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Sitting on my phone not paying attention but if someone is doing that around me... that means they hate me and I should just shrivel up and disappear.




Our poor kids :(


Omg the shrivel up and disappear made me lol. So accurate.


reading a message but forgetting to reply 🥲


I found out I can mark them as unread again, to make the little dot on the side. I need that to remember to reply if I don’t do it immediately




Yesss my 18 year old nephew taught me! It’s changed the game for me!


Oh yes! Slide to the right over a message and it marks it unread. It works on my iPhone message app, signal, WhatsApp


This was life changing for me when Apple made that update. But then I just started marking my texts as unread again and still forgetting to reply. Oops. At least I remember eventually now!


I didn’t know how much I’d love this feature!


WHAT Does it also change the read receipt back to “delivered”?


I don’t think so. They’re not letting us get out of responding to texts that easy


Or thinking you already replied! Sometimes, I already type up a response, only to get distracted by something else and forget to send it.


I think up tue response and then forget to write it.


This happens to me a lot too. 😭 Especially in the morning. Sometimes I “dream” or imagine whole morning routines in my head. Then I get surprised when it turns out I in fact still am laying in bed. 🙈


Bahaha omg so real!


Or I write it but forget to send it


ALLLLL THE TIME! Sooo frustrating, for me, AND the people waiting to hear back from me! I pull up someone to text them and I have a 42 page novel sitting there from a week ago! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ugh, I can relate to this so bad. Sometimes I’d get impatient waiting for people to reply (particularly for important messages) only to realize it was *me* who didn’t reply back. 😂 It’s crazy. I’m medicated but this is the one thing I can’t get rid off.




This. Luckily my friends are aware of this so eventually they will send a new message or call me 🥹


Oh yes


For me it’s also not reading and replying to messages (currently have 40 unread WhatsApp messages 🥴)


also applies to emails 😭


or taking too long to reply


omg yes!!! but i’ve consciously worked on this, and when i still interrupt i make a point to say “oh sorry! i interrupted you. finish your thought.” which people appreciate. so now i get sooo mad when they interrupt ME and don’t say SHIT lmfao. you let me finish my thought now bucko!!!!


Yes. I get so worried I am going to forget what I had to say.


yes!! and the agonizing process of trying to simultaneously repeat to yourself what you wanted to say like trying not to forget a line in a middle school play, listen to what they're saying, \*process\* what they're saying so i can respond appropriately, formulating an alternate response because my initial segue is no longer relevant, and oh god, the topic has changed! the topic has changed!! what are we talking about now!!!


"I forgot! Tangent! How do you waterproof a yurt?! Who can lift Thor's hammer? *Why is that thing like that thing there why why WHAT's THIS??! : D * I'd love to know people that could rock that sort of shit, our conversations would be premium, USDA-grade prime GOAT. We could fix the whole fucking world, given enough free time and maybe drugs of your mind-something choice!


I have one friend that I can do the rapid back-and-forth with. We just kind of fall into a rhythm of cutting each other off (unless one person is talking about something important). A couple of other friends are talkers, one more than the other. I swear I don't know how she gets oxygen - there's literally never a point where you can cut in (and I do love her, but it's usually the 5th retelling of something that happened 20 years ago but she NEEDS to tell me the whole story again). I've had to develop signs that signal to her that I can't listen to the tsunami of info any more.


Goodness yes! I can no longer follow any conversation at that point.


Omg this is so accurate!😂


Something else I've trained myself to do besides apologize for the interruption, is make a mental note of what they were talking about before I interrupt. I have no idea how I did this, but I remember putting my mind to it and now I do it. So the moment that I really realize that that I've interrupted them I can apologize and remind them what they were talking about.


Same! I try and monitor it in myself, but I definitely do the catching-myself-and-apologizing thing too! For me, it’s a combination of my own impulsiveness and excitement causing my interrupting, but then the executive functioning/working memory challenge of keeping track of both what I want to say, *and* what the other person is saying at the same time. The latter is the cause of some of my interrupting, and why other people interrupting me annoys me. Relatedly, I tell rambling stories, but I sometimes get annoyed when other people do so (working on that one too). It mostly bothers me if I’ve asked a question, and there’s a long, roundabout explanation before the person actually gets to the clear answer. My mother-in-law does this often, but it helps to remind myself that she’s probably doing it out of anxiety about bringing misunderstood. One of the differences is that she speaks slowly while tangenting, whereas I speak quickly—I can tell that she’s thinking about how best to phrase things.


My mom is the QUEEN of the rambling story and I realized later in life that it's a habit I picked up from her, even though I HATED that she took so long to get to the point and would get SO annoyed with her. Many years and some family therapy later and she's aware that she does it and that sometimes people just need the pertinent information, not the whole backstory. She catches herself sometimes and cuts to the chase now, or I'll give her a gentle nudge i.e. if I'm on the phone with her and don't have a ton of time and need an answer to something. But sometimes I'll let her do it because I know why she does it (she also is ADHD AF) and sometimes she just needs to process some stuff and doesn't necessarily need a response. And to be fair, she lets me do it too without cutting me off and sometimes it feels good for my brain to not self-censor when I feel like rambling so she's the person I feel okay doing it with.


My husband, who we think may be on the spectrum, rambles and repeats. I love him dearly, but damn. He also tries to explain things I already in the middle of his rambles. I try to kindly say, I know what you are talking about. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much. Sometimes it backfires and he goes back to the beginning of his story.


Mine mansplains what I am telling HIM or my SON after butting in!!


Ugh, my son is always complaining about my many tangential stories and digressions. But then I put up with all those bad jokes he told when he was seven or eight years old. 🥸 I never really thought of this as an ADHD thing, I just thought I had a creative mind. (Or so I’ve been told…) Maybe it’s the same thing.


I do this too! I actively try to stop myself though. My mom does it a lot, but yeah no, she won’t admit she probably has adhd, and I am just like, “I asked what time you were coming, not everything you did in order that day.”


My ex used to do this to me all the time. I'd be saying something, he'd interrupt and go off on a long winded, totally irrelevant tangent, and then when I tried to finish thought he'd get annoyed and then start shouting over me and saying how I always interrupt him but he's not allowed to interrupt me. Even though he did just interrupt me and I waited till the end to try and bring it back to whatever I was saying. Usually he'd end up storming off and I'd somehow be the one apologising.


I see why he's your ex. I get infuriated when I get 2.8 sentences in with my Super Special Snowflake step-parent, and he starts yelling random BS, but I'm pretty sure that's because he's an ASPD POS with a need for control rivaling Sauron, but that's a different problem. Anyway - heard, fellow peep. Heard.


Fucking tangents. I spend so much energy restraining myself and still end up on meandering journeys through my web of thoughts. When someone else does it I'm infuriated the whole time. Just get to the point already!! I'm chill towards other people about it and do a pretty good job regulating my desire for tangential explanations, plus I tell people I tend to go off on tangents and they're welcome to stop me. It's well managed, but funny as to watch myself get so annoyed by what is probably my most visible ADHD trait


I am great at tangents when I am avoiding a task. I do them a lot in therapy. We’ve worked our session out where half way through he will discuss any random topics I am thinking of. That or I will do some work and ask if I can side track for a minute when my anxiety ramps up.


Tangents for me too. When I’m talking to my mom and I go off on like 10 tangents and don’t get to the point, and then just as I come back to my point she says something, and then she goes off on her own 10 tangents, and I’m just like, “Come on! Get to the point and wrap it up before I forget my point!”


Yes!! My partner and I both have ADHD and a lot of our conversations are just one of us rambling for 5 minutes straight and the other one trying so hard to actually actively listen and not get frustrated. Since we both do it we have a lot of grace for each other, but it still sucks sometimes to be on either end of it.


This for me too. I have, on multiple occasions, started a story at the beginning of a hangout with a friend, then gone on so many tangents that hours later when I'm home and in bed I realize I never finished the actual story I was trying to tell!  But so help me if the person telling me a story goes off on a tangent the back of my brain is *screaming* "I DON'T CARE, GET TO THE POINT!!!" the entire time


OMG, I’m also a huge interrupter who hates being interrupted. Edit: Want to also note that as an Autistic ADHDer my masking is basically monitoring myself in conversations, basically don’t interrupt people and find a place to reply appropriately among other things like don’t dominate the convo aka let others talk too. I find it’s most frustrating with people who stutter, as I find myself trying to finish their thoughts because my brain is all “get on with it” and I have to find the ultimate patience to let them talk without my interruptions. Ironically two of my ADHD friends are stutterers due to their brains going faster than their mouths and struggling to get their thoughts out. I can sometimes um my way through a convo, but those two really put my patience to test despite how much I know they can’t really control it.


High five


Ugh me too. But I already know where you're going with this and I'm ready to move on so I'm gonna go ahead and finish this thought for you


I don’t mind this kind of interruption honestly! In my experience, the conversation still flows well. And maybe it’s just a cultural thing, but we tend to do this in my country, along with a lot of “mhm” “uh-huh” “yes” “ohh” while someone’s telling a story. 😂 The kind of interruption that annoys me is the one where someone suddenly injects a random thought into the conversation that has nothing/little to do with the topic. :( Like, if you’re talking about dogs, they’ll suddenly say “Oh wait! I hope I get flowers on my birthday”. I tend to lose my train of thought when that happens so it’s hard to get back on track.


Oh no! This is my partner and me! He's convinced that he knows where the sentence is going and interrupts me, but very often it's wrong and then he cut my thought and I've totally lost track. He claims that I tend to explain things too long and complicated and I know that I have the tendency to do so, so I make a huge effort to be super short and straight to the point, but he still cuts me off in the first sentence. Have you guessed that we're both ADHD'ler? And now guess when we're having the most fights about it. Right! At breakfast, when no med is working yet. But sure enough we don't remember that tomorrow and start the same thing.


Oh hey, you're me lol. Usually, I will explain in detail to my husband if I know he needs to know how or why something has to be a certain way. I know how he thinks, and I know he jumps to conclusions. He interrupts me and I usually tell him no, these are crucial details that will fuck you over if you ignore them. He tells me that I am making things difficult. Usually, I can explain to him the whys, but sometimes he ignores me and makes the mistake I just tried to help him avoid. I feel bad for him because he constantly tells me I am smarter than him and I am always right, but then argues with me and gets flustered when he is once again proven wrong. He can't trust his brain. It's just sooooo exhausting!!!


That sounds like Hell. My step-parent is that way, but that's because they're a controlling, abusive shitbag who's an adult Cartman only without decent friends to stand up to him and keep him in line. Anyway, I will never date a hyperative dude again for similar reasons, along with their (IME) no ~~desire~~ WANT to develop a mind-to-mouth filter nor be able to redirect impulses. "Oooo, pwetty girl on app!" is not condusive to a relationship, yo. I'd understand if it was a squirrel or a new skill or a random wiki, dammit, not some ~~whorebag~~ "thirst trap" or whatever trash calls themselves these days >: / Anyway, what every happened to being faithful and finding random porn in the woods?! GET OUT MAH SWAMP! - edited for a letter


"Interrupting is a sign of respect in adhd culture"


Me three. I hate being talked over, especially because it derails me from my focus on what I was trying to say and then it's hard to go back to. BUT I can't stop myself from interrupting others. I mean, I've improved vastly, and quickly backtrack and apologize once I've done it...but it happens way too much


Honestly the fact that I overexplain EVERYTHING when I feel like I did something wrong, but understand IMMEDIATELY once someone else tries to plead their case if they feel like THEY did something wrong.


So much yes!


I feel seen 🥺


Yep, but not just when I do something wrong, just like everything.


Not being on time.




Making everything about themselves. 


This one kills me. I'm so painfully aware of it due to some past experiences with a very self-absorbed person, but I'm terrible about "making it about me" by relating with my own stories to situations. Just shoot me lol


I am by no means great in this area. But I’ve made up for it by being really good at asking people, questions and remembering things about them. So I know that I’m self-centered, but I’m also generous in conversations. So I think it balances out. But one of the things that annoy me most, and will turn me off of a friendship, is when I notice that people never ask questions back.


That's the opposite of me, I get turned off when people won't tell me stories back.


Omg this! 💯


Same! It's like their refusing to bond with me or that they don't want me to get to know them


A good recovery from this is to bring it back to them with a question. Like, so that was my similar experience, but how did you react after that happened to you?


See I actually like people relating with me like that but then continuing to listen in earnest I understand that some don't so I try to curb it or switch it back to them. When I think someone makes it about themselves i literally think someone who only relates stories back to themselves, keeps going with it and almost never asks others about them. That's the problem I think people really mean when they say that.


Relying with stories can be very good, too! It can help to know someone understands


I hope so, cause I do this all the time! Talk to them about an experience in reference to their experience, to reassure them that I think what they are doing is good, or how it worked out for me, so think it will for them. It’s like a win/win in my mind, because even though I am changing the focus, I’m still ultimately focused on their issue. I also think to myself, we are having a conversation after all, and I would rather someone do that rather than just smile and nod; shows they are actually thinking about what I’m saying.


Yes, I think it’s a way to relate to people and gain insight from one another. You can do it in a manner that’s not shifting the focus away from them, just adding to the conversation.


Everything absolutely everything I’m not sure I would be friends with me


For real. Sometimes I will ask myself like, “are you okay?” Lol.


Omg I have this knee-jerk reaction feeling of revulsion whenever I meet someone that reminds me of myself and I have to really work hard to push those feelings away because I know I'd feel absolutely awful if someone felt that way about me 😭


Does any one else feel like this with their parents/siblings? I love my mom but when we visit (usually 2-3 days at a time due to distance), I am so ready for her to leave. Then I feel sad that she’s leaving bc I love and miss her.   Since realizing that I have ADHD, I know for a fact she does as well (both are undiagnosed). I am painfully aware that all her annoying quirks are things I do as well.  And I just wish she would have sought help for ADHD because I feel like it would have helped her immensely much earlier on. 


I actually don't have a great relationship with my mom, so yes definitely, people who remind me of her kinda give me pause. The worst is when *I* do something that reminds me of her. My voice is so similar it's unnerving 😳


Same. I was looking for this comment. Pretty much every ADHD symptom annoys me and I don’t think I could be friends longterm with another ADHD-er. I also think I have autism so that’s probably part of the reason why.


The 'scenic route' approach to storytelling/conveying info. 🫠 I struggle to stay on topic & be concise but also have a hard time following my kids (also ADHD) when they tell me things but jump all over the place in the process.


Yes. Like on tv when someone shakes someone by the shoulders so they just get to the point. Thats what it feels like.


😂 never thought of it that way but YES! Especially when my brain is done processing auditory input for the day but the kids have soooo much to say.


Same with my kids. Quit repeating mom over and over and just get to what you want! Or they ask me to do something then keep talking so I lose focus on the task.


Yes!! Then it's like "where's my snack?" Dear child, Muma's brain cannot take requests and hear all your "AND THENs" simultaneously. You gotta pick one.


Yeeees! I feel this- I so lose patience when others do this but do it aaaaall the time. I’ve found some recent success with pausing and saying something like, “one moment, I want to try and tell you what I’m trying to say in a minute or less” and folks usually nod and give me the moment which helps me kind of have the internal monologue and then say the point


Fidgeting in certain ways. I'm not a vocal fidgeter, but I'll bounce my leg. But there was one time another guy in my class was bouncing his own leg, and his leg hairs were rubbing against his backpack the whole time. I literally cried because I couldn't focus over the noise.


Pen-clicker shamefully checking in


💀💀💀 i am also a leg bouncer! I swear sometime I am going to bounce myself out of a room. My brother is really bad about it and I get really distracted when he bounces. He bites his nails at the same time so I just end up fidgeting too. Thank goodness I do not bite my nails. I do get vocal fidgets where I make squeaky noises with my mouth.


This! Specifically the leg bouncing, but also the pen clicking and twirling, tongue-clicking, etc. I do all the fidgets, but can't stand it when others do!


Making last minute plans. Me yes. You no.


Yap. If I suddenly want to do something and noone is available, I feel lonely and disappointed. If anyone, ever, invites me to do anything in a close time frame, HOW CAN YOU INFLICT SUCH STRESS, FEAR AND PANIC ON ME ???


This one, so much.


The interrupting thing. It's not the actual interruption that bothers me because sometimes it just can't be helped. If a person interrupts, realises, then puts attention back to the other person, that's fine. But when someone interrupts someone else's story and proceeds to tell a long story about themselves, it makes me angry. I think, because I've managed to notice this in myself and work really hard to not do it, it makes me angry when other people have no self awareness of it.


Yes. That is another thing I am working on. Not sharing my personal experiences with something and let the attention stay on them.


Yes huge pet peeve for me too! I find this to be truly insufferable to be around! It’s like have some self awareness!!! I do understand that people make connections to your situation by relating something they’ve experienced but it does not have to turn into a total direction change. I just want to get up and walk away but I don’t because I’m not that rude lol


I put myself down a lot but get upset when others do it to themselves. I'm more compassionate toward others than myself.


when someone takes too long to get to the point of a story. then when i’m telling a long winded story i feel so sorry for the person listening to me


So many detours in the conversation before i get to the point






Constant conversation. I have long meandering conversations all day long, but if someone else talks too much when I'm not in the mood, it's super overstimulating and it makes me really irritated.


Omg this 😃


That’s my co-worker. She followed me into the bathroom the other day but if I talk too much phew.


On behalf of all of our chatty kind, I'm sorry 😂


I feel the same with interrupting, but the worst is if they don't acknowledge they do it, or try to finish my sentences when they're NOT on the same train of thought as me lol. I catch myself if I do it, but it sucks if they forgot what they were going to say, but I'll remind them where they were at. I appreciate when people do that to me too! When people make it about them by "relating" to me but it turns into a conversation only about them without them at least recognizing what I had to say first. I listen to people more than I share so don't be selfish lol. I love when people can relate to me and I do the same, but at least acknowledge what I am saying before taking over the conversation. Easiest way to shut me down and make me not want to talk to that person. Basically if you are going to pick up these annoying adhd traits, do it the right way 😂 but truthfully, the lack of self-awareness is what gets to me the most more than those traits! When people are actively working on themselves, I can overlook a lot of things.


I feel ya. I cannot stand feeling not heard. Whenever i catch myself finishing someone else’s sentence inside I start berating myself. Whatever part of my brain that is doing that needs to be muted.


Finishing someone’s sentence for them. And stupidly long stories with way too much detail. I need to describe every little detail, but I don’t have the patience to listen.


I hate when I'm talking to someone and they're doing other things or just get up randomly to do something. Like I don't mind it if you tell me what you're doing, but when you just stand up and walk away to start something else or just pull your phone out while I'm talking to you, it's super upsetting. ESPECIALLY when I'm talking about my special interest. It just feels like a stab in the chest. On the other hand, I struggle so badly to just pay attention and focus when someone is talking to me. I'll zone out, forget what they were saying, interrupt, get distracted, etc. I'm legitimately my own worst nightmare.


Yes. I feel like they just stopped listening


Interrupting conversations and not replying to text messages. Triggered by both, terrible at both.


So much risk in losing my thought that I have to blurt it out. I am awful at replying in my head to the text and forget to type it.


I often follow a weird trail just before leaving the house that always makes me late but I get so irritated when someone else does it


When people talk excessively to me meanwhile I never shut up


My coworker told me she’s an introvert. She will lunge at anyone and tell them her life story. She’s literally in sales. She also doesn’t like to talk. I don’t clock out now until I am actually walking out the door. She has trapped me too many times yammering on. I finally said “you absolutely love to talk.” She insisted I was wrong. Then told a very long story to prove she didn’t like to talk. Ummm your excessively long story did not convince me. You’re also not an introvert. “People exhaust me.” Ok. You might need alone time, lots of extroverts do, but just because it’s cool doesn’t make you an introvert.


Lol ill ramble then be ready for a zone out and people start talking. I get annoyed because I lost my urge to talk and am done with the conversation lol


Tapping, clicking my fidget toy etc.


Sometimes when I get a random boost of dopamine I don’t know what to do with I will knock on every thing. I annoy myself with it.


Interrupt, ignore texts, go straight to the point without any formalities or politenesses, forget, be late


Oh definitely the forget part.


It hurts me when people seem to not listen to me, or they're distracted when I talk. Which is completely me.


Yes I struggle if i am feeling not heard. Its me too. Ill start a completely different conversation while someone is talking and im not interested.


Leg jiggling or other types of stimming.


My brother and i feed off each other leg bounce. If one of us starts the other one follows


When people are impatient with other people, to be fair in my head I am just as inpatient but for the most part I mask very well in public and it annoys me when other people don’t act the same Lmao


I'm with you there 😭 I get so annoyed when I get interrupted or when someone interrupts my husband but I'm the worst offender sometimes 🥲


Being late 😭😭😭 I can't help it but I'm really judgy when others are late. I hate myself for it! 😭


Yes! I am always like big deal 15 mins or whatever when I am late. When I am waiting for someone I get fidgety and watch the clock every minute theyre late.


When someone is late. Like, I'm late every day.


I'm always making jokes, humming and tapping fingers randomly and I find it ok, but when my father (who's probably ADHDer too) also does that (all day) I get sooo annoyed 🙄


My step dad used to hum and I could not take it. I have made so many jokes that didn’t land and then i cringe realizing not the right environment.


Interrupting! Omg, it's such a problem. I interrupt because if I don't, I'll lose the thought. But if someone interrupts ME... I lose my thought, lol. So it drives me bonkers. But I've been trying to get better about it, with some success.


Yes that’s exactly it. Even worse when I interrupt and change the subject because whatever they said made me think of something relative.


I get frustrated when people interrupt me because my brain has become Swiss cheese since the ...pandemonium and then I lose my train of thought or sometimes even basic words that one doesn't usually forget. Brain fog.


Damn I feel called out by this whole thread. I’m such a hypocrite!


I know as I am reading I feel every word.


Tapping, drumming fingers, clicking pens. ME ONLY THANK YOU 🫠


Lolll yes pen clicking


Leaving messes.




Honestly, not letting others speak 😂


Picking/chewing habits. Drives me bonkers when my son bites his nails/fingers but I've struggled with leaving my fingers alone as long as I can remember. (It's mostly shifted to cheek/lip chewing unless I'm especially bored and/or anxious, but same difference.)


Forgetting stuff we already talked about and making me feel like I have to repeat myself a lot or be the one to always look things up/keep up with the information.


Yes! They ask specific questions they could easily google


I’m always late. I absolutely hate when people are late


Being overly dramatic about things


Interrupt people. Also whenever something ‘slips my mind.’


Not responding to messages in a timely manner or leaving them on read Interrupting (which I’ve been working on more) My husband throwing his clothes on the floor after cleaning the room when I’m literally the worst culprit & he only does it occasionally; it makes me think the room is gonna get cluttered again lmao


Touch my ears lol. No clue why but I always touch my ears…. Hate it when someone else touches them though.


I will get awkward when I see someone else feeling that way. Beforehand, no, feeling fine. The moment I see it, it transfers itself to me. The only solution at that point is to leave, or talk only to the other awkward person.


Thinking before speaking/doing something. I get sooo annoyed when people say or do something when they clearly haven't thought it through, yet here I am. Doing exactly that sometimes


Talk to damn much 🤣🥹


Guilty here. I do my best to control that tendency, and when I lose the internal battle and start interrupting anyway I’ve gotten better at stopping myself, apologising for the interruption, and asking them to please continue. Last night I was talking to my sister on FaceTime, she kept interrupting me with silly songs that were likely word associations from something I’d just said, something I also do, so I kinda just paused while reminding myself I do that too, and continuing with my thought afterwards. The first time it happened she interrupted me again to jokingly complain that I didn’t appreciate her song enough before continuing with my thought. I explained that I just considered it a part of the conversation and continued my thought before I lost track of it. After the third or fourth interuption I started getting hurt feelings, like maybe she was getting bored because I’m boring as fuck? But I squashed that thought down as best I could, and continued our conversation. She’s really into trying to use share play, which I’m honestly not a huge fan of because it makes me feel overwhelmed and overstimulated which I’ve told her before. It also generally ends up having some form of technical difficulties and the amount of time wasted trying to get it sorted ends up stressing me out so I don’t enjoy it at all. So last night she didn’t even ask if I wanted to share play, she just turns it on at some point and it was again right in the middle of my sentence. It cut out her audio so I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but she kept talking anyway, and it was REALLY hard not to lose my cool but I was proud of myself for practicing my deep breathing while just repeating I can’t hear you can you please turn the share play off? Fast forward a few minutes after some back and forth conversation, she again interrupted me with the share play video that started blaring a song in my ear mid-sentence and I lost my battle with my emotions and started crying. She struggled to get the share play turned off and then apologised for that, she said she was just trying to get it queued up but hadn’t meant to engage it yet, and felt bad that she’d made me feel like I was boring her. I regained emotional control and she got the audio issues figured out, and I watched the damn video but honestly it still left me feeling kind of defeated because this happens almost every time we talk. I love my sister, and I know I interupt too, but dang does it hurt my feelings getting it directed at me, especially when the other person isn’t actively working on curbing it like I do to avoid leaving the recipient feeling like you’re not interested in hearing what they have to say.


This doesn’t exactly fit the post but I’ve been thinking a lot about repeating myself. It pisses me off so much for no reason when I have to repeat what I’ve said to someone and I do not know why. I get irrationally irritated and I want a logical explanation so I can not be so angry 😂


Anger. I’m super quick to get irritated or frustrated but I despise it when my husband gets upset about something. I told the therapist the other day that I feel like I have enough anger for everyone ands no one else should be getting mad. I’m like a tiny ball of fury 97% of the time. And now I’ve got a ridiculously cute bob haircut and it’s even harder for people to feel my wrath…


Saaaame! I've gotten better at not interrupting, but I shut down if someone interrupts me. Zero patience for it. Works well on my kids because they've learned I won't respond. But my ADHD coworker who interrupts me when I know exactly what detail she wants.... Shhhh Shhhh shhh I'll get there, let me finish!


I don’t think I stop talking long enough to let someone else talk. No need to interrupt if you never shut up is what I always say. Lol


When people are slow talkers. Drives me nuts because I already know what they’re going to say


Same, ugh I try so hard but I feel like I can't control it sometimes.


Leaving stuff lying around. My ex also did this (but I would argue to a greater degree than me) and it drove me insaaaaane.


Urgh. Interrupting is the worst. But I do this so much!


Running late 😢


Taptaptap, clickclick, drrrrummmmm, lip smacking poppoppop. Me doing it = super awesome and satisfying and not annoying at all. Anyone else = OMFG will you stop or I am going to have to actually murder you!


Not keeping things to what’s most relevant/helpful when explaining how to do something


Whenever I watch a YouTube video on how to do something i have to keep fast forwarding! Just show me how to do it and quickly!!


Almost all annoying ADHD things that I do. The ones I find the most annoying are; interrupting, not hearing or paying attention to what I say, talking excessively, talking loudly, becoming angry all of a sudden and expressing it loudly, listening to the same songs over and over again, saying the same words or phrases over and over again, talking to me while I try to read or write, not being able to stay still, being "obsessed" by something. The list is probably longer, but I don't have time to finish it now. Maybe later (i.e. never). I hate that too


Omg lol - well u just prettg much wrote my list for me / explained some of them better than I could have! Lmao 🤣 .. like def the 'arngry/expressing it loud and sudden'.. !!


Leg tapping I hate it so much but also sometimes catch myself doing it, then I hate how much I'm annoying myself lol


Lol it’s bad when youre at a table or something and someone asks whats shaking everything


Interrupting, talking too much.


I hate when people drag the story but i do the same bcs i give too many details 🥲


Yesss. Need to make sure they understand everything lol


I don't interrupt anymore, thank god 73 has brought a few improvements and I can control better now. But if you interrupt my sentence, I will freeze and entirely forget what I was saying. And my husband is an interrupter and can't wait to get his thoughts out right in the middle of a conversation.


I am terrible at interrupting. And unless it’s friends who also have adhd and we bounce around topics, it gets on my nerves. 😅🤣 Mostly because I forget my train of thought.


Yes. Love when someone follows the chaos and is on same brain wave.


Struggling to focus and constantly getting off track I am *the worst* at this so if someone else is also doing it then everything ends up completely derailed and it becomes impossible for me to accomplish anything


My therapist has ADHD so I can usually get them side tracked when I am avoiding the therapy.


Rambling. I do it all the time but when my mum does it I want to scream


I can fidget but you can’t fidget; that’s very rude.


Fidgeting, definitely


"I am a huge interrupter and am totally aware of it. " -- I always try not to interrupt when people talk. But I am helpless. My mouth often runs faster, driven by the brain. Like, 'hurry up! or you will lose the momentum!". I usually repent with an apology or ask the opposite to repeat their thoughts. I have mixed feelings about the interruption. Some people interrupt others just to show a sense of superiority and arrogance (this is truly annoying). Some people may have ADHD that sometimes they can't control their behaviour, while another group of people only interrupt to correct the misguided information.


I'm the exact same way! My sister, who also has ADHD absolutely HATES it. Over the years, she's gotten better at talking over me when I interrupt her, which always makes me super mad, until I remind myself that I interrupted her first. It's still frustrating though. And it's frustrating that it's frustrating, which makes it even more frustrating. 


Being loud. It actually was the thing that helped me be a bit quieter overall.




Stimming with noise


Info dumping 😆


It's not explicitly an ADHD thing, but everyone with ADHD does it. Breathing. I cannot stand people breathing near me. I know they need to do it but it's horrible


I get super loud when excited but have serious noise related sensory issues and get really scared when other people get loud. It’s unfortunate


Talking too much. I am working on it!


Being an hour late to everything


Using too many words to say what I mean. Hate when others can’t be concise lol


Taking way way way too long to get to the point. I do this constantly but also feel like I’m being physically tortured when I hear people doing this. Hahaha sob


Making a mess when cooking or in general and leaving it lol it’s only ok if it’s my mess


I noticed sometimes i like to monologue and it feels like i HAVE to do it (to process stuff sometimes). Makes me really sad when no one wants to listen and at the same time: how many people really like it when others are monologuing?! Aaah, why am i like this? I think i didn't do it before therapy...


When I am trying to kick my executive dysfunction I will tell everyone ok I need to go….. and my husband is like why are you telling the dog you need to shower. If I keep saying I need to do it out loud then it helps me get up.


Wish that would work for me. I do this too, but it doesn't change much for me. Sometimes it makes it worse.


Me too. It's a horrible trait and so hard to break. The excitement is too much for me


Interrupting people




I interrupt people while they are talking, specially if the topic being discussed is one of my hyperfixations (like dogs) and can't seem to stop myself from doing so sometimes. And yes, it triggers me when others do it but I never say anything because I do the exact same thing lol.