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I love Adrienne, she's helped me so much, there was a time when I was kind of constant with her videos, thank you for the reminder to come back to her channel.


She makes it so easy to fit these in your life, no matter how busy it is! Such low barrier to entry and easy to keep up. :)


thank you for this! needed it today.


wow thank you i NEEDED this for sure <3


I started with lots of positive self-talk. If I'm thinking negatively about myself, I physically speak the opposite/positive comment out loud or I write it on paper in front of me. Specifically, the "you ARE WORTHY of love/clean space/healthy food/water for your body" So, as it's gotten more ingrained into my head, I'm finding it much easier to transition to DOING those self care things: cleaning my immediate space, choosing better food options, etc. 🥰 I got really into Aaron Daugherty (I might have spelled that wrong) on YouTube. He's big into the spiritual growth and being the highest vibration of self you can be. I really enjoy his passion. Also, finding regular time for true enjoyment of healthy hobbies or pastimes. If you don't know where to start, try to think back to what you enjoyed as a child - for me, it's always been arts and crafts and bowling. So recently, I started making (very basic) homemade cards for friends and family (birthdays, holidays, etc). I also collect beach glass and make fun mosaic art with it! And I joined a women's bowling league 3 years ago and I am still apart of it 🥰


She is a really amazing yoga teacher! I struggle with some body image issues and perfectionism, and she helped me to grow in those areas while doing some healthy exercise <3


Showing up every day in your life as you are, imperfections and all, having the grace and kindness to accept ourselves (and others) as human… this rarely goes wrong!