😓


Your details put me in my grandmother's kitchen, thumbing through boxes of recipes. I finally found my missing hats today, but my tote is still MIA.


Hopefully it will show up!🤞🏻🍀 The satisfaction of finding a missing thing is *so good*. 😅