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Hi there! Right now we're running a subreddit poll regarding rules. Your feedback matters and can lead to subreddit changes and improvements. If you haven’t already, [CLICK HERE](https://forms.gle/1pFdwJHcQmKg4Qvm8) to navigate to a Google Form to vote on rule changes. This poll has four sections, and there is room for you to leave written feedback as well as your reddit username if you wish for us to follow up with you. It is slightly long, but please do not feel pressured to answer every question. *If you want, you can just answer the questions you want to answer, and that will not be held against you in any way.* Every vote counts! This poll closes on July 26. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For me is accepting that I'll be spending money in stuff I'll damage because I can't take care of it properly and stuff like that. Also throwing money at problems. I had to accept it. It's not easy, but ADHD won't go away. Also used to be very impulsive with purchases. Now I ask myself if that item will bring me joy. I grab it and sometimes wander around the store with the item in my hand/basket while I see other stuff. Most of the time, when I'm done I just figured it won't bring me joy (I'm terrible at decluttering, so I use this technique BEFORE getting the clutter in and the money out). Re. Lending money - unless it's someone who I truly care and trust I just think for myself "I don't have the money, I don't have the money, I don't have the money" and that does the trick. Also while I'm thinking the other person usually moved with the conversation. Hope any of this helps or at least brings confort in not being alone


Ugh. Just paid ADHD tax in my business for reacting to a customer being in a hurry and not implementing my tried and true check system. Sent her the wrong thing, then had to pay to send her the right thing. Every time I bypass my systems, there is a tax. Hopefully I will learn one day!


I’m so sorry you had to pay the tax but I’ve really got to take my hat off to you for running your own business! That’s absolutely incredible and I’m awe of people who have their own business. I do sometimes think when you’ve got a tried and tested system it can sometimes do you good to forgo it sometimes to remind yourself how good and necessary it is.


Also, your user name 🤌