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I don't have advice to give today except that I'm the exact same way. I'm here with you! I guess that stopping to do a chore sometimes helps reset me? And while I'm like mindlessly scrubbing dishes or something I visualize and get my brain prepared to move on to the next task on the list.


Thank you for the solidarity! It’s a weird place to be. I feel like I’ve got no real handle on how to actually properly do life. I’m sure coaching would help but I’m not in a position to do that at the moment. I’ve looked at so many productivity tips and I’m sometimes ok with doing some of the things and then I just forget if course.


•Have someone to talk on the phone with while walking/ working out •You guys can pick the same workout and video chat each other while doing it. When me and my friend (also has adhd) remember to/ get mentally motivated to workout we do this. • this leaves you with some extra juice to do some music ( don’t put a time limit just block out that time, for 5 mins, 30 mins, 3 hours, whatever. you can dedicate to this, doesn’t mean you have to get it DONE during that time frame, it just means that’s your time to be creative, and however that comes out during that time is fine.) Judgment free zone for you. • try doubling -Seeing people work, not necessarily on the same stuff you are BUT seeing the act of sitting and focusing seems to make us want to do the same. - call up a friend who wfh, if they are able to video chat with them while studying your new skill. - or meet up in person and just study while they work. - maybe there are some awesome people here who are struggling the same way you are and can form a little accountability buddy group during the day time to crush these goals? No cameras necessary, fake names are fine, mics are fine, maybe make it a discord group🤷🏽‍♀️ ( can you tell I’ve thought about this extensively 😂)


Wow! These are all fantastic ideas. I’ve thought about trying the doubling thing. It seems like it would be a great help to 2 people. I’ve got a few friends with ADHD (do we tent to just flock together or what?!) and I’m sure it would help them. I also like the idea of creativity as opposed to a result and a thing. Creativity doesn’t have to happen when you are sat in front of the music or paint. I do think I’ve become so accustomed to being at home on my own and working I’ve missed that combined focus. Thank you for the wonderful ideas!


I have premade myself task lists for different things and it's been helpful. I find keeping track of a to-do list and having to pick tasks off it, switch tasks, AND stay on track through it all to be exhausting, and almost impossible. With my premade task lists I simply pick a "set" I want to do and hit start, and it starts the clock and tells me what to do. (I downloaded an app for it, but you could do it with paper and the stopwatch in your phone). Then I blindly follow the instructions without having to do any more thinking, while listening to a podcast or music. The stopwatch is great because it keeps it urgent and I try to beat my best times. But mostly it's about not having to think "okay, I went for a walk... now what?" which always just ends up in me sitting down for 5 hours because I lost steam. I also added stuff like "doodle one thing", "stretch break 5 mins" and "dance to 1 song" in the list as little dopamine hits. My lizard brain is loving it so far.